Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 134: Demon Monarch Alba (2)

Chapter 134: Demon Monarch Alba (2)

"Who is this guy?" Questioned Xie Xie as he felt his body shaking from the overwhelming pressure that the demon was giving off.

"How can someone this strong be in here?" Questioned Xu Lizhi with his eyes widening.

"He caused all of this destruction just from appearing." Said Wu Siduo as she glances around to survey the whole landscape, that was turned into a place filled with burns and craters.

"This guy strength and pressure feel similar to my teacher. Meaning he isn't just a normal Limit Douluo but a Quasi God."Said Na'er as she tried her best to resist the invisible feeling of being oppressed.

After Na'er said these words the expression of everyone began to change. A Limit Douluo strength and level are split up into three realms. With them being Quasi Demi-God, Demi-God and the last realm being called Quasi God.

A being at Quasi God level was the closest to the level of the gods, with them being able to easily slaughter countless amount of Titel Douluo.

"How is he even here then!" Said Mu Xi in shock but before anyone could answer, a voice that was shaking rang out.

"It's him." Said Yuanen Yehui as her body was trembling. Her Fallen Seraphim to her shock was trying to force her to posture herself before this demon.

"Yuanen!" Shouted Xie Xie as he went to her side while maintaining his eyes on the unfathomable being before him.

"Him?" Questioned Xu Xiaoyan while pointing her bow at the demon in front of her, as she felt her combat experience screaming at her to not take her eyes off him.

"Oh? You all haven't figured it out yet? I thought it would be obvious considering my fallen is trembling before you guys."The demon voice rang out as he gazed at the humans in front of him with an indifferent look.

"Come now, my seed. Tell them who I'm."

"Yuanen?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu with a raised brow.

"He's the Demon Monarch of Ignis and the person who placed the demon seed inside of me, Demon Monarch Alba." Said Yuanen Yehui while glaring hatefully at the Demon Monarch.

Everyone's face changed with some of them feeling shocked. Yet that did nothing to hide the bit of anger they felt once they realize he was the being who planted the demon seed in their friend.

"How did he even get here, though?" Questioned Xu Lizhi, as he clearly remembered the golden being at the entrance of the dungeon. The golden being said there was a barrier that stopped beings who are too strong from entering.


"Yuanen?" Questioned Xie Xie.

"He must have used the demon seed, as a portal."Said Yuanen Yehui causing almost everyone's eyes to slightly widen.

"That may be possible." Said Gu Yue.

The connection between the demon seed and a Demon Monarch could technically allow them to travel towards it. But the amount of energy it would take would be too much, especially considering the opposition they would face once they arrived.

'Which begs the question, how is he still giving off so much power.' Thought Gu Yue in shock.

"Oh? I guess I didn't have to explain that to you pathetic little beings."Said the Demon Monarch Alba.

"Who are you calling pathetic?" Shouted Xie Xie as he summoned his daggers.

"Who else? But the group of insects in front of me, who I can crush with nothing but a wave of my hand."Said the Demon Monarch.

"But alas, I guess I should be thanking you all? After all, you brought me both the things I need to start my invasion."

Yuanen Yehui gritted her teeth as she knew Demon Monarch Alba was right. With her here and the demon seed inside of his chest, he has everything he needed. But the worst part, was the chance of them escaping him was close to zero percent.

As he was not wrong to call them bugs, as the strength of a Qusai God is that great. Not even an army of Title Douluo would be a match for them.

"Do you actually believe you can invade our world and succeed?" Question Xie Xie.

"I wonder how many people have said that to me before I slaughter their people and conquer their world." Said the Demon Monarch Alba with a bored tone.

"But alas, I guess idiots like you will never change or disappear. Be joyful trash, I will allow you to continue with your stupidity, after all, you won't be living for much longer anyway." Said Demon Monarch Alba causing Xie Xie to grit his teeth while his hand was clenching his daggers.

"Is there no way to escape or beat him?" Whisper Xie Xie to his friends. While he was angry enough to want to just charge straight toward the demon in front of him, he knew that was just asking for death.

"Are you kidding me? The chance of us beating him is way too low and I doubt escaping would be any easy." Said Mu Xi as she tried to think of a plan to get everyone out safely.

