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Chapter 364: OS 01: A Decade of Romance (Andie & Jarrett)

Chapter 364: OS 01: A Decade of Romance (Andie & Jarrett)

Today was a special day.

Andie had long waited for this moment. She stared outside the window of the guest room. Her hand touched the glass. Renovations were finally done. George was born. Nothing else stood in the way of her wedding. 

"Knock, knock," she heard someone say while actually knocking at the same time.

Her head whirled towards the door. "Jarrett?"

She stood up from the chair and walked across the room. The hem of her white gown scraped against the floor. It was a simple off-shoulder with beading on the bodice and an A-line cut skirt. Her dirty blonde hair was tied up in a bun decorated in fake white flowers.

"What are you doing?" She asked, pressing her ear on the door. They had decided to follow the tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremonySo why was he here?

On the other side, Jarrett had two hands propped on the door. He picked a suit with a blue jacket with a gray vest underneath, thinking the combination matched Andie's eyes well. The stylist pushed his medium blonde hair back for a classic look.

"Nervous?" He joked, his sky blue eyes crinkling at the corners.

"What's there to be nervous about? We've been together for 10 years." Andie snorted. Hearing her own words brought a sense of nostalgia in her chest. She spread her skirt and sat on the floor with her legs crossed. 

Her stormy blue eyes gazed at the door as if she could see Jarrett through it. "Do you still remember the day we met?"

Jarrett bit his bottom lip and did the same thing. With both of their intense stares, it was as if the door didn't exist at all. "How could I forget?"











10 years ago at Cornelia High, Jarrett Calhoun sat by himself for a quick lunch. He had brought food from hometwo lunch meat sandwiches, a banana and a juice bottle. His prescription glasses were perched up his nose and a book laid open on the table for him to read.

Several of his teachers announced back to back tests.

He needed to study as much as he could before they started.

The sound of a chair scratching the floor reached his ears. Then, the table shook from the sudden weight dropped on its surface. Jarrett paid no mind to it. It was normal for another person to join since he was alone.

He was leaving for the library as soon as he was finished with his meal anyway.

"You really are diligent," he heard a female voice say. "Studying even during lunchtime. No wonder you're so smart. I should be more like you."

Jarrett frowned. He looked up from his book to find a girl his age with her hair tied up in a high ponytail. She stretched her lips in a wide smile when they made eye contact. It was a smile meant to dazzle anyone or, at least, amuse them.

But this didn't faze Jarrett. 

"What exactly are you doing here?" He asked her. She looked familiar. Then again, after three years in this high school, it was about time to remember faces even if not their names.

Andie tilted her head sideway. "Can't I sit here?"

"You can but" Jarrett paused. He clicked his pen and pulled up the book so it was standing. He could now use it to block the person from his sight if needed. "It probably comes with a motive."

Merely amused, Andie cupped her cheek and propped her elbow on the table. This turned out to be a lot more fun than she thought. "You really are smart."

Jarrett made a face, closing his eyes halfway. He stayed still for a moment. Should he play along or ignore her? The mental debate only lasted a few seconds before he surrendered. With a sigh, he closed his book and gave her his full attention.

"Stop talking about my intelligence. What do you want?"

Andie pursed her lips, studying him a bit more. He wore glasses most of the time but it didn't hide his good looks. His aloof attitude also gave him a mysterious vibe Jarrett arched an eyebrow, implying his impatience. Andie shook out of her daze and started unzipping her bag.

"Do you like cupcakes?" She asked while taking out a tupperware and opening the lid. Two rows of blue cupcakes occupied the entire space. "Because I made too much in cooking class. Take some. You'll be doing me a huge favor."

Her eyebrows wiggled in persuasion.

Jarrett glanced at the cupcakes.

Then, he shifted his focus back on her face. His other eyebrow perked up.

Andie stuck out of her bottom lip and closed the lid. The conversation didn't seem fun anymore. He was too serious for his own goodlike an old man facing a midlife crisis. "Fine! I was hoping you could tutor me in Math."

"What did you say?" Jarrett frowned.

"I said, will you tutor me in Math?" Andie repeated herself. She averted her gaze, feeling intimidated now that she revealed her intentions. He wouldn't even take a cupcake. It was bound to go all downhill from here.

Lines creased across his forehead. "And you are?"

"I'm Andie Summers I sit behind you in Math class with Mr. Fleming?"


"I'm also on the cheer team," Andie flinched at her own words, realizing she had her cheer uniform on. That sounded way too dumb. He probably thought she was one too.

Jarrett flickered his eyes towards the school logo on her uniform. "I can see that."

'Like rubbing salt on a wound,' Andie thought. It was her own fault anyway. She walked right into that one. Shaking her head, she moved the topic along. "Anyway, can you help me? You always get good test scores. If I flunk again, they'll kick me out of the team."

"I don't think so." Jarrett opened his book again, ready to get back to business. 

Andie reached out to grab it. "It's just 2 hours from Monday to Friday."

