Date The

Chapter 258: Night Two: (Hot)Dog Food

Chapter 258: Night Two: (Hot)Dog Food

"Richard, I'm on vacation," Ambryan explained into his mobile phone.

He stepped out of the bathroom, a towel in his hand and using it to dry his hair. He was back to wearing a robea different one from last night. His violet eyes automatically scanned the room in search of his girlfriend. 

One elbow propped on the duvet, her damp red hair flowed over her shoulders as Eve lied on her stomach on the bed. She had changed into brand new pajamas that Nanzie bought on her behalf. Its pink color reminded him of a strawberry milkshake.

Richard frowned in his home office. "Since when did you take vacations?"

He paced in a straight line with one hand on his hip while the other held the phone to his ear. His curly bronze hair had been freshly cut and shaved on the sides. It made him look a bit more rugged than youthful.

"You're like a working machine," he continued, shaking his head for a second. "Even on national holidays or when everyone else is out of the office for leisure and rest."

Ambryan stopped in his tracks. "Are you saying that I'm not allowed to have long breaks?"

"Well, of course you are," Richard quickly defended. Then, added quietly to himself, 'You just never bothered to take one is my point.'

The measures they had taken just to get him to stop working were fresh in his mind. First, they needed to confiscate all of his devices. Then, they needed an itinerary to distract him from trying to get them back. Lastly, they had to trick him into the first two steps.

Richard rubbed his forehead. It felt like he was forgetting something. 

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm at Zehell Castle."

"... the one on the news?" He recalled. A split second later, their last conversation surfaced in his memories. His back stiffened and his steel gray eyes widened. "Is Evangeline with you?"

Glancing towards the bed, Ambryan said, "Yes, why?"

"Did you" Richard stammered. Blood colored his ears red just from the memory of the time he interrupted them by accident in Ambryan's penthouse. "D-Did you"

"Did I what?" Ambryan taunted. He sat on a chair for a table set used for afternoon snacks or tea and resumed drying his hair. The onyx strands stood up in different directions.

Richard cleared his throat and mustered courage to complete his statement. "I mean, did you and Evangeline"

He felt his airways shrink after the last syllable. Suddenly, every word he knew flew out of his head. How should he phrase this question? Should he try being blunt? Or would his so-called best friend retort back and not respond to it at all?

"Did we what?" Ambryan repeated, following the change.

The second time around, Richard found his tone more daunting than usual. He shivered from the sound of it and chickened out. "Uh, never mind. It's cool. Cool, cool, cool. Anyway, I do need urgent feedback on the email I sent you."

Mentally, he berated himself for his cowardice. But since he was here to ask for a favor, it might have been for the best to let Ambryan win. There would always be a next time anyway and his chance would come thenif he'd manage to survive that long.

"If you want answers, go bother Madison. He's taking up my duties until I'm back in the office," Ambryan stated. It had to be the only time the baby-faced old man had agreed to that request on the first try. Usually, he had to persuade more or corner Madison, leaving the latter with no option left.

Richard raised his eyebrows at that. "Even during weekends?"

"Especially this weekend," Ambryan emphasized. He dropped the towel onto the table and stood up, walking over to the bed.  "If you call me again about work, I will block your number until I feel like adding it back."

"Wait, no!"

"You have three seconds to hang up."



"Fine!" Richard surrendered. He gnashed his teeth and twisted his neck to the side. A bitter taste lingered in his mouthbut only for tonight. "Enjoy your dog food!"

Eve scrolled on her phone, reading a document that Mikael had sent her. It had captured her full attention the moment she received his email. Anything Ambryan had during this time didn't reach her ears. And the longer she stared at the soft file, the deeper her scowl became.

Ambryan joined her by sitting on the other side of the bed. She still lied on her stomach with her legs swinging in the air. The fuzzy pajamas kept her warm from the cold autumn evening. Curious about her concentration, Ambryan bent his upper body towards the foot of the bed her head was.

"What's that?"

She froze for a second.

