Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 135: Demon Monarch Alba (3)

Chapter 135: Demon Monarch Alba (3)

Tang Wulin pushed himself out of the shattered wall while feeling his whole body aching over from being bombarded with Qusai God level punches. It was only because of his Regalia, that all of the bones inside of his body didn't get broken even with his Limit Douluo physical prowess.

"You have to run."Said Sleipnir in a frightened voice.

'Not now, Sleipnir.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt his blood rumbling.

"Don't be an idiot. I'm sure you can tell the difference between you and him. If you were at least a Spirit Sage or maybe if you had unlocked more seals maybe you would have a chance. You are fortunate you have that dragon robe on you and he is only just playing with you all."Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin to roll his eyes but nonetheless agree.

Sleipnir's words weren't wrong as he could tell just from the Demon Monarch posture and emotion, that he was treating this like a walk in the park. Hell, he hasn't even tried using any big moves but just his physical strength to dominate them.

He glances around to look at his friends who were slowly getting up, albeit with a lot of trouble. Luckily they all made sure to keep some of the buns Xu Lizhi made in their storage rings before Alba attacks them.

Tang Wulin only sighed and then he summoned his jeweled crown that appeared prominently on his head with them all shining.

'Red Gem.'

'Orange Gem.'

'Pink Gem.'

Subsequently, his multi-colored ring appeared behind him while shining. An extremely thin and transparent layer of golden scales appearing prominently on Tang Wulin's body with his three hearts beating rapidly.

'Child of Life.'

'Gem Amplification.'

At the same instant, they donned their two-word battle armor. Yet even with this on, they knew the gap between them and the Demon Monarch was as high as the heavens.

"Sleipnir see if you can make contact with that old man." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin who was maintaining his eyes on the Demon Monarch.

"That could work." Mutter Sleipnir.

Technically the dungeon of Mahal and Yggdrasil were similar, so it may be possible for Sleipnir to make a connection with it. Even if she couldn't make contact with the old man.

She wants to see if she could at least gain some control over the tower and allow them to utilize some of its power.

"I see, we can probably make the tower aware of his presence or at least have it suppress him." Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin and Zeref to nod their heads.

Tang Wulin sigh as he now sees why Mu Ye told them to avoid the high-class demons above Title Douluo rank. But they still had to destroy the seed that was at the center of the Demon Monarch chest.

The Demon Monarch Alba glances toward the holder of the demon seed who has had her black sword out and with a red-purple armor. To his surprise, there was a wisp of his purple-gold flames around the sword.

It didn't take him long to comprehend what happened and for a hideous smile to sprout on his face.

"My demon seed, you sure are full of surprises. To think you would have gained the courage to not only come down here but also rip a piece of my power and claiming it as your own. You have my respect and applause for that."Said the Demon Monarch Alba with a chuckle.

Did he care that Yuanen Yehui was able to steal some of his power? Did he care she was continuously tried to resist him? Absolutely not, as the Demon Monarch cares only for the fact that she didn't easily bend to his will.

"But sadly, you're too weak to resist." Said the Demon Monarch with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Yuanen Yehui grimaces at the words the Demon Monarch uttered but said nothing to him as rings appeared behind her.

"Let me show you, h-."

"Would you shut up already." Said Mu Xi as she instantly brought out her rusted sword that was engulfed in golden flames and hack down towards the Demon Monarch. The flaming rusted sword transformed into a burning phoenix that to wanted incinerate everything.

The Demon Monarch Alba outstretched his hand, as a flaming sword appeared in his hand. Then with tremendous speed and astonishing swiftness he hacks down with his flaming sword.

The flaming sword swept down on the floor crashing into the ground and producing purple-gold flames that flickered with brilliance as it hacked its way through Mu Xi phoenix.

Yet it was at that moment when a blur appeared behind the Demon Monarch with a glowing sword that had an ethereal red and golden aura.

'Fifth Soul Ring: Star Armageddon.'

'Sixth Soul Ring: Star Eyes.'

