Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 36: You're Banned

Chapter 36: You're Banned

It has been a few days, and Tang Wulin was returning from the Sea God Island. He was going to class to meet up with his group, to learn about their progress with the battle armor.

They didn't really need him for the days he missed considering he had Mu Xi making their metals but he still needed to show up for attendance.

Wu Zhankong already provided the class lesson to him in advance. Because of this, he didn't miss much but for some reason, he gave him lessons that they won't touch for a while.

He wasn't sure if Wu Zhankong genuinely thought it would take him long to master the skill or if he thought Zhou Shi would teach him something new.

"Class President really is like a leader of a country. Everyone observes and judges your action."Said Zeref, as he got lost in thought.

Tang Wulin nodded, as he walks leisurely into the first-grade classroom, everyone in the class got quiet when they saw the class president. This was because they haven't seen the class president in over a week.

Tang Wulin was going to his group when suddenly, a blur appeared in front of him.

"Big Brother!" Said a fatty in front of him. Tang Wulin blinks and saw it was Xu Lizhi. Tang Wulin arched a brow, wondering what he was doing here.

"Why are you here?"

"Me and Big Sis were moved here because the inner court was getting revamped." Said Xu Lizhi, Tang Wulin nodded his head and ask about the tower attack.

Xu Lizhi summarizes the attack with him saying Mu Xi, and Yuenan Yehui were able to get their soul spirit from it. Tang Wulin nodded his head, inwardly surprise that Yuenan also got a soul spirit and then concluded that was part of her deal with Mu Xi.

"Big brother. Me and Ye Xinglang don't have a team because we join so late. I was wondering if we could join yours?"Asked Xu Lizhi.

Tang Wulin thought about it, Wu Zhankong never said there was an ultimate limit on the numbers of team members. Thinking about it for a while, he nodded his head, causing Xu Lizhi to lit up.

"Thank you Big Brother. Could you go talk to Ye Xinglan, I doubt she would agree unless you talk to her." Xu Lihzi asks feebly. Tang Wulin didn't mind, while he did crush Ye Xinglan he knew she would use that defeat to become stronger.

'I wonder how much stronger she has become.'

Tang Wulin turns his head to see Ye Xinglan sitting by herself and blatantly ignoring everyone. Tang Wulin started walking towards her, causing the whole class eyes to follow him. Ye Xinglan had already noticed his arrival and was inwardly shock he was in this class.

Tang Wulin and Ye Xinglan face each other, as everyone was staring at them. Ye Xinglan still had her serious look, while Tang Wulin was staring at with a stoic look.

"Join my team." Said Tang Wulin. Ye Xinglan raised a brow and then said.

"Before that, did you tell Xu Lizihi to go with some people to the attack."

"It doesn't matter. Just join my team."

"Why would I ever do that?" Ye Xinglan glared fiercely at Tang Wulin,

"Because I will never give you a rematch if you don't." Said Tang Wulin as he turns around.

"Hmp. You're participating in the mecha competition, so I could easily fight you there."Said Ye Xinglan.

"Says who? I will just quit or not go."

"Even if it means you will get expelled?"

"Sure. It just means you won't ever fight me again."Said Tang Wulin as he was walking downstairs to go to his group. Ye Xinglan wanted to call his bluff but then she thought about it more.

'He wouldn't actually do that right?' Thought Ye Xinglan, but then she started to get worried.

"Fine. I will join your group." Ye Xinglan gritted her pearly teeth and glared at Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin just smirks, while Xu Lizihi was cheering enthusiastically but stop when Ye Xinglan turns her glare towards him.

"Why would you invite her! There already enough pressure with just us. We might be unable to complete the assignment with two more people."Luo Guixin complained. Tang Wulin just disregarded him, as he asked them how the things on their side going.

They all said they met to Mu Xi already and she already started refining the metals for them. Gu Yue said she has begun drawing up the design for the battle armors. Luo Guixin said he was having trouble with the making process, but he was able to make progress on it.

