Doggone Academy

Chapter 63 Dormitory (3)

Chapter 63 Dormitory (3)

I wove my way through the forest path following the attendants.

Silence enveloped us.

There was no issue with following them, but I had no clue where we were heading.

If this is the route to the dormitory, I ought to be able to remember the way.

Where are we headed right now?

One of the figures in front, upon hearing me, turned and tapped their mask lightly.

It was a signal for me to don my mask.


And yet, there was no response to my question.

Their cautious approach made it clear our destination was shrouded in secrecy.

From within my garments, I withdrew the mask and placed it upon my face.

A few minutes along the path, a mist began to blanket the forest.

My sense of direction was now completely obscured. Memorizing this route had become utterly impossible. Even with a map, Id be groping blindly.

No signs of other travelers or landmarks presented themselves, yet the attendants moved unimpeded.

After a short journey, a blurred silhouette of a barrier came into view on the misty horizon. It stretched endlessly to either side.

The attendants headed toward it.

Emerging from the fog that split the horizon was a wall, ornate as if it encircled a royal palace, both thick and high like a fortress.

Before us appeared a steel gate massive enough to admit two carriages side by side.

The attendants halted in front of it and all turned to face me.

Then the man standing in the center spoke.

This area is strictly off-limits to unauthorized personnel. Eternia calls this expansive territory the Labyrinth. It is imbued with strong disorienting magic that disrupts ones sense of direction, so please be cautious.

As his words ended, the steel gate slid open on its own.

Beyond it lay a fog denser than before, thick like curtains made of white silk.

It was suffocating to behold. Was my dormitory truly within, a place unfathomable in size and direction?

I asked cautiously,

What lies within?

It seemed unlikely that such a vast expanse called the Labyrinth was intended solely for the dormitories.

Inside are the Filion Grand Library, housing ancient magical texts and artifacts, a magic research institute, the Forbidden Forest, and your destination the Masters Class dormitory known as Thorn Garden. Unauthorized intruders are prevented from reaching any area for their protection.


As I pondered, the man seemed to sense my contemplation and added,

You are already within the Labyrinth. Feel free to ask any questions.

I asked at once, as though I had been waiting,

Who are you?

Though they wore masks similar to the Masters Class examiners, their aura and attire did not match those of the examiners.

We serve as the librarians of the Filion Grand Library. We assist with the daily affairs of the Masters Class and manage the librarys books and artifacts.

They treated me a mere student with a deference usually reserved for those of higher standing. It was an unusual feeling.

How am I to find my way here?

A map of this place does not exist. Here, one must heed the guidance of magic.

The man gestured to a woman beside him, who then carried a chest forward and opened it before me.

Inside lay a silver compass.

Only a magical compass can navigate the Labyrinth accurately. Hold this, and whenever you declare your destination, the needle will guide you there.

As I took the compass, the needle abruptly began spinning wildly like a top.

I watched it spin, and after a moment of thought, I posed another question,

What happens if I dont use the compass?

If we do not intervene, you will eternally lose your way and be unable to reach any destination. Be wary, lest you trip over a skeleton from time to time.

He spoke of such chilling outcomes with unsettling calm. Was this place, suggesting such danger, really the location of my dormitory?

If I wish to find the library, may I venture there?

Certainly. Members of the Masters Class are granted access to a portion of the Grand Librarys collections. If you require assistance, please call upon us there.


While I didnt know which texts were stored there, it was clear Id been granted an immense privilege otherwise inaccessible to a standard student.

Shall we proceed? Your destination is Thorn Garden.

I whispered the destination to the compass, and almost immediately, the needle ceased its whirl, pointing steadfastly in one direction.


Silveryn gazed down from the expansive main chamber of Eternia.

The delegation captain swallowed nervously; it was his first time facing the Archmage directly.

She looked youthful. She appeared a full decade younger than him, even though he had only recently entered his thirties. Her appearance scarcely matched the gravity associated with the title of Archmage.

Hed imagined someone pastoral based on rumors of her recluse life with a single disciple at the borders, but the Silveryn before him was the very antithesis of that image.

Every adornment on her was luxurious, noble yet from a religious viewpoint, extravagantly lavish.

What unsettled him most was her beauty. So enthralling and lush that even a paladin who had sworn chastity and purity to the deity might momentarily entertain other thoughts.

Silveryns expression was as cold as an ice sheet, as if she knew well why the holy knights had come.

A piercing chill surged through the skin.

The delegation captain reminded himself of his mission. Whether welcomed or not, he had to complete the task bestowed upon him.

He cut out any superfluous greetings or small talk, plunging directly into the heart of the matter.

There is an oration from the Archbishop requesting your attendance at the Continental Union conference in the holy city.


Such conferences organized by the holy city are extraordinarily rare. The Order is a group with financial and military resources comparable to a nation-state, rarely asking for aid.

