Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 334: Blissful Fantasy

Chapter 334: Blissful Fantasy

The clouds of smoke began to fade, displaying a battlefield of craters and blood splashed all around.

"Unbelievable... Even with us using your body as the point of impact for the fusion. You are still alive."Muttered Mu Xi as she stared in disbelief.

The alive and kicking Demon Monarch Gremory was staring at them, with a contemplating stare.

"Now... Now... You guys should be proud of yourself."Said Gremory as her body was leaking with blood.

Her right arm was destroyed, mangled, and ruined beyond repair with deep wounds that could be seen around her body.

"Damn it." Muttered Xu Xiaoyan as she found her self, trying to push up from the icy floor.

She and Mu Xi were still recovering from the explosion and aftermath of the Ultimate Fire and Ultimate Ice fusion.

"Being able to damage me this much? I can count on hand on how many people were able to accomplish such a feat. From the moment I became a Monarch till now."Said Gremory as she began raising her left hand.

"Now then... Come into my embrace."

In the next instant, a wave of energy engulfed Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyan with the laughter of Gremory ringing out.

"Hahaha, come my child. Become one with me~"

'Amitabha Sulava.'


"Hmm? Where am I?" Mu Xi asked herself once she opened her eyes to see the polished ceiling she woke up under.

Raising herself off the bed she and back into consciousness as she rubbed her eyes. Thoughts of worry didn't cloud her mind for some reason, despite being in an unknown location.

'Wait... A minute, I recognize this place. It's... My room?'

Mu Xi furrowed her brow as she got off the bed, glancing all around and to her surprise seeing a lot of awards mounted on the wall.

"What are those?"

Mu Xi moved towards the wall, moving her hands across the plaques that were mounted on the wall.

"Eight Divine Craftsmen... Greatest Blacksmith of All Time... Heavenly Smith Express... Number One Blacksmith... These are mine."Questioned Mu Xi as she began muttering before hearing the soul communicator on her desk ring.

"Huh? Wulin... Oh right, our date!"


"There we go... All better."Said Xu Xiaoyan as she finished wrapping a light blue wrapping around the elder's arm.

"Oh thank you!"

"Think nothing of it." Said Xu Xioayan with a faint smile as she got up and looking through the hoards of workers she needs to get through.

'Few... This is going to take a bit.'

Xu Xiaoyan moved through all of them, either wrapping their wounds, freezing it with her ice, or mending it with her starlight.

With the soul doctors coming over to finish up, as she was helping out since there were too many wounded from the accident at the construction site.

Fortunately, it didn't take her too long to finish up here.

"Wew... Hope I can make it in time."Mutter Xu Xiaoyan as she glances at the clock before racing out of the construction area.

She made her towards the street that was packed to people that were glancing at the construction site.

As she made her pass, she heard the murmuring of countless people which caused her to lightly chuckle.

"Hey... Isn't that the Moon Goddess?"

"Yes! To think she was in this town and I would get to see her!"

"She looks even more charming than what I saw in those pictures."

"The Starlight Empress!"

"Starry Sky!"


"So you're going to oversee the next Blacksmith tournament? And all of ours are invited?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he held Mu Xi in his arm.

As they sat on the bench, enjoying the park that they haven't visited in a while. They didn't want anyone to interfere on their date, so they came to a secluded place.

"That's what Dad told me... Although I wished he asked me before saying I will. Well at least everyone can meet up, it's has been a while since we were together in one place."Said Mu Xi with a sigh causing Tang Wulin to chuckle.

"It's okay honey. I am here and we will be fine. Hopefully, Xie Xie and Yue Zhengyu don't start another fight." Said Tang Wulin with a faint smile as he held Mu Xi softly.

'... Was he always this sweet?'

"Hm? You okay honey?"Questioned Tang Wulin causing Mu Xi to blink her eyes but she was laughing.

"I'm... I just feel so relax and content right now."Said Mu Xi with her brows furrowing.

"Isn't that fine?"

"It should... But I feel like I shouldn't be, though."Muttered Mu Xi as she was beginning to feel like she was overlooking something.

"It must be because you haven't done smithing in a while... Do you want to go to the association?"Questioned Tang Wulin.

"Yes! I should invite the other as well since we are-"

"We are?"

"...Um, honey. Who do you love?"Questioned Mu Xi causing Tang Wulin to tilt his head.

"Naturally you and only you." Said Tang Wulin with an arched brow causing Mu Xi to chuckle.

"I thought so, sorry I just had this strange dream..."

"Strange dream?"

"I can't remember but It's like... Nevermind, let's just enjoy ourselves."

"Are you sure honey?"

"Yes, come on now. It's been a while since I did some smithing."


"So your saying, I dated you and five of our friends?" Questioned Tang Wulin with his lips twitching.

"Yes! Insane right? As if I could allow such a thing."Said Xu Xiaoyan with her hand to her chest with fake outrage.

They were inside a high-class restaurant on the top floor with many other distinguished guests but none more than them.

