Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 141: Body Sect Method Refinement

Chapter 141: Body Sect Method Refinement

"You want to try what!" Shouted Mu Ye as he stared at his disciple.

"I want to try and see if I can get Wu Siduo to form a blood vortex." Said Tang Wulin while ignoring the shocked look on Mu Ye and Wu Siduo face.

Before they both confused about why Tang Wulin wanted them to pause the training. Yet who would have thought that he would tell them, that he wanted to do a test to see if one could form a blood vortex?

"...Brat you do realize what you are saying right?"Questioned Mu Ye with his voice trembling.

Just how important is the formation of a soul master core? If a soul master was able to form their own soul core, then that would be the first sign of them transforming into a different existence. Not only that but it would also signify their prospect of being able to reach the peak of humanity.

That was the same for a Body Sect member when it came to blood cores.

'Yet he wants to try producing one with blood essence through force!'

If something like that was possible, it would boost any organization's ability by another level. Just imagine a sect or an academy that could easily produce soul masters with blood cores?

The thought itself causes Mu Ye to shiver in anticipation, denial, and a bit of hope.

"...Don't tell me, you already form one yourself?" Questioned Wu Siduo with her eyes narrowing.

She didn't believe Wulin would suggest something that he had no confidence in doing. Combine with the fact that his blood essence was way stronger than hers, she honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was able to form one.

"Yes." Said Tang Wulin causing both of the people in front of him to flinch.

'...This would explain why his blood essence is so terrifying or at least one of the reasons why.' Thought Mu Ye with his lip twitching.

"Anyway, if this method can work for others. Then we can add this as a part of the Body Sect Techniques." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Ye and Wu Siduo to nod their head.

'Yes, if the method was actually able to work. Then this will clearly boost the future prospect and potential of the Body Sect.' Thought Mu Ye as he gazes at his disciple with pride.

This wasn't the first time Tang Wulin has done something that was able to improve the Body Sect potential. As he was the one who revises the old method of the sect.

Before the old Body Sect method was extremely domineering that, as one would be forced to soak in an elixir made of countless heaven and earth treasures.

Just the mention of this was already too much as the Body Sect didn't have an unlimited amount of heaven and earth treasure. This was all needed so one could take the first step, which was Body Forging.

Where one would have to penetrate, cleanse, remold their body and then achieve the golden body to fully complete Body Forging.

Yet even if one did have these treasures, the soaking process would make one scream out in agony. They would have to endure an unimaginable amount of pain.

They had to do this from the moment they born, for twenty full years and this was only initially formed of the body sect training. This would mean, that not a lot of people could really practice the Body Sect secret technique and some may not even succeed in it.

It was because of this demanding requirement that the Body Sect has been declining throughout the year. And it was something Mu Ye was helpless against as even though the first step was so strict.

It was still the most important step for forging a perfect body and practicing the Innate Secret.

It truly was the quality over quantity approach that the Body Sect's Innate Secret Technique was taking.

'But this brat..' Thought Mu Ye as he recalls Tang Wulin forcing all of the Body Sect members to undergo his new methods. From what Mu Ye knew, it was broken up into three stages called Life, Annihilation, and Creation.

The first step which was the Life phase, had Tang Wulin create an array of Lacrima that could hold and store energy inside. He would then inject the life energy that was stored in his own soul core and from the Blue Silver Genesis into the sphere.

Then the body sect member will slowly absorb this life energy from the sphere into their bodies. From what Mu Ye was able to observe, the life energy similar to the treasure would refine the body.

The life energy would soak in one muscle, tendons, organs, and cells to help strengthen it to an unbelievable amount of level. Unlike the previous method to Mu Ye joy, the life energy will never kill the person even with the agonizing pain and will continually build up the person body.

When he questioned the members who were undergoing this process, they told him they felt an increase in their regeneration, vitality, and shockingly their resistance against elements. He even checked on them and found out they were able to complete all of the steps of Body Forging up to cleansing.

Then, the Annihilation step was pretty similar to the first step but had one absorbing energy from both a sphere filled with destruction and life energy.

The destruction energy would constantly destroy the person body but the Lacrima filled with Life Energy will restore it before they die. A constant cycle of destruction and restore will cause the person body to be remodeled.

While there was no one in the sect that was able to master this step yet, those who have made progress did tell him some of the benefits so far. They said they felt their resistance to elemental attacks was greater, with their body feeling more resilient and they could sense danger more clearly.

Plus he could already see some people are past the Remolding level and may just reach the Golden Body level once they master this step.

No one has reached the level of the Creation phase yet, so Mu Ye didn't know what it involved or the benefits. But he wouldn't dare look down on the phase as Tang Wulin told him if a Body Sect member was able to reach and master this phase.

It wouldn't be wrong to say their prowess would be increased sevenfold with the added effect of being even stronger than a Gold Ranked Second Awakening.

Of course, Mu Ye found this hard to believe at first but he recalls seeing two Soul King who reached the destruction phase sparring with each other.

He couldn't help but remember the shock he felt when he saw them unleashing offensive power of a Soul Sage and that was without battle armor. These fighters weren't even the top of the crop in the Body Sect but just ordinary Soul Kings and yet they were so terrifying.

This was something that one could only achieve if they really did reach a high in of level in the Body Sect's Innate Secret Technique. With this revamped method, to say Mu Ye was overjoyed would be an understatement.

As this means, that finally, the Body Sect would be able to rise back up and their prowess would be far greater than before.

