DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Chapter 142: Family in Danger

Chapter 142: Family in Danger


"You can do anything, but never go against the family."

- Marlon Brando, (The Godfather)


<(Omniscient POV)> 

"I don't even have a single bar in my phone network. Is there some sort of fault in the towers or something? None of the phones have been working since morning." Gabi Kane curiously asked one of her guards before putting down her useless phone with a frustrated sigh.

She was just getting ready to leave the house with her two daughters to take them to the park, however, just when she was about to tell the driver to get the car out of the garage, she could not help but get a strange feeling in her heart like something bad was going to happen to them, making her want to call her husband. But unfortunately for her, her phone's network was still not working.

One of the soldiers assigned as security personnel for her and her family was standing near her at the main entrance and could not help but frown at her words. With a concerned look on his face, he decided to voice out his own concerns. "Ma'am, I think we shouldn't go out today. Most of our phones and communication devices have also been down since the morning for some reason which is quite suspicious since they are designed for military use and are designed to work in any situation or condition unless there is some sort of signal scrambler involved. Additionally, the most concerning part is that one of the wireless radios we normally use for contacting headquarters in emergencies also stopped working while we were in the midst of receiving a weird message. There was a lot of static in the message, but it sounded like a female voice on the other end trying to tell us not to go out of the house and barricade ourselves in. 

Now, it could have easily been a prank from some genius nerd sitting in front of his computer, trying to draw attention to himself to prove how amazing and special he is, or it could have been a cross-connection since this happens a lot with these old pieces of tech, but we can't just ignore the chances of there being real danger. So, it will be best if you stay in today until we can re-establish connection with HQ and confirm that there is nothing wrong." He advised.

"Really? That is concerning. Fine, we will stay in. I'll just tell Beth and Kate that I will take them to the park this Sunday when their father comes home. They should not be too upset with all the cakes and gifts they got today. But if something does happen, you and your men can protect us, right, Mr. Finish?" Gabi asked with some concern in her voice as she took a glance at the other five men in suits, standing in their respective positions in front of the house.

The security official named Johnny Finish displayed a charming smile at her question as he adjusted his belt to make himself seem cooler, not letting the chance of impressing a woman go before replying, "We are the best at what we do, and we are here for your protection ma'am. We will give our lives to protect you and your daughters. You don't have to worry about anything. As for any possible threat to your life, just know that as long as we are here for you, this house is the safest place on Earth"

BOOM A deafening blast compelled them to duck beneath the explosion's intense heat and power, as part of the front of the house was blown away into pieces, creating a gaping hole in the building that revealed the interior to the numerous vehicles parked outside.

"Shit! James, Rick, and Jack> secure the hole and the entrance after sending an emergency alert to HQ, let's hope the signal goes through and they can send backup as quickly as possible." Johnny quickly yelled even though he knew that the chances of any sort of signal going through were minimal at best. He had now become sure that the enemy was using some sort of advanced signal jammer to block all types of communication to isolate them. "Use your heavy weapons. Shoot to kill and don't hold back. Barney, take Mrs. Kane, grab the children from their room, and seal yourselves in the panic room. I will come and get you from there once this is over. Don't come out from there, no matter what happens, that's an order." He instructed in a stern tone. "Oh, and if anybody sees Kramer, shoot that son of a bitch. He was supposed to be the one monitoring the CCTV cameras around the estate." He growled angrily. 

Wheeze A missile launched by a terrorist from a handheld missile launcher on the back of a jeep soared toward the main gate, obliterating a significant section of the wall. and cutting off any path of escape for them with another BOOM sound.

"Let's go, ma'am, we have to go now." The man named Barney quickly got up, acknowledging his superior's command, and grabbed Gabi by the shoulders bringing her out of her shock before almost dragging her to her daughters' room upstairs. 

"Now, what the hell are you all waiting for? Shoot back at those motherfuckers..., and remember boys, make them count." Johnny quickly swiftly before taking out an Uzi from the holster at his back and shot at the people outside. He already knew that there was a high chance that he would not survive past today, considering the vast numbers of the enemy forces and their lethal weaponry but he was not going to just surrender. Even if he would die, he would make sure to take as many of those fuckers with him as possible. After all, this wasn't just about protecting a target or asset but protecting two innocent children and their mother.


"It seems those men in suits are fighting back, Commander. Should I use more missiles to take them out?" A young man wearing a dark green bodysuit complete with its own matching helmet asked the senior man standing behind him on the back of a jeep. 

