D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 156: Done and Dusted

Chapter 156: Done and Dusted

Kat turned so she could keep both Eva and Kress in her slightly expanded vision. "Now, Eva, that was a little rude don't you think? Kress and I were having such an engaging conversation"

Eva's response was to pull a dagger out of her boot and throw it straight at Kat's head. Kat leaned backwards to let the dagger fly past her face… but miscalculated about one thing. As she pulled her head backwards her wings came forward to compensate for the disrupted balance.

The dagger sunk deep until it was stopped by its hilt into Kat's wing. Gritting her teeth Kat quickly reached for the dagger and pulled it out cleanly, dropping it to the ground. "That hurts Eva, on an emotional level more than a physical one" said Kat

Seems however that the time for jokes was over. Eva stomped forward and Kress dropped Clive… while it was more like he hurled him away, but Clive wasn't complaining, he grunted as he hit the wall though.

Kat watched her foes approach from either side. Eva going for an overhead strike and Kress for a stab. Kat glanced at her wing and saw it healed over. Jumping high Kat let herself float just out of reach.

Kress kept his momentum though. Eva had already halted, just on the edge of the flames but Kress let himself be carried by his reckless charge. Every step he took froze his boots a little further, but the flames didn't spread to them.

Eva realised the fool was still going and raised her sword to block the dagger. It wasn't even hard, she just let it run straight into her sword and then glared down at Kress.

He glared right back of course and looked ready to take a swing at her. While this tense exchange was going on, Kat took a glance over at Grace. The elf was now circling the healer. Each with a dagger in hand, looking much worse for wear.

Kat was tempted to try and ice blast Eva and Kress, but it wasn't quite the right time. Instead she shot down next to Clive slumped near the wall. "Sorry about this one" said Kat

Angling a kick right to the temple, Kat was very glad when she felt her foot collide with the stone behind him. Looking down the scout had vanished. As he did though Kress and Eva snapped to face her direction.

Kat waved awkwardly in response, and was met with a charge, though compared to the early attempts it was laughable. Eva was slowing, her speed drastically reduced from her previous frenzied blows.

Kress, while looking to be in better condition, was blocked from taking further speed by Eva's large sword blocking his path forward. And so the two ran awkwardly in lockstep and Kat let her wings carry her over the charge.

"You know, this isn't going to end that well for you guys" said Kat from above.

"I can see your underwear" said Kress pulling a dagger back, and looking for an opening.

Kat shrugged "You can see a hell of a lot more than that" said Kat as she bowed to the two from mid-air "My outfit is practically shredded. I suppose I should fix that though"

Kat dipped behind the wall for a second and dismissed her attire before resummoning it and jumping back up to stand on the wall. "So how do I look?"

Eva growled at her, and Kress started to get a bit red in the face. Kat took the time to look over at Grace once again. *Um… what the heck?* What Kat saw, was the two wrestling with each other.

Somehow they'd lost their daggers and now then lunged and dodged around each other trying too… *Well, I'm not really sure what they are trying to accomplish.*

Kat redirected her attention to the more immediate problem in front… or rather below her. "How about we make a contract? You both forfeit and I won't have to fight you anymore?"

"Ha, it's two against one, we won't give up" said Kress

Eva however looked thoughtful. The warrior glanced over at Skye to see her status and was shocked at her state. Swapping her focus instantly the warrior sprinted towards the fighting pair.

*Oh no you don't.* Kat dived after her. Kat beat her wings and was beside Eva in an instant. Lashing out with both arms, blazing with fire with her tail not to far behind. Eva turned to block with her greatsword, but it wasn't to be.

She was able to catch both of Kat's hands with the side of her blade, digging deep into the flesh. It was that flesh that held it in place though, as Kat's tail snuck through Eves guard and set her chest ablaze.

Just as Kat was about to disengage, the warrior vanished. Kat stumbled forward, the weight of the sword no longer supporting her. She was about to take the chance to help Grace but heard the tell-tale rush of wind behind her.

Turning around she saw Kress with his swords in hand swinging both swords from either side trying to enclose her paths to escape. *Ooh… probably shouldn't have let him pick those up.*

Kat made a move to jump backwards but felt her wings touch stone. Oh dear. Kat could see Kress' boots light up with two sigils, liking responsible for the wall now blocking further retreat.

*Here goes nothing.* Kat pushed her hands out and let her fire burn. Channelling as much energy as she could into them. Purple flames engulfed Kress, starting to freeze him as he charged forward, but he didn't stop.

Kress brought the sides down, aiming to cut off, one or both of Kat's arms. Kat just kept pouring energy into her flames, until right before Kress's swords were to make contact… and he vanished.

Kat reacted quickly and cut the supply of energy to the flames, but it was too late. She fell forward flat on her face crashing to the ground with no energy to spare. *You know. This is really happening too often for my liking. I have to get less wasteful about using my fire. Or perhaps just rely on it less in general.*

Kat heard footsteps approaching beside her and tried to tense up… of course her body didn't react in the slightest. *Well… who is it?* Kat heard a thump, as something was dropped beside her.

"Hell of a fight" said Grace panting as she sat down next to Kat.

Kat tried to answer and found she had just enough energy to force a response if she wanted. And she did. "Yup, though I'm pretty much tapped out"

Grace sighed and stroked Kat's hair, needing her hands through it. "Yeah, so am I. I'm glad we won though"

Kat tried to shift herself, and found her body responding. Checking her energy reserves, it seems she wasn't quite out, but it was close. *Can probably sit up, chat a bit, but not much more. At least I'm not completely tapped out like the other times. *

Groaning Kat pulled herself into a sitting position before letting her head fall towards Grace to rest on her shoulder, only for Grace to push her forward and onto her lap. "I don't want those horns anywhere near my face" said the elf

Kat let out a sigh. "Fair… very fair"* I'd have probably stabbed her in the eye just before if she wasn't paying attention. Gah I'm too tired for this.*

"So, what's the plan" said Kat

Grace let out a long breath "Well, that's a good question. I'm not sure if the others will have encountered anyone. And this was a pretty big fight. Maybe we'll need to rush for the tower"

"Are we in any shape for that? Give me maybe half an hour and I'll be close enough but what about you?" said Kat

"Well, I guess it depends. My wounds are light, but I'm out of arrows, out of mana, and I still need to pick up my dagger" said Grace.

*So really where does that leave us.* "Well, really though, who would we have to fight?" asked Kat "Boring is out as a whole, we got them all… well, Dusk might still be around but I'm not sure"

"No, he's out. That spell took more than enough mana to knock someone out. I'd guess he had or found something, that he charged to cast it" said Grace

"Couldn't he still be active then? If whatever it was had enough mana?" asked Kat

Grace scrunched her face a bit "I mean, well… not really? Even just channelling so much mana into a sigil would be hard. He's in no better condition then us, if he's even still conscious"

"Ok, so really all we have to worry about is the God Crusher right? I mean, I'm sure I can convince my team to leave us be, what about yours?" asked Kat

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