Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 136: Demon Monarch Alba (4)

Chapter 136: Demon Monarch Alba (4)

'So the tower noticed me.' Thought the Demon Monarch as he saw the golden symbols around him and their restraining power. He could feel his power progressively diminishing as the seconds go by.

He honestly didn't think it would take so long to suppress some bugs and capture the holder of the demon seed. He broke through the dimensional barrier with the thought it would take twenty seconds at most to conquer everything.

Yet not only did these vermins resist him but also contend with him to the point where the tower was able to notice him. He should have just finished them off except for the seed bearer quickly before the tower found out that he was here.

"It has been a while since I suffered from my arrogance and stupidity." Mutter the Demon Monarch Alba but Wu Siduo was able to hear him.

"Huh, you're pretty self-aware for a demon." Said Wu Siduo causing the Demon Monarch to glance at her.

"You don't live and fight as long as I do, to not know when you messed up." Said the Demon Monarch Alba, causing Wu Siduo and her friends to be surprised at how nonchalant he sounded.

They were expecting him to show some rage or at least some anger but just from his tone itself. It seems as if this was nothing but the daily thing for him or something small.

"Oh? Suprise that I'm not shaking in rage? Don't make me laugh, this isn't the first time my arrogance cost me something and it most likely won't be my last." Said the Demon Monarch as he cracks his knuckles.

"Well now, the warmup is over let's finish this."

It was a step, a single step and yet that step caused the ground beneath the Demon Monarch to shatter. He aimed to take out his fallen, so he didn't kill her by accident and so he appeared in front of her.

"Sleep for a while."

The Demon Monarch thrust out his fist imbued with purple-gold flames towards Yuanen Yehui. But then his eyes widen as a streak of dazzling gold appeared in front of him and collided with his fist.

Then he hacks out with his sword as a beam of light was coming from his left and then they collided.

"Well now, I may just gain a good challenge before I slaughter you all." Said Demon Monarch Alba as he glances to his side to see a golden spear. Simultaneously, he could feel his blood stirring up from the human in front of him.

"Round two." Said Tang Wulin as a full-blown grin appeared on his face with a red glint in his eyes, while the Demon Monarch aura flared with purple-gold. His golden spear was trembling with power as he was controlling it with telekinesis and then.

They vanish.

The great earth began to rupture, breaking apart the already blackened floor and forming spider-webs. In just a split second, they collided twenty times in succession, with just a contest of physical strength.

Earth-shattering sounds rang out through the whole room as Tang Wulin and the Demon Monarch was sending attacks back and forth. The Demon Monarch swiped his sword towards the spear that came from his side and then sends out a kick towards Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin ducks under the kick and then counter with a leg to the stomach.

The Demon Monarch skid back a bit but he was still able to deflect a flying kick. Then counter with a punch to Tang Wulin shoulder. Tang Wulin gritted his teeth as he could feel his shoulder getting numb and then coated his hand with purple-blue energy.


The Demon Monarch could instantly feel his body and soul screaming hysterically at him. His whole body became covered with purple-gold flames as continued clashing with Tang Wulin.

Ten moves later, they were weaving in and out as they attacked with killing intent, moving through the room without any break. Each time a collision happened, it would always emit waves of thunder-like sounds and clash of metal.

Purple blood spattered on the floor as the Demon Monarch Alba could feel his body being damaged from some of Tang Wulin hits.

'Just what the hell is that ability! How can it keep bypassing my defense and resistance like they are nothing!' Thought Alba in rage.

'Magic Dragon Deadly Fury.'

Tang Wulin deflected one of the hits coming his away and thrust out with his fist being covered with purple-blue energy. The Demon Monarch hack down with his sword that was pouring out with raging flames and as these two attacks collided, both were sent back.

A golden spear was rushing towards Alba from behind and causing him to erupt in flames to send it away, also leaving him open for an attack.