"You guys are planning to do battle armors?" Said Ye Xinglan as she arrives and sat down.

"Yes, we thought about doing battle armors instead of mecha." Said Luo Guixin while smiling at her but Ye Xinglan merely ignores him. She turns to Tang Wulin and asks about his battle armor.

"I don't need one." Said Tang Wulin, laying back and listening to everyone.

"You don't need one? What are you up to?" Yu Xinglan narrow her eyes at Tang Wulin, suspicious of his answer.

"None of your business." Said Gu Yue, Yu Xinglan shift her eyes toward Gu Yue and then back to Tang Wulin.

"It because Tang Wulin believes he doesn't need a mecha or battle armor to enter the inner court, so he won't assemble one." Said Luo Guixin, Gu Yue glared at him and Yu Xinglan nodded her head, still ignoring him.

"Well anyway, I guess we should start on your battle armor." Said Luo Guixin not minding Gu Yue glare or Yu Xinglan ignoring him.

"What rank are you guys?" Wu Siduo asked, after being quiet for so long.

"I'm a fourth-rank mecha mechanic," said Xu Lizhi.

"Mecha maker, fourth rank," Ye Xinglan stated.

The group's eyes lit up. With these two new additions, they could make the battle armor faster and more complete.

"Oh right, Mu Xi called and told me she wanted to talk to you guys about something. It seems she wanted to talk about your battle armors." Said Tang Wulin.

After that, the group started planning out Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizihi battle armor, while Tang Wulin just watches on.

"Are you sure it ok? To have a snake in your group?" Asked Zeref, instantly appearing beside him.

'Why would I care? He already knows I can crush him and it's not like he has anyone that could beat me. I will just let the snake continue to play around.' Tang Wulin thought, already seeing through Luo Guixin charms.

'I'm surprised, though, he was able to recover that fast to be able to plot against me.'


"What." Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes, at Wu Zhangkong. Wu Zhankong informed him to follow him after class. They took a whole journey back to the Sea God Island, a sacred place he didn't think he would be back to so soon.

"You are not allowed to participate in the selection tournament." Said Wu Zhankong as he was walking in front of Tang Wulin. On the way to his teacher house, he was explaining to Tang Wulin that cannot participate with his team for the event.

"The hell I'm not. Why am I not allowed?"

"To prevent your teammates from becoming self-reliant on you." Wu Zhankong said, stopping as they got close to the house.

"If you keep on dominating all these battles, they won't learn anything. They will settle for how they are now." Said Wu Zhankong. Tang Wulin nodded his head but then.

"I refuse." Tang Wulin glared at Wu Zhankong, who lips twitch but he didn't say anything. Wu Zhankong was already able to reliably predict Tang Wulin reaction to his decision.

Someone who blew off Elder Cai arm and is willing to call her old hag would have no problem going against their teacher decision.

Tang Wulin nose twitch as he shifts his head and saw Shen Yi behind him. He rose a brow, then turn back to Wu Zhankong who kept on observing him.

"What are you two planning?"

"Since you won't come silently, it seems it best to just knock you out." Shen Yi said with a smile on her face.

Tang Wulin lips twitch but he grins formed on his face.

"Oh really, I wish you guys would try."

"Well, it's not like I didn't expect this." Wu Zhankong summoned his SkyFrost Sword.

Tang Wulin dash off straight to Wu Zhankong who second soul ring lits up. The grassy area started to become coated with ice and frost. Tang Wulin stomp on the ground causing vines to sprout out and then jump up on them.

'I see, he is using the vines as another path.' Wu Zhankong thought as he disappeared and appeared behind Tang Wulin.

He thrust he sword aiming at Tang Wulin back.


Wu Zhangkong eyes widen when he saw a golden spear appearing behind Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin twisted his body to grab the spear and thrust at Wu Zhankong, who deflected it. They clash against each other, both refusing to back down.

