Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 311: Meeting His Wives Again 9

Chapter 311: Meeting His Wives Again 9

Contrary to what Lusserina thought Falael was very happy to hear, she thought he would accept Zhang Yi's talent and because it was what she wanted, but Lusserina didn't think Falael would really be happy about it.

But that was because Lusserina could not imagine the complicated situation that the dark elves were in, the city with only Falael as the warrior of the Soul Birth realm had no strength to control the entire elven territory and so sometimes large villages appeared that could threaten his leadership.

They had been without any kind of conflict or war for hundreds of years, but for warriors who lived thousands of years, these hundreds of years could be just the time of preparation for war.

The fact that Zhang Yi came up with those weapons and armor that were much stronger than the weapons the hope world currently had and that made the big villages think of attacking the city only showed how right Falael was.

And Falael still had to worry about the forest elves, even though the two races were at peace right now, Falael knew there must be more than 3 Soul Birth realm warriors on the forest elves side.

That meant they always had the ability to fight the dark elves and dominate the hope world. Falael hoped something like this would never happen, but he had to be prepared for the possibilities.

What happened to Lusserina this time was a good example of how a city leader had to be prepared for any unforeseen events, he could never imagine that the big villages would try to attack Lusserina.

So with Lusserina saying that she and Zhang Yi got together and loved each other was the best thing that could happen to the city, Zhang Yi was a Soul Birth realm warrior and was also a talented blacksmith who could give a few thousand weapons and armor to town.

For Zhang Yi to be able to get this strong, he was almost certain to be very smart and could understand the difficult situation that Falael and the city were in, so he could certainly help defend the city and even beat weapons and armor for the city.

Lusserina was even happier to see her father approve and had been happy to see that she was dating Zhang Yi, Falael asked Lusserina to send Zhang Yi to meet him to talk to themselves.

In other situations, she would be worried about it, but seeing how Falael had been happy to hear that she was with Zhang Yi and also knowing how Zhang Yi should be stronger than her father Lusserina was to tell Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi naturally knew why Falael had been happy to know that he was with Lusserina, so he agreed to meet Falael to talk to him alone, Zhang Yi would wait just a little longer to make sure Lusserina was in love with him until he went to the dark elf territory, so he had to sort things out with Falael.

The other day Zhang Yi went to Falael's office alone while Lusserina went to rest after the stress she had been through, even though she had been sleeping with Zhang Yi in recent days, she was still more relaxed and could sleep quietly in her room where she lived in her whole life.

"Zhang Yi, I've heard your name many times over the last few months, but before that, I had never heard of you, nor heard of anyone who had such a strength of yours, from what I heard from you, you shouldn't be the kind of person who can be discreet."

"But that doesn't matter much right now, Lusserina really loves you and I think you should love her too and if you can take care of her I won't care about your past."

"Thanks, Falael, my past is something I can't tell anyone, but soon Lusserina will know everything and you will know it later."

"I called you here to talk about something you might already know, I know you love Lusserina and I totally support you getting together, but that doesn't change that I still want your help protecting the city."

"You yourself saw what happened to Lusserina and it might happen again and we may not be lucky that you or I are around protecting her."

"From what I heard from the warriors in my town before they passed out was that you looked very strong and easily killed enemies that even I couldn't do the same, so I want your help protecting the city."

Zhang Yi knew that Falael would say something like that, and he also knew that Falael wasn't that wrong now that Falael was his father-in-law Zhang Yi couldn't leave the city unprotected and he wanted to help too.

But he was afraid of what Falael could do when he had enough power, Zhang Yi didn't want to see the dark elves suffering and he also had to worry about the forest elves because he also loved Saphielle who was a forest elf.

So he decided that he would show Falael the difference between them so Falael would understand that he couldn't just ask things because Zhang Yi loved Lusserina, Zhang Yi showed the pressure of his cultivation of Soul Refinement not to scare Falael too much.

"You're right, Falael, I'm really stronger than you could imagine, but I don't want to be a city leader or elf king, I now just want to be with Lusserina, I know the current situation that the city is facing."

"The truth is that I have a special interrogation technique and I was able to find out who was involved in the attack of the enemies against Lusserina, it was the leaders of the big villages who thought of this plan."

"One of the warriors of one of the great villages came to my store and bought a sword and armor from me, he saw Lusserina with me and decided to tell this to his village leader."

"The large villages knew you were proud and would not send the warriors from your village to buy the swords and armor and would try to buy the swords and armor in large quantities."

"But the villages knew my strength and my rules and so they did not expect that I would accept to sell many swords and so would use my weapons to strengthen themselves and fight the city."

"But as they saw that I was becoming very close to Lusserina, they saw that she bought various swords and armor for the city and feared that because of Lusserina I would go to the city so that you would have enough strength to dominate the villages."

"So they decided to join forces to kill Lusserina and the city warriors in a place far away from the city so that you thought it was me who killed her and so a war started between us."

Falael was surprised because he didn't think that was the reason for the attack of the large villages against Lusserina, but hearing Zhang Yi said he had to accept that this was certainly true, so he understood that the attack was because of him and Zhang Yi.

He could never hope that the big villages would try to do something like this because it was obvious that he would imagine that it was the big villages and not Zhang Yi's fault, and Zhang Yi would surely think the same.

"I think it's very dangerous for Zhang Yi to be traveling between my village and the city, so I want her to live with me at my village house and I can come here with the teleport to bring her to visit you."

"So I want you to think about it, for now, I think it's best for her to spend time here in town to feel safer while I arrange some things, after a few days I'll be back here to hear her decision."

Falael thought about denying Zhang Yi's idea immediately, but after hearing that Zhang Yi would give him time to think, he decided to wait a while longer before saying that he didn't agree with that.

Even though Zhang Yi did not promise to sell many weapons and armor to the city, Falael realized that Zhang Yi understood the situation of the city and intended to help, so he could only wait a few years before Zhang Yi decided to help.

Falael was no longer so worried that after the great villages had lost so many warriors he had no idea they would attack again anytime soon.

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