D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1334 1334 Quick Change

Chapter 1334 1334 Quick Change

--- Green --- 

Green entered the cannon unable to figure out any last minute fixes to ensure she got good points with One and Two. She'd just have to get off as many spins as possible. *Time to start abusing my magic a bit.* Green hit the launch button and got started. She activated her gloves and started into a spin, managing to get four spins in before reaching the top of her jump. 

She then cancelled her momentum and transitioned into a spin activating her boots and just going for it. As many spins as possible as she crashed into the water. Green's swim back wasn't entirely straight but she did manage it without throwing up. Turns out she might have sped herself up a bit too much for all of the spinning. She could only hope that it was worth it. 

One held up a 4, Two held up 7 and Three held up a 10. *Ok. So One definitely gave me those four points for the four spins. I can't see it being anything else. So they give out points for spins, and something else clearly because even the people with no spins got five points in that first round. Unless… could she have been giving people points in that first round just because it was the first round? Is that a thing you can do?

Perhaps it is… but let's assume that it's something else because if it is just 'get X bonus points per round' then there's nothing I can actually do to effect my total score. So what can I focus on? The fact I got seven from Two perhaps? No… I've got no way of telling how impressive my splash was, so I can't say if I got those points from the splash or not. 

So let's just focus on One. What have I changed between rounds? Seemingly nothing. Dammit. Could it really be a per round thing? I don't see how you could get max points from them all if that's the case. You just don't have time to do all the spins and flips for both judges. Is it really just a trade off? Hmmm…*

Green looked around and saw that everyone was wearing different colours. *So it can't be that either then. No 'wear green and get extra points' because we were all wearing different stuff. Hmmm Hmmmm… The only mysteries I can see is the five points we all got in the first round. The three bonus points Borgick got for some reason, and maybe the two extra I just got? I guess if Borgick could get three for something I might have gotten two… just so hard to say.*

Willow found herself launched from the cannon and into a few spins. Three in total. Her transition from spinning into forward flips with her arms wrapped around her legs happened a bit slow but she still managed eight before crashing into the water. Green made a guess at her final score. It's going to be 3,5,10. 

3,5,9. Those were the scores. Green felt like she heard a plate shattering off in the distance. *Ok… WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. The math just doesn't check out! Why does she only have nine here? Did she do anything different? Is there an extra point she lost somewhere for something? Or do you need eight for a ten? Is there some dumb rule that just lists the different number of flips for a different set of points?*

Green wanted to smack her face into something just to release some of the stress. As Green was doing this, Bonas suddenly sprinted down into the underside of the stage. She didn't take long down there, sprinting back out in a yellow wetsuit in the same style as Green's own. Green raised an eyebrow at this as Bonas launched herself from the cannon. 

Green could hardly believe it when it was over. In the air, Bonas managed something great. She started with the forward flips, wracking up the full eight you seemed to need a bit after she reached the top of the launch before spinning around. One, two, three, four. "DAMMIT" cursed Bonas just before she hit the water, angling herself forward as. SPLAT. Right on her side. 

Bonas hadn't been able to ball herself up int time and had finished with a sort of awkward aborted bellyflop. Despite the swimsuit's enchantments her side still felt bruised as Bonas swam back to the shore. 

That's where Green really had to stare in disbelief. Bonas score was, 9 from One, 8 from Two and 9 from Three. *Ok… I feel like I have no idea what's going on anymore. Did swapping her clothes to yellow get her the extra five points? Why? I guess I'll try that next round… but where the heck did the eight points from Two come from? And why does she only have nine points from Three? Didn't she manage all eight flips? I am so confused. Worse, Bonas is now ahead of me. Which is just great…*

As the scores came up Borgick bolted for the door, obviously realising that something was up with the yellow jumpsuit. The specifics, Green was still a bit lost on but Borgick was clearly willing to try. He also picked out a yellow jumpsuit, and seeing this Green rolled her eyes and ran down. It meant she probably wouldn't see Borgick's jump herself, but that… might be fine, as long as she got to see the scores afterwards. 

Green quickly changed into a yellow jumpsuit of her own discarding her old green one on the floor as she booked it back upstairs. Sadly not quick enough for to see Borgick's launch. But clearly before the results were read out. 

When Borgick made it to shore, his score was 5,5,8. *I don't know what the heck is going on with these scores anymore. But you know what? I think I've got second place locked down at least. Not ideal, but I think I can live with it.*

"Borgick, you are free to open the next round when you are ready. Of course, while we wait let me enlighten you to the current scores," said Thyme. "In first place, by a single point we have Bonas at forty-six, followed closely by Green in second place with forty-five points. In third place is Borgick with forty-one points, a very respectable number if I do say so myself. In fourth place we have Vanya with thirty-six points, and coming in last we have Willow with thirty-two," 

A glance around showed that Willow was actually missing at the moment, though Vanya hadn't left just yet. *Probably off to get her own yellow jumpsuit.* Green's guess was confirmed a short time later when Willow returned before Borgick made his next jump. Green was a bit annoyed by that, but it wasn't too important. Willow was quite far behind after all. As Borgick moved over to the cannon Bonas wandered over to the door down to the changing rooms, but didn't enter. She was clearly waiting for something. 

Borgick launched himself from the cannon, and did nothing all that impressive just let himself spin forward as many times as he could. When his score was called out, 1,5,10 he just shrugged and moved to sit down. Bonas however, bolted for the changing rooms. Green kept an eye on her and watched as she came out with a tight shirt and boardshorts in red. The pants were a bit low on her on account of the tail though, and were a little revealing at the top because of this. 

Bonas launched herself into a her roll forward, managing to get seven in before she swapped to spinning to the side, collecting a whole six of those. Green was begrudgingly impressed at the performance. Her splash could use a bit of work though. Bonas only barely managed to pull her legs in as they hit the water, just a hair to late. 

10,4,10. *Impressive score. So… what's up with the clothes then? Do we just have to be wearing a different colour every time? Wait… is it a different colour to last round, or is it a colour we've never used? Actually, wait a second… how did she get ten points with only seven spins? Dammit is there more confusing nonsense again?*

Green chewed the answer over as Willow got ready to launch herself. She'd followed the trend and picked out a new outfit for the round. Willow did moderately well. She ended up with three spins, and eight front flips. Just as she hit the water though, Willow shouted "CANNONBALL!" 

Green was a bit curious about that but when the scores were revealed to be, 8,8,10 she had her answer. *So… yelling a word gives you extra points? No… Borgick was just screaming in the first round and he got those points too. But… hmm… didn't I get some bonus points in my second attempt? I don't think I yelled then. So there has to be one more criteria for Two to hand out points. I guess I'll need to make sure I yell… but what am I going to do about these forward rolls? I'm not confident I can count them out as well as Bonas seems to be able to. I might just have to try…*

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