Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 11: Blacksmith Association

Chapter 11: Blacksmith Association

Eastsea Academy's intermediate teaching building.

"So in conclusion, this tragedy was through provocation." Said Long Hengxu coldly.

He looked at the four boys in front of him, with his face forming a deep frown.

Zhou Zhangxi, Yun Xiao, Tang Wulin, and that arrogant youth called Xie Xie were all standing side by side.

Zhou Zhangxi and Yun Xiao were both refusing to look in Tang Wulin direction in fear of 'Stepping out of line.'

Xie Xie was an occasionally sneaking glance at Tang Wulin, Tang Wulin himself was standing there with a face of boredom as if he didn't care.

Tang Wulin tuned out everything that Long Hengxu said towards Zhou Zhangxi, Yun Xiao and Xie Xie until he turned his frowning face to him.

Long Hengxu indifferently said, "Although it was a trivial fight, there was damage to the walls so you have to pay for it."

Tang Wulin lips twitch at the mention of paying for the damages. He doubts he can pay for the damage and be able to last through the semester with enough money.

'Do I have to go to that Blacksmith Association.' Thought Tang Wulin as his need for money started to rise.

He didn't feel like asking for money from his parents, nor did he feel like getting into an argument with Mang Tian.


Outside of the teaching building.

Long Hengxu glanced at the secretary to the side with narrowed eyes.

"Give me Tang Wulin's profile to look at." Questioned Long Hengxu

"Director, isn't that child's martial soul just Bluesilver Grass?" The secretary asked in surprise.

The solemn expression on Long Hengxu's face previously had disappeared. In its place was a slight smile.

"Bluesilver Grass? I fear it's not that simple. He was able to beat a rank 18 Agility Soul Master with a backhand. How could a brat with only Bluesilver Grass accomplish this? Moreover, he was able to cultivate a trash martial soul like Bluesilver Grass to rank 11 at the young age of nine years old. Then their that composed temperament even when being scolded."

"How sad would it be if we miss this genius because of our bias and views."


The boys arrived back at their dorm with the wall still broken. They each pick out a bed and started setting up for the night. A middle-aged man appeared looking at them with admiration and joy.

"Hehehe, if you guys are going to fight, shouldn't you all make more of a mess." Commented the man as the more the room gets to damage the more his bonus will be.

"It will cost 10,000 federal coins to fix the wall. When you have enough, please go to the administration office." Said the Middle age man smiled and left the boys to their thoughts.

"My Name is Xie Xie." Said the arrogant youth while glaring at Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't spare him any notice, still lamenting that he has to go to the blacksmith association.

Xie Xie's eyes flickered with a harsh light as he said, "Fight with me outside of the academy!"

Xie Xie refuses to accept the fact that he lost to a backhand from someone. He rationalizes it was because he had his guard down, thus allowing the boy to get a lucky hit on him.

Tang Wulin ignores the boy as he started making his way to the door.

"Did you hear me!" Shouted Xie Xie as a chilling aura exploded.

"..I think he is more focuses on the damage on the wall and the amount of money he needs to pay." Yun Xiao commented sitting on the top bunk.

"I'll pay out the money, so come to fight with me!" Xie Xie coldly exclaimed causing Tang Wulin to stop at the door.

"Yes, I will pay for the damage if you fight me." Said Xie Xie causing Tang Wulin to turn his head.

"Alright, but who are you again?" Asked Tang Wulin.


The bed cracks a bit from Xie Xie's grip as he tries his best to keep his anger in.

"... It Xie Xie, the one that will beat you." Said Xie Xie as he glared at Tang Wulin with anger.

"We will do it tomorrow." Xie Xie wanted to get his face healed as if he could walk around this academy with his hurt face.

Tang Wulin watches the Xie Xie leave pondering why he didn't merely get it over with now.

Yun Xiao coughed. "It's time for lunch now. Senior, do you want to go together?"

