Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 140: Moving on

Chapter 140: Moving on

"Well, that was a thing." Said Zeref as he sat next to Tang Wulin while watching the ocean in front of him.

Tang Wulin and Zeref were on the beach down from Tenrou City. After Mu Ye whole explanation and bomb-dropping of the situation of the outside world, everyone left to take everything in.

Zeref instantly knew the wolf was Fafnir from the way he was described, and he doubts it would take long from Wulin friends to realize too. But the problem was, he had no idea how or when the calamities themselves arrived in this time.

He wasn't sure if it was all due to Acnologia interference or if this was always supposed to happen.

Then again, the reason didn't matter anymore.

As now Douluo Continent now has God level beasts on the run. With them, all have the power to wipe out all of humanity.

"At least the Calamities didn't massacre all of the humans." Said Zeref lightly as he begins to think about the bigger picture.

The Calamities seems to have been acting solely on anger from the result of the things they destroyed and the behavior of Fafnir.

'But then, why didn't they massacre all of the humans?' Thought Zeref as he remembered some of the legends and stories about the Calamities.

From what he recalled, they wouldn't stop their rampage or slaughter until the whole region becomes barren of all life. But from the report, they didn't paint the continent red with blood or slaught every single human.

"What do you think?" Questioned Zeref to Tang Wulin but he didn't receive a response. Zeref furrowed his brows and turned his head towards Tang Wulin.

To see a bloodthirsty grin on his face.


"Quiet Zeref." Said Tang Wulin as his body was shivering with excitement and thrill. Zeref watch as Tang Wulin wrap his whole body with his arm and then started to laugh.

It was not his normal laugh but more of a psychotic and crazy laugh filled with incredible joy. Zeref more or less could perceive why Tang Wulin was so happy.

Did he care Shrek almost got destroyed?

Did he care the Federation and Spirit Pagoda almost got destroyed?

Did he care that countless of people died?

Did he care about the destruction and damage that was caused?


Tang Wulin only cared about fighting the opponents that we're able to put Quasi God level beings like Yun Ming to shame.

Not only that but Tang Wulin would be able to get a second chance to fight Fafnir. The person who he lost to, so how could he not be happy to fight him again!

The only reason he hasn't gone out searching for the beast ever since he heard of his arrival was because of his lack of strength.

"I need to learn the God Slayer Art. Have you completed it yet?"Question Tang Wulin as he glances at Zeref.

"Yes." Said Zeref as he begins recalling the trials and error of making this slayer art.

Initially, Acnologia wanted God Slayer Art, so he can use it against any future gods that he may come across. While Zeref did agree, he told Acnologia he would have to transfer his Dragon Slayer art into a Devil Art first.

This way, Zeref can be better familiarized with the Slayer Art as he didn't know any Magic God Slayer Art.

It didn't take him too long to fully make the God Slayer Art by using the Magic Dragon and Magic Devil Slayer Art as a reference sheet. Plus he did have a God Slayer as one of his Spriggans and he did meet tons of them during his long lifetime.

So it wasn't hard to recreate one for Acnologia. This was something only Zeref could do and in such a short amount of time, furthering displaying is frightening geniuses as the Black Magician.

"It shouldn't take you too long to grasp the basic of the art and with the Calamities here, you can reduce the time needed to train it." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

If Tang Wulin was able to eat the soul of the Calamities. Not only would it allow him to shorten the time of learning God Slaying art but also increase the potency of it.

"Still, you're going to need a lot more things than the God Slayer Art." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Have any suggestions?"

"Well, I do have an idea, in which it involves the seal we saw in Mahal but I'm not sure yet." Said Zeref.

"You memorize the seal?"

"Of course! A seal that can seal a being like Typhoon is nothing to scoff at. While I doubt I would be able to fully comprehend it, I might be able to do something with." Said Zeref with a confident smile.

It was then Sleipnir appeared next to them.

"We need to go back to the Douluo Continent."Said Sleipnir with her tone being grave causing Zeref to arch a brow.

"Of course we're going to go back bu-"

"No, it has to be soon."Said Sleipnir with a sense of seriousness that Tang Wulin and Zeref has rarely ever heard from her.

"What's wrong?" Questioned Tang Wulin in slight interest.

Sleipnir furrowed her brow as she went silent for a while before sighing.

"Do you remember the Gold Tree on Shrek Academy? The tree that gave you your sixth soul ring?"Questioned Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

He remembered the old man, that caused the whole Sea God Island to turn golden and also put a restriction on his sixth rings abilities.

From what Sleipnir mention, the ring was a million-year one even though the Gold Tree was only planted tens of thousands of years ago.

"What about him?"

"The Gold Tree isn't just some guardian inside of Shrek but also the Nature Child or Child of Nature." Said Sleipnir with her eyes becoming downcast.

"Nature Child?"

"Nature Child is the holder of the seed of the great nature or the life seed. You can think of the Life Seed as the representation of the Douluo plane life force. The main function of the seed was to always grow and unleash life energy upon every corner of the world to restored nature."Said Sleipnir causing Zeref eyes to widen.

