Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 137: Demon King Alba (5)

Chapter 137: Demon King Alba (5)

A massive crater was formed in the middle of the room, which resulted in a storm of dust and debris temporarily that obscured everything from view.

Yet the humans didn't care for the fallen Demon Monarch, as they began running towards the fallen Tang Wulin.



"Big Brother!"

They all saw Tang Wulin attack make contact with Alba, then a dark storm forming and then Alba being sent flying. Not knowing what happened up there, they could come up with their own solution that he got injured from Alba last-ditch effort of an attack.

Wu Siduo was the first to reach him since she was the closest and also one of the fastest in the group. She quickly turned him over and began carefully inspecting what was wrong with him.

"I'm fine." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo to blink her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Questioned Wu Siduo as she swore, she saw Tang Wulin expression crumple for a bit before going back to his stoic look before he landed on the ground.


"I don't know boss, are you sure you're not reeling in pain from suffering an attack like that?" Questioned Xie Xie as he was the second one to arrive.

Tang Wulin intentionally ignored Xie Xie as he begins slowly trying to lift himself up off the ground. Xie Xie and Wu Siduo were able to notice the amount of effort it was taking him but they didn't comment on it.

"Let me help you there boss." Said Xie Xie as he moves to put Tang Wulin arm around his neck. Tang Wulin glance at Xie Xie for a few seconds before sighing as he heard an annoying voice inside of his head.

It didn't take long for everyone to reach where Tang Wulin was, they all went over to him and began checking on his condition. Gu Yue began sweeping her mental senses through Tang Wulin body and gasping in shock.

"What's wrong?" Questioned Na'er as she already knew Gu Yue was examining him over with her spiritual sense. As he believed somone with a spiritual power on Gu Yue level, should be able to have a better understanding of her big brother condition.

"Some of his bones are crushed and he has a lot of internal bleeding." Said Gu Yue causing most of her friends to cry out.

"Not the time." Said Tang Wulin as he shifted his head to the cloud of smoke.

"We have to leave here now."Said Mu Xi after hearing about Tang Wulin condition, causing most of them to nod their head.

"Unbelievable." A voice rang out causing most of the human's eyes to widen and turn.

The dust storm was almost done fading but the humans were still able to see the figure of the Demon Monarch, Alba. His body had little extensive burns, with some of his purple-gold scales being chipped off, and blood was leaking from him.

But they weren't focused on that, as what they were focusing on was the giant hole that was made on the side of his chest. Yet surprisingly no blood was leaking out, as if the Demon Monarch himself was stopping the flow.

"You're still alive!" Shouted Xie Xie in shock, as he and everyone saw Tang Wulin pierce through his heart. Not only just that but Gu Yue and Na'er attack should have at least knock him out or at least injured him a bit more.

"Don't be surprised Xie Xie, remember these demons are way more resilient than us." Said Wu Siduo as she recalled the gray demon she fought. The gray demon was able to stay alive even after having his head cut off.

"Are you saying he is on his last leg?" Questioned Xu Lizhi with his buns already out but Wu Siduo only shook her head.

"No...From what I can see and feel from him, it seems as if he wasn't damaged at all."Said Wu Siduo with her expression becoming unsightly.

"Is that analysis from your Battle Analysis skill?" Questioned Ye Xinglan with her guard still up against he Demon Monarch, while her senses were on Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo fifth soul skill that is called Battle Analysis, allowed her to accurately tell the condition of her opponent and predict their actions. Yet that wasn't just it, as the longer, she fights or observes someone the more adept she becomes to be able to predict what they would do.

If given enough time, she could easily be able to see twenty seconds in the future or even more, especially if she fought with a team. It was through this, that allowed them to be able to counter and escape most of the Demon Monarch deadly moves.

It was through this ability that she knew where and when to send her Devilgod. While also knowing where to have Gu Yue and Na'er teleport to for the best time to attack the Demon Monarch.

"Yes." Said Wu Siduo as she saw the vitality around the Demon Monarch was abundant. Causing most of the people to suck in a cold breath.

Was the capability of those who became a Limit Douluo really this terrifying?

"He is an abnormal being." Said Tang Wulin causing all of them to turn their gaze to him with confusion.

"When my fist broke through his body and destroyed his heart. I was able to feel the beat of another heart but I couldn't destroy it as he was already sent flying."Said Tang Wulin as he was leaning on Xie Xie, causing everyone eyes to widen.

'I didn't think I would meet another person with multiple hearts like me so soon.' Thought Tang Wulin as he stared at Alba.

"To think you pests, would force me this far and even take one of my hearts."Said the Demon Monarch Alba.