Tang Wulin hurled his spear, causing Wu Zhankong to deflect it to the side and then throwing a fist at him. Wu Zhankong eyes widen, he quickly twists out of the way but then saw vines erupting explosively out of the ground.


Wu Zhankong sword flashes, as he ruthlessly cut down all the vine and then felt himself getting weaker. He turns to see Tang Wulin second soul ring liting up.

Wu Zhankong dashes straight at him, while thrusting his sword but then evades to left as something came plowing through where he was. His eyes widen at seeing the same golden spear he batted away.

Tang Wulin merely raised his hand, causing the spear to float in the air and then he charged at Wu Zhankong with the spear trailing behind him. Wu Zhangkong had to evade Tang Wulin punches while deflecting the spear attacks.

'How is he controlling his spear like that? It is basically fighting by itself with no wielder.' Thought Wu Zhankong, as he ducks down as the spear passed overhead and then batted away Tang Wulin fists.

Wu Zhankong knew he couldn't keep doing this, as Tang Wulin was continuing draining his health and soul power. Wu Zhankong third spirit ring lit up as he lifts up his glittering sword up and then swings it.

'Skyfrost Cleave'

A ten-meter-long sword wave was produced from his glittering sword, as it went toward Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin summons one of the vines, to wrap around his waist and catapult him over the sword wave.

'Magic Dragon Roar.'

Tang Wulin opened his mouth and then a concentrated beam of intense energy headed towards Wu Zhankong who send out another sword wave to combat it.


Wu Zhankong steps back to evade the spear, plowing through the impenetrable smoke and heading towards the spot he was at. Next, he saw Tang Wulin drops down on spear and using it as a launching pad to charge at him.

'Apocalypse King Dragon Shocks The Heaven'

Tang Wulin rotates is hand in a circle, as a gold and black aura envelope the area around him and Wu Zhankong. A Golden and Black Dragon roar as they overshadow the image of Tang Wulin.

Wu Zhankong eyes widen as his body was being forcibly suppressed and his connection to his soul power being absorbed even more.

Then he saw both dragons heading towards him. Wu Zhankong quickly used his first ring skill 'Frost Scar' to send out multiple sword waves against the dragons coming toward him.


'Magic Dragon Rampaging Dragon.'

Tang Wulin twisted his body, as his foot starting creating a swirl of wind as energy was being coated on his foot. His other foot stomps down hard on the ground, creating cracks and then the tangible image of a black dragon head was formed.

Tang Wulin kicked toward Wu Zhankong as the aura left a trail. Wu Zhankong could feel the overwhelming force behind the attack and moves his sword to block the attack. But then his eyes widen when he saw space being bent around Tang Wulin foot.



Shen Yi eyes widen when she saw Tang Wulin bending space with his kick. A massive explosion was produced, as she raised her arm to block the debris.

When the shockwave died down, she was able to see a deep scar on the Sea God Island. Tang Wulin was staring ahead of him but then he saw Wu Zhangkong and he was different.

Wu Zhankong was wearing a White Crown with two white metal bands that were cradling his cheek, Down below was a brilliant white and silver armor. His soul rings were gone and in his hand was a sword that was one-and-a-half meters in length.

Shen Yi trembles, as she saw Wu Zhankong being forced to use his Sky Ice Battle Armor. Tang Wulin just smirks, as he called his Golden Dragon Spear to him, he activates all of his enhancement skills.

'Golden Dragon Scales.'

'Golden Dragon Claw.'

'Golden Dragon Body.'

'Magic Dragon Lanza.'

Tang Wulin whole body lights up with golden radiance, as scales started to engulf his whole body.

His right arm turns into a Golden Dragon Claw and energy started to coat around his Golden Dragon Spear.

Tang Wulin then hurled it at Wu Zhankong with all his strength, sending off massive shockwaves as it rocketed through the air. Wu Zhankong simply raised his long sword, as it transforms into a large azure greatsword.

