Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 12: Golden Dragon King

Chapter 12: Golden Dragon King

It was Dawn when Tang Wulin woke up as the first rays of sunlight began poking at him through the windows.

He vaguely recalls what happened yesterday at the blacksmith association.

He received 10,000 federation coins from Can Yue as an 'investment', with him needing to pay it back sometime later.

As he got off his bed, his gaze rested unintentionally on the occupant within the lower bunk of the other set of beds across the room.

He saw Xie Xie and Zhou Zhanxi meditating, while Yun Xiao just woke up too.

He toward the shower before heading towards the dining hall. Tang Wulin was surprised it was so empty but he still headed to the third window for breakfast.

Breakfast was a spread of milk, eggs, sausages, bread, and vegetables.

Tang Wulin helped himself to free food, causing him to pile up a pyramid worth of food on his plate. Then he left for a vacant table at the corner to devour his food.

He was unaware of Xie Xie arriving a few mins after he started eating and was throwing a few glances at him.

The dinner hall started becoming flooded with people.

Most of them were flinging glances at Tang Wulin, either from hearing about his eating record or witnessing the feat itself.

The inaugural ceremony on Eastsea Academy's vast plaza. It was purely during this ceremony that both clusters of students from the Advanced Academy and Intermediate Academy met.

"Good day students. We shall now begin the Eastsea Academy's annually held opening ceremony. The President of Eastsea Academy has been invited to the ceremony, and he will be making a speech shortly."

Eastsea Academy's President was a senior who looked to be about sixty years old. After the president spoke, the next monumental event was the class assignment.

As expected Tang Wulin, Zhou Zhangxi, Xie Xie, Yun Xiao were put into class five.

There were twenty students within class five, and it was the smallest class of them all. Every one of them retained a blank expression.

"Class teachers, please direct your students to their classes and aid them to familiarize themselves within the academy."

Five teachers appeared before the crowd as the announcement was ending. One of those five teachers headed towards the direction of class five.

This teacher, however, stood at a staggering height of over 1.9 meters along with a pair of lanky arms and a thin waist.

His pupils were of a smoky green and the color-matched well with his coarse hair, giving off a strange temperament. and with his face being inexpressive.

One of the girls in class five breathed out quietly, "The teacher is so handsome!"

Unknown to the girl, she had voiced out the thought of all the students.

"Come with me!" This young teacher spoke simply. The whole class five hastily ran after there cold teacher.

There were thirty sets of tables and chairs in the classroom. The teaching platform was positioned at the front of the classroom.

"Take your seats." The youthful teacher said coldly. Every single time he spoke, it always gave off a feeling of iciness!

Tang Wulin sat down around the middle row of the table, resting his hand on his chin. He was rather bored and surprisingly looking forward to playing around with Xie Xie.

He still doubts it will be anything exciting, but he can only hope.

His roommates decided to sit next to him, with them being in the same row. The icy teacher walks up to the platform as everyone was finishing picking their seats.

"My name is Wu Zhangkong!" The youthful teacher introduced himself.

"For the next six years, you will all be under my tutelage. I would like emphasizing a point you may disregard whatever Director Long Hengxu had mentioned at the ceremony. Even if you are a bunch of trash, I will train you into the strongest students within your cohort. That is unless you choose to drop out unless you drop out." Said Wu Zhankong.

While the words were full of arrogance, Wu Zhangkong spoke with a plain tone and it still attracted the attention of all the students within the class.

"You shall introduce yourselves your name, martial soul, soul power rank, and your aspirations. Tell me all about it. You may begin!"

The whole class started introducing themselves, with Tang Wulin being next.

"Tang Wulin, the martial soul is Bluesilver grass, soul power is rank 11. No aspiration at the moment." Said Tang Wulin simply.

After he was done another student laughed at his martial soul but not a second later he was scolded harshly by Wu Zhangkong.

With him saying there is no trash martial soul but only trash soul masters.

Tang Wulin was surprised Xie Xie was rank 18, he thought he would be lower than that considering he got knock out by his backhand.

If Xie Xie heard Tang Wulin thought, he would have tried to stab Tang Wulin to death.

"Starting tomorrow, classes will officially begin. My teaching style is a bit different from other teachers. So if you're afraid of pain, fatigue, or aches, quickly change schools or think of a way to change classes. Those who remain should mentally prepare themselves. That is all, class dismissed." Said Wu Zhangkong coldly.

After Wu Zhangkong's tall figure strode out from the classroom on his pair of long legs, the classroom exploded with chatter.

Nearly all of them were discussing this cold, yet a handsome teacher.

Xie Xie moved in front of Tang Wulin, as he was nervous the boy might run away. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes as he follows Xie Xie out of the classroom.

"Huh? Tang Wulin!"Exclaimed Liu Yuxin as she appeared right in front of him with a grin on her face, after witnessing him leave the classroom.

Sighing, at the fact he was meeting another annoying person so soon.

