Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 113: Imbrem

Chapter 113: Imbrem

'That was too close.' Thought Tang Wulin.

"If the tide had any leftover energy from the area. Then you all would have met a gruesome end." Said Zeref as he thought over Wulin.

The plan itself was Tang Wulin having Gu Yue prepare her teleportation skill, while he waited until the last second to use her teleportations. He wanted to wait till the last second, as an insurance in case the teleportation wasn't big and there wasn't any leftover energy.

Which is why he had to use his time magic to increase his perception and slow down time around it, so he could wait till the last second. Then with the help of Na'er, Gu Yue would have an easier time teleporting them and no incident would appear.

"Cutting it close their, boss." Said Xie Xie as he could feel his heart calming down a little. Tang Wulin shifted his gaze around to check on their condition.

While it would be good if they take some time to rest, he knew they needed to continue. As staying in this area without any rocks that could shelter them from the tide is too dangerous.

"We have to move." Said Tang Wulin.

"Right." Said Gu Yue as she too noticed how dangerous it was to stay in this area.

Yuanen Yehui had a complicated look on her face, but she still nodded her head and began leading with them following behind her.

"Nothing left huh."Said Xu Xiaoyan as her voice trembled as she didn't see any of the demons who ran past them.

"We were lucky." Said Wu Siduo as she narrowed her eyes ahead but still couldn't see black-purple rock.

Had they kept on running, they may or may have been unable to survive. While it may be true they could have found a cover, it would mean they would have to leave their lives in the hands of fate and luck.

Tang Wulin didn't want to rely on that, considering he knew how cruel fate and luck could be. The group moved ahead, to see destroy the area and crumble rocks. Its seems some of the demons tried to dig underground.



Was the thought of the being sitting on a magnificent throne made out of bones and skull. Around the thrones were flickering purple flames that lit up the room that was filled with decorative design and four lofty pillars at the corner.

Sitting on the throne was a being over 30 meters in height with his whole body being covered in a purple-gold scale. His appearance was remarkably similar to human beings and on his back were a pair of purple flames with massive wings.

Besides the being was a glittering Flaming Sword that gave off purple-gold flames. This being was the Demon Monarch or Demon King, Alba.

A Demon Monarch or King was those who have been crowned as the strongest demons in a region. For example, Alba slaughter all of his competitors and future challenges, to stay ruling as the current Monarch of Ignis.

There were other Demon Monarch who all control their regions and unsurprisingly they all wanted to take out each other.

"My lord?" Questioned one of Alba Demon General who had an appearance similar to the red demons Tang Wulin and his friend met before, although with a stronger aura.

"Something interesting happened." Mutter Alba as he taps his fingers on his throne.

He didn't know how but the fact he could have felt the power of the seed he sent to one of the planes and even temporary awaken it was amazing. Let it be known that not even all of the Demon Monarch combining all of their power could actually activate the seed that they sent to another world prematurely.

It was why the needed to wait for the seed they planted in the other world to get strong enough so it can go off and connect with the one inside the demon world. This will form a connection that would allow Magna to pierce through the void and open up a portal for them to invade through.

As it would require too much energy just to breakthrough with all of them, especially if the plane was a strong one. Even then, it wouldn't be a smart move as they all would be too exhausted to invade the plane. Not only that but the plane may even lend someone its power to kick them out and restrict them even more.

'So why did it awaken to the point where I could temporarily control it?'

Alba wasn't stupid to believe something strange wasn't going on. Yet he didn't know how to explain or even come up with a reason for what happened.

'Also, that seed was different.' Thought Alba as he remembers affecting the seed and feeling its core was mutated.

'But this also means a more significant chance.' Thought Alba as his face started to smile with cruelty.

He believed with the changes of the seed would allow him to invade the plane it was on with a more massive force than planned. In fact, now that he thought about it the seed may allow even another Demon Monarch to come over to its plane.