Tang Wulin ignored Yun Xiao and walk towards the dining hall. Yun Xiao could only laugh dryly and began to follow behind Tang Wulin, while Zhou Zhangxi trailed from behind.


Tang Wulin walk ahead with Yun Xiao and Zhou Zhangxi following behind.

The intermediate division's dining hall was a small building located to the side of the main school building.

The building had three floors, which accommodates all six grades of the intermediate academy.

First and second graders ate on the first floor.

The dining hall only had tables with no chairs, this being one of the customs of Eastsea Academy.

Students must eat while standing, to increase their sense of urgency.

There were three windows labeled one, two and three, with the third window giving out free food.

The second window was subsidized, while the first window needed complete payment from the student.

Yun Xiao explained this to Tang Wulin hoping to get on his good side. Tang Wulin already knowing his true intention but not caring in the slightest walk to the third window.

He started devouring the food in front of him and only getting up for more.

Not only that but a crowd was beginning to gather around him, he was able to make out some of their words.

"This guy's stomach isn't that big, yet how can he eat so much? He's about to break the record. I remember our intermediate academy's steamed bun record is 43. How many has this guy eaten already?"

"He's already broken the record by eating 45. How formidable! What's more, he doesn't even look like a big eater. The steamed buns are palm-sized too! The academy's steamed buns have always been this large."

Tang Wulin ignores the people as he was too busy eating. "All you can eat" truly the greatest phrase in this and his old world.

He wasn't like it was his fault as his body requires way more food than normal, even with it having the characteristic of a dragon.

In the end, a new record was set, 150 steam buns and 50 large bowls of vegetable soup. After leaving the hall, people still stayed behind and talk about this outrageous record.

He came back to the room surprise that it was clean so fast.

What he didn't know was that Yun Xiao and Zhou Zhangxi felt grateful he didn't try to force them to pay up.

They knew he had the power to do that, so they decided to lessen his worries.

Not caring, Tang Wulin got his stuff ready to go to the Blacksmith Association. Xie Xie came through the door with the swelling reduce.

"For you!" He flung a paper bag towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin unsealed it and receives a pile of federal bills. He was surprised Xie Xie gave him the money promised in advanced.

"We start class tomorrow. So tomorrow night, after school, you'll come with me." Xie Xie coldly said.

Tang Wulin nodded and then began to leave the dormitory following the address Mang Tian gave him.

Eastsea City was very big and In fact, it was several times larger than Glorybound City.

For the sake of saving money, Tang Wulin walked the whole journey to the Blacksmith's Association.

It wasn't too bad as the Blacksmith's Association was not that far from Eastsea Academy.

The Blacksmith's Association was easily recognizable with its grey colored building and height of thirty floors along with, at the very top, a design of a hammer.

Although the Blacksmith's Association wasn't as rich as the Mecha Craftsmen's Association, it was still a necessary existence.

A first-rate blacksmith's status in society was exceedingly high.

"Little brother, who are you looking for?" When they saw Tang Wulin walking towards them.

One of the two ladies who had a sweet looking appearance took the initiative to stand up and greet him.

"I am looking for Cen Yue." Said Tang Wulin.

The ladies were surprised at how composed and straightforward the boy was.

"I'll go ask if Grandmaster Cen Yue is available right now. Have you ever spoken to Grandmaster Cen over the soul communicator?"Questioned the lady.

Tang Wulin shakes his head, not having enough money to afford one in the first place. He watches as the lady talks on the communicator for a while before hanging up.

"Grandmaster Cen has time to see you, come with me." Said the lady with a smile causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

Tang Wulin followed the lady into the elevator.

She informed him of what will happen when he meets Cen Yue as the elevator came to a stop.

They walk outside and then towards a room with the named place Cen Yue on it. After getting permission from Cen Yue to come into the office that was approximately 30 square meters in size.

With a massive wooden desk that took up nearly a quarter of the room's space.

"You're the boy. Mang Tian has been talking about." Said Cen Yue.

