Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 114: Starfall

Chapter 114: Starfall

"Damn it!" Shouted Xie Xie as he moves to his left to evade the brilliant meteor that came crashing down.


He had to shield his face as visible specks of rocks came flying at him. It wasn't only that as dust and smoldering ash was splashing everywhere. Yet that wasn't the most annoying part as sixth rings appeared behind him and lit up.

'Spatial Slash.'

Xie Xie swung down as he caused the meteor that was coming towards him from above to instantly split into two. Yet destroying that one meteor did nothing to alleviate him as he saw, even more, coming towards him.

It wasn't only him as his friends around were evading some of the meteors and demolishing the ones that came close to them. Ever since they step foot into the Imbrem region, there has been a constant amount of raining meteors assaulting them with no end.

Worst yet, they didn't seem to any area to find cover in as everywhere was basically reduce to either crater or dust. Not only that but strangely there wasn't any demons or other beings around causing them to feel something was amiss.

They knew they weren't in an illusion as Gu Yue instantly confirm they weren't. Even if they were, they knew the others would have already broken them out. As they were running through the streams of meteors, they began noticing less and less of them were falling.

"The weather must be changing." Said Gu Yue as her eyes shook and she sucks in a cold breath.

She was troubled because at least with the meteors they were relatively used to it and it wasn't very hard to defend against it. But with the weather changing, they didn't know what the next assault was or how bad it would be.

As the last meteor fell, everything began calming down. They all instantly threw a questioning glance at Gu Yue but she only shook her head.

"There is a thirty-minute interval between each change."Said Gu Yue as she came to a stop and began constructing a dome of the earth around them.

"Let's use half of the time to recover as much as possible."Said Gu Yue causing everyone to nod their head.

It didn't take too long for fifteen minutes to pass, but they all began to move again, even if they weren't able to recover as much as they would have liked. The look on Gu Yue face made them feel a bit of danger, as this was Gu Yue they were talking about here.

"It's coming now."Said Gu Yue causing them to glance up at the sky.

A visible beam of light came rushing down and hit the ground a bit off from them. Yet the beam didn't produce an explosion but simply pierce through the ground.

"Are those lasers!" Shouted Xie Xie in shock.

Thousands of thousands of beams of light were rushing down from the sky above Tang Wulin and his group.


"This place makes no damn sense!" Shouted Xie Xie as he had to deflect a beam away from him. Behind him, five black rings appeared and began to lit up as numerous amount of beams of light were coming towards them.

'Absolute Delay.'

A gray aura spread out and began to engulf everyone around. Then as the beams of light passed through the gray, they started to slow down to the speed of a turtle.

"Nice work, Xie Xie." Said Gu Yue as her eyes began to shine.

She summed her elemental staff and then controlled the power of time to further slow down the laser from hitting them. This gave them some breathing room and some time to move through the area.

Yet sadly, Xie Xie absolute delay didn't have the ability to adequately cover a large amount of room and so as soon as they left the gray aura, they were assaulted by the visible lasers.

"Damn." Said Yue Zhengyu as he felt his body being burned and hit from the abundant rainfall of light.

"I got it." Said Na'er.

As she thurst her Silver Dragon Spear and cause the space around them to twist, making the lasers that were coming down around them to turn.

'This can't keep going on.' Thought Tang Wulin as he was following behind Yuanen.

"Yuanen stay in front and continue leading. Everyone move behind me and follow my steps." Said Tang Wulin causing them all to nod their head.

Once he saw them following his steps, he summoned his Golden Dragon Spear.

'Hopefully, this works.'

Tang Wulin began flooding his body with the Golden Dragon King Annihilation, causing sparks to instantly fly around his body. This gave off a divine pressure and suppression around him causing the everyone to flinch.

"Wh-What the hell." Said Xie Xie wide eyes as he felt his Dragon Space and Time trembling.

It wasn't only him as the others could feel their spirit beast trembling.

'Wait, is that-'

Gu Yue couldn't finish her thought as Tang Wulin force his Annihilation to travel outside of his body, down to his glittering spear and appear at the tip. Then with a sigh, he began forcing to the power of ruin to trail behind his spear.

The people around Tang Wulin watched in shock as Tang Wulin with fluid movements began to gradually move his spear around causing a distinctive silhouette of annihilation to form. An eastern dragon form began to with the divine power of ruin around everyone.

Tang Wulin with accurate movements, moved the dragon to intercepts all of the laser coming down on to them. Yet as soon as the laser made contact with the eastern dragon, it instantly got erased and melted down.