"Wait, what will happen if it dies or weakened?" Questioned Zeref.

"If the Nature Child was to die, then it's possible for the Life Seed to find a different host but if say, the seed wasn't able to? Nature will start withering away with no sign of stopping and everything that needs nature will also begin to suffer."

"This will go on until all living things die off. Whether it be the spirit beast who relies on nature to grow and become stronger or the humans who rely on nature for food. Ultimately, the Douluo world will be destroyed, and nothing will remain." Said Sleipnir causing Zeref and Tang Wulin eyes to slightly widen.f

"But that is not all, as this was mainly caused by humans and recently the Calamities. Development is not bad, in fact, sometimes it can be great but..."

"The humans develop too fast?" Questioned Zeref causing Sleipnir to nod her head.

"The amount of resource that humans have been plundering from the planet was too much. The constant development without allowing the planet to restore itself or even trying to find some way to heal the planet has caused a steep decline. If something isn't done, then not even the Life Seed can restore the life energy of the plane without any external factors."Said Sleipnir with her expression changing.

"How long would it take for nature to be restored with the Gold Tree?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Don't be so surprised, this isn't just giving life to a part of the world but the whole entire planet itself. The amount of energy that it would require is something that only Yggdrasil would be able to provide." Said Sleipnir with a sigh.

Zeref nodded his head and began asking more questions about the Life Seed. While Tang Wulin himself could only shake his head at how much danger, this plane was in.

"So there is another path for the world to go down in ruin, just great." Said Tang Wulin in a dry tone and then Zeref just chuckle.

"But this also gives us a chance, as right now no one really knows much about the Calamities except for us." Said Zeref as a smile began to gradually appear on his face.

"Where are you going with this?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he sent a glance at Zeref.

"I'm sure the Atlas Douluo would love to know all of this information, Right?" Questioned Zeref causing Tang Wulin to slightly narrow his eyes.


"Well, if he so happens to have some information and things we can use. So I suggest we simply "exchange" information with each other." Said Zeref with a sincere smile and yet, it wasn't one at all.

As for a split second, Tang Wulin swears he saw Zeref eyes flash red and a black aura spreading around him.

"...Why do I feel like it won't be as simple as you say?"Replied Tang Wulin but Zeref only chuckled in response.

"Just leave all of the talking to me." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to stare at him for a while before sighing.

"Alright." Said Tang Wulin as he stood up and went into the ocean water.

With a exhale of breath, Tang Wulin moved his hand in a circle and release his Sea God bloodline, causing its aura to leak out. It didn't take long for the being he wanted to have a talk with, to arrive.

The sea rose up and out came a large sea beast. It was a massive whale with two massive featherlike wings on its back, two gilded horns protruding from its mouth and two silver eyes.

Lunar-Eyes Whale King!

"Child of the Sea." Mutter the Lunar-Eyes Whale King in reverence causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"Did you sense the disturbance in the sea and also an unrivaled power?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing the Lunar-Eyes Whale King to slowly nod its head.

"Your grace, even though it was only for a split second. I believe all Sea beast was able to feel the aura of a being that was similar to your Sea God Aura."Said the Lunar-Eyes Whale King with confusion in his eyes.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and begins telling the Lunar-Eyes Whale King was has been happening. It wasn't a surprise that his eyes were filled with shock and a bit of pride but Tang Wulin didn't really care.

"To think a Sea Beast and other Spirit Beast were able to become gods." Mutter the Lunar-Eyed Whale King while Tang Wulin simply stared at him.

"Still, it doesn't matter. As we Sea Beast only serve the Sea God and his child."Said The Lunar-Eyed Whale King with pride in his voice.

"Well anyway, I want you to keep an eye out for the Calamity. If you sense it coming, inform one of the elders or people of the island." Said Tang Wulin causing the Lunar-Eyed Whale King to nod his head.

They talked for a little bit about the situations of the Sea Beast and the interactions with the humans before the Lunar-Eyed Whale King departed. After the Sea Beats left, Tang Wulin began thinking about the next issue on his list.

'The next seal.' Thought Tang Wulin with a bit of contemplation while moving his arms around.

"Old Tang, what do I need to do to break through the next seal?" Questioned Tang Wulin as send his spiritual sense towards Old Tang.

From what Old Tang said, all of the seals beyond the twelfth one would grant him the strength of a God. Not only was his outer body vastly stronger than before, but he could even feel his inner organs were too.

They were strong to the point he was questioning whether a spatial attack could actually damage it.

Of course, his increase in strength wasn't solely on his Golden Dragon Seals, as his other Slayer Arts, the golden pool and his spirit rings had a part. It wouldn't be wrong to say the strength of his body has surpassed the limits of humanity through all of these combinations.

"You're only rank 69, yet you are already broken the thirteenth seal." Old Tang Voice rang out with a sigh.

"You are now treading on the path of the Gods, but you need to be careful." Said Old Tang.

"Why do you say that?"

