Date The

Chapter 259: Day Three: Where the Author Aplogizes

Chapter 259: Day Three: Where the Author Aplogizes

The next day, Eve visited Lotus Agency.

Her latest appearance in the news was a hot topic up to now. Whispers spread as soon as she stepped inside. Her other advertisements had been up all over the city. She still had a long way to climb but her efforts had been acknowledged, at least. 

She smiled with each contact she made. 

If she planned to go down this path, she needed to mingle with her colleagues. She needed to build her clique for anything up aheadjust like she'd seen Avery do when the latter introduced her around.

"Evangeline," a male voice called out to her.

Her head turned in its direction.

"Mikael," Eve greeted. She looked over his shoulder and added, "Jordan."

'Something was different about her,' Mikael noted. Not only had her style changed but also her entire demeanor. She radiated the same confidence from when she walked down the stairs during the Rainbow Launch Party. At the same time, it seemed like she had surpassed that.

There was a glow to her that matched any A-list celebrity.

The corner of his lip curled up. He sort of liked this new look of hers.

They met halfway in the lobby.

"How are you both?" Eve smiled, holding her clutch closer to her stomach. She wore a white sweater that had trumpet style long sleeves. A fitted maroon skirt made of wool hugged her hips and upper thighs. To finish it off, she had worn knee-high black boots. 

"I'm good," Mikael responded. "You?"

In contrast, he had chosen jeans and a plain shirt. His gray scarf stayed loose, dropping down to his waist. It laid over the lapels of his dark gray trench coat. The outfit gave him a casual yet classy appearance.


"In what way?" Jordan cut in. "If anything, you're grumpier these days."

Mikael glowered in his direction. "And why do you think that is?"

His modelling manager gulped. He had a little too much the other day and missed his alarm. Hours had passed before Mikael banged on his door to get up. They had an appointment and they arrived late due to this incident.

The liquor he drank at a party had to be spiked. 

Something like that didn't happen before.

Jordan cleared his throat. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Did I say anything? I don't think I have. You must be hearing things, Mikael. Tell me when it happens again so I can take you to the hospital."

Eve chuckled at their exchange. "Has either of you seen Cale?"

"Did I hear my name?"

Just then, Cale walked through the entrance. The attire he opted for today easily looked like an abstract painting in a museum. Some might argue that it resembled a carpet more but those comments never reached his ears.

They had a built in filter that threw away unnecessary comments before he could register them.

He didn't want them to dampen his mood when he knew he looked good anyway.

"Cale!" Eve beamed, glancing over her shoulder. She shuffled her feet so her body faced her left. "Are you supposed to be fashionably late?"

"I don't know if you heard, darling." He stopped in his tracks and removed the pink lens sunglasses he wore. "But a queen is never late. Everyone is simply early."

Jordan was the first to chuckle. His pearly white teeth stood out against his smooth bronze skin. "That's exactly what we all say when he arrives after everyone else. He simply stole the show the moment he comes into the picture."

"That's true," Cale confirmed. "I'm not late this time though. The client and I met halfway here. They should be parking their vehicle now. Let's get to the conference room and check if it's ready for the meeting."

Just like he said, the client showed up after a few minutes. They gathered around the table and sat down. Folders were passed for common reference. They had gone through this online and over the phone. This personal meetup was more of a formality. 

"We want this to be about several stories sewn together," the client said, going over the documents in her hands. "Everyone is connected through this cafe they visit everyday."

The project was a video commercial that would air different points of views. It had individual stories and a part where they all came together inside the cafe as an overall ending. The approach deviated from the traditional marketing formula.

It immediately caught Eve's interest when Cale shared the news.

From what she knew, she and Mikael would be doing the commercial together. It sort of reminded her of the times he shot the product placement for 'Define Love'. The experience should help her reach her goal.

"You have to understand that we'll also be working with models from other agencies," the client continued. "Namely Daisy Talent Agency as well as Oleander Models and Casting."

At the mention of 'Oleander Models,' Eve froze for a millisecond. She had heard of that name once before. She hadn't forgotten it since then. A question lingered at the tip of her tongue. Her mind debated on whether to ask or to expect the worst case scenario.