"My plan is destroyed with the destruction of the seed... I will admit it. I have lost. I lost to a bunch of insects that I should have been able to end with a wave of my hand." Mutter the Demon Monarch.

Yet the words the Demon Monarch said, made none of the humans in front of him sigh in relief or relax for a second. They knew this wasn't over and could feel his gazes move on each of them.

"To think, I the great Demon Monarch Alba would lose!" Roared out Alba in rage as his eyes began to burn with flames.

Was he mad he lost? No! Was he mad his plans were destroyed? No! He was angered because someone as great as him lost to beings who are no better than insects!

"Unforgivable!" Roared Alba as a dark storm began to form around him with multiple tornadoes began to forming around him.

"Damn it." Mutter Xie Xie as he could feel the pressure and raw energy pouring off Alba.

He knew the cruel truth of the matter was, that he and his friends were in no shape to even survive against Alba anymore.

Whether it be from the injuries they suffer before his power got suppress, the injuries they receive after or the fact that they used most of their energy on that last plan to injury him.

It didn't help that they have been fighting through floors after floors and demons after demons with barely any rest.

"Die." Said Alba as he begins waving his hand.

But it was then that chains began to erupt from around the room and began swirling around the Demon Monarch. Alba roared out as he tried to block the chains with his dark storm but it meant nothing to a tower that was built by the gods.

"Curse this tower! This isn't how it was supposed to be!"Roared out Alba as he tried his hardest to break away from the chains.

Yet his effort showed nothing, as space began to distort before forming a portal and then his body began to be pulled inside of the portal.


Was the last thing the humans heard, as the Demon Monarch Alba was forcibly kicked out of the tower and then only silence came.

"That was close."Said Xie Xie as he blinks his eyes, he then turned to his friends and saw they were giving him a deadpan stare.


"Nothing, Yuanen can you open up the portal so we can go? Or do we have to leave the tower first?"Questioned Mu Xi as she turned away from Xie Xie while one hand was gripping her head.

"...I'm not sure but I can try." Said Yuanen Yehui causing everyone to nod their head.

As Yuanen Yehui began to close her eyes, the room started to shake causing most of the people eyes to widen.

"What's going on now!" Shouted Xie Xie as he began looking around and it was then a streak of light came in front of Yuanen Yehui.

'Your reward.'

Yuanen Yehui blinks her eyes as she heard an ancient voice resounding in her head but she didn't see or sense anyone else in the room.

'Could it be the reward that was promised on the extra floor, like what the rumors said?' Thought Yuanen Yehui but nonetheless she moves out her hand and grabs on to the ball of light in front of her.

After one breath with the ball shining and then dimming down, Yuanen Yehui was holding a gleaming obsidian blade. It was a breathtakingly exquisite blade that had ancient symbols around it.

Shaking her head, Yuanen Yehui knew it wasn't the time to admire the blade and quickly summoned her fourth soul ring. To her delight, the hell door began to appear above her and began to gradually open.

"Nice work!"

"We can go home now!"


Above the tower of Mahal where the image of Magna was looking over everything, a rift started to form and then out came the enraged Demon Monarch Alba.

Alba uttered nothing as he was too enraged to speak but that didn't stop him from checking around his surrounding and seeing just where he was teleported to.

'Above Mahal.' Thought Alba as he glances down at the dungeon with a complicated look.

It was then his neck snapped towards his right, as a streak of dark blue, was coming towards him and then his face became unsightly.

The streak of light came in front of him and then out of it came a splendid figure. The figure was a woman with long black hair that reaches down to her thighs and with a beauty that caused everything around to seem dull.

"Gremory..."Mutter Alba as he stared at the Demon Monarch in front of him with a hint of wariness in his eyes.

"Fufufu... If it isn't my dear Alba, you seem like your having trouble. Did you come here for my help?"Questioned Gremory softly as she gazes at the Demon Monarch in front of her with a passionate gaze.

"It's none of your business." Said Alba as he had his guard up against the demon in front of him.

"Come now. There is no one here, and you don't have to put up a tough front... If you behave, I may even give you a reward."Said Gremory as her red eyes started to shine.

Alba remains quiet as he knew he should have left this place, as soon as he was teleported here.

"I'm leaving." Said Alba.

"Why must you act like this? Come here and let me take care of you."Said Gremory as she started moving closer to Alba with a loving smile on her face.

Alba expression started to change as he saw Gremory was getting closer but then his eyes widen and his body began to tremble. It wasn't just him as Gremory was also trembling with shock passing through her eyes.

They glance at each other and then looks up to Magna.

The whole sky above them was split and then shattered open.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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