"I know that b-."

Before Xie Xie could finish his words, a fist was embedded in his stomach as a blur appeared in front of him. Xie Xie spat out some blood as he was able to experience and get a taste of the overwhelming strength of a Quasi God.

"Don't you know, it's foolish to talk while fighting?" Lectured Demon Monarch Alba.

Everyone's eyes widen at his speed but moved in to attack him. Yet Demon Monarch Alba showed no sign of worry but only display the expression of disdain and a hint of tiredness.

"Begone, you vermins."

A wave of purple-gold flames burst from the Demon Monarch that was strong enough to send the people around flying. Demon Monarch Alba paid them no attention as his eyes were still on the human in front of him.

"Impressive." Mutter Alba as he a pillar of flames burst out beside him as fist coming plowing from his side.

With even stopping for a second, the fist blew away the purple-gold flames and headed toward the Demon Monarch. Alba just thrust out his hands and clashed head-on with the fist, yet a hint of shock appeared in his eyes making him glance at Tang Wulin.

"If it's stupid for someone to be talking while fighting, then aren't you the idiotic one." Said Tang Wulin as he sends a kick towards the Demon Monarch.

"Fighting? Do you think I would actually fight trash like you all?"Questioned Demon Monarch Alba with a deep and thunderous laugh that reverberates through the room as he caught Tang Wulin kick.

"This is no different than me punishing you all. Answer me something, would you consider an insect challenging you, a fight?"Questioned the Demon Monarch as threw out swift punches, which Tang Wulin quickly deflected.

"Of course not. But unlike you, I wouldn't give them the time of day."Said Tang Wulin as he caught the Demon Monarch wrist, then he pulled him closer and thrust out with a kick.

"Oh? You actually have some wisdom in you."Said the Demon Monarch Alba with no worry on his face.

"But alas I'm dealing with this idiot in front of me right now, so begone."


Tang Wulin foot made contact with a blade made out of the Demon Monarch purple-gold flames that appears in front of his kick. He didn't have much time to respond as the blade started to hack down on him.

"But I do respect your abnormal strength and the way you think. So out of respect, I will allow you to play with some more of my swords." Said The Demon Monarch as three more purple-gold appeared and started hacking down on Tang Wulin.

"Now where were we?" Questioned the Demon Monarch as his gaze went back to Xie Xie who was starting to regain feeling in his body. Five Rings appeared behind Xie Xie and began to light up.

'Absolute Delay.'

"Hm? Trash like you was able to gain the power of an ultimate?"Questioned the Demon Monarch as he felt his body froze. Actually, it wasn't him freezing but his speed was like akin to that of a turtle, yet there was no worry on his face.

Six Rings appeared behind Xie Xie that began to lit up and he hacks down with his Dragon Space and Time Daggers.

'Spatial Slash.'

The Demon Monarch said nothing as his eyes flashed, causing the slash that was coming towards him to break and shocking Xie Xie. But he wasn't done as impenetrable darkness exploded out from him that made contact with the attacks that were coming towards him.

"Why fight against the inevitable? Don't tell me, you all still have a sense of hope that you can win? Hahahaha." The Demon Monarch began to laugh as he caught the wrist of Xie Xie who was trying to slash him with a dagger.

"You all are no different from those bands of demons who grovel at my feet and begged for my favor." Said the Demon Monarch with a look of disdain as he begins to hammer into Xie Xie.

"Yet in the end, the only thing they gained was my disdain and an early trip to their death." Said the Demon Monarch as he slams Xie Xie into the ground causing him to sprout some blood and for his face to turn a bit pale.

The picture of someone begging or the act of weakness was something the Demon Monarch hated with a passion and found disgusted. He did not desire fools whose only way to reach higher was to beg. In fact, the act of begging or being weak is no different than sickness to him.

So to the Demon Monarch, his act of killing the weak and the useless could be considered an act of mercy from his eyes. A merciful act in which he frees them from their pain and suffering in this hellish world.

"Now you weakling, let me end your suffering."

A purple-gold flame spear appeared in the Demon Monarch hand and then he thrust it toward Xie Xie's heart.



