Doggone Academy

Chapter 62 Dormitory (2)

Chapter 62 Dormitory (2)

The luggage wasnt much, but the route from the entrance to my dormitory room was long and took more time than expected.

As I carried my belongings back and forth a few times, the movement beneath the covers of the bed where Silveryn lay had ceased.

The middle of the bed rose up like a small mound, moving gently with her even breathing. It seemed she had fallen asleep.

I stacked the boxes near where her bed lay and quietly began unpacking.

Initially, my plan was simply to leave the boxes, but now I decided to organize everything while I was at it.

After neatly arranging the books on the shelf and sorting out my clothes, thirty minutes had briskly passed by.

I checked the bed again. Silveryn was in the same position, apparently deep in slumber.

Is it really okay to be so leisurely? There seem to be some tasks related to the Masters Class to attend to.

Approaching the bed gently, I sought to check on Silveryns condition.


No response came.

I slowly lifted the edge of the duvet near her head, revealing only her crown while the sound of her soft breathing reached my ears.

However, something under the bed caught my eye.

I bent down to inspect it. Silveryns dress lay discarded like shed snakeskin, lying haphazardly under the bed.

For a moment, all thoughts stilled. Was this her way of simply stripping down and sleeping as if it was her own bed?

At times like these, she seems my age. At other times, shes like an experienced professor filled with years of wisdom. Its puzzling.

I pulled the duvet back up, effectively resealing Silveryn inside.

Then, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; my head was swirling with intrusive thoughts.

Deciding to leave Silveryn as she was, I exited the room and descended to the first-floor lounge.

I killed time at a table set up like a tea shop in front of the fireplace.


About thirty minutes later, I returned to my room to find Silveryn wrapped up in the duvet, now sitting and greeting me.

She spoke with a voice still slightly heavy with sleep.

Where did you go

Ive brought back something to drink.

I handed her a steaming mug of herbal tea that I had fetched from the lounge.

How did you know I was thirsty? Pretty impressive.

Weve been living together more than just a day or two.

After blowing on the tea and taking a sip, she continued.

You cleaned the room up nicely. Even brought me a drink I like amidst that you really would have made quite the maid.

Serving others isnt difficult. Before learning metalwork, I seriously considered joining a noble house as a valet.

But her reference to me as a maid I couldnt discern her intentions.

Silveryn set the tea cup on the bedside table, then she reached under the bed for the discarded dress.

As her bare shoulders and underarms came into view, I hastily averted my gaze and moved to the panoramic window.

While I pretended to admire the scenic view of the garden from the window, Silveryn finished dressing and walked up beside me.

With a teacup in hand and looking out, she commented,

Theyve assigned you a good room. The other dormitories have a different structure facing other buildings, so you dont get this view. This is the best spot for the view.

Are you pleased with it?


Why dont you move into the dorms too, teacher?

She chuckled at my nonsensical remark.

Apprentice, unfortunately, I was blacklisted from the dormitories long ago.

Blacklisted? You seem to be treated with quite some decency despite that.

Thats because of my position as a professor.

What does one have to do to get blacklisted?

You have to be very, very naughty.

Very naughty indeed. It sounded more severe than petty theft or fistfights.

What happened?

Youll find out naturally without me spelling it out.


Teacher, you seem to have a lot of secrets.

Silveryn took another sip of her tea and changed the subject.

Are you aware that Eternia has a tradition where freshmen are subjected to nasty pranks, a sort of initiation rite?

Is that so?


What sort of pranks?

I dont know about now, but back in my days, they used to steal underwear and burn them, or sprinkle monster essence that smells awful in the rooms.

Uhthats trespassing, isnt it?

Yes. Your upperclassmen have already completed two years in the Northern Village and have moved to Southern Village. For them, sneaking into their old place of living would be a piece of cake.

Its clear I cant keep any important items here, then.

Yet there seems to be an odd link between Silveryns very naughty deeds and the initiation rituals for first-year students, or is it just my imagination?

I had the impression that Eternia would be more on the dignified side, but this is a surprise.

Its always the proper ones who are worse off. Although they tend not to bother Witthrush Hall too much. But still, better to be aware beforehand.


Silveryn ended the conversation and crouched on the floor. She supported a teacup thoughtfully on her knee, occasionally taking sips.

Her eyes stayed fixed on the scenery outside the window, lost in either drowsiness or deep thought.

After a minute of silence, I broke it first.

