DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 141: Calling Shotgun

Chapter 141: Calling Shotgun


"If it's to protect our family, be it the kingdom or the entire world... we would make anyone our enemy. That's what it means to be Fairy Tail"

- Natsu Dragneel, (Fairy Tail)


<(Bruce Wayne POV)> 

"Sir, are you sure that you don't want to enjoy your vacation for a little longer? My crime analysis says that once you return to being Batman again, you won't be able to take a long vacation for quite a long time." Cortana asked for the third time since morning as I boarded the private jet that I had anonymously rented to go back to Gotham.

"Nope, I am done with my vacation. We can't afford to waste more time here. The more I laze around, the easier it will be for David Cain to stage another attack on me. Plus, my to-do list is mounting with unfinished tasks every second." I sighed while taking my seat on one of the comfy sofas in the jet. "Now, where the hell are the others?" I asked no one in particular as I glimpsed outside the plane through one of the windows.

Apparently, Alfred and Leslie were having a meeting with some European emissaries to properly discuss how the European Union and the country of Italy can "make it up" to us so that Wayne Enterprises does not pull away or halt the operations of some of the important projects and businesses that we have started here including the distribution of the xenobots programmed to treat various incurable diseases. Of course, it should also be mentioned that they were not so accommodating just because of the social service I was doing or the potential business I would be giving them but because of how the US government under the influence of the press and the public was treating the attack on me as an attack on America while actively pressurizing them from behind the scenes to compensate me for their lapse in security that led to the attack.

As for the girls, they actually wanted to go on one last shopping trip before heading back to Gotham with even Talia included in that list as well. Although previously, she had no interest in fashion or shopping like the other girls, after our passionate night of sex, however, she has been quite active in researching sexy costumes and kinky sex toys that she could use to have even more fun. She was a natural seductress and seemed to take that role quite seriously. 

"They are finishing the final security checks in the Immigration. They will be here within fifteen minutes... By the way, sir, shouldn't you do something about Bialya as well since its current supreme commander is the one responsible for issuing the bounty on you? Maybe a few economic sanctions will be enough to dissuade them... or perhaps an assassination..." 

"No, right now the political situation in the country is too sensitive for that. Economic sanctions might weaken the dictator's power for some time, but sanctions always affect the normal public the most. It's always the poor and the middle class who truly suffer its repercussions. An assassination on the other hand is the preferable approach in this case but the time isn't right. We should wait till we have more to gain from Bialya's change in leadership. And who knows maybe I can crack a favorable deal with the previous king in exchange for my help and the cure to his condition... In fact, Cortana, do keep an eye out for anyone from Bialya arriving in America, especially its diplomats and emissaries? I have a feeling that they might come in search of me to either ask for my help or to stop me from providing my help to the previous king." He ordered thoughtfully. 

"Will do, sir." Cortana dutifully replied.

Anyway, now that I am finally returning to Gotham, I should start taking care of some of the villains who seem to have started their criminal careers already, especially the psychopathic ones who don't even seem to value human life. 

"Sir, I think there is something you should know. It can just be a false alarm but if it isn't then there is a chance that your family is in danger." Cortana's voice chimed out as her hologram suddenly appeared over my bracelet with a serious face. 

"My family? You mean Alfred and the girls?" I asked anxiously. 

"No, I mean the family that you always try to avoid, your blood relatives from the Kane family. Under the guardian angel initiative, I have been using an algorithm to keep an eye on everyone related to you to ensure their safety against any unforeseen danger. Although the surveillance isn't constant or deep enough to invade their personal space, the algorithm does pick up certain keywords and actions to determine if anything abnormal is happening around them or if they are in any sort of mortal danger.

That algorithm has just picked up abnormal movement and communication around the area where the Kane family is presently staying in Brussels, Belgium. Your uncle, Jacob Kane is currently occupied at his job, working on some secret project for NATO while his wife, Gabi, and her two daughters are alone at home, possibly preparing to leave their house to go somewhere. Their home seems decently secured and they even have some trained security personnel with them but none of that defense is impregnable in case of an invasion by a well-trained or well-prepared terrorist organization." She informed in a serious tone while showing a hologram of the blueprint of the house they were in as well as the cars that seemed to be parked near it. 

"Is it Davin Cain or perhaps the Court of Owls?" I asked with a serious voice. 

"No, sir. It doesn't match Cain's MO, and it doesn't seem to be a single person. Also, this looks like a normal terrorist organization. Even if the Court is involved, at least they are not directly responsible for this. However, now that I am scanning everyone in the area through the few still functional CCTV cameras and the overhead satellites, it seems that whatever organization is monitoring them, they aren't lacking resources or manpower. Although I don't have a clear view, I can count about 40 men armed to the teeth with guns, ammunition, and explosives..., of course, there might be even more. Even the entire local police force will have trouble dealing with them if they attack head-on, much less the six security personnel accompanying the mother and the daughters." She answered while showing a somewhat blurry scan of the neighborhood, showing the possible enemies as red-colored dots. 

