Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 111: Depths

Chapter 111: Depths

"What a shame." Said the gray demon causing most of the soul master to blink their eyes.

"You're not dead yet!"Exclaimed Xie Xie in shock at the head in front of him.

"No, I'm dying, but demons of my tier are able to live for a while."Said the gray demon causing Wu Siduo sigh.

If she didn't aim for the head, then it may have been possible the demon would have turned the tables on her. While she was confident, she would have still won, it wouldn't have been as easy.

'Were those demons just a scouting party or could they be trackers that are chasing him.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt his nose twitch.

"Since your dying can you answer some questions."Said Tang Wulin as he purposely hasn't absorbed the gray demon soul yet.

He had a few questions he wanted to be answered.

"What are they? As the loser, I will willingly comply."Said the gray demon.

"Do you know which section of Ignis we are in?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"You are in the depths of Ignis." Said the gray demon causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

He began asking more questions with Gu Yue asking her own. From what they got from the demon, they were pretty much at further parts of the depth and close to the core of Ignis. It looks like the direction they were going to was close to the next region which was Imbrem.

They also asked why he wasn't surprised at their appearance but he mostly replied with they weren't the only unusual looking being. The demon world is a place filled with many types of existence and so the notion of uniqueness as long since been thrown at the window.

He asks him if he was being chased but the gray demon merely chuckles with a grin on his face causing Tang Wulin to sigh. With a wave of his hand, the gray demon head was destroyed, and Tang Wulin instantly absorb his soul.

"Yuanen how close are we to the seed?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Yuanen Yehui to furrow her brow.

"I don't know. The only thing I know is the general direction of where the seed may be through the tug of my soul. Although I'm unsure if these means we're close to the seed or if we're around the area of the seed."Said Yuanen Yehui causing everyone to let out a sigh.

'I can smell hoards of demons are approaching.' Thought Tang Wulin

He didn't say anything as they began following behind Yuanen.


A hoard of demons arrived at the place Tang Wulin and his friends were at. The hoard demons were all similar to the ones Tang Wulin and his friends fought before except for some variation. One demon began moving pass the other demons who began to trembled as it went past.

The demon had a humanoid body with a goat-like head and two large horns that were on fire. The goat demon had two pitch-black wings that flutter behind it. The goat demon began looking around the damaged battlefield.

It noted the headless body of the gray demon and the dead body of its subordinates that it sends to keep track of the gray demon. The goat demon moved its pitch-black eyes to the direction Tang Wulin, and his group went.

An orange glow appeared in the goat demons pitch-black eyes and then it flapped its wings. A gale was produced from the goat demon which cased the army of demons behind it to get pushed back and fall over.

Yet as if it didn't care about the army at all, the pitch-black demon flap again and shot towards where The humans went.

The hoards of the demon behind blink their eyes as they started getting up. They began scratching their head with a puzzled expression and not understanding what they should do now.


The group of humans was moving farther through the regions of Ignis with them slowly trailing through the border.

'He is faster than I thought he would be.' Thought Tang Wulin as he could smell a demon approaching and fast. Tang Wulin stop walking behind Yuanen and shifted his body causing his friends to be confused.

"A demon is coming." Said Tang Wulin causing all of them to narrow their eyes.

A golden dragon spear appeared in Tang Wulin hand and then he stomps down before hurling the glittering spear toward the direction of the demon. The golden spear rips through the air and rocketed toward the goat demon like a rocket.

The goat demon furrowed its brows as it could perceive something terrifying approaching it and knew it shouldn't underestimate it. Yet even then the goat demon didn't try to evade or defend against the spear that was making its body tremble as it sped towards its.

The spear arrived in front of the goat demon and as it seems it's about to pierce through its head but then Tang Wulin group eyes widen. The golden dragon spear instantly disappeared from the goat demon who had an expressionless look.

