Davies sat back even more comfortably into the chair, more at ease due to his things already falling into place even though he hadn't done anything.

He closed his eyes and waited patiently, completely aware of the different kinds of stares he had been receiving from the different genders present in the restaurant, but he paid it no mind and stayed completely at ease and unflustered even with all the attention that was currently on him.

After seeing that he wasn't making any efforts to clarify the matters at hand, the attention of the young masters and their companions slowly moved away from Davies's lone figure, and they got back to their conversations.

Even with his eyes closed he was aware of everything that was happening. He was also aware of the furtive glances that he was receiving from the young masters "companions".

A few minutes later, the beautiful waitress was back, and behind her was another waiter who was pushing a tray that had on it Davies's meal.

The restaurant special that Davies had ordered was a 4-course Italian meal that consisted of bruschetta as the antipasto(the starter), risotto as the primo piatto(the first course), Irish roast beef as the secondo piatto(the second course), and some creme caramel as the dolce(the dessert)… of course, Davies also had plans for an extra dessert, but he'll be eating it much later from now.

Usually, the four-course meal would be accompanied by coffee but Davies had no plans to drink coffee at almost 5pm, so he had ordered a bottle of Tormaresca Chardonnay as a wine pairing.

The waiter pushed the tray over to Davies's table and with quick and professional hand movements he put all the plates on Davies's table and turned to move away, taking the tray along with him.

Davies was about to dig in when the beautiful waitress put down a piece of paper on his table,

"The check," she said and flashed him a meaningful smile as she turned and walked away, probably to go and attend to more customers leaving a puzzled Davies behind.

'Usually, the check should be given after the customer is done eating, right?' he wondered, trying to see if he remembered something incorrectly, but even after checking his memories of every high-end restaurant he had ever been at, none of them had ever given him the check before he even started eating.

'Either this restaurant was especially strange, or there is something special about the check,' he thought as he picked up the check, and just as he had thought, the back of the check had some info that had to do with the arrangement of his "second dessert".

He chuckled at the numbers and words written on the back of the check, committed them to memory, and then put it aside and dug into his meal, beginning with the bruschetta.

In just about thirty minutes, Davies finished the meal, paid the bill, and stood up to leave the restaurant.

On the way out, he didn't see the beautiful waitress, but he reasoned that she was probably attending to other customers in another part of the restaurant, the place was pretty big after all.

Upon coming to that conclusion, Davies no longer paid any mind to not seeing her and just continued walking out of the restaurant.

After leaving through the entrance of the restaurant, Davies made his way to where he had parked the Ventley Conraverse, while reminiscing over what had been written on the back of the check.

(I get off at seven. Anne) followed by a string of numbers that Davies recognized to be a phone number, probably her's. That was what was written on the back of the check.

If Anne got off work at seven, then what was he supposed to do between now and then.

'That's about two hours from now,' Davies thought with a slight frown.

He was walking towards his car when someone almost bumped into him as the person walked hurriedly and seemed to be absent-minded as he dragged along a traveling bag.

Davies barely managed to get out of the way and narrowly avoided a collision, but the other party didn't seem to notice Davies's effort to avoid the collision as the person just kept on walking without even looking back or even bothering to apologize.

Davies was quite annoyed by this behavior from the other party and looked over at the person, but for some reason, he found the man quite familiar, but since he couldn't see the man's face and could only see his back as the man hurried along while pulling the large traveling bag.

The man seemed to be very troubled by something, but Davies honestly didn't care at all. What he did care about, was that the man had almost run into him but had simply just continued on his way without even the slightest apology or even any form of remorse for his actions.

Davies was about to do something to solve his grievances when he noticed that the man in his troubled state had gotten on the road, trying to cross the street.

By all rights, he should have reached the other side of the road that he was trying to cross, but probably due to his anxious mind state, he had forgotten to look up at the road even though the traffic light was red.

Maybe if he had, he would have seen the white truck that was speeding towards him even though the traffic light was showing red and cars were by no means allowed to cross the red light.

It didn't take very long for the inevitable to occur.

The white truck rushed at the hurrying man at blinding speed and soon the sound of flesh hitting metal resounded heavily on the road as the white truck ran into the hurrying man, ramming him to the side, breaking his bones, sending his blood flying all over and killing the man the instant the truck ran into him.

The man's body was flung like a rag doll to the side due to the collision with the truck, but the white truck didn't stop and continued moving at high speed away from the accident. It seemed whoever the driver of the truck was, he didn't plan on taking responsibility for what had just happened.

Davies was frozen in shock as he watched it happen.

He wasn't in shock because someone had died in front of him, or because he was stunned at the sudden appearance of the truck, but because of something else.

Though the truck had been moving at blinding speed, in front of Davies's trained and mana-augmented eyesight, he had been able to see the accident scene very clearly and the reason why he was frozen in shock was related to that.

In that split second when the truck had whizzed past him and gone on to collide with the hurrying man, Davies had managed to get a glimpse at the inside of the car, and to his utmost shock, nobody was driving the damn truck!

'Did truck-kun just isekai somebody in front of me?'


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