Xu Xiaoyan was in her long-blue dress that was adorned with specs of stars that were scattered all around.

With black stockings and a high-heels, amplifying her already gorgeous looks to a higher degree.

While Tang Wulin was fashionably dressed in a black pinstripe suit, white undershirt, and black tie with black gloves.

If that wasn't bad enough, he had a charming smile on his face that brightens up the place and drew Xu Xiaoyan in even more.

"Hahaha... Even if you didn't, you are the only I can love."Said Tang Wulin with a soothing tone that caused Xu Xiaoyan to slightly blush.

"So I heard an accident happened at the construction site near to the Bakery. I am guessing you were there?"Questioned Tang Wulin with a light chuckle causing Xu Xiaoyan to purse her lips.

"Why does it sound like you were expecting me to be there..."

"Because my baby has a habit of trying to help."

"I don't help everyone..."

Tang Wulin chuckled at how quite Xu Xiaoyan's voice was getting before he moved his hand to gently caresses her cheek.

"There, there. I was just teasing, I am delighted how helpful you are to others. But remember to take it, easy baby, I wouldn't want you to tire yourself out like last time."

'Like last time?' Thought Xu Xiaoyan as she blinks her eyes before she felt a set of memory flowing inside her head.

"...I thought you said you wouldn't bring that back up. Just when I forgot it."Muttered Xu Xiaoyan causing Tang Wulin to chuckle.

"Mu Xi and Na'er wouldn't let you live it down for months."

"I know... I took the help of the other, to get them to stop." Muttered Xu Xiaoyan with a slight pout causing Tang Wulin to smile even more.

"Oh? It seems the time to dance as comes. Come on my love."Said Tang Wulin with a delighted laugh as he heard the change in music.

"Huh? Now? But-"

"Yes now." Said Tang Wulin as he grasps Xu Xiaoyan's hands before towing her to the dance floor, where everyone else was going.

It took a bit before Xu Xiaoyan could get into the music but Tang Wulin didn't rush her as he held close.

But before long, Xu Xiaoyan and Tang Wulin laughed as they moved to the familiar beat of the song. Having fun and bliss with each other, just as how it should always be.


"Boom!" Seven-colored lightning crackled in the sky before it hacked down upon Mu Xo who swung her hammer upwards.

The hammer clashed with the seven-colored lightning but Mu Xi didn't stop there as she forcibly began dragging the lightning with her hammer.

A trail of seven-colored lightning could be seen as Mu Xi moved her hammer down upon the metal in front of her.

Like a composer, she was guiding the seven-colored lightning into the metal as it circulated with seven-colored radiance.

The metal seemed to have come alive and transformed into a seven-colored ray of light that rose into the air.

Mu Xi's eyes were shining with a golden light as she twisted her body with her hammer moving upwards once again.

This went on for a while before her hammer made contact with the metal one last time before it began to go quiet.

With the metal whimpering excitedly while the lightning cloud above them had also slowly dispersed with an unusual elemental fluctuation.

The piece of metal was flickering with speckles of starlight and flares of golden specs.

"Amazing... Every time I see it; I can't help but get lost."Muttered Tang Wulin as he began moving towards Mu Xi with a gentle smile.

"Well, the way I do my Heavenly Refinement is far different from others." Said Mu Xi with a satisfied smile.

Instead of letting herself get hit by the lightning and then channeling it into the metal. She did something similar to dance where she drags the lightning into the metal.

This required her to carefully control the lighting as this was far more dangerous than letting her body be hit.

If she wasn't cautious, she could invite the wrath of the heavens and have them submerge her in a sea of lightning.

"But that's what makes it so special." Said Tang Wulin as he reached where Mu Xi was, gently wrapping his arms around her.

Before he moved to capture her lips, Mu Xi moving in to as well but then she moved back causing Tang Wulin to be confused.


"I am sorry... Just felt a searing pain in my head."Muttered Mu Xi as she began cradling her head.

"Awww, come here honey." Said Tang Wulin as he pulled Mu Xi to his chest.

His hands leisurely moving down her hair, while his other hand was moving up and down her back.


"It has been a while since we walked home." Said Tang Wulin with a smirk with his arms around Xu Xiaoyan.

"Yes... I have been so hard-pressed with my acting career and helping out in the city that we haven't had much time."

"That's okay baby, know I will be here for you." Said Tang Wulin as he gently pulled Xu Xiaoyan in closer.

With the radiant moonlight shining upon their figure, his eyes soften as he gazed at her alluring blue eyes.

"My most precious treasure in this world is you. My beautiful love, my only lover in this life, the one I wish to remain with forever."

Xu Xiaoyan's figure shooked as a red hue began to form on her face, each words stirring warmth inside her.

"Did you know? I married you with my eyes and soul in that shimmering lake in the moonlit night with ith the God of Sea himself as our witness."

His words and eyes were displaying so much love and care for her that she couldn't help but smile inward.

Xu Xiaoyan would be lying if she couldn't feel her heart falling for these sweet words, that she heard so many times.