Is that all for today, or is there still more to do?

Actually, theres one last thing.

She pointed with her finger to a location visible through the window.

You see that?

In the northern forest, abutting the living quarters, stood an imposing white-leaved tree among the green.

Yes. I was just wondering what that was.

It was a fair distance away but situated precisely in the middle of my rooms view, catching my attention.

Now I understand why they placed you in this room. It probably has the best sightline in the entire campus to see Eternias Guardian Tree.

What does the Guardian Tree have to do with me?

Its not directly related to you. Consider it more like a subtle hint Eternia is sending you.

A hint?

Putting down her teacup, Silveryn extended her arms toward me and said,

Yeah. Help me up.

I took her hands and pulled her up firmly.

As she was supported by my strength, Silveryn got up and continued speaking.

Now its your turn to go to your real dormitory.


A part of the forest was flattened and tidied up just for the sole Guardian Tree.

Every time the leaves fell, it seemed as though snow was falling.

Eternias Guardian Tree was a towering tree that appeared to be around two to three hundred years old.

The sight of its white leaves glistening in the sunlight was so beautiful it was enough to captivate anyones gaze momentarily.

According to Silveryn, multiple layers of protective barriers were laid out across Eternia, and among them, the most powerful and effective was emanating from this Guardian Tree.

The barrier that the Guardian Tree emitted was based on a strong sacred power, protecting Eternia from black magic and the aura of chaos.

Its beautiful.

Silveryn lightly rested her hand on the Guardian Tree and said,

Its an essential existence for Eternia. It has accompanied Eternia throughout its history. If ever curious, ask the tree. It holds a unique legend.

Does the tree speak? Does it contain magic?

Its indeed imbued with magic. A very powerful ancient magic. Legend has it that a priestess transformed herself into the Guardian Tree to protect Eternia from a calamity. They say that if you pray to the priestess inside it earnestly, it might sometimes answer.

Have you ever heard it, teacher?

No. But there are annual rumors that someone has heard its voice.

Maybe later when I cant think of the answer to a test question, I should come and pray.

A modest request indeed. If this tree truly could talk, the whole school would be turned upside down. This place has been the site of confessions for a long time. Underneath this tree lies a myriad of secrets.

I hesitated for a moment and then asked,

If thats the case, does this tree know of your misdeeds?

A faint smile formed at the corners of Silveryns eyes.

Ask the tree about that yourself later.

From the looks of it, there seems to be something to it. Ill have to ask the tree myself sometime.

During this exchange, I sensed someones presence from the forest.

Silveryn turned her gaze towards the direction of the presence and then said to me,

It seems we should wrap up our idle talk here.

Soon after, five individuals emerged from the forest; they were all wearing masks that resembled those of the Masters Class examiners.

They bowed slightly to Silveryn in a gesture of respect and said,

We are pleased to see you again here in Eternia. We will now take charge of the child.

Silveryn slowly nodded and looked in my direction; it was clear that they had come to take me away.

I cannot follow by principle. Fare well on your way.



Silveryn spread her arms and called out,

Lets embrace once before you go, my student.

The people who had come to retrieve me stared intently. Their gazes were remarkably burdensome.

Ill be back soon.

Silveryn then made a sulking face, stamping her feet to indicate her displeasure.

I reluctantly crawled into her embrace.

Silveryn hugged me, seeming satisfied, and gently patted my back.

Where will you be while Im gone, teacher?

Ill be waiting by the fountain in the living quarters.

She slowly released her hold and nudged me forward towards the masked individuals.


Damian followed the forest path, guided by the masked attendants of the Masters Class.

Silveryn stood silently watching until Damian was no longer in sight.

Watching her student prepare to stand alone, she was overwhelmed with a flood of complex emotions.

While proud, she was also anxious.

Damian had always been a child who managed things well on his own, and there were many challenges he had yet to face in order to grow.

He couldnt always be kept under her wing.

In the quiet, Silveryn suppressed her desires for a moment longer.

Shortly after, dull thuds of footsteps were heard from behind.

Silveryn turned to look.

A group of paladins, clad in full plate armor, approached her with their weighty steps.

They had not been summoned by Silveryn.

Her face turned frosty.

The sudden appearance of the holy knights boded ill; they inevitably came bearing dire news.

Ten paladins came to a halt before Silveryn, kneeling on one knee and bowing their heads.

We are here on the orders from the holy city to see Archmage Silveryn.


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