Date The

Chapter 363: SS4 10: The Homecoming Family Package

Chapter 363: SS4 10: The Homecoming Family Package

"Mom! Dad!"

"Mom! Dad! Wake up!"

Eve groaned, rolling onto her other side. She felt Ambryan's body heat beside her and scooted closer. Her arm went around his stomach while her head rested on his shoulder. Ambryan stayed still, buried deep in slumber.

Loud banging came from their bedroom door.

Then, two pairs of feet ran up and jumped on the mattress.

"Wow, mom. You're not naked this time," a red-haired five-year old boy remarked.

"Cain," Eve warned, instantly awake. She sat up abruptly and narrowed her gaze at her little troublemaker. He inherited the round shape of her eyes which masked the mischief mixed with their violet color.

"It was just an observation" Cain muttered, blinking twice.

Eve knew the act well so it didn't fool her.

"Well, I observe that mom looks prettier today," Cain's older sister said. She crawled towards Eve and gave their mother a kiss on the cheek. The tips of her onyx black hair tickled her chin. 

Eve scrunched her face in delight. At least, her daughter had a sweet side to balance out Cain's blunt comments. "Thank you, Chloe."

Chloe showed her pearly white teeth and fluttered her hazel eyes. "Those anti-aging creams must be working."


The other side of the bed began to shake, catching the attention of three heads. All their eyes glanced in its direction. Eyes still closed, Ambryan had a wide grin on his lips. The shaking came from his shoulders due to the laughter he couldn't contain anymore.

Eve glared down at her husband. 

Then, she smacked his stomach. "What are you laughing at?"

Ambryan flinched from the pain but the smile he wore stayed the same. He finally let sleep go and also sat up. A lazy look projected out of his eyes. After making eye contact with his pouting wife, he rustled Cain's hair. 

The boy lit up immediately.

Cain tackled his father and sat on his lap. If he had a tail, it would be wagging by now. Ambryan was his hero. He always got away with teasing Eve and Cain aspired to achieve the same someday. The expressions his mother made were always funny.

"How do we have such savage kids?" Ambryan thought out loud.

Eve tsked and rolled her eyes. "I blame it on your genes."

He snorted, pointing his lips at her. "And I blame it on yours."

"What are you two whispering about?" Chloe interrupted. She started tugging her mother by the arm and climbed down the bed. "It's picnic day! And we want to play in the park before the other kids get there! Right, Cain? Cain!"

"Right!" Cain backed up, finally back to his senses. He nodded his head at Ambryan with determination clear in his eyes. "We have to claim the swings before someone else does."

Eve looked at the two alternatively. Memories sprung in her mind. She couldn't even remember how many times they got into trouble at the playground anymore. "Do I need to remind you both that the playground is for sharing?"

"That's why we need to be early!" Chloe defended. "With no else there, Cain only pushes me on the swings. No one else will ask him to do it for them."

Cain opened his mouth but realized what his sister said. "Why do I have to push you?"

"Because I'm older!"

"Only by a year!"

"Alright. Stop it," Eve cut in, raising a hand in each of their directions. She gave her children a pointed look. Their mouths slammed shut at once. "If you want to go now, you need to eat breakfast and get ready first."

They bowed their heads in defeat. "Yes, mom." 

Ambryan chuckled. A dull morning didn't exist in their household. "How about this? Whoever eats, showers and dresses up the slowest will be pushing the other person on the swings."


Chloe and Cain bolted for the exit. Their parents could hear their loud footsteps as they raced down the stairs. The hinges for the pantry creaked faintly when the two reached the food pantry for their favorite cereals. 

Meanwhile, Eve arched an eyebrow at her husband. "Really?" 

"A competitive spirit encourages growth." Ambryan shrugged.The method had been proven effective before when the kids fought over the TV remote. 

She shook her head, patting his thigh. "Come on, let's join them for breakfast."

Just before she could move an inch, a pair of strong warm arms wrapped around her waist. Ambryan kneaded her sides and started a trail of kisses from her shoulder up to her ear. "I think we have some spare time today"

Eve hit his armbut a hint of a blush colored her cheeks. "See. This is why we got a second baby a year earlier than planned."

"But the third baby is long overdue."