Everyone but Gu Yue and Na'er suck in a cold breath at the terrifying power of the scarlet eastern dragon.

'So he learned how to use the Golden Dragon King power of annihilation.' Thought Gu Yue in shock but she then narrowed her eyes.

'But it's far weaker.'

"Boss, what is this?" Questioned Xie Xie as he stayed close to Tang Wulin in instinctive fear of the eastern dragon. He didn't know how a spirit master defense would be against that power and he has no thought of trying to found it.

"Power of Ruin or know as the concept of destruction." Said Tang Wulin causing all of them to be surprised.

Yet they didn't question this any further as with the eastern dragon, they were able to safely stop the laser rain from hitting them. Still, Tang Wulin knew he couldn't keep this up for too long as he shifted his head to Gu Yue.

"Prepare to teleport us with Yuanen directing you." Said Tang Wulin to Gu Yue.

"Alright." Said Gu Yue as she began preparing her teleportation and Na'er coming behind to help her.

Once everything was ready, Yuanen Yehui pointed out the general direction and Gu Yue was able to teleport everyone forward after Tang Wulin releases his annihilation power.

"Over there."Shouted Yuanen Yehui.

Gu Yue instantly used her teleportation and then they all felt the space around the shift. They all blink their eyes as the teleportation ended but they knew they were still in the laser field.

"Something is over there."Said Yuanen Yehui as she pointed to a direction.

Everyone turned their head and to their surprise saw a giant towering castle in the distance with shimmering mist appearing at the top. Yet the strangest thing was that none of the lasers were approaching the magnificent castle let alone appearing over it.

"What is up with that castle." Said Mu Xi as she narrowed her eyes.

'...Why does that castle have a hint of divinity on it.' Thought Gu Yue with a bit of profound shock in her eyes.

She could faintly see an aura of the gods around the castle, yet that doesn't make any sense considering the Demon World, never had a god before.

'As for as I remembered at least.' Thought Gu Yue.

"I can feel something calling out to me from that castle." Said Yuanen Yehui as she felt the tug of her soul getting even stronger.

"Well, at least we will be out of the laser rain." Said Xie Xie as they began running towards the castle.

It didn't take long for them to close in on the castle and them being able to see an orange door. Yet what stood out was rows of torches that lit up the area and the being standing in front of the gate.

It was a golden man with similar feature to that of a human with a muscular build and tribal markings around his shirtless body. The demon eyes shined with a blue light and in its hand was an ax that was letting out blue light.

"A new challenger I see." Said the golden demon as he moved his eyes to the group approaching him.

"You are?" Questioned Xie Xie as they came to a stop in front of the golden demon.

He was a little bit surprised the demon didn't outright attack him. As every demon, they have met so far either attack them or tried to kill them.

"I'm the guard of the Dungeon of Mahal."Said the golden demon causing Tang Wulin and his group to furrow their brows.

"Dungeon of Mahal?"

"Oh? You don't know what the Dungeon of Mahal is?"Questioned the golden man causing him to receive a nod.

"Now this is intriguing, to think there are beings in hell who haven't heard about it. Well, it matters not." Said the golden man.

He began telling Tang Wulin group about the dungeon of Mahal and how one can gain valuable treasure from it. He then went on to tell them about how each floor works on Mahal and how no one has been able to reach the bottom.

"For real? No one has been able to?"Questioned Xie Xie with wide eyes.

"Yes, no one has ever been able to since the day the dungeon was founded. Not even the Demon Monarchs were able to conquer it."Said the golden man causing Gu Yue and Na'er face to change.

"What is the requirement to do the dungeon?" Questioned Xu Lizhi.

"None. Anyone who is able to pass through the barrier is allowed to do undertake the dungeon." Said the golden man.

"The barrier?"

"There is a faint barrier around Mahal, that stops those who are too strong from entering. Not even the strongest beings in the Demon World could enter here."Said the golden man causing everyone to be surprised.

"But still, I can tell you guys are out of the ordinary."Said the golden man as he brought his hand to his chin.

He could feel and see a large amount of spirit energy around the group in front of him.

'Especially that one.' Thought the golden man as he glances at Tang Wulin. His instincts were screaming hysterically about the danger of the man in front of him.

"Do you all wish to enter?" Questioned the golden man.

"Yuanen?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"We wish to enter."Said Yuanen Yehui.

"Yes. I wish you all luck and fortune." Said the golden man as he began moving out of the way.

The golden door ahead began opening with a creaking sound. Yuanen Yehui glances at her friends and then began moving through the door.

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