"Don't be like that, what about the history we have." Said Liu Yuxin with a big smile.

Xie Xie arched a brow wondering what their relationship was, while Tang Wulin motions her to say what she wants.

"Since your in class five, could you help me take photos of Icily Arrogant Prince Charming. Oh, that's your teacher, Wu Zhangkong."

Liu Yuxin pleaded to Tang Wulin, who didn't care about the conversation anymore. He started to move past her not caring if he was rude.

"If you do this, I will pay for the window A food for you." Said Liu Yuxin.

Tang Wulin movement was halted causing Liu Yuxin to smirk.

She made sure to remember to thank her classmates for informing her about his exploits at the dinner table.

"Well do we have a deal?"

Tang Wulin had to admit, ever since his strength increased it been getting a lot easier to bribe him for food.

Which made him wonder if it wasn't just his dragonslayer and martial spirit that was causing this increased in hunger.

He held out his hand and Liu Yuxin smiled giving him the camera.

"You better not forget." Said Tang Wulin with his eyes slightly narrow.

"Of course Junior brother, it a date." Said Liu Yuxin in a teasing tone.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie watch her go down the hall in a flash.

Xie Xie smirks toward him before commenting on how he such a foodie and Tang Wulin simply ignored him.

Unsurprisingly he got to cross off and marches off to their challenge area.

"We're going to Eastsea Park. There aren't many people there, so you can be at ease; I'll find someone to treat your injuries."Said Xie Xie without turning back to Tang Wulin.

Eastsea Park wasn't far from Eastsea Academy. One could reach the park after a 10-minute stroll by following the path next to the exit of the academy.

As they reached the deepest part of the park, where they were well hidden from others, Xie Xie halted in the center of an open area.

"Here it is." He turned to face Tang Wulin.

Xie Xie would have normally given his opponent he considers weak a handicap. He was still pissed from being called a sissy and losing to a backhand.

Tang Wulin heard Xie Xie talk for a bit before he got into position. He saw a ring of yellow light appeared beneath his feet.

A hundred-year spirit soul, a 35-centimeter long blade that seemed to be made of crystal yellow appeared in his right hand.

'So, he has a dragon martial soul.' Though Tang Wulin in slight amusement.

Tang Wulin listens to the growl that was coming from the dagger.

Tang Wulin releases his Bluesliver grass after remembering he has no real experience with it.

'So it was true, he does have a Bluesilver grass.' Thought Xie Xie in irritation, as this thought made Xie Xie further enrage that he lost to someone like him.

He charged at Tang Wulin as he began sending the vines of his Blue Silver Gras straight at him.

Tang Wulin saw Xie charging through the gap and close in him pretty quick since the gap was 10 meters.

'Take this." Said Xie Xie with a smirk.

As he got near Tang Wulin confidently believing he has won but Tang Wulin only smirk as he saw Xie Xie get into his blind spot.


Xie Xie was sent flying with blood flying out of his mouth, as a fist connected to his face. His body stops sailing after a while and he landed on the ground.

'What! What just happened.' Thought Xie Xie in shock.

Xie Xie didn't fathom what happened when he got close to Tang Wulin.

"You're never going being able to touch me if you keep fighting like that."Tang Wulin commented with a bored tone.

This enraged Xie Xie even more, and he went charging at him again but this time at full speed.

'I don't believe you can react to me.'

Xie Xie arrogantly thought as he was able to flash through Wulin vines and appear behind him.


'How?' Thought Xie Xie in confusion.

Xie Xie was sent flying again as he landed hard on the ground. Blood was leaking out of his mouth from Tang Wulin hits.

He glared at the boy as he tries to figure out what he did.

"Turning up your speed is not going to help." Said Tang Wulin simply.

"Then again it doesn't matter. Been a while since I played around." Mutter Tang Wulin.

Xie Xie saw him grin as he started walking towards him. Xie Xie gritted his teeth and started making space between them.

"That won't do." Commented Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin stomp down on the ground causing the pebbles that were scattered around to rise in the air and then he started flicking them at Xie Xie.

Xie Xie was shocked and started to deflect them all and after the last pebble, he saw Tang Wulin already closed the distance between them.

Tang Wulin punch Xie Xie in the stomach before grabbing his head and slamming it down in the ground.

Then he raises a foot and slamming it down hard.

A small crater formed with Xie Xie faces planted inside. Tang Wulin observes to see if he was going getting up but no movement from him.

'What a letdown.' Thought Tang Wulin in slight disappointment.

Yet in the next second, Tang Wulin unconsciously twisted his body as he saw a flash of light. As the sound of a dragon roars out at the spot, he was just standing at.

Xie Xie glared at him with blood streaming from his head as stand up from the crater.

Tang Wulin grin grew wider with a hint of viciousness as Xie Xie charged at him with intense killing intent.

Xie Xie started to savagely swipe at his opponent with the uncontrollable urge to witness him bleed.

