Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 37: Everglades

Chapter 37: Everglades

"What! Tang Wulin and Ye Xinglan won't be participating in the first-grade selection tournament?"Asked Gu Yue as Shen Yi after informed her at the beginning of the class.

"They won't be." Said Shen Yi.

"Ok, but where is Tang Wulin."

"He won't be around to see the selection tournament. He already has another assignment to undertake."Siad Shen Yi, causing Gu Yue to narrow her eyes. Gu Yue found it oddly convenient to give him another assignment.

'Could it be there intentionally trying to pressure us?' Gu Yue thought it about and it did make the most sense. Its also explain why they took Ye Xinglan, although she didn't care.

Gu Yue moved back to her seat, as Shen Yi went to the side. Wu Zhankong begins his lesson for the day, Gu Yue was hardly paying attention, she was too busy wondering if Tang Wulin would be ok.

Although he was strong, that doesn't mean nothing could happen. Plus what kind of assignment would require him to go all by himself.


Tang Wulin blinks his eyes, as he started looking around where he was. He felt his body shaking and then rolling to the side.

'What. Where am I?' Tang Wulin thought as he started looking around. It was then he was able to sit up that he saw what was going on. He was on the train by himself.


Tang Wulin felled back down on the chair, clutching his stomach and doing his best to not vomit. His will to find out what was going was already gone from motion sickness hitting him.

'Why did it have to be a fucking train!'


"What you mean we can't utilize Tang Wulin or Ye Xinglan for the selection tournament."Gu Yue eyebrow twitches at Luo Guixing yelling it to the whole classroom.

"Shut up. Do you not know how to be discreet?"Ye Xinglan glared at Luo Guixing.

"But still, without Tang Wulin. Our team is essentially down to one ace." Said Luo Guixing, causing Gu Yue to narrow her eyes at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Gu Yue glared at him.

"It means nothing. Hahaha."Luo Guixing kept on his smile even when facing everyone but Xu Luizhi glare.

Luo Guixing didn't know how strong Gu Yue or Xu Yinglan was. So he couldn't be fully blamed for believing only Tang Wulin and Wu Siduo was the only strong one here.

"Don't try to laugh off." Said Gu Yue.

"What wrong? I didn't mean anything by it." Said Luo Guixing.

"Get out." Gu Yue order Luo Guixing, who look at her in surprise. Actually, the whole group was surprised at Gu Yue words.


"Ever since we were a team, you have been either complaining or going against our ideas. In fact, just know you shouted out to everyone that we two fewer people for the tournament."Gu Yue explained.

"So it 1. You're an idiot, 2. You're trying to overrule Tang Wulin or 3. You are already working with another group." Gu Yue glared at Luo Guixing who was still smiling even in the face of her accusations.

"Sigh, Gu Yue, what is up with the suspicion. But if you feel that way, then I guess for the group balance I will leave." Said Luo GuixinG, who then sneak a glance at Wu Siduo.

Everyone turns to Wu Siduo who had her eyes closed, but she didn't say anything. Luo Guixing blinks his eyes in surprise.

"Will you hurry up to leave, so our group can work." Wu Siduo finally said, after noticing Luo Guixing wasn't moving. Luo Guixing was shocked but hid was able to hide it and nodded his head, as he turns to leave.

Everyone else sneaks glances as at Wu Siduo, who didn't say anything.

Truth be told, she didn't care about being class president until she is able to beat Tang Wulin. From the conversation, she saw with him and Ye Xinglan. He won't fight you unless he wants to.

This means she will have to continue helping Xie Xie and doing his training. If she ever wants him to give her the chance for a rematch. Compare to a rematch with him, the class president rank meant crap to her.

"What about our other members? We need two more to close up the loss of Tang Wulin and Luo Guixing."Said Xu Lizhi, who was worried for his big brother Tang Wulin.

He wanted to go eating with Tang Wulin before the start of the selection tournament and it was hard to find another glutton who could eat more than him.

"Don't worry, I already know who can help us." Said Gu Yue with a smirk.


"Master, where exactly did you sent Tang Wulin?" Questioned Shen Yi, as she was talking with her master through a communicator. She was observing how Tang Wulin group would react and expected problems to appear.

She didn't say anything about Luo Guixing being kicked out or them including two more members, after all, they still have time before they submit their official team.

"Hehehe. It's an extraordinary place in fact if that brat does well. He may be able to reach rank 40 and become a Soul Elder."Said Zhou Shi on the other line.

Shen Yi eyes widen, as she heard this. She stops thinking about the implications and couldn't help but shiver at the thought.

'That kid was able to deal some real damage to senior brother battle armor. He wasn't even a spirit elder yet, could master be trying to advertise his success in the Mecha Competition.' Though Shen Yi.

Then again, she doubts her master would want his grand-disciple to be kicked out. Especially one as talented as Tang Wulin, from what she saw and heard, he was able to use 'Dragon Shock the Heaven'.