A foot that had appeared out of nowhere was stomping down on the lance. The Demon Monarch indifferently glance at Tang Wulin who was wrapped in an ethereal golden aura around him. He also noted that Tang Wulin was holding two of his blades made out of the darkness.

Tang Wulin sent out a fist with all of his might towards the Demon Monarch, who only held out his hand.


"Your physical body truly is monstrous. Maybe, just maybe you aren't trash like the rest."Said the Demon Monarch who not only deflected Tang Wulin fist but also didn't move from the force.

"But sadly, when compared to me. You're out of your league." Said The Demon Monarch with a grin on his face, as he thrust out his fist towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin deflected the Demon Monarch punch and began exchanging moves with him. They were going back and forth, with Tang Wulin gradually losing from the speed of the Demon Monarch blows.

The Demon Monarch deflect a punch to his face, which hid a hint of his surprise and began unleashing an onslaught of strikes on Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin couldn't keep up any longer, as he felt the onslaught of punches raining down on his body.

Then with a burst of speed that Tang Wulin could only notice because of his instincts and Asura blood, he saw a streak of purple coming towards him


'He was still able to lean back? Even when I used most of my speed and strength.' Thought the Demon Monarch Alba as he saw Tang Wulin body flying back and shooting straight into the wall. It would be incorrect to say he wasn't impressed by Tang Wulin and his abilities.

'Is reaction and ability to predict an attack is way too terrifying. Too bad he is going to die soon.' Thought the Demon Monarch with a hint of disappointment.

It was then a he felt fluctuations through the area around him and blurred out. Xie Xie's eyes widen at the godlike speed of the Demon Monarch.

Alba appeared in front of Xie Xie and he was sent flying from a kick to the face.

"Xie Xie!"


"Boss! Xie Xie!'

Shouts rang out as Xie Xie and Tang Wulin friends, saw them being sent flying by the Demon Monarch. Alba said nothing as his eyes zoned in on his next pray and then vanish in a burst of speed.

Ye Xinglan narrowed her eyes and then swung her sword behind her but the Demon Monarch simply deflected the sword. Then with a simple step, he embedded his fist into Ye Xinglan gut and caused her to sprout a huge amount of blood before sending her flying.

"Big Sis!" Shouted Xu Lizhi with rage in his eyes, as he went to attack the Demon Monarch.


Demon Monarch Alba grabs on Xu Lizhi fist while twisting his arm and then hitting him with a spinning kick that sent him flying.

A white streak appeared behind him and then a claw came swiping down. The Demon Monarch simply deflected the claw away and thrust out his fist toward Wu Siduo.

Wu Siduo was able to evade the fist but then her eyes widen from the vicious grin on the Demon Monarch face.


Wu Siduo was sent flying from the leg that appeared out of nowhere and smashes into her stomach. Then without even glancing at the flying human, the Demon Monarch figure blurred and appeared in front of Xu Xiaoyan who was latching an arrow on her bow.

"Annoying pests."

Before Xu Xiaoyan could react, a fist was smashed into her face and she was sent flying into one of the stone pillars. It was then that Yue Zhengyu appeared above him with his light shining down on him.

Yue Zhengyu with his holy sword was hacking down and Mu Xi dashing in front of him with her rusted sword.

"How amusing."

The Demon Monarch grin became even wider as his hands thrust out to Yue Zhengyu who eyes widen and grab on to his face. Then he spun to the direction of Mu Xi and swung Yue Zhengyu as if he was a club.

Mu Xi duck under the swinging of Yue Zhengyu but then her eyes widen as a kick was coming his way. She instantly lifts her arms to block the attack but the Demon Monarch simply chuckled and twisted his body for a spinning kick.

The only thing she could do was summon her four fire shield but they broke apart. They took most of the force of the kick as she was sent flying. It was then the Demon Monarch duck down from the incoming slash of a black sword.

Then he grabbed the silver spear that was thrusting towards his neck, before smashing his fist toward Na'er and sending her flying away. He then spun his body and thrust out his hand, to grip the head of Yuanen Yehui who tried to resist, but it was useless.

"Still trying to resist, even with your pitiful strength."

The Demon Monarch Alba slam down Yuanen Yehui into the ground repeatedly and then send her flying with a kick to the face.

"Yet the inevitable will not change."

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