Jarrett yanked the book back but her grip was strong. He glared openly at her pleading face. His teeth clenched in irritation. "Precious 2 hours and you have cheer practice so it would be very late in the day."

"But I really need your help," Andie tried again. She was flunking too much this year. A little more and she'd be kicked off the team. That was almost as bad as failing, especially when they were already in their junior year. 

"Ask someone else."

"I've tried."

"Ask them again."

"Jarrett, please."

Jarrett blinked three times at her tone. Did she do this to everyone she asked? How did they get rid of her? He better figure it out so she'd stop pestering him.

His eyes landed on the tupperware. "You're asking a huge favor and all you have is cupcakes?"

Andie saw her chance. To her ears, that statement was an invitation to compromise. It was the perfect moment to pull out her wild card. "If you tutor me in Math, I'll help you get a date with Mindy. You like her, don't you?"

Jarrett went white as a sheet. He had never told anyone about Mindy. Heck, he never even whispered about it even to himself. "H-How"

"I knew it." Andie tsked, a smirk tugging the corner of her lip. "Your eyes follow her everywhere, you know. I've seen you stare at her too many times to count. And by that, I mean, you've been attracted to her since freshman year."

'Freshman year' Jarrett internally panicked. That last part hit home. He did started liking her then. They only spoke briefly once but it left an impression on him. Ever since then, he couldn't help but watch when she was in the same room.

"Am I that obvious?" He muttered, unaware of his actions.

Andie held back a snort. She released his book and leaned forward. Her head hovered several inches up the table. His gaze followed her every move. She grinned and patted the top of his book. "Not to everyone. And don't worry. I didn't tell anyone either."

When she pulled back, she opened her juice box and sipped on the straw. 

Jarrett hadn't gotten over his shock yet.

And that was her sign to seal the deal. "So will you help me?"

Two weeks later, Andie sat at a table in the library. She had a pocky stick hanging on the corner of her mouth and a pencil in her hand. Notes and scribbles lined up the side of her math book. She had written on any space available so she'd have all the information in one place.

Jarrett picked up the chocolate cupcake she got her pocky stick from. "Why do you have so many sweets? You practically bring a new batch every two days."

Andie took out the pocky stick but kept writing. "That's because everyone on the cheer team is conscious about their weight. They only take a cupcake once a week. Sounds extreme but my baking is so delicious, they're scared to be tempted to eat more."

"Then, you should bake less."

"This IS less." Each cupcake batch was already half a dozen. The recipe ratio was enough for one egg. She couldn't possibly reduce the egg to half. Not only was it too much work but it was absolutely ridiculous. 

Jarrett pinched out a bite of the cupcake as he ate it. Crumbs fell on the table but he didn't care. "How come you're not worried about your weight?"

"Because I don't gain weight easily." Andie looked up to find him eating the cupcake she had her eyes on. He should have known that when she took the pocky stick off the frosting. "How about you? Are you now worried about your weight because you're dating Mindy?"

Jarrett paused mid-bite. He cleared his throat before giving a response. "I'm not dating Mindy."

"Oh?" Andie shifted her attention back to her book. "Did the date not go well?"

"It was fine but" he trailed off. "... she talks too much."

They had gone out to the movies because Andie told him how Mindy wanted to see the new rom-com. They figured he'd have a higher chance if he took Mindy to the new fancy theater that opened at the mall. It had leather couches instead of the usual seats.

Andie chuckled. "That bothers you? Aren't you used to it yet after hanging out with me?"

"But hers is a lot more annoying than I thought," Jarrett elaborated. 

He liked watching in silence with the occasional laugh if the scene was funny but Mindy Mindy had a comment on everything. She made it hard for him to focus on the movie. Couldn't she have waited until after it was over before sharing her thoughts?

And besides

Andie slammed her hand on her book before Jarrett could complete the thought.

Her wide accusing eyes stared into his sky blue ones. "I'm offended." 

Jarrett froze in his seat. "W-Why"

She pointed the eraser tip of her pencil at him. "How can you find someone more annoying than me? That is something I uphold with pride and joy. You can't just find another girl more annoying. That's rude. Rude, I tell you."

"Mindy may be more annoying but no one has the chance to annoy me more than you." The words were out of Jarrett's mouth before he could realize what they meant. His ears reddened almost immediately.

Andie slowly showed him a smirk. "Are you saying that you like me?"


"You have excellent taste, my dude," she continued, chuckling a little. "You'll never find another girl like me in your entire lifetime."

Jarrett grimaced. "Don't call me, 'my dude.'"

"But how would I beat Mindy then?"











Back in the present, Jarrett let out a long sigh. "I can't believe you invited Mindy."

"Why wouldn't I invite her?" Andie turned her to her left and pouted. "I'm very grateful that she ruined your date. Otherwise, I might not have stood a chance."

Jarrett grinned as he bit his bottom lip. He rose to his feet and straightened his suit jacket. He turned around and tucked his hands in his pockets. "Meet you at the altar?"