"Contact my aunt and tell her not to get out of the house. If my aunt doesn't pick up the phone, contact the six security officials present there. I am sure one of them will at least take this seriously. You can use my name to coerce them to listen to you. Also, call my uncle, I'll speak to him personally to make sure he understands the gravity of the situation. As far as I remember, he has some deep military contacts, so he should be able to easily get some soldiers there." I commanded.

"Aye aye, sir. However, there is a high chance that the soldiers won't make it there in time. Should I send some drones as well? The ones from Gotham will take multiple hours to be there but the few drones that are still here can arrive in an hour or two..."

"No need. I'll go there myself. After all, my suit is much faster than any of the drones." I responded before standing up to exit the jet. 

"That is right, sir. Although the suit still doesn't have Faster Than Light capabilities or even the capacity for Deep Space travel, it can still travel faster than sound. At its highest, you can travel at the speed of 5 Mach. Considering the distance of your uncle's house in Brussels from here, it will take approximately 11.34 minutes to reach the location." She briefed. 

I was quite pleased to know that I could reach the location before something serious happened to my aunt and her daughters. Even though I was never really close to them, there was still no way I was letting a mother and her children die on my watch, especially if I was aware of the threat to their lives in advance and there was a significant chance that this particular threat on their lives existed because of me. I might not be a saint, but I was definitely a good person... well, at least I always try to be one... in my own way...

As I stepped out of the jet, ready to activate the nanobots in my bloodstream to form the armor on me, I noticed Alfred and Leslie coming in my direction.

"Master Bruce, are you going somewhere?" Alfred asked in a slightly concerned tone. Despite trying to sound normal, for some reason, Alfred seemed a little troubled. Even his figure looked like he had aged several years in the past few days although it should not have been possible because of the serum I had injected into him a few years ago. It should keep him good-looking and at his peak till he is at least a hundred years of age. So, this change in appearance must be because he is worried about something... I should ask him about it after I come back. 

"Unfortunately, yes, Alfred. I don't have time to explain but the Kane family is in danger, and they need my help. So, I'll have to leave right now for that. When the girls arrive, take the jet straight to Gotham. Talia or Nyssa can fly the plane for you. All of your lives might be in danger as well and the Wayne mansion should be the safest place for all of you right now." I quickly answered before taking a glance at Miss Thompson. I did not have enough time to explain everything to her, so I just hoped that Alfred was charming enough to do the job for me without complicating things further.

Not having the time to explain more, I just pressed on the top of my bracelet to activate the nanobots. Immediately, countless "liquid droplets" began to pour out of my skin like sweat before spreading all over my body in the shape of armor. Within just a few seconds, the nanobots took the complete form of the bat armor over me.

As soon as I had finished adorning the suit, Leslie gasped before exclaiming, "W-what is that armor, Bruce? Wait, are you...?" However, before she could complete her words, I launched into the air with the help of the thrusters under my feet. I was in a hurry and right now, reaching Brussels was the top priority. 

A few days ago, I had already explained my dual identities to Alfred, and quite surprisingly, he took it quite well, I guess his knowing that the child he had raised for so many years was not an ordinary human because of the serums and the OP gadgets and armors made from his genius, didn't make him too worried about me getting hurt. In fact, he even appeared quite chill like he had expected it all along. All he did after finding out about my "secret identity" was just make me promise that I would always be careful in my "heroic" activities and that I should never make this a habit or grow overconfident. In his own words, he wanted me to experience a normal life as well while having some fun. 

Leslie too knew that I wasn't exactly normal since she had witnessed my super intelligence before. I think she suspected that I was a cruel businessman unlike my father and even employed assassins and mercenaries for my benefit although she turned a blind eye to it. However, she had no clue that I was the same Dark Knight who was slowly becoming the nightmare of every criminal in Gotham. But today, she had found out for better or worse and it remains to be seen if she could handle that information well. I really did hope for her sake that Alfred could calm her down and make her understand that I wasn't a psycho or a criminal for doing what I did. After all, I would hate to use the Neuralyzer on her since she was Alfred's girlfriend and all. 

"Location of target destination locked. Initiating Sonic Shotgun mode" Cortana declared after I had ascended to a considerable height in the sky. 

The portion of the armor around my heels instantly began to bulk up as nanobots from all over my body flowed to that area. Once the armor around both of my feet had almost quadrupled in size, the thrusters began to whizz with energy. 

BOOM A sonic boom escaped the thrusters, instantly launching me in the direction of Belgium with an incredible force, faster than even the speed of sound. 


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