"Don't you ever, walk away from me! I'm Xie Xie!"Shouted Xie Xie.

Tang Wulin was deflecting and dodging with the same grin on his face. He leans his head back, avoiding a swipe and then slamming his fist into Xie Xie's face.


Xie Xie hit the ground hard, but he quickly pushes himself off the ground. He started attacking his opponent again.

Tang Wulin seeing this, rush through his swipes and then bombard him with punches.

Then he hit him with a kick to chin sending him flying up. Next, grab his feet before he flew too high and slammed him down.


Then slamming him hard with his leg again.


'It over.' Thought Tang Wulin before he started to walk away but then he scarcely heard violent coughing.

Cough! Cough!

"Its not over."Mutter Xie Xie.

As he struggles to stand as he spoke those words out with difficulty.

Tang Wulin stared at him as he couldn't help but inevitably saw the overlapping image of that Fire Dragon Slayer on Xie Xie form.

'What is compelling you guys to get back up, even when you know your fully outmatch.' Thought Tang Wulin in wonder.

Tang Wulin observer Xie Xie as he struggles desperately to take a step, he knew Xie Xie's body was already at its limit.

He appeared in front of Xie Xie while he tried to move his leg and knock him unconscious.

'I wonder...'

Tang Wulin looks at the down form of Xie Xie and decided to just take him home. No point in getting in trouble for beating him up and then leaving him here.

Yet as he was walking home, this weak asshole perseverance impressed him. It seems there might just be more to this guy than he initially thought.


Darkness. It was pitch-black darkness.

Nothing could be seen through this darkness. Tang Wulin discovered he had arrived in a pitch-black world.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared off in the distance. The golden light was simply too dazzling, and he couldn't help but give it all of his attention.

The golden light drew closer and closer, causing its enormous size to become more apparent the closer it came.

Tang Wulin looked up and saw a gigantic golden dragon bound by chains.

The golden dragon had five claws, and its entire body was covered in large golden scales. A pair of horns sprouted from its head and its form serpentine.

'So, this is what I was sensing for the past few years.'

Tang Wulin's eyes narrowed as he knew he been sensing a tyrannical power inside of him but it was filled with too much rage to communicate with.

Anytime he tried to uses his Dragon Slayer Powers, this tyrannical power would always act up and try to dominate it.

It one of the reasons he doesn't use it and the other being there was no one strong enough for him to use it against.

A Flash a light erupted before he was now standing atop the azure tiled floor in a hall.

The Golden Dragon had eighteen rings of light around it.

"So you finally decided to come." A pure, cold voice resounded throughout the hall. In an instant, the entire hall was lit up by a golden radiance.

The light condenses into a human form, but the form had no eyes, nose, ears but only a mouth. It had four wings of light extruding from it back.

"You are?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he stared at the new arrival, wondering how he couldn't sense or smell this being before.

The being said nothing at first but then told him it didn't even know who it was either. It mentions it was a divine conscious left behind to help him survive the Golden Dragon King.

"Survive? What do you mean exactly?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"I am sure you notice how much energy that dragon holds. If you were to take it all in."

'I would explode.' Thought Tang Wulin as he glances up.

It wouldn't be like that time he absorbs the Space Between Time, which caused his body and mind to split.

He didn't like the fact that he possessed a ticking time bomb in his body and it was from a dragon too.

'Why is it that my life is always intertwined with these lizards.'

"Since your a guide, you must know a way to survive." Said Tang Wulin as he moved his gaze back to the spirit.

The dazzling light being nodded thoughtfully its head and told him he must undo the eighteen seals of the dragon king if he dearly wishes to live safely.

Tang Wulin felt a headache coming as he realizes his schedule just got even busier.

"What that other energy I am feeling."

Tang Wulin has been feeling another energy source when he came in here but couldn't pinpoint it.

The dazzling light being stared at for a while before shaking its head. He told him he should undo the first seal before worrying about other things.

Tang Wulin had to admit he was right. Nothing else matters if you're dead.

He asks what he needs to do to undo the seal and the Light being told him he needs three objects.

"While your extraordinary strength his enough to instantly break the first seal. I humbly suggest you obtain these objects to further increase your strength to the second seal requirement won't be too far off."

"Alright. What are those three objects."

"Hundred-year Ice Crystal Fruit, hundred-year Scarlet Flame Fruit, and ten drops of blood from a hundred-year soul beast with a dragon bloodline."

"Remember you have until your 10th birthday before the raw energy proves too much for the seal."

Tang Wulin started to think of ways to get these three objects.

While he can easily break the seal now, he will still get these objects if they're able to radically increase his raw strength.

The faster he regains his overwhelming strength, the easier it is to move around. After this thought his surroundings suddenly distorted.

He woke up, with the sunlight shining through the windows, and saw the rest of the boys still sleeping.

'Great, more things to do.'

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