As now the success of completing the Body Sect secret technique has vastly increased and may even allow countless masters of the technique to appear in the same era.

'Just how terrifying would these two be if they achieved that level?' Thought Mu Ye.

He knew Tang Wulin and Wu Siduo didn't have the chance to train in the new revamp method as they had to go to the demon world.

Although from what he knew, Tang Wulin and Wu Siduo were still able to reach the cleansing level of Body Forging with the old method. He didn't know about that Mu Xi girl, as he knew she had been busy trying to reach the next level of Blacksmithing.

"Alright, let's try it." Said Mu Ye with Wu Siduo also nodding her head with a smile.

Tang Wulin had Wu Siduo sitting down in a meditative position after she had rested up and was at her peak condition.

"Now, listen up. Before we begin, you need to do exactly what I say without any complaints." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Ye to furrow his brows but Wu Siduo just nodded her head.

Wu Siduo trusted that Wulin wouldn't try this method with her, if he wasn't sure about the outcome or if in case it wouldn't cause her injuries.

"I want you to start out by gaining control of all of your blood essence. Nod your head to me, when you are able to feel like you can manipulate all of it." Said Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo started out little by little forming a connection with her blood essence power. It thankfully didn't take too long for her to grasp all of them together and then nodded her head to Tang Wulin.

"Next, you must compress it all down to that of the size of a small sphere. Remember, all of it must be condensed down, with nothing escaping." Said Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo started to gradually bring all of her blood essences together without allowing any streaks to escape. This was a hard process that certainly caused sweat to form on her head. Wu Siduo felt like she was trying to squeeze and compress all of the air in the area into a small ball.

She let out an occasional grunt as she felt some of the streaks escaping, causing her to have to restart on compressing the essence again. Although it did get easier the more time she did this, it didn't stop her frustration.

Thirty minutes passed before Wu Siduo was able to fully compress her blood essence down. At the moment it was that of a small sphere, although she could barely keep it up.

"Alright, now I want you to detonate it." Said Tang Wulin causing Mu Ye face to turn to shock and Wu Siduo body lightly trembled.

"Wait! Wulin, just what are y-"

But Wu Siduo had already detonated the small sphere she formed before Mu Ye could finish his word. The small sphere trembled for a second before bulging out and then it went off.

Similar to that of a Supernova, the blood essence exploded outward and began engulfing the once empty void.

Mu Ye could see Wu Siduo face was turning red and he could also see a trail of blood leaking from her nose. Yet Tang Wulin expression didn't change as he knew that was because of the reaction.

"Now, you must take the reaction that the detonation caused and start sculpting it into a vortex." Said Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo furrowed her brows as she started bringing the blood essence that was rampaging through her body, into a vortex. It didn't take long for her to fully compress it down to that of a vortex that was spinning at high-speed.

"Now compress it into a core." Said Tang Wulin.

Wu Siduo with all of her will power began transforming the vortex into a sphere. The vortex started condensing into a white-black core that was shining like a gemstone.

Wu Siduo could feel her already extraordinary physique being elevated to an even higher stage.

With her blood core formed, she was starting to believe she could really break the limit of a human with it and the Golden Arhat body. Just how terrifying is she now that her blood core is formed?

The benefit of forming her blood core was too many to count or even say. Yet the easiest thing Wu Siduo understand was that her strength was far greater than what it was before.

It was then she felt hand being placed on her cheek and then lifting her head up.

Tang Wulin was looking at her with his usual stoic look, yet she could see signs of concern in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was able to form the blood core." Said Wu Siduo with a smile appearing on her face.

"I see." Said Tang Wulin with a faint smile forming on his face causing Wu Siduo to lightly laugh before she moves to capture his lips and falling into his embrace.

"You damn brats!" Shouted Mu Ye causing Wu Siduo to laugh.

After everyone calms down, Tang Wulin begin telling them about the method. As they have withness, with this method it's possible to allow one to forcibly form a blood core, which Mu Ye was excited about.

But there are restrictions, that being the person must either have a remarkably strong body or blood essence inside of them. Other than that, it was a pretty safe method that will be put in the Body Sect technique manual to the joy of Mu Ye.

To Mu Ye even further joy, one can keep doing this even after they failed the first time.

Originally one would need to form their blood core to get past the first level of the Innate secret technique and doing just that is already dangerous enough. As the chance of a blowback occurring was exceptionally high and troublesome.

But through this method, one could continuously try and form their blood core without heavenly treasure or a terrible blow back. Although failure does cause some damaged, it wasn't everlasting and would heal in time, allowing one to try again.

With this method, the Body Sect rate of recruitment will surge and in the future may not be less than even Shrek Academy. Mu Ye couldn't help but shiver as he knew that the Body Sect only has one path from now on.

To Rise and surpass their previous peak!

"My disciple is truly the best!" Shouted Mu Ye with a beaming grin on his face while laughing out loud.

Wu Siduo only smiled at her master display and laid inside of Tang Wulin embrace.

'I wonder what he would think if he found out, I wasn't the only one who made this technique?' Thought Tang Wulin in slight amusement.

These methods were thought up by him, Old Tang and Zeref to better help the Body Sect. They all agreed they needed to revamp the body sect methods, to allow more people to join in and also for them to benefit from it

So far, they have already added over six methods into the Body Sect technique manual and they plan to add even more. The technique they added was under no circumstances weak with even him taking interest in some of them because of how effective they were.

"Anyway, let's get back to training." Said Tang Wulin causing Wu Siduo to nod her head.

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