Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 112: The World Of Illusions

Chapter 112: The World Of Illusions

'What happened just now.' Thought Ye Xinglan as she began to glance around.

She knew she was walking behind Wu Siduo and then everyone disappeared. She narrowed her eyes and instantly summoned her Stargod Sword.

In front of her, hoards of demons came charging towards her, causing her battle lust to ignite. With one step she dashes forward toward the hoard without any fear.

The red humanoid demon roared as they slam their hammer down on the ground causing the earth beneath Ye Xinglan to erupt. Yet that did nothing to stop Ye Xinglan from sidestepping the attack and swiftly cutting off the head of the demon in front of her.

As she was slaying the demon around her, she started feeling her Stargod pulling and trying to tell her something.

'What's wrong?' Thoughts Ye Xinglan as she glances at her Stargod sword.

This was the first time it ever wanted to interrupt her in a fight. She stared at the gleaming sword for a few seconds and began to think.

'Is it trying to tell me something?'

Ye Xinglan began narrowing her eyes and glance around her environment. The demons around her flashed their eyes but still charged toward her.

'A sword cultivator must always believe in their sword.'

Ye Xinglan recalls the words of her master who taught her the foundation of swordsmanship.

She closed her eyes as she started ignoring the demon coming towards her and began to expand her senses. Then she instantly clutches her Stargod sword and then released her sword intent towards the area where her Stargod sword was telling her to attack.

The demon eyes widen in shock and then Ye Xinglan felt the world change.


"Impressive." Said the being in front of Xie Xie.

'Something is wrong.' Thought Xie Xie as he instantly steps back away from the being.

Then the being slowly started melting into a puddle of lava. Then the world around Xie Xie started to change as he found himself in an abyss like a place with chains all around him.

'Illusions.' Thought Xie Xie in evident dismay.

All around him was red humanoid demons with burning tridents.

'This is going to hurt.' Thought Xie Xie as his hours of mental torture began.



Was the thought of the demon surrounding Tang Wulin and his group. The demons were humanoid but had a tree shape upper body with branches flying around. They had green eyes that spark with a small fire that was glowing.

They were able to trap this group in their mental world illusion. These tree monsters could be considered grand-master in the way they use their mental attacks and illusion.

Yet they had trouble placing some of them into an illusion, especially the man with goldish white hair and blue highlights. Every time they tried, they kept on meeting layer of layers of mental resistance. Heck, with the amount of resistance the man had, it would probably take one of the tree demon hours just to get past the first layer.

It took them combing all fifteen of their mental powers even be able to get past the layers and trap the man. Combining their mental power was about the level of a Spirit Douluo, yet they still didn't have the confidence that they would be able to keep the man or even torture him for long.

Still, it shouldn't take them too long to finish what they need to do. As their eyes began to glow and ethereal energy started to leave the bodies in front of them.

'Now we just need to continue to absorb their power like this.'

Yet as they were thinking about this, a deep sense of fear struck all of them as purple-black energy burst forward from the man with goldish-white hair with blue highlights. To the shock of the tree demons, they could feel their illusionary world being negated and forcibly destroyed.



'So, this is an illusion.' Thought Tang Wulin as he threw up the head of Xu Xiaoyan.

He glances around and regards the broken body of his 'friends'. It wasn't hard for him to figure out this was an illusion world because of his long experience of dealing with beings who used illusions. Now that he thought about it, there was an annoying dragon used the power of illusions and the mind to fight.

'Still for you all to use them.' Thought Tang Wulin as his eyes began to glow and turn white with a hint of purple.

'You shouldn't have done that.'

Tang Wulin pushed his power of Devil Slayer to the limit as the energy of purple-blue was pushed out of him and began shattering the world around him. He did this with his Dragonslayer powers against that illusion dragon and mages when they tried trapping him.

He watches as the world around him began breaking down by the power of his Magic Devil Slayer.



'So we got hit by a mental attack? But when.' Thought Gu Yue as she sat on one of the hills inside of the illusion world.

She had decided to think things over before she made a move. She knew Tang Wulin would be safe as his resistance would keep the damage of mental attacks on him to a minimum. Na'er wouldn't have any problems considering her origins and her strength.

'But it's others, I'm worried. We should have really trained our mental defense.' Thought Gu Yue with a shake of her head. Even if they figure out this was an illusion, they would still need to either break destroy the illusion world or find a way out of it.

"Well anyway, Its best if I leave this place now." Said Gu Yue as she began standing.

As if the world heard her words, the illusion world started to change before Gu Yue found herself in a plane filled with fire and lava. Around her were chains that had was pierced through her limbs and the only thing holding her up from falling into the lava.

Around her were humanoid demons with wings and flaming spears. Yet even with all that, Gu Yue cold look didn't even make a twitch as she only sighed.



A vast power of mental force erupted from Gu Yue and causing the world around her to be blown away and then shattered.