Ye Xinglan brandishes her Stargod sword toward the Demon Monarch head but he moved with breathtaking speed clashed against her enchanted sword with his.

"Ultimate Cutting too? You guys sure have a lot of tricks."Said the Demon Monarch as he saw his flaming sword edge had a little chip on it. He knew it had to be Ultimate Cutting as there was no way, these insects could harm his sword normally.

Ye Xinglan said nothing as her eyes that were bright as the stars shined and she began to hack towards the Demon Monarch. The Demon Monarch had a hint of surprise in his eyes as he saw the exceptional swordsmanship that the human in front of him was displaying.

Yet it didn't matter as the Demon Monarch Alba was casually moving his sword that was coated with flames as he clashed with Ye Xinglan while moving.

'A monster.' Thought Ye Xinglan while she was clashing with the Demon Monarch.

Her Star Armageddon is where she surrounds her sword with the power of the star and granting the blade Ultimate Cutting, allowing her to cut through anything. And then her Star Eyes allows her to know where to slash and how to slash, nullifying her opponent's ability to evade or block.

With these soul skills, it wouldn't be wrong to say she was an absolute terrifying opponent in an up-close battle. Yet even with these advantages, she was barely able to keep up with Demon Monarch. Alba from what she could tell was taking his time and even then, she was being wounded all over.

'Don't fuck with me.' Thought Ye Xinglan as her sword consciousness surged out of her Stargod sword and a light shined upon her. If their one thing she hated other than her friends suffering and being completely defeated without putting up a challenge, it is being taken as a joke.

Ye Xinglan said nothing her sword start to become a blur as she began to hack down even more fiercely. The hideous grin widens even more on the Demon Monarch as the flaming sword in his hand move with inhumane grace and swiftness.

After three moves, Ye Xinglan was sent skidding back and the Demon Monarch then swung his swords to his right, causing him to clash with a rusted sword. He then spun causing Mu Xi to skid back and slashed apart the three arrows that were aimed at him.

Multiple shadows came around him but were instantly cut down as with a flick of his sword and then he thrust out his fist. It was aimed towards Wu Siduo who switch to her White Tiger martial soul and with five soul rings shining.

'Damn.' Thought Wu Siduo as she quickly twisted her body to evade the fist, at the last second. But then her eyes widen as at the flaming sword that was hacking towards her.


A bulky figure appeared in front of her but was then bisected in half by the sword and burned to a crisp. This allowed Wu Siduo to back up and gain some breathing room but that didn't hide the sweat forming on her forehead.

"Well is that all?" Questioned the Demon Monarch as he glances at the people around him.

Countless multi-colored vines erupted from the ground and began speeding off toward the Demon Monarch who eyes slightly narrowed. Yet Tang Wulin wasn't done as his blood core and the life energy inside of his soul core began to erupt with power.

Golden scales began to shine on top of the vines alongside an abundant amount of life energy that was making the vines, even more, sturdier than before. His friends also attacked at the same time with them using long-range attacks.

The Demon Monarch cared not for the attacks of the pitiful worms as he grips his flaming sword and spun around to create a storm of flames. The great flame burned, engulfing all of the attacks that were coming towards and then overpowering them.

The humans had to dash away to avoid getting engulfed by the attack or they most likely will turn into ash.

'Impressive.' Thought Tang Wulin, yet that did nothing to deter the rush of breathless excitement he was still feeling.

'Sleipnir, some good news would be good right about now."Said Zeref as he saw a delighted grin appearing on Tang Wulin's face.

Tang Wulin turned into a streak of gold towards the Demon Monarch, who simply thrust out his fist back.

'Golden Dragon Tyrant Body.'

'Calamity Tyrant Dragon Emission.'

'Magic Devil Deadly Fury.'

The thin scales on Tang Wulin began shining as a purple wisp began surrounding his fist. As their fist was about to clash, Alba's expression slightly changed as he felt the slight tremble of his arm.

But it was too late.


