Doggone Academy

Chapter 64 Dormitory (4)

Chapter 64 Dormitory (4)

She was a girl with brown eyes and black hair, giving off a fresh and lively impression similar to that of an adolescent cat not yet fully grown.

The problem was that she seemed familiar, but I couldnt quite remember where from.

How does she know the nickname Candy?

Why so stiff? Weve met before, during the entrance exam.

The entrance exam?

Do you remember when you took Cecil Noona (sister) to the base?

As I nodded, she continued her explanation.

I was waiting for Cecil Noona at Base One, then after she joined up, she introduced you to me as Candy Pouch.'

Now that she mentioned it, faint memories started coming back. This girl was one of Cecils group members.

It was clearly an unexpected reunion and somewhat bewildering.

And we are housemates now, arent you going to say hi, like you did with Noona?

She was so certain in mentioning the word housemate that there was no room for doubt.

So this girl is not a secret examiner or a maid of the mansion; she is a bona fide peer in the Masters Class.

Im Trisha. And you are?

Is that your real name?

Does it matter? Even if you knew my real name, youd still have to call me Trisha.

Then you can call me Candy.

Trisha put her hands behind her back and smiled freshly.

You really dont plan on giving in? I already know your name is Damian.

How do you know my name?

Its pretty obvious. Youre really bad at concealing your identity.


Actually, Id like to tell you my real name, but I cant on principle. Or more like, I could tell you, but then again, I must not. So, I wont.


You know the Empire trains its intelligence agents by keeping the trainees unaware of each others names and faces, right?


They say when performing intelligence missions in foreign countries, the risk of blowing ones cover is greatly increased if the agents recognize each other as colleagues. Thats why they dont tell you from the start.

So, if I apply this to the Masters Class, does it mean when we become aware of each others true selves, it increases the risk of others discovering our identities?

So youre not telling me because of that?

Yep. At least not until your acting improves.

Alright, have it your way then.

Firstly, something you need to know. We werent supposed to meet like this. It was against the rules even to become housemates.

What are you talking about?

Thats just how it is. You see, this mansion is actually my dormitory. Somewhere in this labyrinth, there should be a separate dormitory just for you, and you were supposed to go there.

So what went wrong?

Nothings your fault. The problem lies with my situation. I cant even go to Witthrush Hall. I cant leave freely, and after class, Im confined here without being able to move, trapped in this suffocating, horrid place alone until graduation. Can you imagine?

Despite being in the same Masters Class, it seems like stricter rules are applied to this girl.

But how does that relate to me being here?

So, I begged them to bring you here. I knew your identity all along anyway, so at least Id have someone to talk to.

She begged?

Strange. This girl begs and they just change the rules and principles for her. Does that mean she engaged in an overreach of her authority?

Shouldnt my consent be the first thing to check?

Trishas eyes widened a bit, perhaps taken aback by a response she didnt expect.

Dont worry. Youll end up grateful to me once youve lived here for a bit.


Im way more important than you think. Getting on friendly terms with me will most definitely be of great benefit to you. Plus, you must have been lonely living all by yourself too.

Despite her youthful appearance, she was filled with a strange self-assuredness.

As a Masters Class student, she surely possessed exceptional abilities unlike those of others.

But I had not requested this. Now here I am, being manipulated without understanding why, by a peer whose identity is a mystery.

And theres no guarantee it wont happen again. If she brought me in just by her own will, then she can just as easily kick me out.

No, I wont be thankful since I never asked for any of this.


I have no problem living by myself, and I never asked for help. This is just your presumption. No matter how much help you could offer, if its like this, Id rather refuse.

Trishas gaze wavered.

Really? You dont need any help at all?

Id rather bleed more than accept.

My words seemed to have struck a nerve in Trisha. Annoyed, she bit her lower lip, and with a sudden chill in her voice, she said,

Sure, be all high and mighty. I thought you might pity me a little, but seems Ive been wasting my time. Do as you wish.

A fleeting look of hurt crossed Trishas eyes.

She averted her gaze from me and stepped briskly towards the grand spiral staircase in the center of the hall.

And then she slammed the door with enough force to echo downstairs.


It was the fifth meeting. Azeliss requests had been outright denied four times prior, leading to an exasperated Ella finally convincing her.