A flash of light appeared next to the Demon Monarch with Mu Xi appearing with six rings shining behind and her thrusting her fingers toward him. Demon Monarch Alba knew he couldn't treat her attack with contempt anymore considering the situation now.

Darkness exploded outward from the Demon Monarch and aimed to devour Mu Xi. Yet instead of Mu Xi being ruthlessly suppressed by the darkness, her two fingers were burning away the darkness that exploded out of the Demon Monarch.

Yet this isn't a surprise as Mu Xi was now wearing a two-word battle armor that was able to make her comparable to a Title Douluo. Plus the fact that Alba was continuously being suppressed by the tower and the fact she has Ultimate Fire. These made it even possible for her attack to burn through his darkness.

"What nonsense!" Roared out Demon Monarch Alba as purple-gold flames started to form within in his hand and around his sword.

As Demon Monarch Alba was about to hack down Mu Xi, he felt a fluctuating in space. He moved back as a slash burst through space where he was before.

'How annoying.' Thought Demon Monarch Alba as he began to re-evaluate the trash in front of him.

He was about to chase after Mu Xi who was moving back but then he swung his sword to slash apart an ice arrow that was heading towards him.

Xu Xiaoyan was creating an ice arrow and launching them toward the Demon Monarch, which was allowing Mu Xi to move back. Demon Monarch Alba wasn't foolish enough to try and give chase as he felt something was wrong.

It was then that multi-colored vines burst out from the ground and tried to capture him. Demon Monarch Alba utters nothing as his purple-gold flames burst out from him, causing the vines to burn.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't care as he was dashing toward to Demon Monarch who only slightly narrowed his eyes at this and then thurst down his sword.

As if a hurricane made out flames suddenly combusted on the surrounding area near Demon Monarch Alba. With more flames bursting from out of the vortex around Demon Monarch and barely giving Tang Wulin a chance to outmaneuver the attack.

Knowing he couldn't dodge the attack, Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes but still charged forward. As just as the flames were about to make contact with him.

A flash of light appears next to him with Mu Xi and Xie Xie appearing next to him.

'Absolute Delay.'

Sixth Rings appear behind Xie Xie as he causes the surging vortex of flames that was rushing forward to slow down to the speed of a turtle.

'Magic Devil Explosion.'

The Demon Monarch instantly took the sky and away from the area he was before, as purple-blue energy erupted from the ground. It was then he detects a golden missile tearing through the air and letting out a thunderous sound as it was making its way to him.

Darkness and purple-gold flames began enshrouding the Demon Monarch's whole body, then forming a sphere around him. A second later, the golden spear collides with the sphere but it wasn't able to pierce through it.

Demon Monarch Alba burst outward from the sphere while sending the dragon spear flying. But it was then he felt a terrifying feeling behind him but before he could react he felt the air behind him being slice apart.

The Demon Monarch brandish his sword to clash with the golden-white sword that tried to slice off his wing and a surge of flames formed in his hand. Ye Xinglan's eyes widen, and she quickly backs up away, as a stream of purple-gold flames came charging at her.

The Demon Monarch didn't give chase as he began deflecting the countless arrows and elemental that were being directed at him while he was in the air.

The Demon Monarch Alba then glances at the flash of light that appeared above him. Tang Wulin appeared above with Mu Xi who had her two vermillion hammers out.

Demon Monarch Alba saw Tang Wulin and Mu Xi appearing above him but before he could do something, he felt a ray of light shining on him. Then a sphere hit him that caused him to feel like he was being pelted by the rain.


'Darkness Shine.'

Behind Demon Monarch Alba Yue Zhengyu twelve wings and Yuanen Yehui with her feathered wings that had a hint of purple-gold were out. Yue Zhengyu was shining down his rays of light and Yuanen Yehui was sending out constant balls of energy.

While the Demon Monarch was being distracted, Tang Wulin bent his knees as Mu Xi swung her hammers down to his foot and then smashed him downwards to Demon Monarch Alba.

'Magic Devil Deadly Rage.'