Although the senior commander looked like he was in his late forties with greying hair, there was still a cruel fire noticeable in his gaze, a fire which made it apparent that he was relishing what was happening or what was going to happen there next. "No, the house will not be able to endure more missiles and might even crumble on the residents, crushing all of them at once. We need the family to be alive... well, at least, one of them alive to get what we need. But the other two can be used as good temporary entertainment for our soldiers and I am pretty sure they would appreciate it if their bodies were intact at the beginning for that. As for these pesky agents, let our men do some work. They have been lazing around for way too long. They need exercise. Hahahahaha" He released an evil laugh before signaling his men forward.

"Sigh This could have been so much simpler if they had just decided to head out somewhere like they were initially planning to. It would have been a simple grab and transport job. Even our intel told us that they were going to go to the park to celebrate a birthday or something. But no, they had to be overcautious. An entire week of planning and research was ruined just like that... But again, I guess that was partly our fault too since we overused the signal jammer in our bid to be too careful, making our presence a little too obvious. However, now the entire block will be collateral in this mission. What a drag." The earlier man who had initially asked the question to the Commander muttered to himself in annoyance before putting down the missile launcher in his hands, grabbing an assault rifle, and advancing toward the broken section of the house. 

*Tat-tat-tat-tat Tat-tat-tat-tat* For the next few minutes, continuous bullets began to whizz through the air from both sides as the two parties tried their best to kill each other. 

"Keep them at bay! Don't let them spread out." Johnny barked, reloading his rifle with practiced speed. The others responded with a volley of shots, taking down several attackers. But for every terrorist that fell, it seemed like two more took their place.

One of the soldiers, a young man named Rick, grimaced as a bullet grazed his arm. But instead of stopping, he quickly switched to his sidearm, firing rapidly to cover his other wounded teammates. "No use sir, there are too many! And they are very well trained." He shouted over the din of battle with clenched teeth.

"We just need a few more minutes!" Johnny replied, his voice strained. "Barney is taking those three and racing towards the panic room as we speak. We just need to *Bang Bang* make sure that they reach there before these pieces of human shit enter the house." 

*Ka-ka-ka-ka* Suddenly shots from a machine gun interrupted their conversation, forcing the soldiers to retreat further into the house to save themselves from the tireless onslaught of the bullets. Their ammo running low, they resorted to desperate measures, throwing furniture to block entry points while taking out their sidearms and daggers to mount what was going to be their final struggle against the terrorists. 

"It was a pleasure serving with you boys." Johnny nodded with a determined face at the other four, ignoring the fact that he had three bloody bullet holes in his leg with blood gushing out from them like a fountain. 

"No, it was ours, sir" James responded as he reloaded his handgun with his last magazine. 

After a brief moment of silence, the four nodded at each other before turning their gaze towards the opening in the wall, their minds ready to embrace their fate whatever it was.


"Are you alright, sweety? You two are ok, right? Don't worry, nobody will hurt you. Mom will make sure of it. Mommy is here now." Gabi Kane hugged both of her daughters who were shaking in fear of all the booming sounds on their beds. She was caressing their heads to reassure them that they were safe in her embrace.

"Ma'am, we need to enter the panic room now." The agent called Barney reminded her with some worry in his voice as he opened one of the wardrobes present in the girls' room before removing everything in the wardrobe, even the fake sliding wall at the back that was hiding the entrance to the safe room.

"Yes, you are right. Let's go girls. We will be safe in the room Daddy built for us..." The Kane matriarch tried to pull the girls to get them up from the bed, but she could not even complete her words as another man appeared at the door of the room with two handguns pointed in two different directions. One of the guns pointed at Gabi and the children while the barrel of his other gun was trained at Barney's head.

"Sorry, but that won't be possible any longer, Miss Kane. I am afraid that you and your daughters will have to come with me. As for you, Barney put down the gun like a good boy or you won't like what is going to happen next." The newly arrived person threatened with an evil smile.

"Kramer? But why? You were supposed to watch the CCTV and warn us of any incoming danger. But instead, you betray us like this, why? We treated you like a brother. Why would you do this?"

"Isn't there always just one true reason for every betrayal? Money, man. Serving the government and fighting for your country sounds good and all but it doesn't pay very well, does it? Yet just one act of betrayal and some very wealthy people are ready to give you millions for it. How can any self-respecting man say no? Nothing personal though... Now, put down that gun or I'll blow one of the kids' brains out." He ordered with his finger a moment away from squeezing the trigger.


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