Theres a reason we isolate Masters Class students individually. It isnt arbitrary; its a judgment formed from long-standing experience. Any time theyre together, big problems arise.

Extreme talent. And the Masters Class lives an extreme life dictated by that talent. Azelis understood that much.

I wont cause any problems.

Its not as simple as it sounds. You know what the Masters Class students remind me of? A bomb thats lost all its safety mechanisms due to an obsession with firepower. Put them together and an explosion is inevitable. Do you think a valedictorian who only trained for a few months will quietly pass the time?

He seem to get along with Professor Silveryn.

Ella pressed her forehead as if a headache was starting and replied,

Doesnt it occur to you that thats possible because its Silveryn?

Im special too. You know that. I just need a friend.

You already have Cecil as a companion. Isnt she good enough? Why him, of all people?

Theres no one more suitable. Hes at least a fellow. Someone who can understand each other.

Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, Ella appeared exasperated.


Ella was right.

After locking the door, Trisha angrily stripped off her necklace and threw it onto the bed.

She removed the enchanted rings on her fingers and bracelets on her wrists, tossing them across the marble floor, creating a cacophony as they scattered in all directions.

As she cast aside all her artifacts, the magical aura swirling around her rapidly diminished.

Her black bobbed hair grew longer, reaching down past her hips, and began to turn a pure white color.

Her eyes shifted to blue, eyelashes growing longer her facial features refining even more closely.

It was a sad and stifling situation. The more she lived as Trisha, the more alien it felt to be her true self, Azelis.

Azelis stood by the window, gazing at the garden below.

Damian was already leaving the dormitory, heading into the mist. Watching him walk into the fog, Azelis bit her lip hard enough to leave a mark.

Having hoped for empathy and understanding from someone in a similar predicament, she was met with cold indifference.

She had been isolated alone in the labyrinth for more than three months, driven by loneliness to grasp at straws.

To Azelis, this grand mansion was like a prison. She wouldve preferred sleeping rough like during the entrance exam than staying here, if only it wasnt in this labyrinth.

She longed to mingle with other students and friends in the dormitories like any normal girl.

On her table lay a cookie recipe she had transcribed by hand.

She had prepared it hoping he might enjoy sweet treats aligning with his nickname, Candy.

Had Damian come, perhaps she could have emulated a semblance of life shared with others.

But things didnt go as she wanted.

Azelis collapsed weakly, burying her face in her knees.

And then, she murmured to herself listlessly.

I cant stand this anymore I just want to go back to the holy city.

She regretted ever coming to Eternia in the first place.


As the sound of footsteps emerged from the dense mist, Ella removed the mask she had been wearing.

Through the blurry view, a boy wearing a wooden mask approached.

Ella had been waiting for Damian at that spot since she received the report that he was heading to the dormitory.

Recognizing Ella, Damian stopped and respectfully bowed his head without a word.

Its been a while.

Damian slowly removed his mask to face Ella.

You seem to be leaving the dormitory rather early. Isnt it too soon?

Professor Silveryn is waiting for me outside.

Really? Is that the only reason?

Damian remained silent.

Just one question. Why do unrelated people keep meddling with the assignment of your dorm?

I really dont know.

Do you like the Witthrush Hall dormitory theyve assigned you to?

Its a splendid room.

Thats good to hear. Because it came out as a result of someone incessantly pestering me.


It seems youve had a bit of a mix-up with Trisha. Blame me for that since Im the one who made the final decision despite her insistence.

Is there a reason behind this decision?

Of course. Not sure how it will sound to you, but Trisha truly is one of the most special kids in the world. Which is why she is tremendously difficult to manage. You seemed like the only person capable of handling her besides yourself.

Is it because Im part of the Masters Class? Im not equipped to handle someone so special.

No, Im confident youre one of the best equipped to handle it. Hasnt that already been proven in your relationship with Silveryn?

Professor Silveryn takes good care of me.

You dont seem to realize that Silveryn was the farthest person from caring. Youre the reason she changed.

Ive done nothing.

Good, then do nothing. Thats all I want from you. You dont need to get close to her. Just coexist, like you do with Silveryn.


Ella took a cigarette and placed it between her lips, inhaling deeply for a moment before speaking.

Of course, I will ensure you are properly compensated for tolerating any inconvenience.

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