'Yea... Compare to the Wulin I saw in my dreams, the one before me is...'

"My sweet love, I belong to only you." Said Tang Wulin as he tenderly caressed Xu Xiaoyan cheeks but then his eyes slightly widen.

As he saw a tear leaking from one of Xu Xiaoyan's eyes as she gazes at him with an almost sullen gaze.

Before it then morphed into one of acceptance as she sighed.

"Baby? Is something-"

"It really is impressive... I guess in the end; I couldn't even suppress it..."

"My love?"

"You really are a cruel one... Gremory."


"Gremory? Honey who are you-"

"Talking about? You and this world... Are Gremory, the one who trapped me in this... The lovely world you made."Said Mu Xi with her eyes sullen as she stared upwards at the ceiling.

"... So you remembered."Said Tang Wulin but no longer in his voice but a distorted one.

"Indeed... As soon as the first memory came, it was only a matter of time."

"Which is the flaw of my ability as those with a spiritual domain will be able to recall their memories. Although it shouldn't be this fast..."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh before he smiles knowingly at Mu Xi.

"But so what? Isn't this world better? One where you can fulfill your deepest desire, where you can enjoy your life without any danger and simply bliss."

"You think this is bliss?"

"Absolutely... After all, did you not enjoy those few hours of this reality?"

Mu Xi didn't say anything and only let out a sigh as she began recalling her time in this world.

Accomplishing precisely her lifelong dream of becoming the number one Blacksmith in the entire world.

Positively changing the blacksmith world, having her father became even more proud of her and reinventing the way to do the divine smiting.

She would be lying if she said it wasn't great or good, it was far enjoyable that she would like to give it proper credit.


"It was so perfect... It sickens me."Said Mu Xi before her whole body erupted in luminous flames, setting everything around on fire.



"Living in this perfect world is no different than running away from the real one. I'm not so weak I would pick this over the real one."Said Xu Xiaoyan as the whole park was frozen over with brilliant starlight raining down.

"But... In this world, you can have-"

"Everything? So what... Ultimately, it's nothing but a fake. Still..."Mutter Xu Xiaoyan stared at Tang Wulin whose body was being frozen over.

"It was nice living that elaborate fantasy."

'Even though it was just the cruel unpleasant truth.'


"Thank you though Gremory... You helped me out."Mutter Mu Xi as she stared at the burning Tang Wulin in front of her.

'I really desired it that much. Huh?'

She meant the fact that Tang Wulin only loved one person, and that was her. Even though she agreed to share with him back then.

It would be a lie if deep down, she didn't wish there was a world where only she could love him.

How could it be easy to share the one you dearly love with another? It wasn't something that could be explained with logic or benefits.

Mu Xi couldn't lie, the feeling of having Tang Wulin love for only herself was nothing but exhilarating.

As if she was the only special person in his world and the only one who has a place in his heart.


Xu Xiaoyan desired him, and only him for herself.

It could be considered her deepest desire, one where the only person he belonged to was her.

And seeing him say it to her, seeing him only show her those eyes filled with boundless love and care.

Speaking those sweet words that made her weak...

Was something she would love to cherish forever...

"But that isn't reality. And... I don't wish for it to be either."Said Xu Xiaoyan as she began walking towards to frozen Tang Wulin.

As she placed her hand on his face and said," Wulin is selfish, unromantic, rarely shows his soft side, battle hungry and sometimes kind."

'Both of you have similar aspects but some are the opposite of it each other.'

"And that is why I refuse to accept this world. The Wulin I fell in love with was an imperfect person with flaws... And honestly, I love that about him. He is my imperfect prince, and I cannot have him any other way."Said Xu Xiaoyan with a delighted giggle.

"Now shattered... My old fantasy."

The world began to shake as a screeching noise rang out that cause Xu Xiaoyan to look up.

To see the world falling apart.


"...How? Just how! Why would you escape my embrace!"Roared Gremory as she stared at the duos in front of her.

She knew it was only because she was a bit distracted that they were able to escape by breaking the world.

Yet she thought they would be distracted for a while, as the world was everything they desired in their life.

But they actually rejected it!

Xu Xiaoyan and Mu Xi's eyes that were vacant began to instantly regain life in them while trying to struggle up.

"Do you all wish to live in such a world like this! Aren't you all happy to be able to live out your deepest and most treasured desire!"

"... It was fun for a while but then it became ugly."Said Mu Xi causing Xu Xiaoyan to chuckle.

Seeing Tang Wulin acting like they pictured and deeply wished for him to be, was something that disgusts them.

In a way, this was what allowed their memories to fully come back, as this went against how Tang Wulin truly was.

"Sorry, I just couldn't stand such a disgusting world." Said Xu Xiaoyan causing Gremory to grit her teeth but before she could say anything.

A voice rang out.

"That's my student."

Before Gremory figure was swept away by a stream of ice that hacks through the icy winds and cloud.

Submerging her in a stream of ice.

Before a gigantic staff also came crashing down, shaking the whole northern land.

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