Chapter 64 CHAPTER 64: SYSTEMS


Everybody but Davies that was nearby and had heard what the first young master had said exclaimed loudly in surprise.

Jordan Lecroy was a member of one of the four great families of Yorkshire, The Lecroy Family. He had dominated the racing scene of the Yorkshire city ever since he started racing and his reign as the Racing King of Yorkshire had lasted for the last five years… at least until yesterday.

He was an undisputed talent in racing, and no one had ever been able to match him, not to mention overtake him for the last five years, so it was very shocking that such a person had lost.

"Who defeated him?" one of the many listeners asked the question that was on everyone's mind the moment they heard that Jordan Lecroy had lost a race to someone.

"Yeah, answer us, is he someone famous?" another person that was extremely eager to hear the answer, chimed in.

"Apparently it was a new guy, I've never met him before or even heard about him," the first young master answered, shaking his head.

For the first time since the beginning of this conversation, Davies's ears perked up at his statement, he still didn't open his eyes but he found the situation eerily ironic.

"What was the person's name? Maybe one of us may have heard of him before," somebody asked.

"His name was-, uh…" the first young master was frowning while racking his brain trying to remember the name of the person that had defeated the Racing King,

"Lee Jung! That was his name," the first young master finally remembered the name.

Davies's eyes shot open at this piece of information that had somehow found its way to his ears.

[Do you think it's the same Lee Jung?]

'Who else but the fated protagonist would go around defeating geniuses,' Davies replied with a chuckle.

'What I'm wondering though, is how someone whose only contact with sports cars was when he drove them to a parking lot, was somehow able to defeat the undefeated Racing King that has been dominating the racing scene all over Yorkshire for five years?' Davies monologued internally.

'...There's no other way, that has to be it,' After a few seconds of thought, Davies came to a conclusion.

'He has a system,' Davies sighed internally.

[I also came to the same conclusion] Miya said as well.

'I wonder what type of system it is?'

'It probably was what gave him the driving skills to be able to defeat the Racing King,'

'So, it's probably one of those systems that give crazy skills for almost nothing,' Davies frowned as he thought hard.

This could end up being a problem, he'd rather not have to deal with a system that could churn out divine skills like air.

[I don't think you have to worry about that for now] Miya suddenly interrupted his thought process.

[Despite how you think, systems aren't as omnipotent as you think]

[Like everything else, they follow the rules of equivalent exchange]

[That is why systems never give things to their hosts free of charge, they always want something back]

[This is because systems are calibrated to harness energy and it is that energy that they turn into rewards for their hosts]

[Unfortunately, all systems differ, and harness different types of energy]

[Some systems aren't really powerful and thus they require their hosts to complete crazy missions and to make groundbreaking achievements so that they can get rewarded, while some other systems already have power but are sadistic beings that want their hosts to do all sorts of perverted and disgusting things before they throw them a bone]

[You better hope that Lee Jung's system falls into the first category, or else we have a huge problem on our hands] Miya explained.


'At least now I know which category my system falls into,' Davies thought, half expecting Miya to react violently, but contrary to his expectation, Miya didn't so much as say a word.

She knew that she wasn't the system, she was just an interface assistant, so she didn't really care much if Davies insulted the system directly or not.

Now that Davies knew what Lee Jung has been up to, he had to find a way to make him lose a race, after all, he could reduce the fate points of Lee Jung by making him lose his reputation.

It seemed kind of a letdown that this was the only thing he could do against Lee Jung for now, but everyone had to start somewhere, right?

The only problem was how to defeat someone who was able to defeat the Racing King who had dominated the racing scene for over five years.

After thinking over it for a few minutes, Davies had a brainwave and his expression visibly brightened up, but first, he had to confirm something.

"He drove a Cesla, right?" Davies suddenly asked, not even turning back to look at the guys that were deep in conversation, but his voice sent waves through the crowd and the first young master quickly answered,

"Yes, he did, do you know him?" the first young master asked with quite a bit of enthusiasm as he was really interested in finding out more about Lee Jung.

"You could say I do," Davies replied, still not turning back and he relaxed even more into the chair, but now he had half a smile on his face.

He now had a way to defeat Lee Jung in a race, and this was why his expression brightened up quite a bit.

As for the method that he would use to defeat Lee Jung. It was to be used at a later date.

For now, all Davies concentrated on was food and sleep, he was way too tired to be going around looking to race Lee Jung.

The young masters and their companions, as well as the other people involved in the discussion, looked at Davies's relaxed figure and could not help but have different types of thoughts.

The young masters wondered who he was as he was seemingly full of mystery, yet the aura around him made it clear that he was not to be messed with, but they didn't know who he was or where he had come from.

While the women around had eyes on Davies like he was prey, they wondered where a man as good-looking as he was came from.

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