Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 333: Ice and Fire

Chapter 333: Ice and Fire

"You are... Yun Ming student."Muttered Ha Luosa with his eyes narrowed at the gorgeous woman in front.

He didn't think that the person who would intercept him on his way to the Demon Continent would be Yun Ming student.

From what they predicted, they would need multiple ships to transport some of the demons towards the Douluo Continent.

Hence why each of the generals and Heavenly Kings was moving separately from each other.

'Matters not, doing this will help lead to the creation of a God Realm and my chance of being a god.'

Na'er didn't say anything and only smiled as she outstretched her hand, summoning the Silver Dragon Spear in her hand.

While also donning her three-word battle armor that gave off a silvery glow and a terrifying feeling.

Before she suddenly thrust her spear. The glittering spear rotated and flew like a fierce dragon, producing a silvery streak as it stabbed towards Ha Luosa.

In a flash, the spear had already reached Ha Luosa, aiming for his throat, yet Ha Luosa conveyed no worries.

"Come out, Underworld Death."

Instantly, grayish flames burst from his body that blocked the spear from going any farther. As well as having all types of strange-looking creatures began to appear around the surroundings.

Na'er didn't even hesitate as she moved her spear in a graceful arc, bisecting the strange-looking creatures that tried to grab on to her.

Just as the area was immediately set ablaze, and the entire colorless world filled with an otherworldly aura.

Then she brought her spear up in the reverse before thrusting it towards another vital area of Ha Luosa.

Just as his blade was chopping down on her with grey flames coating it but to Ha Luosa surprise and slight shock.

Na'er wasn't making any movement to evade this attack, but he still felt a sense of imminent danger with his spiritual sense.

'Is she trying to go for mutual injury? No... That doesn't sound like the Shrek way.'

As he concluded this, he halted his descending sword while stepping back causing Na'er to arch a brow.

"Don't think you can escape so easily."

The Silver Dragon Spear began to sway, turning illusionary before it vanished from Ha Lousa sight and appeared at his throat instantaneously!

'Infinite Spear.'


Ha Lousa was too shocked for words as he didn't understand how Na'er spear was able to reach so fast, no it was way too fast!

Grey flames burst from his body as he felt the spear puncturing his throat but only a centimeter in before it was pushed out.

Ha Lousa waved the sword in his hand gently and conjured a flowing stream of translucent grey swords that floated in the air. They appeared to be crystal-clear before they shot towards Na'er who narrowed her eyes.

Then she vanished from Ha Lousa sight but for long as he felt her appear behind him with a flash of silver.

With a silver spear stabbing towards him while creating endless shadowy images. Making it hard for Ha Lousa to tell if it would be chop, stab, sweep, etc.

As he could tell that Na'er movements made it possible for her to change the form, making it dangerous for him to make any mistake.

'As I'm not sure if she can do what she did before again.'

Shaking his head, Ha Lousa started to turn his body into a grey bolt but then his body stiffened as he felt space around him lockdown.

As the spear that was moving illusorily, swiftly turned into a sweep as it vanished from his sight and appeared next to his rib.


As he felt the spear slicing through his rib, Ha Lousa swiftly used his soul power to lock down on the spear causing it to pause.

Ha Lousa eyes turned white that caused a gray-white color filled with deathly stillness to flood the space around. Countless souls of the dead creatures were resurrected in it and transformed into the underworld legion that charged towards Na'er.

His Death Knights hack downed on Na'er with their golden sword, yet Na'er still had a smile on her face.

"You stop that one..."

Ha Lousa felt an even more terrifying sense of danger as he saw the swords hack down on Na'er but they didn't connect.

No... It was more like they couldn't as their swords seem to be moving slow, slower than a snail as it chops towards Na'er.

'Infinite Space.'

Regardless Ha Lousa moved to gain some distance from Na'er as he felt his spiritual fluctuation.

