D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 155: Two Free Swords

Chapter 155: Two Free Swords

Kat would have loved the chance to relax. One combatant down, a second virtually exhausted. Yet Eva had other ideas. Not letting up her charge in the slightest the large woman brought her swordsmanship to bear on Kat.

Kat could do nothing against the flurry of blows, and it was really starting to dawn on her that Grace had been very correct when she said Kat needed a weapon. *I mean really. If I could even half competently use my fans I might be able to actually fight this off.*

*But as it stands-* Kat's thoughts were cut off as her rampant backpedalling forced her feet to collide with the fountain in the middle. Her tail shot down into the water to try and stabilise her as she fell backwards.

Eva wasn't willing to let this chance go, lunging straight for Kat's exposed stomach she charged. A burst of wind exploded from her boots further increasing her speed. Kat made the decision to keep falling backwards.

Making her tail go limp she kept her backwards momentum and fell into the fountain. Water spraying everywhere, as Eva slashed the spot Kat had just left. Kat kicked the side of the fountain and let herself spring back, adding the slightest angle to she didn't hit the decoration in the centre.

Putting her hands out to stop her momentum Kat then quickly pulled herself from the water and stared across the fountain at Eva who had her sword stuck in the stone edge. Seeing this struggle Kat used this as a chance to find Grace.

In the far-left side of the area, Kat could in fact see Grace, she didn't look so great. Despite not being injured her chest was heaving and her outfit was showing signs of various cuts and slices.

Deciding that the elf was safe enough for now Kat stood ready on the other side of the fountain as she thought of a plan. *What can I do? Should I just try and tire Eva out? What about the archer? I can't see Clive anymore but that doesn't mean his gone.*

Taking another glance at Grace revealed another potential issue. The elf only had three arrows left. *Well, that's just brilliant. Exactly what I'd want to see.* Kat's head snapped back to Eva as she heard the woman give a loud grunt.

Watching her free the massive sword from the stone wall, Kat readied herself for the warriors next move. Eva gave the blade a quick glance over, before turning her eyes back to Kat. Kat readied herself for whatever move Eva made next.

She was not ready for the move Eva made next. The warrior crouched, and with the sound of rushing air leapt over the entire fountain plunging her greatsword down into Kat's face. Luckily for Kat, Eva's flight was rather slow. Giving her plenty of time to jump out of the way.

As Kat landed though, she found herself mistaken. Eva's sword glowed and after a flash, the loose stone that was just knocked up flew out in all directions, plenty aiming for Kat.

Bringing her wings in front of her face to cover her eyes Kat felt the stones pelt the back of her wings. As soon as they stopped, she opened them to reveal an angry Eva once again slashing away at her.

Kat continued to backstep, unsure of what she needed to do next. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed she was backing up into the passageway, so she was in no danger of running out of room just yet as she tried desperately to think of a plan.

A couple swings later Kat stood at the threshold of the area. Just as she was about to jump backwards once again a searing pain assaulted her. Kat stumbled and looked downwards to find twin swords sticking out of either side of her stomach. *Well that shouldn't be there.*

Eva capitalised on this by coming in for a strike, but Kat spared no expense and released a torrent of fire encapsulating her. Whoever was behind her jumped back leaving the swords in her side.

Kat let out a hacking cough, spitting out blood as she took a knee. *Didn't think they'd hit my lungs. Surely spitting blood like that isn't healthy for me.* With a shaking hands Kat grasped onto the blade slick with blood.

*Just like a bandage. Just gotta rip it off quickly and then it'll all be over.* With a heave, Kat pulled the first of the swords from her side. Kat grit her teeth and let out a shuddering breath. *Nope, not like a bandage. Feels like getting stabbed… OH WAIT!* Ignoring her own dark humour Kat wrenched out the second sword. Just as painful, and infinitely less funny.

The wounds in her sides started to rapidly heal. The fire surrounding her leaning towards Kat's wounds and providing a bit of help from the outside. As Kat turned around to see who had the gall to stab her, she was shocked at the figure she saw.

It was Kress. Well, it was Clive half unconscious on Kress' back, but that wasn't the point. Standing tall, now armed with what must be a spare dagger staring her down. Kat's gaze flicked from Eva to Kress and saw no surprise on any face.

"Brghshl" Kat tried to make a quip but blood bubbled into her mouth preventing that. Spitting it onto the ground Kat tried again "Hey Kress, buddy, what are you doing here? I'd have thought you'd be busy harassing Nixilei right about"

"Shut up" said Kress "I'll defeat you here and now, fair and square"

Kat raised an eyebrow and looked from Kress, to Clive, to Eva, and back. "Um… fair how exactly?" at this point the flames were dying down, but she kept talking hoping to by more time to recover her energy. It had dropped to its final quarter and she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep the act up.

"You know nothing demon" said Kress

"Well, I know a thing or to about fairness, what with the contracts and all. And I have to say, fighting what is it, 1,2,3 Oh and Dusk must be around as well, four, five, six? Six on two? Is hardly fair" said Kat.

The flames had all but died out at this point. She had sent most of them into the air like a fool, and the area simply burned down quickly. The floor still had a light coating of flame in her immediate vicinity, but Kat doubted it would actually stop anyone should they charge at her. *Better keep them distracted.*

"Shut up. You have too much power. I bet your much older than us. Hell I'm surprised Thyme even let you into the tournament" said Kress

Kat gained a wry grin "And I suppose you know my age better than Thyme? A rather bold claim I must say. Besides, who is to say what is and isn't too much power" said Kat

Kress grit his teeth but didn't say anything. Kat hoping to keep the conversation going spoke up again "What's in it for you anyway? I thought we agreed to run away if we encountered each other. Seems like you planned this one"

Kress furrowed his eyebrows "I never agreed to such a ridiculous plan. I'm doing everything in my power to make it to the finals and then they'll see how much I've grown. See the power I've obtained. Besides, you're just the hired help, why should you get any of the glory"

Kat chuckled and coughed up a bit more blood. To not give the image of her weakening, she stood back up. Flaring her wings and striking a more imposing figure "I believe, I was told to at least try and win this final round Kress. I believe I'm fulfilling my end of the bargain here"

"I won't have you twist my words demon spawn" said Kress

"Well, I mean, calling a demon, demon spawn isn't much of an insult is it?" said Kat with a shrug and a grin. Kat could feel her energy notably recovering. It wasn't fast but every second they wasted would be to her benefit. "It's like me calling you spawn of an ass. It's just a fact"

Kress looked ready to charge but Kat brought a little flame to her hands and looked at him questioningly, especially eyeing his small dagger. "What? Want to come at me with just a little dagger? I've got your swords now. Shame I don't know how to use them"

*Wait a minute. No Kutruph that means I can use my flame thrower move. If I can just get one of them close enough, I can end this fight. It'll cost me, but it might be the only way.* "Ha, as if a barbarian like yourself could wield such fine blades as mine" said Kress smugly

Kat heard a swish behind her. Glancing back she could see Eva's glowing sword coming down in an arc. Dodging out of the way, Kat felt the wind blade pass by her. Ah right… I have someone not so prone to talking eyeing me as well.

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