He was gazing at the boy with curiosity but at that moment Tang Wulin threw the folder he was holding at the Cen Yue.

"Mang Tian told me to throw it at you." Said Tang Wulin as he ignores the lady next to him shocked face and the trembling Cen Yue.

"That sure sounds like that bastard." roared Cen Yue as he calms down and picks up the folder to read it.

After a while, he looks up and stared at Tang Wulin with shock. Tang Wulin arches a brow in confusion.

"You understand how the blacksmith ranks are organized right?" Questioned Cen Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

Cen Yue stared at him for a while before nodding and telling him to come with him. They went back into the elevator and then went down to the third floor.

The lady's mind was still reeling from the fact a 9-year-old boy dared to throw something at the Grandmaster and was able to get away with it.

Tang Wulin and Chen Yue got out, then head towards the examination room. Then Cen Yue brought Tang Wulin to the front desk where two people seated.

"Open up the testing room for me and ask a surveyor to come over." Said Cen Yue causing the attendees to nod their heads.

Cen Yue didn't need Tang Wulin to fill out his info because the folder contains all of his info from Mang Tian.

Can Yue know that Mang Tian wasn't expecting the boy to come to him anytime soon.

He too was surprised Tang Wulin came here so faster as he was considering what Mang Tian briefed him about the boy in the folder.

The attendees were busy talk about the appearance of Wulin and wondering if he was the Grandmaster Disciple.

After a while, a staff member said, "Grandmaster Cen, testing room three is open."

Tang Wulin followed Can Yue into a forging room that was called the testing room.

The Surveyor was a middle-aged woman who knew Cen Yue.

"Grandmaster Cen Yue, you've personally brought someone to take the test! I just heard this child was only nine years old. If he was just a bit younger, he would be able to attack the President's record."Exclaimed the Surveyor.

Cen Yue muttered, "That record may already be broken."

The surveyor was stunned but recovered and looked towards Tang Wulin.

"There are 15 kinds of metal here. Pick one of them to purify. I will grade you based on the metal you choose and the degree of purification. If your score surpasses 60, then you'll earn the title of a rank one blacksmith."Said one of the examiners.

Tang Wulin nodded and started to look over the metals. He unconsciously ignores his surroundings going through all the metal and deciding the pick the one he was most familiar with.

Tang Wulin turned to the survey waiting for the sign to start.

"You may begin. You have one hour to finish. Purify it as much as you can. The degree of its purification will determine your score."

Tang Wulin started to focus on the heavy silver and begin the forging process. Can Yue stare at the boy in front of him as he brandishes the hammer.

The way he works on the heavy silver as if he been doing for all his life.

'What the hell, what did you make this kid do Mang Tian.' Thought Cen Yue in slight shock.

Can Yue knew about this kid outrageous strength and already received his updated strength test for this year.

4200 for the left arm and 4350 with his right arm, a ridiculous number for a spirit scholar, let alone a 9-year-old.

The surveyor who was watching the 9-year-old purify the heavy silver metal, felt like she was seeing a Veteran Grandmaster in action.

Let not talk about the raw strength but the technique and stamina were already past a 3rd rank Blacksmith Grandmaster.

'I see what you mean Mang Tian.'

Can Yue finally understand why Mang Tian was praising this boy so much.

After a while, Tang Wulin stop forging as he remembers that Mang Tian said not to use the Thousand Refinement.

He listened mostly because he didn't want to get overly involved in the blacksmith world.

"Heavy Silver Purification exceeds Hundred Refinements. Volume reduction of seven percent. State of purification Hundred Refined, three times."The surveyor announced precisely after a thorough inspection of the piece of metal.

'I see what you mean Mang Tian.'

Can Yue note how Tang Wulin took his time and didn't continue forging after three purifications. While this wouldn't be a bad thing, he notices how the boy wasn't sweating or giving his all.

"The evaluation has passed." The surveyor announced.

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