Yet it was then he felt something appearing behind him, moving to puncture through his back.

Ha Lousa swiftly created a few blades to counter the nine-colored spears while his body began to shine with gray and white light.

But the nine-colored spear vanished from the path of the blades that Ha Lousa made before appearing in Na'er hand.

That was already moving forward, as Na'er thrust her hand forward with the Dragon Slaying Spear, breaking through the concept of space and distance.

And appearing right in front of Ha Lousa, piercing through armor and ruthlessly tore through his chest.

It was impossible to block as the nine-colored spear seems like an unstoppable meteor, breaking through everything.

Blood splashed out as Ha Lousa felt the spear breaking all of his chest bones, shattering all of his veins and arteries.

Before nine-colored energy began to sweep through his whole body, wreaking havoc while his soul power tried to counter it.

But to his horror, he found that the nine-colored energy was burning brilliantly and erasing his soul power as he felt the power of holiness in it.

"But you're still going to die."

He heard the voice of Na'er who let go as she pulled out the Silver Dragon Spear that was in his body before twisting her body.

The Silver Dragon Spear swept forward, shining serenely with a gleaming light before it reached the neck of Ha Lousa.

His last thought is, how could this happen, and then he got beheaded.


A towering sun with magatamas swirling around it and four rings of light coiling around it were shining behind Mu Xi.

Mu Xi instantly raised her ancient sword as an endless amount of vermillion flame began to fill the filled area above her. The ice around her and everyone was starting to melt as the frosty wind began to shatter as Mu Xi chopped down.

The vermillion flame was overflowing with the intent of burning everything. Illuminating the whole area as it reaches Gremory who had her mouth open.

"Oh, my~ Aren't you a fiery one."

Just as she said this, countless spheres of water appeared above her before they swiftly began to transform.

Changing a myriad of flowing lotus petals that were spinning merrily in front of her just as the arc of flames reached and crashed into them.

The spinning lotus was grinding against the arc of flames that was trying to burn and breakthrough them.

'Absolute Water?' Thought Mu Xi as she knew only elements on the absolute level can withstand her flames.

It was only after a bit that the lotus and flames produced an explosion with fumes of smoke surrounding the area.

Just as fifty arrows flashed through the skies, that was shining with starlight as they closed in on Gremory.


Gremory eyes glowed as the snow around her instantly began to rise before transforming into a swirling maelstrom.

That clashed with the arrows, grinding against each other before defecting the arrows and causing craters to appear around.

From the arrows crashing into the snowy area. But the whole area once again to be illuminated as the sun began to rise above them.

'Eight Soul Skill: Sun.'

"Can't you speak normally."

Mu Xi appeared above Gremory with a flash of light as she grasped her ancient sword above her with her eyes shining with a golden light.

Just as the area began to change around Gremory and Mu Xi.

'Seventh Soul Ring: Lunar Star Staff True Body.'

'Star Land.'

'Star Prison.'

Gremory figure shooked as she felt herself being restrained with as if she had continuous chains around her. Not only that but she felt her speed has been restricted, not allowing her to utilize her full speed.

Yet that wasn't the end as she felt chains coiling around her figure.

The surroundings began to change from the snowy area to the world filled with starry lights and meteors. All around was a luminous place with a huge moon and the sun shining above with Gremory finding her body being chained with starlight.

'Okami Cosmos.'

Around her ancient sword that was burning and flowing brilliantly, in the next moment transformed into a golden-white sun.

It was three suns that had appeared, revolving around each other and then compressing into one before Mu Xi hacks down with her sword.

Endless flames seem to descend upon Gremory, with a golden-white sun crashing down that wanted to incinerate and sweep through everything.

Gremory was still restrained not being able to do anything before the attack crashed into her before her figure was sent flying.

Blood splashing out before it began to burn away from Mu Xi flames. Yet Mu Xi wasn't done, as she wanted to fully capitalize on this chance as she felt her strength rising at a terrifying pace.