Then, placed the phone on the bed and turned on her back. 

The device now wedged between her pajamas and the duvet, Eve sported her best fake smile. It wasn't something she was ready to share with him yet. "Nothing to be alarmed about."

He arched an eyebrow. "Sounds like the opposite."

"Well," Eve considered. It wasn't exactly relevant yet. He'd also find out when the time came. She mulled it over, ultimately deciding that she needed the time. "How about you remind me about it after a week, hm? Give me some time to get ready?"

Suspicion rose in Ambryan. Weren't they done with secrets?

Nevertheless, he caved in. He could think about that another time. "Very well. I don't need to tell you that I'd certainly remember it, now do I?"

She beamed and gave him a salute. "I know that perfectly, boss."

Ambryan sported a grin, wrapping her up in his arms. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to being my secretary? I'd be more than willing to help you fabricate a third identity."

Eve coughed out a snort. "And then what? Create a scandal that you're cheating on Evangeline with your new secretary? What would they think about you? Hell, what would they think about me? And myself?"

"People can mind their own business."

She patted his cheek, finding him cute. Who knew hearing these things could make her heart flip? "That sounds sweet and all but I doubt your father would be okay with it. He still doesn't know, right? I have to maintain a good impression for when he finds out."

Ambryan shifted his head to kiss the palm of her hand. "He also can mind his own business."

"Aw, come on." Eve chuckled. She shifted in her position until she lied on her side. Then, she reached up to grab both his cheeks. "You don't really mean that. I know you look up to him a lot. His opinion matters a lot to you. I'm not about to ruin that."

No matter how good Ambryan became at his job, he never felt satisfied by his work. He'd push himself everyday and pursue excellence. That came with a firm determination to reach his father's level someday. 

He didn't show it a lot but Eve knew that was the case.

"Ruin it more than I have that is," she added in mutters, averting her eyes. Jackson should be the only person left on her list of people she hoped would forgive her for her dual identity. Although Avery had been reassuring, she couldn't help but think that he'd take it the wrong way.

"He adores you. Trust me," Ambryan interrupted her thoughts. It had taken him everything he had not to spill the beans when he and his father talked about Eve's resignation. 

He had full confidence that Jackson would get over the shock in a short amount of time.

Eve showed him a side-smileat least, she had two family members on her side when the time came. "Sorry, but I won't trust any opinion unless I hear it from his mouth personally."

"Suit yourself."

Ambryan merely shrugged and pulled the back collar of her pajama top. His lips left a hot searing kiss at the base of her neck. The smell of vanilla tickled his nose. He dragged the back collar further, revealing more of her skin. Each spot he touched felt as soft as a marshmallow.

"Ambee" Eve breathed out, biting her lip. Her hands clenched into fists.

"What?" He whispered against her skin.

"What are you"

Eventually, the clothes gave him resistance. He trailed along the collar and slid his hand towards the right. The fabric stretched enough to uncover her shoulder. Then, he tried the same on the other side until it resembled an off-shoulder top.

Eve grabbed a fistfut of her pajama and held it to her chest. 

It had been an entire day since he last touched her therebut she could still feel every kiss from last night. Her body memorized it and, now, the sensations came back as if they never left. Anything his lips brushed against now heightened the lingering tingles on her skin.

"What's this?" Ambryan questioned. His finger hooked under a thin black strap. "Do you normally wear something like this to bed? Mind if I have a look?"

'The lingerie!' Eve screamed in her head. Nanzie hadn't provided her with another set of underwear and so she had to wear this one from Cale. She wouldn't normally bother but they were sharing a room!

The weather was so cold she needed the extra layer for her peace of mind!

Eve tried to laugh it off while tugging the back collar up again. Ambryan let go, watching her intensely. "No, I don't. I usually don't wear bras when sleeping. They can get uncomfortable."

He titled his head sideways while a mischievous smirk stretched on his lips. 

That could only mean one thing. 

"Let's get it off then."

"Huh? Wait! Ambryan! No!"

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