Purple-blue was coating Tang Wulin arm and as he began speeding towards the Demon Monarch like a shooting comet. The Demon Monarch swung his sword causing Yue Zhengyu and Yuanen Yehui to evade out of the way from the flames that were rushing towards them.

"As if I would let you!" Roared out the Demon Monarch as became a blur and appeared away from Tang Wulin.

Yet Tang Wulin's expression hasn't changed as he kept his gaze on the Demon Monarch while he was going down.

'Why isn't he trying to stop or panicking?' Thought the Demon Monarch in confusion and then his eyes widen.

As Tang Wulin was coming close to the ground, a shadow appeared under him and it was familiar.

'I thought I destroyed that.' Thought the Demon Monarch as he stared at the Devilgod under Tang Wulin.

The Devilgod spun his body around and then smash his arms into Tang Wulin who bent his leg as he got close. The Demon Monarch eyes widen as he saw Tang Wulin being launch with a frightening amount of speed.

The Demon Monarch began to dash away with him but how could Tang Wulin let him escape?

'Time Magic Parallel World.'

Countless amounts of multi-colored vines that shined dazzlingly with the golden scale erupting from the ground and went towards the Demon Monarch. But none of the vines were able to catch Alba as his speed was just too fast.

Even when the vines began to form a continuous forest of vines, the Demon Monarch was still able to move through them without getting hit or capture once.

"Foolish!" Mock the Demon Monarch as he saw the vines missing him.

Yet Tang Wulin ignored the taunt of the Demon Monarch as his body was approaching the multi-colored vines.

'Calamity Tyrant Dragon Soars.'

It was then the Demon Monarch felt a terrifying amount of pressure in front of him.

As soon as Tang Wulin feet touch one of the vines, it shattered as he turned into a beam of golden-purple light. A thunderous and dragonic noise resounding through the room as the beam of light moves from one vine to another.

The Demon Monarch eyes were filled with shock as he saw the beam of light closing the distance, by rebounding itself on the vines.

He knew he couldn't dodge it with the speed he was going by while he was flying, so he went for an attack. He sent streams of flames towards the beam of light but it was too fast, as every time it hit one of the vines, its speed increased.

Knowing he has to change his tactics, the Demon Monarch Alba roared out as his purple-gold scales and purple-gold flames shined on his sword.

But then pale blue chains began to wrap around him.

That wasn't just it as not only was his movement being restricted but his power as well.

Xu Xiaoyan was slowly breathing but her eyes were shining with steel as she held out her staff toward the Demon Monarch.

'Absolute Control too! It's just like her-.'

The Demon Monarch couldn't finish his thought as the beam of light finish rebounding around him and close in on him. His eyes widen as the beam of light started to twist into a golden-purple dragon emitting earth-shattering noise and deadly pressure.

'Devil Slayer Secret Art: Holy Apocalypse.'


The Demon Monarch figure was swallowed by the mythical dragon and as Tang Wulin attack made contact with the Demon Monarch chest. The Demon Monarch eyes widen as he felt scales were being turned into dust.

Yet the Demon Monarch refused to give up as he roared out as the space around him began to distort.

As a dark storm started to explode out of him causing the dragon to twist and the storm begins battering into Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin could feel his whole body screaming out as the violent storm was tearing his skins to shred and causing his bone to bend.

Yet it did nothing to deter Tang Wulin with his fist already making it way into the Demon Monarch Alba. But he knew he had to do something else, or he may end up being killed by the storm.

So Tang Wulin began to inhale.

'How!' Thought Demon Monarch Alba in shock as he saw his dark storm being drawn into Tang Wulin mouth. Not just that but he could also feel his energy being leeched away.

'He can also drain my energy too! Why didn't he do this before!' Thought The Demon Monarch in disbelief as he knew with this, they wouldn't have struggled with him that much.

But the reason is very simple, Tang Wulin needed an opening and a situation to capitalize on his magic eating on. He knew that the moment Alba found out he could do this, he will be warier and may focus more on physical combat.