"Get up or there won't be a third baby."

"I think everyone knows that."

Eve grabbed the pillow and pressed it onto his face, knocking him over. Ambryan struggled to shove it off but Eve refused to back down. She used every bit of strength she could muster until she couldn't endure it anymore.

With one last push, she leaped off the bed and ran for the door. "See you, downstairs!"

Ambryan stopped, taking a deep breath. He lifted the pillow off and tossed it aside. His head turned to the end table on his side of the bed. A smiling family photo met his gaze. All four of them had gone to the studio for it, the kids sitting between their parents.

Eve wore the same strawberry dress from their first date and Chloe wore a small cherry version in light blue to match. Cain, on the other hand, wore a green suit and a black bow tie for the collar of his white dress shirt. Ambryan wore a navy blue along with a silver tie.

All the colors brought out a merry atmosphere that enhanced their smiles.

Propping his elbow on the mattress, Ambryan rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

"A third baby I wonder who would it resemble more?"

"Don't tell me you really want a third baby soon."

His head snapped towards the open doorway. Eve used her shoulder to lean against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest. The corner of her lips slowly curled upwards. 

"What if I do?" Ambryan confessed. If someone were to ask him years ago if he liked kids, his response would have been an immediate 'No.' They needed a lot of time and attention. He wouldn't be able to fulfill them because of his work.

But now, so what if he worked late sometimes?

He could endure anything if it meant making free time for his family.

Eve pursed her lips and glanced up at the ceiling, seriously considering his words. When their eyes met again, she chuckled and stuck a thumb over her shoulder. "Instead of keeping it to yourself, why don't we ask the kids? They also asked you to be the judge of who wins."

Ambryan sighed and finally left the bed. "Such a big responsibility. Should I say it's a tie?"

"This was your idea. I'm staying out of it."

He placed his lips close to her ear. "Coward."

"I prefer the term 'cautious,' thank you."

Eve heard him snicker as he entered the hallway. She craned her neck to watch him head for the stairs. They had come so far over the yearsboth as a couple and as individuals. Ambryan no longer worked on the weekends while she matched her gigs to their kids' school schedule so she'd pick them up on time.

Her investments from back then had flourished with returns. It secured her enough not to book more projects. Apart from that, she wasn't alone anymore. Ambryan was also there for their family's financial support.

And he was the same man who disappeared right before her eyes when he reached halfway down the stairs. Eve pushed herself off the door frame and closed their bedroom. Chloe and Cain began to yell once they spotted their father.

Soon, she also joined in the fiasco.

"Mom!" Chloe called out. "Be on my team!"

Eve scrunched her eyebrows. "Team?" 

"No one is safe from the game, Eve," Ambryan answered. He sat beside Cain with a spoon in his hand. "As parents, we must give our kids our utmost support."

"And we do that by joining them?" Eve reached the other side of the island counter, sitting on the stool beside Chloe. The latter handed her a spoon. She accepted it and checked the two bowls, making sure they both had the same amount of milk and cereal.

"It would be fun, mom," Cain encouraged. "Dad also says if we win, we'll have a baby brother."

Eve clicked her tongue. It all made sense now. "He did, huh? What happens if Chloe and I win?"

"Then, it's going to be a baby sister!"

Her brain stopped functioning for a moment. "That's not how"

"I really want a baby sister, mom." Chloe pouted. She looked up at her mother's face, a new sense of determination fueled her veins. "So we really have to win!"

Eve dropped her jaw. It was a trap. Not only did Ambryan acquire their approval, by bringing her into the competition, he would also gain her consent to have a third baby. He knew so well that she was weak to their hopeful eyes.

Sighing, she pointed her spoon at Ambryan. 

"You better be the one to deal with this in the future."

"What better time to have them learn a little bit about biology?" He smirked. "I doubt it will be a lesson they'd forget. To me, that's a win on parenting."


The competition commenced in a fierce battle. Both teams gave it their all. The breakfast segment ended in a tie. Empty bowls were put inside the dishwasher, away from everyone's minds until they got back home later. The boys took the lead after they finished their showers. But then, the girls gained the advantage because of their summer dresses.

It was a tight race.

And when the competition ended, the winners were

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