With her eight soul skills that boost her by 300% alongside her ability of Sun Empowerment that allows her to draw from any light or fire. Added on to her Four Word Battle Armor that she made during the Sea God Trial.

Mu Xi can dish out attacks that were close to a Qusai-God Limit Douluo, with her flames ignoring a person's defense.

'Fifth Soul Skill: Sunlight Strike.'

Mu Xi's figure began to shine before she was enveloped in flames before she shot forward, turning into a streak of flame.

As she was moving, all around were streaks of arrows revolving around her form as she instantly rushed towards Gremory.

Mu Xi chops down with her ancient sword as the arrows around her hacked down before they crashed into Gremory.

Yet to Mu Xi's slight shock, the sounds of glass rang out before Gremory figure shattered like glass.

"You all are resisting me so much, yet it makes me want you both even more~"

Gremory appeared behind Xu Xiaoyan with a ball of terrible energy in her hand before she thrust it towards Xu Xiaoyan.

Xu Xiaoyan's soul rings appeared before shackles began to appear around Gremory body, ready to properly restrain her.

"You're not the only one with absolute control honey~"

"Stop~" Said Gremory seductively as her eyes began to glow with a pink light before Xu Xiaoyan found herself unable to move.

It wasn't just her but even Mu Xi who was making her way over, found herself bound, unable to move.

"Although mines range has you beat~"

Gremory felt the chain fade away causing her hands to continue moving towards Xu Xiaoyan who regained control of her body.

Yet Xu Xiaoyan only narrowed her eyes as she gripped her longbow before she swept forward with a twist of her body, countering the thrust of Gremory.

In the next second, a bow and ball of energy clashed before an explosion rang out that propelled them both back.

Xu Xiaoyan used the knockback of the explosion to flip and he pulled back the bowstring with arrows that were coiling with starlight and ice.

'Self-Soul Skill: Froststar Nova'

The arrows turned into a streak of light as they arrived in front of Gremory but Gremory only smiled.


As if her words were that of a God, the arrows that were hacking down on her began to tremble before they crumbled.

Then she clasps her hand before tendrils of dark ice erupted from the ground as weird symbols began to appear under her foot.

Before they shot forward, streaking through the sky and heading towards Xu Xiaoyan and Mu Xi.

"Mu Xi!"

"Got it!" Shouted Mu Xi as she felt an ethereal crystal appear from below her and encased her causing Gremory to narrow her eyes.

'Sixth Soul Skill: Absolute Lunar.'

'Eight Soul Skill: Lunar Storm.'

Just as Xu Xiaoyan's figure began to shine as nine rings appeared behind her and began to lit up, lowering the temperature around.

In the next instant, a wave of icy aura swept through the whole area, freezing and reducing everything to absolute zero.

All of the tendrils that were moving towards Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyan were frozen, while Gremory expressions changed.


The icy wave was shattered and broken in front of her but only for a bit as it was a continuous wave. Yet Gremory already has predicted this as she made barriers in front of her to protect her against the icy wave.

Before she then clasps her hand causing her figure to shine before tentacles made out of darkness appeared and shot forward.

Just as she saw the countless number of hurricanes that were rushing towards her upon the battlefield that was now a winter wonderland.

The tentacles moved forward, across the battlefield before they crashed into the icy tornados and instantly froze.

With the tornados beginning to disperse after being hit once causing Xu Xiaoyan to slightly frown.

'Did she know before? How did she know these tornados could seal anything it touches.'

Just as Xu Xiaoyan thought this, Gremory rushed towards her with her mouth opening and uttering the words.

"Ultimate Disperse~"

These words were uttered right before the clouds of mist were blown away from a myriad of stars that were shooting down towards Gremory.

Yet before they were able to reach Gremory, they all were shattered causing Xu Xiaoyan's eyes to widen.

