Divine Talent Born Mortal

Chapter 312: Meeting His Wives Again 10

Chapter 312: Meeting His Wives Again 10

Lusserina was very sad when she heard that Zhang Yi would go back to his village and leave her in the city alone, after what they went through she thought that Zhang Yi would stay in the city for a few days at least or even open his shop and shop in the city.

But she understood that he was being considerate of her who had been through a very big trauma of almost dying, Lusserina calmed down when Zhang Yi said she could come every day with his teleportation technique.

So Lusserina realized that this was true and even though he was sad he accepted that Zhang Yi could still have his store in the village and come every day in the city to meet with her, so after Zhang Yi said goodbye he used the teleport to go back to the village.

The truth that no one knew was that Zhang Yi was still very angry about what happened to Lusserina, he can hide it very close to Lusserina and Falael, but his origin and the laws of the massacre did not let him forget his anger.

Zhang Yi would sell the swords and armor to the city and make Falael and stronger ones promise that they would never use the swords and armor to attack the great villages and the territory of the forest elves, that was because he felt sorry for them.

But when he least expected the big villages they decided to try to kill Lusserina who was his wife just out of selfishness, which is why Zhang Yi was so angry, he felt betrayed for thinking about helping the big villages this time.

In the past, he killed many warriors from the big villages who tried to attack the village where Zhang Yi was due to weapons and armor, so this time he wanted to change things and so he revealed the strength of the Soul Birth realm.

But they made an even worse mistake than trying to kill him, which was trying to kill Lusserina, so Zhang Yi decided to leave Lusserina in the city, it was because he was planning how he could get his revenge on the big villages.

He knew exactly who was responsible for the attack on Lusserina, what he needed to decide was whether he would simply attack the great villages and have to kill thousands of warriors or if he could only kill those responsible for what happened.

The sure thing was to find a way to kill only those responsible for the attack against Lusserina and avoid killing more enemy warriors, but Zhang Yi did not know if the anger he felt would pass by killing only a few warriors.

So he decided to do it on another day and for now, Zhang Yi went back to his mental energy world to spend time with Lu Bi, because Lusserina was with him all day, Zhang Yi cannot spend much time in the energy world his mental.

So he would take the time to spend time with Lu Bi and ask what she thinks he should do with the big villages that attacked Lusserina, just as Zhang Yi hoped Lu Bi was a little upset to be alone.

She also understood that Zhang Yi had to do this in order to be able to stay with Lusserina again and that Lusserina must have gone through a difficult time when she almost died and that is why she would be staying with Zhang Yi for a few days.

But it was impossible for Lu Bi not to be jealous of being a woman who loved Zhang Yi and was the only one in his life for more than 400 years, after Zhang Yi spent a whole day with her, Lu Bi finally calmed her jealousy.

When Zhang Yi asked her about the big villages Lu Bi was wondering what she should answer, if it was something someone did against the Sword Sect she was sure that the order would be to exterminate everyone who was above a realm of strength.

If someone attacked and almost killed Zhang Yi she would also think about exterminating the big villages, but she knew that this was not normal, even so, she said what she would do if something like that happened to her.

Zhang Yi was calmer to hear that Lu Bi would do the same thing he thought to do, it also allowed Zhang Yi to calm down and think about what he really wanted to do, Zhang Yi did not want to do an unnecessary massacre so what he had to do was try to kill only those responsible for the attack on Lusserina.

That was his goal, but if the enemy warriors attacked him or hinder him, Zhang Yi would not mind killing a few thousand enemies, having decided that he was a little more relaxed.

From what he saw in the warriors' memories that he did the soul search, there were 60 warriors from the great villages that were involved in this attack, among them were the leaders of the three great villages.

Not even in the past, Zhang Yi had killed the leaders of the three big villages, but as they were directly involved in trying to kill Lusserina, Zhang Yi could not forgive them, to kill these 60 enemy warriors without trying to do a massacre Zhang Yi had to be quick.

He had to attack before that time the great sects knew he was attacking, to do that Zhang Yi used his qi clone technique, currently he could make 10 clones that together with him now had 10 people to attack.

His 10 clones had the same defense as him and the full attack of an Emperor Realm warrior, so these clones could kill enemies easily, and Zhang Yi's clones could use the laws just like him.

So Zhang Yi's plan was to attack the three large villages that were involved in the attack against Lusserina, the other large villages that were not involved would be out of that attack unless they tried to help the villages that Zhang Yi attacked.

Having decided that Zhang Yi and the clones teleported to the three big villages, it was easy for Zhang Yi to control the consciousness of all 10 of his clones at the same time, after all, he was in the thirteenth realm of mental energy.

So Zhang Yi found the targets using his mental energy and soon knew where these 60 enemies were, none of them were alone and there were always warriors around to defend them.

Having decided what to do, Zhang Yi used the divine technique by cutting the stars and also the feather rain technique, so he and the clones sent 20 attacks at full strength, the 60 warriors who were involved in the attack against Lusserina died without even knowing it that were being attacked.

When the warriors who were around realized that these warriors died which included the 3 leaders of the great villages, they all panicked and tried to find out who had attacked these warriors.

Zhang Yi did not care about that and left the villages with his clones, using the teleportation Zhang Yi went back to his store, Zhang Yi had also decided that he would no longer sell swords and armor to these three large villages.

He didn't care if the big villages would know or not that it was he who made this attack if they tried to attack him Zhang Yi would kill all enemies without mercy, he had already avoided killing the warriors of the big villages once and he wouldn't do that again.

The warriors of the great villages were furious and searched for a long time who had attacked their village, but after they calmed down they were afraid, most of the 60 warriors who were killed including the leaders of the villages were the strongest warriors in these villages.

Even so, they were easily killed without any chance to react, especially after these warriors died, the great villages became much weaker, they had already lost some warriors from the Mortal Tribulation realm and the Spiritual Sea realm, and now they lost more warriors.

It was not difficult for them to deduce that whoever did this was Zhang Yi because if Falael could have done something like this he would have done it a long time ago, they also already knew who had killed the warriors who tried to kill Lusserina.

It was only after this happened that they realized they had underestimated Zhang Yi's strength, even though he was just a warrior Zhang Yi was very talented and also had skills that no one knew about.

These warriors wondered if they should try to attack Zhang Yi, but saw that it was impossible to do, if they tried too many warriors on their side they would die and they had to be on the lookout for a possible attack by the city against them now that the big villages were weakened.

So they would have to hide for a while and decide who the next big city leaders would be, they had to choose who the next big city leaders would be.

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