'Time Magic: Parallel Worlds'

Wu Zhankong swung his azure greatsword at the incoming Golden Dragon Spear but his eyes widen. There was not one but over a dozen Golden Dragon Spear, all surrounding him and were all rocketing toward him.

'Golden Dragon Roar.'

'First Soul Skill: Pressure.'

Before Wu Zhankong could do something, he was struck by a dragon roar and a spiritual attack.

Behind Tang Wulin appears the Golden Dragon King's head releasing a deafening roar and Leviathan glaring savagely at Wu Zhankong. This caused him to flinch and stagger, forfeiting the opportunity to counter Tang Wulin attack.


The Golden Dragon Spear was able to hit Wu Zhankong but Tang Wulin still sped toward him. As he got close to the center of the explosion, nine gigantic azure swords hit him, rocketing out of the dust.


Shen Yi was shocked, as she discovers the amount of damage done to the Sky Ice Battle Armor. The chest piece area was dented and destroyed. The gauntlets were practically crushed with blood coming out and half of his crown was gone.

'Just how strong was that attack.' Shen Yi thought in fright.

Wu Zhankong was able to deflect the spears from hitting his most vital spots but he still was hit by most of them.

Even with his skilled swordsmanship and Tang Sect skill Controlling Crane, Capturing Dragon, he wasn't able to deflect all of them while still stunned.


Wu Zhankong eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin stomp on the ground and still charge forward to him, even after getting hit by the azure swords.

'Golden Dragon Tyrant Body.'

Tang Wulin fist was swirling with black and golden energy as he came up close to Wu Zhankong. Wu Zhankong tried to move but he instantly felt Blue Silver Grass wrap around him.

Frost exploded from his body, turning the vines into ice and then he uses his footwork to try to gain some distance.

Tang Wulin grins, as vines erupted from behind him and his Light Wings expanded from his back. His foot is then coated with energy, as it lands on the vine and then an explosion happened.


Wu Zhankong looks in shock, as he saw a blur approaching him. It was Tang Wulin who was propelling himself towards Wu Zhankong with his Dragonslayer Magic.

Tang Wulin thrust his fist toward Wu Zhangkong, who was able to deflect it with his azure greatsword. Wu Zhankong was still knockback from the sheer force of the attack as he couldn't recover in the air.

At that moment the Golden Dragon Spear appeared in front of Tang Wulin again. Tang Wulin twisted his body, bringing up his foot at the end of the spear shaft and then kicking it with all of his strength. The Spear flew straight towards Wu Zhankong who knew he couldn't raise his sword up in time.

But then space twisted around the Golden Dragon Spear causing it to go around Wu Zhankong and missing him. Then Tang Wulin shifted his head to see a fist coming towards him and couldn't raise his guard in time, as his whole world turned to darkness.


"What the hell is going on." Zhou Shi asked with a grim expression. He wasn't expecting to have both his student and his grand-disciple fighting outside of his house. Not only that but his grand-disciple was able to force Wu Zhankong into using his battle armor and caused excessive damage to it.

'What the hell is up with this kid.' Zhou Shi knew from the mighty roars of a dragon that Tang Wulin was able to use his 'Dragon Shock The Heaven' and effectively in battle.

Wu Zhankong felt his knee hit the ground, as his battle armor departed from his body. Shen Yi swiftly rushes over to him to make sure he was ok. Fortunately for him, his battle armor was able to take most of the multiple spear attacks.

Zhou Shi looks at this and could merely shake his head. Wu Zhankong has told him and Shen Yi on what they're going to do with Tang Wulin.

He agreed with them, that Tang Wulin wouldn't be pushed to his limit by the selection tournament. He also gave them a suggestion that would serve as his combat test and in addition be an add on for his final exam.

Zhou Shi would have never thought that Tang Wulin would rebel so badly, that it would lead to him knocking him out.

'Although that kid is too brilliant. His ability chain so many attacks to together, no wonder Wu Zhankong stayed on defense throughout the whole fight.' Zhou Shi thought.

'Why do I have such rebellious disciples.'

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