'How! Her spiritual sense should be suppressed in this domain.'

But at the same time, Xu Xiaoyan felt something was off after she recalled the last few exchanges between them.

Even with all of these thoughts, they did nothing to delay her movement of moving back while shooting at the approaching Gremory.

Gremory was deflecting, evading, and eliminating the arrows as she came close to Xu Xiaoyan while also utilizing the ice battlefield.

'Self Soul Skill: Moonlight Ray.'

Xu Xiaoyan aimed her bow at the sky before launching it upwards, the narrowing streaking into the sky before exploding.

With the countless number of arrows shooting down at Gremory while Xu Xiaoyan once again latched another arrow on her bow.

It coiled with starlight and ice before she launched the arrow which tore through the air, turning into a streak that was two meters long.

Gremory's eyes flash as countless thoughts appear in her mind.

"Ultimate Disperse~"

The countless arrows above and the terrifying one that was coming towards her began to tremble before they shatter.

Yet as this happens Xu Xiaoyan moved towards Gremory, with her movement becoming elegant and fleeting.

An icy blue sword made out of ice appeared in her hand with trails and swirls of ice being absorbed by the ice.


Gremory's eyes widened as she saw a hurricane being formed around Xu Xiaoyan as she moved towards her with her looking as if she was dancing.

'Self Soul Skill: Snowy Dance of the Empress.'

Xu Xiaoyan eyes shined with an ethereal blue-white before she hacks down with her sword, with an overflowing amount of ice descending upon Gremory.

Gremory narrowed her eyes before she let out a smile.

"Ultimate Deperse~"

Instantly the overflowing ice was shattered, alongside Xu Xiaoyan sword. With Xu Xiaoyan's eyes displaying shock and disbelief at what was happening.

"Let me guess, you thought there was an interval between the time I could use my abilities? How cute~"



Xu Xiaoyan felt herself freezing and being immobile as Gremory's smile became even sweeter.

"Honey, from the very beginning of this battle. I have been in control~. Now come, bath in my love~"

Gremory eyes shined and flashed causing Xu Xiaoyan figure to shake, her eyes turning hollow.

"Don't worry~ It will be enjoyable, I will go take the other one who is charging up her attack after I am done with you~" Said Gremory as from the very beginning she could easily figure out both of these two girls' plans.

Xu Xiaoyan would be the one that would distract her while Mu XI charges up an attack that would severely wound her.

She feigns ignorance as she wanted Xu Xiaoyan and Mu Xi to believe she was in control, when in reality from the very beginning.

She has been controlling them.

"Now then~ Be absorbed by my love-"

"You talk too much." Mu Xi's voice rang out as she appeared below Gremory while thrusting out her hands.

'Ninth Soul Skill: Super Nova.'

'Self Soul Skill: Nova Obliteration.'

A miniature sun could be seen in Mu Xi hands that were roaring with Ultimate Light and Flames with a terrifying presence.

That even caused Gremory to feel a sense of fear as she felt that not even her defense could hold up against this.

As she began to open her mouth, she felt her whole body get shackled causing her eyes to widen.

"How! She should be in my-"

"Not when I am around here." Said Mu Xi as her eyes glowed.

'Spiritual Domain: Healing All Creation.'

As the name implies, everything in creation can be healed by Mu Xi from a person's mind to their soul and even those trapped in someone's skills.

With this one skill, Mu Xi can be considered the ultimate healing soul master where all effects are almost useless before her.

"Thank you elder sis." Xu Xiaoyan's voice rang out as her hand touched Gremory's back while Mu Xi touched Gremoy's stomach.

"Now die."

Gremory couldn't scream as her whole figure was engulfed in fire and ice then created a blinding flash of white.

Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyan elements began to fuse while attacking and grinding against Gremory body.

And then a tremendous explosion rang out that tore and blew away the spiritual domain they were inside as the light ruthlessly tore through the sky.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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