Yet Tang Wulin expression didn't change as his Asura blood rumble. He instinctively tilts his head to the right as a beam of light pass through the area where his head used to be. The beam of light smashed into the ground and creates a crater in front of the group.

"What did he just do." Questioned Xie Xie as the golden dragon spear landed in front of him before he could react.

"He used the element of space and spatial gaps." Said Gu Yue with a hint of surprise.

The goat demon used the power of space to create a portal in front of it as it saw the golden spear rushing towards it. Once the spear was absorbed, it summons the portal in Wulin supposed blind spot, all in a precise instant.

'Such control.' Thought Gu Yue as she knew what the goat demon performed wasn't easy. Just the fact he was able to create an invisible portal made it almost impossible for one to accurately predict where the reflected attack would come from.

If she didn't know Tang Wulin and his feats so far, she would have been shocked that he could have dodged the attack without any prior knowledge.

'Only those who have high knowledge in the element of space could figure this out.' Thought Gu Yue as she glances at Na'er whose eyes were shining with the intent of battle.

"Big brother, I will fight him." Said Na'er as she began moving toward the goat demon.

"Alright." Said Tang Wulin.

"I guess we can finally see Na'er strength." Said Xie Xie as he began focusing on the battle.

It wasn't wrong to say only Tang Wulin and Gu Yue knew the full strength of Na'er. As the others didn't see her fight much in the school or anywhere else. Yet they knew her talent was absolutes monstrous with just the knowledge of her being the strongest one in their group, Spirit Rank wise.

It must be known that Na'er is only sixteen and she already surpasses all of them in spirit rank. Add in the fact she was the first to do Tang Wulin hell training and the one who been trained by him the longest.

Na'er had a faint smile as her Silver Dragon Spear appeared in her hand. With a simple step, she began to dash toward the goat demon.

The goat demon swiped its hand down as a burst of flames exploded from around it. Na'er saw the flames coming towards her but she didn't stop her charge and simply thrust out her glittering spear.

As the spear made contact with the flames, it started to twist the flames and then blow it away. She moved through the hole and continues toward the goat demon who merely began to move its hand.

'Its control over the element of space is amazing.' Thought Na'er with her eyes flashing with surprise as she saw the space around her fluctuating. Yet with graceful movement, she thrust out her spear and disperses all of the space fluctuations around her.

The goat demon eyes flash with surprise but nonetheless didn't seem to be overly worried. Behind Na'er four black rings appeared and began to shine as she began to fuse with her Silver Dragon Spear.

A beam of light shot off toward the goat demon who simply defends with a burst of flames, ice and portals as it started to move back. Yet that did nothing to stop Na'er who fifth black ring appeared from behind her.

'Spatial Perception.'

With unbelievable movements, the beam of silvery light either moved or created gaps through the goat demon attack. The goat demon pitch-black eyes slowly started to narrow as an orange glow began to appear in its eyes.

The beam of light began wavering and slow down for a few seconds but it still continued towards the goat demon. The orange glows in its eyes grew even more and even brighter than before.

'How annoying.' Thought Na'er as she could feel the goat demon trying to use mental attacks on her. Then with a simple thrust of her spear, she instantly broke through the mental energy that was being sent toward her causing the goat demon eyes to widen.

The goat demon now recognizes the threat of Na'er as it began moving back but how could Na'er allow it to escape. The beam of light turned into countless thousands of beam of light that began to pierce the goat demon.

Yet even with most of its body being destroyed, the goat demon eyes were still burning with an orange glow and the space around them started to compress.

'It can even compress space even in its condition.' Thought Na'er in praise but she simply let out a sigh and snaps her finger causing the compression to disperse.

Then with a swing of her spear, she cut off the goat demon head. She subsequently made sure to destroy its head, just in case.

"Amazing." Said Xie Xie as he watches the battle end.

He was honestly shocked at Na'er insight on the element space. The way she used it was as if she been using the power of space all of her life. Not only that but he could feel how much the space element strangely worshiped her.