But it wasn't like he planned to ask for those bastards help. Not only would his pride not allow such a disgraceful thing but he wouldn't put it past them to try something. Still, he was a little bit worried about invading this world.

'As another Monarch tried and failed at invading last time.'

Alba knew a Demon Monarch tried to invade the Douluo plane but was horribly repelled. Yet Alba couldn't blame that Demon Monarch for trying as the energy from the Douluo plane would help any of them become even stronger.

The Demon Realm invades other planes was precisely to absorb their plane energy and become stronger. Not only does it increase the strength and size of their realm but also the ruler of the region.

'If I can invade that plane and successfully conquer it. Then I would gain enough power to be even stronger than those other Demon Monarch.' Thought Alba in glee.

He wasn't worried about the other Demon Monarch trying to stop him. As from what he knew, they were having trouble in their own territory. All he needed to do is wait for the seed to become stronger and then go conquer the realm.

Demon Monarch Alba was so lost in thought he didn't see the odd looks of his demon generals or a group of demon walking into his hall and kneeling before him. No one dares to disturb his thoughts as they knew the punishment was death.

It wasn't until a white that Alba moved his gaze toward the beings kneeling in front of him. He ignores most of them except for the one in front.


"My Lord, we are about to embark on towards Mahal." Said the great demon in front of the group.

'Mahal.' Thought Alba as he stared deeply at the demon in front of him.

Mahal was a famous dungeon throughout the demon world. It was famous for containing an enormous amount of treasure and riches that could even move him.

A lot of demons would challenge the dungeon at least once. They believed they were strong enough and the ones who were lucky would come out with valuable treasures. The dungeon had five levels one would have to go through and each level that was completed, one was rewarded with a treasure.

There were even rumors that there was an extra floor that housed a treasure that exceeds all of the others combined. This caused most if not all of the demons to try and make their way to the bottom of the dungeon, yet none has made it to this day.

Not even the Demon Monarchs could make it to the bottom and even Alba himself was only able to pass the third level before failing.

'Although If I could challenge it now, it would be a different story.' Thought Alba.

Mahal had a restriction power that forbade all High-Class demons or someone who had strength similar to eight spirit ring and higher from entering the labyrinth. Not even the combined power of the Demon Monarchs could trespass.

'Should I kill him?'

Alba had a slight worry about the demon in front of him. This demon was known as Mahaan, and he was one of the upstarts in Ignis. Although he was similar to the many other demons that have given his loyalty to him, Alba had no imagination that he wouldn't try to dethrone him like the rest.

'I will kill him depending on what he gets. If its something that can be threatening he dies' Thought Alba.

Alba nodded his head to Mahaan and his group, as they began leaving his hallway.

'Now that I think about it, Mahal should be in Imbrem.'


"God this world suck." Said Xie Xie as he stared ahead of him.

In front of him were falling meteors raining down from the sky. The brilliant meteors were destroying the landscape and causing craters to form. In fact, some of the craters go deep into the land, showing how this wasn't a new thing.

"Well, you knew this world was going to suck anyway." Said Xu Xioayan as she stared at the massive explosions.

"But still!"

"So, the seed leads us to Imbrem too." Said Gu Yue causing everyone to blink their eyes.

"Wait, so we're on another region?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu.

"Yes, those meteors falls are the characteristics of Imbrem." Said Gu Yue.

They have been traveling through Ignis for a while now, with them encountering more devil tides and demons on the way. She didn't think the seed would lead them to another region, which troubles her a bit.

'Don't tell me it will lead us across all of the regions.' Thought Gu Yue with a grimace.

"The meteors I'm guessing isn't the only threat." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"You're right, the real threat of the region is not just the meteors but the constant assault of other dangers from the sky. Right now, we're only seeing one phase of Imbrem." Said Gu Yue.

"How many phases are there?" Questioned Xie Xie but Gu Yue only shrugged her shoulder.

"Not sure."

Shaking his head, Tang Wulin told everyone to get ready and summon their spirit. Then they all dashed into the field of raining stars.

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