It was at this moment when the Demon Monarch muscled bulges and his multiplying by three. Tang Wulin eyes slightly open and he quickly let out a roar before his fist made contact.

'Golden Dragon Roar.'

Demon Monarch Alba's expression slightly changed as he felt his concentration breaking and for a split second his fist went off course. Tang Wulin instantly took advantage and smashed his fist into the chest of the Demon Monarch.

The Demon Monarch leg shot up towards Tang Wulin's stomach right before his fist was able to break through his purple-gold scales. Yet Tang Wulin already predicted this as a wisp of purple-blue energy exploded out of his body.

'Magic Devil Ignition.'

A large explosion rang out through the room and at the same time, the sounds of bones creaking could be heard.

Tang Wulin was sent flying from the unrivaled strength of the Demon Monarch Alba. But at the same time, Alba could feel his purple-gold scales broken and red marks appearing over his body.

Not only that but he could feel his own body shaking in fright. Demon Monarch Alba couldn't help but be re-evaluated the person he sent flying.

'What the hell is that ability.' Thought Alba as for the first time a sense of dread was showing and then his eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin mouth bulging up.

'Magic Devil Rage!'

A purple-blue beam of energy came rushing towards the Demon Monarch who sent a torrent of purple-gold flames to meet it. The two attacks clash for a few seconds before the purple-gold flames overpowering the beam of energy.

It was then multiple figures came dashing towards him as barrages of elements and arrows were being sent from above. Yet Alba didn't even glance at the long-range attacks and simply dashed toward the multiple figures.

In just a split second, they collided several times in succession.

Ten moves later.

Everyone but Na'er was sent flying from the barrages of punches that surpassed their reaction.

"So you expect us to just give up? Don't tell me you believed one should just shut up and accept their fate."Shouted Na'er as she twirled her silver dragon spear and thrust it towards the neck of the Demon Monarch.

The Monarch only responded with a swing of his sword but Na'er eyes flashes as six rings appeared behind her and lit up.

'Ruler of Space!'

The Demon Monarch flaming sword bend above Na'er and her Silver Dragon Spear, allowing her spear to continue on its way to his neck. The Demon Monarch's eyes flash, and he roared out, causing a rippling heat to send the people near him away from him.

'Absolute Lunar!'

It was then that Xu Xiaoyan appeared afar from the Demon Monarch, with an icy storm erupting around her and creating countless ice weapons. The Demon Monarch narrowed his eyes as layers of frost began forming on not only his sword but his body.


Purple-gold flames burst forth out of the Demon Monarch body before he closed in on Xu Xiaoyan and sending a fist out to her. Xu Xiaoyan couldn't react in time and splurted out some blood with her facing becoming pale from the fist being embedded in her armor.

The Demon Monarch as his figure blurred and appeared in front of Yuanen Yehui who was dashing towards him. She swung her black sword that shined with purple-gold flames toward the Demon Monarch.

Yet it was all futile as he grabbed her face and smashed it into the ground. Then he stomps down on her body, causing cracks to appear on Yuanen Yehui's battle armor.


A streak of black and white appeared behind the Demon Monarch. The Demon Monarch paid it no mind as a spear of purple-gold burst from the ground and through the shadow.

"Xie Xie!"

"Are you all ready to embrace your roles? Are you all ready to accept the fact and truth that you will be dying as nothing more than insects?"

"Fuck off."Said Xie Xie with blood sprouting from his mouth and his body aching with the lance that was protruding his body.

It was then a destructive amount of power was coming toward the Demon Monarch. The Demon Monarch glance to his right to see a sphere swirling with the elements of fire, water, wind, earth, and light charging to him.

Narrowing his eyes, he outstretched his hand to stop the sphere of energy but his eyes then widen as he senses a red light shining around the sphere. The Demon Monarch instantly let out a surge of purple-gold flames that devoured the sphere.

As his flames were devouring the sphere, he sent his sense through the sphere and then his eyes widen when he felt a familiar aura.