"I see." Cale blinked. His thoughts mirrored his model's. He leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "Each agency will be bringing two models I suppose?"

The client frowned at the pair. "Is there a problem?"

"Not at all," Eve answered for the both of them. "I'm looking forward to learning more from models outside Lotus Agency. Thank you for such a project."

"What about Mr. Davis?"

Mikael closed the folder. He laced his hands together and set his hands over it. "I've worked with those agencies before. It's wonderful to have another opportunity for it to happen again."

"Great!" The client exclaimed, rising to her feet. "I'll see you both tomorrow then."

Pleasantries and farewells were exchanged. The models and their managers stayed inside the conference room while another worker escorted the clients to the parking lot. The former group discussed among themselves about the new project.

Time wasn't on their side for this one.

"What script did you get?" Mikael inquired towards Eve.

"It's actually quite interesting," she replied without looking up. "I'll be portraying a teenager, a working adult and an old lady. I'm supposed to be narrating a story about my important moments in the cafe. I think this could actually be a blockbuster."

When she finally raised her head, she spotted Mikael's hesitant expression. "What's yours?"

"I'm supposed to be a successful businessman that visits the cafe to relax from work," he stated. The story sounded much like a romance novel online. "I also meet a lady who works there and leaves me sticky notes whenever I seem stressed."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Jordan remarked, leaning forward to read the script. "It sounds so unlike you. I can't wait to see it in action. Hope they let me film a part of it. Or maybe send me a copy."

Mikael shut the folder close. "That is if you wake up on time."

"I won't make the same mistake again."

"Sure, you won't."

Beside them, Eve showed the script to Cale. The latter nodded at the mini plot. "I am willing to bet you got the best narrative. I can't think of anything else that can top this. You should be proud."

"Thank you, Cale." She grinned and closed the folder. Her hazel eyes glanced at her wristwatch. "We should get going. The shoot today is at the other side of the city. If we don't leave now, we'll be late."

The group shared an elevator together. 

Mikael and Jordan discussed their schedule for the week. They had it jam packed for the upcoming trip to France. Anything they could squeeze together, they had done so. This should be the last few weeks of projects until the training in Paris.

Eve felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

Tapping on the notification led her to the DTC app 


``Yan: Are you free for lunch?``


A full-blown smile blossomed on her face. She tapped on the keyboard quickly while Ambryan's status was still online. It was Monday so he should be swamped in workespecially if Madison and Riffle hadn't finished what needed to be done over the weekend.


``Lin: Why?``

``Yan: I was thinking I could cook for you.``

``Lin: And what would you make?``


Ambryan had his head bowed as he stared at his phone screen. His computer monitor had several windows and programs opened. ``Yan: How about chipotle veggie burritos? You can take some on your way to your shoot. I just want to see you.``

Eve raised her phone and held up a peace sign with her free hand, capturing a selfie. She sent it through the app, writing, ``Lin: There. You've seen me. Now, be a good boy and concentrate on your reports. The deadlines won't be moving you know. Neither would the reports write themselves.``


``Yan: But it's not the same as real life.``

``Lin: You just want to slack. That is highly irresponsible.``

``Yan: I merely see it as the optimal solution to my problem.``

``Lin: Problem? What problem?``

``Yan: Yes, I have a problem that involves missing you.``


The elevator doors opened and Eve hid her phone. She twisted her neck towards her right and shielded the bottom half of her face with a hand. Her cheeks had to be burning by now. 

Cale nudged her side. A smirk plastered across his face. He leaned in so the others wouldn't hear what he had to say. "Had a fun time last night? The lingerie was the most recommended item in the store."

"I still haven't forgiven you for that." She glared.

"There's nothing to forgive. Only to thank."

Eve marched off towards the exit, his laughter echoing behind her.

Outside the Lotus Agency, a digital billboard stood on top of a building. An advertisement for a famous brand of wine flashed on the screen. The woman in the poster had poured a glass of wine over face, staining her light blonde hair.

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