"From now on, the laws of the world will start suppressing you as you break more of your dragon seals." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

"Laws of the world suppression?"

"There is a world order in every world. The law of the mortal world is that God-Ranked beings cannot exist on this plane. It's why the Limit Douluos of this plane isn't able to break through the border that separates a mortal and a God. As the world order will ruthlessly suppress them from taking that final step."Said Old Tang.

"What about those who have become a God before?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"They became a god through a Godhood tablet, which is how a mortal who didn't build his own faith becomes a God. But when it comes to you..." Old Tang trailed off as he knew his son was abnormality itself.

Even without the Golden Dragon King, his son would still have been able to break through the limits and become a god. Just his Dragon Slayer Arts were something that breaks the laws and nature of the Douluo Plane itself.

As there seems to be no limit on how high the power could rise up to, with not even Godhood being out of it reach. And that wasn't even counting his Devil Slayer Art and the God Slayer Art he will be learning later.

'Then theirs the person who is able to create these techniques.' Thought Old Tang as he thought of the other spirit inside of his son.

Sometimes he wonders if Zeref himself was a God as the techniques and stuff he is able to create was something of legends. The only reason why he wasn't worried was how genuine Zeref felt about Wulin.

'Although something is off about him though.' Thought Old Tang as he felt Zeref isn't just any spirit or soul.

Then there was that power inside of his son body which was a literal Universal Law. Old Tang didn't even know where to begin with that.

"Anyway, the more of the Golden Dragon King essence you absorb, the more suppression you will feel from the world." Said Old Tang.

"What about the Calamities? Why aren't they being suppressed by the plane?"Questioned Tang Wulin as he furrowed his brows.

"They were already Gods who are originally from this plane, so the world suppression will take a long time before it suppresses them. As it took me a hundred years before the suppression of the world was able to force me to leave." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"As for your next seal, I suggest you start training in that new Body Sect Innate Secret Method we created and also increase your mastery of those Slayer Arts. As it seems those have the ability to increase your body strength." Said Old Tang.

"As for when you go and absorb the Space Between Time, I want you to stop using it for your cultivation but for your Slayer Arts now." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

"Why?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"While it would be easy for you to rise in the cultivation rank with Space Between Time, especially since your body is already at an insane level. But the cost would be your other abilities would be left behind or a lot weaker than what they would be if you had to take your time." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin eyes to slightly widen.

"I see what you mean." Said Tang Wulin as he knew his Slayer Arts was one of his biggest trump cards but they all had a fatal weakness.

The amount of time it takes to train them.

He theorized it may take over thirty years before any of the others could reach the level of his Dragon Slayer Art by normally training it. Of course, that was without taking in the fact his Dragon Slayer Art would be increasing at the same time.

Old Tang's suggestion was Tang Wulin should use the energy of the Space Between Time as a substitute fuel. With this method, Tang Wulin wouldn't need to necessarily need to kill dragons, devils or a god to raise his arts quickly.

This was only possible because the Space Between Time was not an energy source or a type of power but it was more of a Universal Law. It was the Magic of Nothingness, that could be used in conjunction with any and all powers.

Tang Wulin didn't doubt the power of the Space Between Time as him eating it was able to instantly split his body and soul apart.

'Still, this may slow down my cultivation a bit.' Thought Tang Wulin as he had always relied on the Space Between Time to increase his cultivation.

As it was the best method since it also remolded his body alongside his other powers.

Truth be told, he only had the basic cultivation method from when was in Glory City Academy. But it wasn't too bad as from all of his body training and enhancement. His ability in cultivating would be no slower than even those geniuses in the world.

"The Golden Dragon Seals will boost your cultivation easily enough, and I can teach you the Mysterious Heaven Method." Said Old Tang causing Tang Wulin to blink his eyes before recalling that Old Tang was technically the Tang Sect founder...

"Alright, anything else?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Have you made any progress with your Dragon Core and Soul Core?" Questioned Old Tang.

"...No." Said Tang Wulin a sigh of frustration.

When he got back from the past and Old Tang mentioning it was possible for him to create a resonance between his two cores. He mentions that creating a connection can increase his power, which he has been tried to do before.

Yet every time he tried doing it, his two cores would collide and rage against each other as if they were bitter enemies.

He tried many methods to appease the problem, but nothing seems to work as even as him trying implementing is Slayer Art wouldn't work. As both of his core would destroy anything that tried to get in the way of their clash.

Old Tang suggested it was because his blood core foundation was the Dragon God soul and his soul core having the energy of the God-Kings. Already knowing the relationship between the Dragon God and the God-Kings, he can see what Old Tang was suggesting.

'Damn these cores and their hatred.' Thought Tang Wulin in irritation as he could just imagine how much his power would be elevated with these two core working together.

"Well it's fine, you can use this time to train the other craft that you have been neglecting." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to sigh but still nod his head.

'Time to find Wu Siduo and Mu Ye.' Thought Tang Wulin as he wanted to try one of his theory that may be able to help the Body Sect.

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