'Is that, destruction energy!'

But this allowed for a purple light to appear around Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie, which caused them to disappear. Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie appeared next to Gu Yue whose eyes were shining.

'Did he feel the annihilation power inside?' Thought Gu Yue in slight dismay.

Before they came into the demon world, she had wanted to see if Wulin could imbue his power of annihilation inside one of the Lacrimas's.

To say they were shocked that it worked was an understatement. Yet it didn't matter as they both knew they gained a terrifying weapon that could be used as a sneak attack.

"You all have powers that even I must respect but your strength is so weak. Truly a waste to the world-" It was at this moment.

He felt vines erupting from the ground with a red-purple light surrounding them and rushing towards him at breakneck speed. It wasn't only vines but also purple-blue chains erupting from behind him and arrays of magical spheres raining down on him.

Alba for the first time in a thousand years felt his soul tremble uncontrollably in fear.

It was because of this that he froze up, allowing the vines and chains to reach him. It was only because of the purple-gold flames that sprouted out from him that he could escape danger. The flames incinerated all of the attacks before they could come into contact with his body.

'What a fast reaction speed.' Thought Tang Wulin as his eyes slightly narrowed.

He planned it all, from the moment the fight started he wanted to gain a chance when Alba was distracted and wouldn't be able to dodge, to attack. He knew with his Devil Slayer and Annihilation that Alba would be instantly frozen for a split second.

As from what he noticed, most of the demons who felt the presence or aura of his Devil Slayer art would always freeze up in fear for a split second.

Not only that but he hoped that with his Devil Chains, it might be able to capture Alba's soul, allowing him to deal a fatal blow.

But it seems it wouldn't be that easy.

'I just need a chance.' Thought Tang Wulin as he begins thinking.

While this was happening, Xu Lizhi was supplying his friend with buns to help them recover. After glancing at them, Tang Wulin knew with his boost and enhancement that now he possesses the physical strength of a peak Demi-God.

But with his Devil Slayer, he should be able to contend with Alba for a while. As Tang Wulin was about to rush towards Alba, he felt a voice rang out to him.

"Wulin!" A familiar voice rang out in Tang Wulin's mind, causing him to glance to the side and see a Sleipnir appearing next to him.

"To think one of the Demon Monarchs would have been able to bring themselves here." Said the old man as he appeared next to Tang Wulin. Although no one but Tang Wulin was able to see him.

"Yes he is here, can you do something about him or at least suppress him?" Said Zeref.

"I can't use the dungeons power to kill the Demon Monarch as It will need most of its power to deal with the incoming destruction. But I can at least suppress his strength and tell you a way to expel him."Said the old man.

"Just do it." Shouted Zeref as he saw Alba preparing for another attack. The old man nodded his head and then his eyes began to shine.

The whole room that they were in began shining with ancient symbols around them causing everyone to glance up and then a golden light envelope the whole area.

Demon Monarch Alba's eyes widen, while he glances around to see the whole room turning golden and then ancient symbols began to show up on the wall.

"What is this!" Snarled Demon Monarch Alba wildly.

Without any words said, the golden symbols dashed toward the Demon Monarch. Alba tried to move out of the way but the symbols poured into his body and caused him to scream as he felt them ruthlessly suppressing him.

"Alright, that is all I can do for now. If you guys can destroy the seed in his chest, then the tower will be able to expel him."Said the old man as he disappeared causing Tang Wulin to sigh.

"What is going on." Said Xu Lizhi while glancing around at the golden symbols that were fading away.

"The tower seems to have discovered the Demon Monarch and seems to be rigorously suppressing him. Although it doesn't seem to be able to force him out of the tower."Said Na'er as she finishes coughing up some blood.

"It's probably because of the seed keeping him in here." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Anyway, get ready." Said Tang Wulin causing all of them to nod their heads.

Knowing that they couldn't challenge Alba head-on even if he was getting weaker. Tang Wulin with the help of Zeref came up with a plan and began to relay it to everyone else.

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