"Maybe I won't, just to annoy you."

"But you can't annoy me more if you don't go."

"True" Andie paused. She made a face towards the ceiling. "That's a tough choice."

"So? Are you marrying me?"

She could hear the amusement in his voice. With a deep breath, she too stood up and stretched her arms. The sun seemed to shine brighter outside the window. It was hard not to feel optimistic about the future. 

"You'll just have to wait and find out, my dude."

The pastor stood under an arch made of vines and white flowers. He talked fondly to the bride and groom before him, amplifying his voice for everyone to hear. He chuckled to himself as the two sneaked adoring glances at each other.

It gave him great joy when he finally said the following words, "You may now kiss the bride."

Jarrett pulled the veil over Andie's head. She wore light pink lipstick that reminded him of sweet candy. His arm snared around her waist and pulled her into a kiss, catching her by surprise. Their friends and family all stood up in applause. 

Elias snapped photos from further down the aisle. 

He gave them a signal when they broke apart.

"Drew~!" Andie called out to the front row. She handed her bouquet to Rose and clapped her hands. Then, she held out her arms to the baby on her mother's lap. "Come to mommy." 

Drew inherited most of his mother's features. Although, Jarrett would like to argue that his genes were also mixed in. Georgie walked towards them to hand over her grandson. A cute smile immediately lit up on his face.

Andie carried him in her arms, bouncing him a little and kissing his temple. "My handsome little boy. You did a good job today. Look. Here's mommy's ring that you carried down the aisle."

She showed her left hand and Jarrett also did the same. Both rings in front of him, Drew reached out to grab both. His parents and their guests laughed. Elias snapped his fingers to get their attention. His assistants had brought over a love seat for them to sit on.

"Alrighty," he said, crouching down on one knee. "Big smiles."

That photo would eventually hang in their living room for years to come.

"Can we please have the entourage now?" Elias shouted over his shoulder. 

Eve stood behind Andie for the picture. Drew's eyes flickered towards her. 

She made a face, causing him to laugh.

Ambryan snorted. "You even attract babies now."

"What are you trying to say?" Eve shot back, her jaw dropping.

"But it's cute," Rose cooed. Her hand unconsciously rubbed Eve's stomach.

"What's cute?" Eve asked. She had her hands locked under her stomach, supporting the weight. Her due date was drawing close. It had both her and Ambryan tense but Rose's touch was gentle and comforting.

"Andie was pregnant for your wedding. Now, you're pregnant for her wedding. Are you both planning to be pregnant at my wedding?" Rose joked. 

"Who would marry you?" Mikael spoke up from Jarrett's side of the seat. He posed professionally for the camera. Then, his gaze landed on Rose. He betrayed no emotion.

She cleared her throat and shifted her attention back on the bride. "Let me fix your veil."

Elias counted, making sure everyone was present. The bridesmaids faced the left while the groomsmen faced the right. Ambryan and Eve took up the middle, nearly facing each other. Everyone knew what to do

except for Drew.

His attention was elsewhere. Craning his head, he searched for Eve over his shoulder. He then leaned in her direction with his arms stretched in front of him. He had moved so fast that Andie nearly dropped him. Jarrett also became alert.

Eve instantly grabbed the baby by his arms. "Drew, are you okay?"

He responded in an incoherent manner. None of their gestures stopped him from his pursuit.

Jarrett was the first to realize what was going on. "Oh, no."

"What?" Andie interrogated.

"If you move him closer to Eve, you'll see." 

Confused, Andie did what he said. 

And that was when Drew touched Eve's stomach.

Ambryan raised his finger as a warning. "If you want to date my daughter, you better hand in your resume first. I won't be lenient just because your mother is best friends with my wife."

Eve rolled her eyes and smacked the back of his shoulder. "Stop scaring him. He's just curious since my stomach is big."

"Yeah," Rose backed up. "Maybe he's actually trying to say that he wants a sibling."

Her head snapped towards the newlyweds. "Right, mommy and daddy?"

Jarrett coughed while Andie pulled Drew back. Georgie flailed his favorite toy beside Elias. At that, Drew forgot about Eve's stomach and directed his focus on the stuffed turtle. His laughter livened up the atmosphere.

Elias quickly called for their attention and looked through his lens.

Gin glowered from his seat, already done with the festivities. Since his sister had the perfect love story, their relatives would be hopelessly wishing him the same. Just the thought of it made him sick to his stomach.

"You look like you ate poop," Ede commented. She hopped on the empty chair beside him.

"How have you been, little brat?" He greeted her, flashing his teeth in a wide smile.

"I'm not little anymore!"

"Oh, really?" Gin taunted and compared her height to his. The top of her head only reached his shoulder. Knowing how she'd react, he teased her a bit more. "Maybe you'll grow some more but don't get your hopes up."

Ede huffed. Her mood was the opposite of his. "Want to bet?"

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