D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1335 1335 Cannon Finale

Chapter 1335 1335 Cannon Finale

--- Green --- 

Green found herself spinning through the air as she tried to keep track of each rotation. As soon as she reached seven points she stopped, abusing her magic to completely halt her downwards momentum for a time to spin in the air a full five times… before spinning around and launching herself into the water. It cost way more mana than she wanted, and she felt a bit silly yelling "FOR THE WIN" as she dove into the water, but it seemed to be the best she was going to get for now. 

The score she got for her efforts was quite nice. 10, 8, 10. Still it left Green frowning. Hmm… what did I do there. I don't think my splash was good enough to get five points, even if my yelling got three… or at least, that's what I suspect happened. So is it because I was facing down when I entered the water? I don't… think so? Pretty sure other people have splashed down face first.

Green glanced over at Vanya who was already getting ready for her next jump. *No time to watch that because I've got to change.* Cursing the fact that she was missing one of the last two jumps before her own final attempt Green ran downstairs and stripped. Her hand moved towards the discarded green jumpsuit before flinching back and shaking her head. *Not worth risking.*

Green instead went for a red wetsuit and ran back up. She was disappointed when she saw that not only had she missed Vanya's jump, but that she'd missed Vanya's scoring as well. *The little shit must have rushed ahead so that I couldn't see her jump. She's not even around anymore. Already run off to change. Thyme's probably waiting for her to get back to make his end of round speech. Dammit. I wish I'd waited then I could have changed now while Vanya is. 

Then again, it's more important that I see her final jump, rather then her second to last… unless she intentionally sandbags? It's hard to say what she's more likely to do. She wants, ideally, to stop me from winning but I think I've figured out most of the little tricks to this. So I'm not sure what she could do to mess with me.*

When Vanya returned Thyme begun his explanation, "Congratulations on living through being shot out of a cannon three times! Truly you've all accomplished something great today, so let's go for four!" Thyme 'finished' their speech and started to brush their nails a bit before looking around awkwardly. "Oh, right, I suppose you want the final scores. I can do that for you. 

"In first place, with seventy-three points is Green! In second place, and staying in close, is Bonas with seventy points even. In third we have Vanya at sixty-three points. Now, it will take a bit to displace our top two contestants, but don't let that get any of you down. Not even Willow in fourth place with fifty-nine points or Borgick in last place with fifty-seven," 

"Rude," grumbled Willow. 

On the side of things Borgick just shrugged with a grin on his face. "Eh, who cares about winning I got to be shot out of a cannon," 

"That's the spirit!" said Thyme while sweeping a finger around to point at Borgick. "This man has the true spirit of relaxation," 

"Or cannons, but I'll take the compliment," said Borgick. 

"Or cannons," agreed Thyme. "Now, Vanya, start the final round when you feel like it!" 

Vanya nodded and walked over to… Bonas? Green frowned as Vanya whispered something into the wolf girl's ear. A moment later Bonas took off and Willow, seeing this, headed off after her. A few seconds later Borgick gave a shrug and followed behind them as well. Green scowled at Vanya, who just returned Green's glare with a smile and a wave. 

*That little shit. She's waiting for everyone else so they have the best chance of catching up. Ergh, I'm not sure how much everyone else has worked out. Can I get ten in everything? No… no I don't think so. I'm still stumped on the second judge, but I can manage ten points from the other two… almost certainly. As long as there's no round specific rules I should be fine. Well, maybe not fine but at least second place.*

Once the other three got up, now in their fancy new colours Vanya went towards the cannon, aiming for the best score she could. Green watched as the elf managed to spin forward six times, then swapped over to spinning in the air, managing only four before hitting the water face first in a ball. Vanya yelled out "POINTS" just before contact, for the points of course. 

Her score came up at 9,8,10. *Ok, that confirms that six is enough spins.* Green moved towards the cannon for her launch and had to fight back a grimace as Vanya whispered something to Bonas. Green entered the cannon and let out a long sigh. "Grrr, I think Vanya knows how to get those final few points. I… I just don't. It's not worth risking my points for this. I think… if, IF I can manage a good enough splash, alongside the yell, I can lock in first place. Just… just have to do this all right," 

Green took in a deep breath and then hit the launch button. Rolling out of the cannon Green counted out six forward rolls before she swapped to spinning while facing downwards. Five spins later and she yelled out "POINTS", because why fix what isn't broken? Green made use of nearly her entire remaining mana pool to pull it all off cleanly, but it would be worth it. Of course, as soon as she hit the water she had the horrid realisation that perhaps yelling the same thing would COST her those same points. 

Green was shivering as she pulled up to the shore, praying over her final score. Judge one pulled out their card and it read 10. Green nodded, not having expected anything else and looking towards Two… only to find Two had swapped places with Three who held out a 10 of their own. Green frowned and looked towards Two who slowly pulled out the score card… revealing an 8. 

Green collapsed in place. Oh thank god. I've done it. "You alright down there?" asked Thyme. 

Green couldn't be bothered to verbally reply so she just raised a shaking thumbs up before her hand fell back into the sand. Kat, seeing this walked down from the steps and glanced at gorilla Thyme who shrugged. Kat nodded to Thyme and grabbed Green pulled her up and pulled Green into her arms before ducking into the water. 

Green spluttered, "Gah, what?" as the water removed most of the sand she'd just acquired collapsing in the ground. Kat didn't bother explaining as she took the fae back to the stands and laid her across the row of empty chairs above where their team had been sitting. 

Green let out a long. "God I didn't realise I was this tired. I just… it all sort of collapsed on me at the end there," 

"Hey no problem," said Gareth. "You've just secured is the win. Unless Thyme gives out bonus points at the end of the contest you've got it locked down," 

Green nodded but she wasn't in the mood to speak more. She just watched the rest of the event down the centre aisle. Willow went next of course and she pulled off a respectable launch. She didn't quite manage to pull of the full five spins needed, only managing two, and her scream of "WOOPS" as she hit the water was funny after her six forward flips, making her score 9,8,10

Bonas managed to pull of a perfect score. Six forward rolls, five spins, a yell of "FUCK!" as she hit the water… hands first with the rest of her body balled up as best she could. Green didn't quite cotton onto that being important until Bonas walked up to the judges and got a perfect score, 10,10,10… and it wasn't enough.

Green felt a bit bad… but not that much. Bonas had done exceptionally well, and perhaps with a different ordering it would have been her win… but not today. Borgick took his chance to mess around with the cannon. Instead of doing anything normal, the crazy guy aimed the cannon as low as he could and fired. Green watched in shock, and a bit of amazement as the crazy dwarf skipped over the water like a stone laughing all the way. It was kind of funny. Perhaps it was just that the win hadn't hit her yet… but Green felt like Borgick got more out of this round then she did. Funny that. 

*At least I can just sleep through the rest of the day now. Knowing that we've officially won, no matter what the other teams manage for the final two events… damn that's nice. Perhaps if Thyme had mentioned a bonus for perfect scores I'd be worried… but my work is down. Praise be to me! Hehehehehe*

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