Tang Wulin had no illusion that with his magic absorption, they could all fight equally with a Quasi God level being. But at this moment right now? This was perfect as he could feel the potency of his attack spiking up and his reserves being refilled.

'The absorption and quality rate are even better!'

The Demon Monarch Alba eyes widen in fright and terror as the strength of Tang Wulin attack becomes even more terrifying. Yet he unleashed even more power with multiple hurricanes forming to strike Tang Wulin body but it was too late.

As in that moment the sounds of bones shattering, flesh-tearing and hearts bursting could be heard alongside an earth-shattering sound through the room.

Blood sprouted out from the Demon Monarch whose eyes were filled with shock and his face turned pale as he was sent flying through the air by Tang Wulin fist. Simultaneously, Tang Wulin's body was falling.

He wasn't able to fully absorb the dark storm and the hurricanes that were formed, as he was more focused on capitalizing on trying to finish Alba. Sadly, this caused his whole body to be hit with the remaining power of the dark storm.

'He twisted his body, in the end.' Thought Tang Wulin as he recalled the Demon Monarch moving his chest to the side as soon as his fist was tearing through his flesh.

While this was happening a flash of light appeared above the Demon Monarch, with Gu Yue and Na'er appearing above him. Gu Yue eyes flashed with her pupil turning into silts and the elements behind her were gathering with a larger amount of power.

Lightning interweaved in the air as a continuous wave of water coiled around a miniature sun that was forming in her hand.

'Vortex of Elements.'

Light began surrounding the sphere and then Na'er eyes flash before smashing her Silver Dragon Spear inside of the elemental sphere. The elements began to intertwine with the glittering spear and form an ethereal armor around it.

Both of their auras burst into the skies and eyes shining brilliantly with a silvery light. Gu Yue hair was shining with a violet light while Na'er was shining with a silvery light and both of them had an other-worldly aura erupting out from them.

It was then a silhouette was formed behind both of them. It was a woman with long silver hair and violet eyes that was extremely beautiful with a voluptuous body.

The women stared down at the Demon Monarch with eyes filled with disdain and then her form turned into a Giant Silver Dragon that was looking down on everything.

The dragon roar causing everything to shake, while at the same time, both girls thrust forward and causing the elemental spear to speed off to the Demon Monarch.

Demon Monarch Alba saw them and knowing he couldn't let himself get hit by that attack pushed himself to raise his sword and hack out. The slash seemed to envoke the wrath of the demons as it burned furiously with unstoppable power as it was rushing towards the elemental spear.

Yet Gu Yue only let out a smirk with her eyes displaying a look of disdain towards Demon Monarch Alba. While Na'er smiled as seven rings flashed behind her and lit up.

'Silver Dragon Spear True Body.'

Then instantly the elemental sphere disappears and reappeared right in front of the Demon Monarch chest, where the demon seed was.

The Demon Monarch tried to shift his body but then he felt the space around him distorting and bending. This caused him to widen his eyes as he saw the spear teleporting inside of his body.

Then the elemental spear erupted with overflowing brilliance before exploding out like continuous waves and engulfing the whole Demon Monarch figure. A vortex began forming as streaks of energy were exploding were dancing everywhere.

The elements were interweaving while sounding out unendingly with the vortex growing brighter and the demon seed started gaining cracks by the seconds. Seven-colored lights began to shimmer out as the half-demon seed was beginning to break and then it shattered.

As the spear pierces straight through, with an explosion ranging out.

The vortex of elements exploded, forming endless specks of light. It was as magnificent as fireworks and as stunning as a meteor shower. Streaks of light began falling like falling stars across the sky.

Yet one particular streak was rushing down to the earth, with the smell of burnt flesh.

Demon Monarch Alba descent was far from graceful as his body crashed down into the earth like a comet. Similar to meteor, he plowed into the earth and uprooted everything as a thunderous noise swept through the whole room.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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