But convening a union conference and inviting significant figures from other nations implied that an issue had arisen, one beyond the Orders capacity to resolve.

Silveryn inquired,

For what reason am I being summoned to this union conference?

An Archmage would not stir without good cause, indifferent to the summons of either the Archbishop or the Emperor.

The reason the holy knights had made the journey directly to her was singularto present a valid reason and to persuade Silveryn.

A feeble pretext wouldnt suffice. To convince her, theyd need to reveal confidential information.

Firstly, the Holy Tree Hanox has been completely destroyed. The Order believes with certainty that it was the work of a warlock.

Silveryn gazed at the paladin with a look that remained icy and unperturbed.

There can be no certainty of when or where the warlock will appear or what they have in mind. But given the pressure of ghouls on estates near the holy city, it is suspected that the city itself will eventually be targeted.

And the second reason?

The delegation captain hesitated for a moment, then spoke,

Secondly the successor of the Holy Sword has emerged.

Silveryn narrowed her eyes and seemed to ponder. She then inquired again,

The Holy Sword?

As if questioning the existence of such an artifact.

The delegation captain momentarily lost his words upon her reaction.

The Holy Sword Run Tevris is a legendary blade stored within the grand cathedral at the center of the holy city.

Only the Apostle of God can wield the sword. Anyone not chosen would be unable to bear its divine weight.

And the previous owner of the Holy Sword was known as the Sword Deity, a Swordmaster by the name of Zeldan Hart.

The emergence of a new owner of the Holy Sword implies the appearance of a descendant of Zeldan Hart.

Silveryn could not have been ignorant of Zeldan Hart. The two had once fought side by side on the same battlefield.

It was an event that had upended the holy city, yet Silveryns face remained impassive.

Such a reaction was hard to comprehend.

So, who is the successor?

A boy currently enrolled in the Imperial Royal Academy I do not have the authority to divulge his exact identity.


And presently, there arises a need for a consultative decision from Eternia regarding the handling of this successor to the Holy Sword.

Silveryns brows were deeply furrowed. For some reason, she seemed openly averse to getting involved.

Silveryn turned her back on the paladins and took a few steps away.

Then, maintaining a moment of silence as if to gather her thoughts, she let out a small sigh and finally spoke out.

Alright. Convey that I will attend.


Its like a nightmare, this dreadful fog. So thick that the librarians leading the way appeared as mere blurred shapes just a few steps ahead.

I think I understand what it means to be forever lost. In this place, one cannot trust their own eyes. After only a few hours spent here, one might fear the onset of madness given the eerie nature of this space. Had my dormitory not been located here, I would never have set foot in this place again.

Following the librarian for a while, a shadow of a mansion began to emerge from within the fog.

As we approached, the mists thinned gradually.

Finally, a grand mansion revealed itself before us.

There were no thick walls or iron gates, but hedges of rose vines separated the labyrinth from the mansion grounds like a fence.

This was Thorn Garden, my assigned destination and true dormitory.

The garden, a striking combination of dark vines and bright red roses, was spectacular. In one corner, Plantera snipped away at the branches, moving at a leisurely pace.

Apart from being situated within the labyrinth, the scene was extraordinarily serene.

The librarians stopped midway down the entry path leading into the garden and fixed their eyes on me.

Our role ends here.

Is this the end?

Are they just going to drop me off and leave? No formal procedures, room assignments, or anything of the sort?

The questioned librarian simply nodded.

Everything here was built for the Masters Class. Once the student who has become the owner graduates, the estate will be demolished without a trace. So, whether you tear down or renovate the mansion, that choice is yours. Of course, you should probably confer with us first.

I should consult with you, the librarians?

As if they hadnt heard my query, they remained silent for a moment but then suddenly offered their farewells.

We will see you again at the entrance ceremony.

The librarians greeted me briefly and then vanished into the fog.

Its a bit unsettling. It feels like theres something theyre deliberately not telling me.

The sight of the large mansion designated as my dormitory fills me with an overwhelming sense of dismay rather than excitement.

All around, fog shrouds the senses to the brink of derangement, and the mansion itself is intimidatingly large.

I shook off the random thoughts and crossed the garden towards the mansion.

Then, I swung open the double doors and stepped into the hall of the mansion.

Immediately, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling ignited by itself, casting a bright light around.

This must be a mansion managed by magic.

As I stood there inspecting the interior, the sound of a voice suddenly rang out behind me.


I snapped to attention as if doused with ice water.

Could I have misheard? For a moment, I doubted my own ears.

I hadnt even fathomed that someone else might be present in this mansion.

The voice was vaguely familiar, as if I had heard it once before, though I cant pinpoint exactly where.

From behind me, the soft footsteps approached my direction.

I hastily turned around.

Making no sound, a girl was standing about ten paces away from me.

Our eyes met, and with a slight tilt of her head, she spoke,

Are you Candy?

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