He only wishes he knew this before as he could have asked her for some valuable advice and training in the element of space. As he needed more insight and knowledge of space to fully use the space aspect of his dagger.

'That goat demon was absolutely amazing.' Thought Gu Yue with a shake of the head. If Na'er insight and knowledge weren't as deep as it was in the element of space. Gu Yue doubted Na'er would have ever been even able to get close to the goat demon let alone dispersing it space compression attack without those two aspects.

Na'er skip towards Tang Wulin, who simply began to rub her head and then absorbed the goat demon soul. They then began continuing their journey.


"Finding this seed is more annoying than I thought it would be."Mutter Xie Xie as he moved behind Tang Wulin.

No one disagreed with him, as they have been moving through the Ignis region for well over hours. Yet they still weren't sure if they were on the right path or not. From what Yuanen was telling them, it was more like they were going into the general direction of the seed and not a specific place.

This means they may have to rely more on chances to find the demon side than they originally thought. Couple with the fact they had to rest more times than usually because of the strength of the demons they fought were increasing.

They had to recover their spirit power while looking out for any enemy attacks or sneak attack that the demons would launch.

'I hope we can find this seed soon.' Thought Xie Xie as his head was down for a while.

He wanted to find this seed and destroy it as soon as possible, so Yuanen life wouldn't be in danger anymore. Xie Xie moved his head to talk to Yuanen but then his eyes widen and his body came to a standstill.

'Where the hell is everybody.' Thought Xie Xie as he began looking around.

None of his friends were in front of him or behind him. He instantly summoned his Dragon of Space and Time dagger before dashing forward.



"Gu Yue!"

"Yue Zhengyu!"

Xie Xie was screaming and shouting out all of his friend's name in hopes someone would respond.

Right now he didn't know what happened or how in the hell did they all escape from him and even spreading out his senses didn't help him find anyone.

'Just whe-.'

Xie Xie eyes widen as he could hear footsteps from behind him.

"Xie Xie." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie to widen his eyes.

"Boss!" Exclaimed Xie Xie to Tang Wulin, who only smiled back.

"Hey, Wulin do you know what happened?" Questioned Xie Xie.

"No idea. I was walking and then the next second all of you were gone." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie to furrow his brows.

Xie Xie was happy he found Tang Wulin but now he became even more worried about the rest of them.

"Let's go find them." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie to nod his head. Xie Xie and Tang Wulin continued onward, as they began seeking signs of their friends or any sounds of battle. They did meet some demons on the way, but they were able to easily take those demons out.

"Xie Xie I think I saw something." Said Tang Wulin as he glances at the rock formation in front of them causing Xie Xie to furrow his brows but nonetheless nodded his head to his captain.


Tang Wulin words were interrupted as his eyes widen and his body shook.

He glances down to see a black and white dagger protruding from his chest. He turns his head to see the cold look of Xie Xie staring at him.


"Shut up." Xie Xie said coldly as he looks at Tang Wulin.

"Who are you?" Questioned Xie Xie causing Tang Wulin to look at Xie Xie in evident confusion.


"Who are you." Said Xie Xie as he stared deeply into the eyes of the person in front of him. Tang Wulin stared back at Xie Xie before smiling.

"What gave it away?"

"Two things, 1. You smiled," Said Xie Xie causing the being in front of him to blink his eyes.


"Wulin rarely ever smiles, unless he is in a battle or an event happened that is worth smiling for. 2, You don't give off the same feeling like him." Said Xie Xie.

It should know that Tang Wulin Golden Dragon King bloodline wasn't something that can be replicated. Even when he didn't have let out his aura, Xie Xie could still feel a bit of pressure and suppression from Tang Wulin.

So it came at a surprise to him that he felt nothing from this person in front of him. In fact, his dragon spirit even expresses a sense of profound disgust and rage at this being in front of him.

"Now, who the hell are you."

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