Blinking her eyes, Gu Yue saw in front of her was fifteen tree demons who were looking at her in shock and fright with their body trembling. Gu Yue rolled her eyes and use her mental attack to attack the tree demon.

Ten of them keeled over, while the other five hands to use their hands to stop their fall. Yet it did nothing to hide the terror they felt from Gu Yue. This wasn't surprising considering Gu Yue spiritual power was at the level of a spirit domain.

Combine with her vast knowledge of mental powers and mastery that went into the realm of the gods themselves. The chances of the tree demons winning was pretty much non-existence as Gu Yue finish them all off with her flames and ice.

"You were able to break out?" Questioned Gu Yue as she glances at her boyfriend.

Tang Wulin was slowly standing up as Gu Yue was finishing the tree demons. Next to him was Na'er who she guesses woke up about the same time as her.

"Yep, although with some difficulties." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to slowly nod her head.

"To think you would do the same thing as Natsu." Said Zeref as he recalled his brother using his flames to burn away his time magic.

'Sadly my Devil Slayer compared to Dragonslaying his still too weak.' Thought Tang Wulin as he believed he could have blown away the illusion with his Dragonslayer magic instead of breaking it down.

"Well, it should be fine. As the more demons you kill, the stronger your Devil Slayer becomes." Said Zeref.

"They should be waking up now." Said Gu Yue as she turned to their friends. Just like she said, everyone started getting up one by one with an annoyed expression.

Gu Yue explained to them what happened, although most of them were able to figure it out on their own. She also told them her theory on how the tree demons were able to capture them so effectively and easily.

They used the environment as a way to trick their senses and slowly started to bring them into an illusion world. In fact, it became even more deadly from the fact they were all tired and stress from constantly being on guard.

"It was a good thing that de-."

The region started to tremble and the rocks around them started to crumble. Yet this change caused all of their face to turn grim.


"Find cover fast!"

Yet no matter where they look. They couldn't find an area with black-purple rocks.

"Let's move up ahead and look. No point in staying here." Said Tang Wulin causing them all to nod.

"Xu Lizhi prepare some Recovery buns. Everyone run with all you have."Shouted Tang Wulin as he received a yes from Xu Lizhi.

Once they all receive a bun, they began running across the terrain seeking the black-purple rocks.

They were all spreading out their senses in search of a place of cover but so far, they couldn't find anything causing them to tremble.

"It's coming close."Shouted Xie Xie as he glances behind him.

The devil tide has gotten closing to the point where he could see it towering over them. Xie Xie saw other demons running behind them too but some of them were unlucky as they got caught by the tide.

Either that or the other demons would use the demons around them as a stepping stone for survival.

Tang Wulin began gritting his teeth and began thinking of a plan. He turned to Gu Yue who was running next to him.

"Gu Yue, how many people can you teleport and how far of a distance?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"I can teleport all of us, but the distance won't be that far, maybe around five hundred meters." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

A plan began forming inside of his mind with everything he knew about the devil tide and Gu Yue powers.

"Na'er, I need you to help Gu Yue control her power of space when she uses it."

"Got it, big brother." Said Na'er but she too was wondering what he was planning.

Tang Wulin instantly summons his Blue Silver Genesis and willed it to coil around the waist of everyone.

"Everyone stop! Gu Yue begin preparing the teleportation skill as far as you can. Make sure you teleport us forward when I tell you." Said Tang Wulin as he forcibly turned everyone around with his vines.

"Wait! Boss what are you planning!"Questioned Xie Xie who was looking at Wulin with confusion and shock. He wasn't the only one as everyone but Gu Yue and Na'er were staring at him.

Gu Yue was too busy preparing the teleportation and Na'er was helping her control the power of space.

"We won't die." Said Tang Wulin as he stared at the devil tide as it approaches them. His friends stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and getting ready.

They chose to believe in Wulin even with the mighty storm of death approaching in front of them.

'Slow Time.'


Tang Wulin felt his surrounding area slowing down and his mind speeding up. Not only that but his Asura blood began to rumble causing his thoughts to become calm and his sense was becoming sharper.

He saw the devil tide coming towards him but maintained his calm as it approaches them. The demons running towards them didn't know why they stop but neither did they care as they ran past.

The devil tide was only five meters away causing Tang Wulin friends to tremble. Gu Yue was done preparing the teleporting spell and waited on Wulin command. They all steeled themselves as the tide was only around a meter away from them.

But that was when Wulin eyes shined and he shouted.


Gu Yue instantly implemented her teleportation skill with Na'er helping her control it. They all could feel a swirl of energy wrapping around them but seeing the tide up close caused them to disregard it.

Xie Xie eyes widen as he saw the tide getting close enough to touch his face before the space around him shifted and then in front of him was a lofty rock.

Within seconds his legs gave out and his let out a sigh. His whole body was sweating as he realized how close he came to dying. It wasn't just him as the others were calming down their mind and feelings inside of their heart.

"Can we not do that again."Said Xie Xie as he couldn't calm his heart from the fact he was almost close to having his body, mind, and soul being erased.

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