If before she didn't have any confidence in, then after she saw his fight with Wu Zhankong. She had to say, she felt sorry for those in the mecha competition,

'After all, that brat is going to be extra brutal in that tournament, considering he got ban from this one.'


'Those bastards.' Tang Wulin thought as he was looking at the message on the piece of paper, that was placed on him.

'In exchange for your acceptance in skipping the selection tournament. There will be an alternate assignment for you. You will need to reach the top of the mountain called the Everglade, on the top you will see an extremely important herb that I require you to get. Achieve this, and you will be able to take part in the mecha tournament.'

'These guys.' Tang Wulin thought as he started to tremble. He continues reading the letter.

'Once you perform this, you will complete your first-semester final exam. You must go to Bright City and defeat a soul master with five soul power ranks above you. For the exam, you cannot bring any of your possession, because of this your storage ring and Golden Spear is being kept on the Sea God Island.'

Tang Wulin crushes the note in his hand, as he absolutely wanted to go on a rampage right now.

It wasn't bad enough they took him out of the tournament. They also are forcing him to climb up a mountain and then go crush some people in the bright city.

"Well, I can't really fault them. Doing all the work in the competition wouldn't help your teammates grow."Said Zeref, as he smiled at Acnologia. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes as he looks up the mountain that was looming above them.

The mountain didn't look like anything special other than it being sufficiently covered with mist. Shaking his head, he started making the way to the mountain path entrance.

As he made his way through the entrance, he was able to see the steep hills with jagged ends all around.

The visible horizon was dusky in contrast to how it was outside of the entrance. All around the sides he saw the towering cherry blossom trees with their leafs falling down. There was a cool breeze that passes by through and little fireflies passing by.

"It's too breathtaking," Zeref comments, too taken by the mountain inside beauty. Tang Wulin look around but he couldn't help but say.

"It feels so desolate." Said Tang Wulin, as he looks all around. There was nothing in here, and he couldn't smell or hear anything on the mountain. It was as if the mountain hasn't been touch for years.

Tang Wulin kept walking farther into the mountain until he saw the path was broken off. The other half was a few meters back, nothing he couldn't just fly over. His Light Wings unfolded as he sped off the ground, as he was passing over the demolished part he felt an intense pressure hitting him.


Tang Wulin felt his whole body being pulled down to the ground, as he landed face-first into the pavement. He tried getting up, but it literally took all of his effort to fully pull himself in a standing position.

"What the hell is this!" Said Tang Wulin, struggling to stay upright.

"It seems the standard gravity may have double in this area." Said Zeref, as he instantly started to inspect the area.

"Ok, but why is it affecting me."

"It could be because this was done by a being vastly stronger than you or something natural to the mountain." Zeref was trying to come up with a number of reasonable reasons. Tang Wulin shook his head, as he started fighting against the gravity.

"How do you feel?" Asked Zeref.

"It's not that bad. I can already feel my body getting somewhat used to it."Tang Wulin gritted his teeth, as after a few mins he was able to slowly walk.

"Why don't we stay around in this area for a while, until you can get used to gravity?" Zeref suggested as he walks to go sit on one of the ledges around. Tang Wulin nodded his head and then went to one of the trees around.

There was an abundant amount of cherry blossom around them. After a while he was able to carefully pluck off a branch from the tree, the pink color was still shining off the branch. He then went over to where Zeref was and then got into his spear stance.

"Oh! You're going to use the branches as a substitute for your spear?" Zeref questioned.

"Only for practice, at best, I can work on the fundamentals. With this gravity, I may be able to increase my adaptability against unexpected things with the spear."Said Tang Wulin, as he begins his training with his spear skills.


A day as passed, with Tang Wulin finally being able to move around freely in the increased gravity.

He continues to trek through the mountain, going pass the occasional rugged steep hills and broken off pathways.

After walking for a while, he felt his body get heavier again. It wasn't as bad as before but it was still annoying to move around.

"So the further we go up in the mountain, the more the gravity increased." Said Zeref, as he looks around the place in wonder. Tang Wulin settles down, as he pulled the branch from his back and begins his spear training.

Then out of nowhere, these small, little spirit beast ran nimbly passed him. Tang Wulin was surprised, he could have sworn there was no animal here.

Zeref just smiled and started to follow them, while he continues to practice.

After a few hours, he got used to the gravity and then begin his journey moving back up the mountain. Zeref was telling him about how the little spirit beast looks like rabbits and cat mix together.

They walk for a while until they saw the path ended in front of them but it was continuing on the steep hill above. Tang Wulin started climbing the hill, using his dragon scales as protection against the periodic spikes.

"You're not using the Light Wings?" Asked Zeref.

"No, those take too much soul power to summon and dismiss constantly. For now, I will stick with the old ways of traveling." Said Tang Wulin, as pulled himself over the hill. He then continues walking along the path,

For while they saw nothing until they came upon a forest of some kind. It was filled with the lush cherry blossoms and before both them, there was a towering notable cherry blossom.

It had pink vines hanging off it with and leaves falling off. The vines also wrapped around the branches that seemed to appear all around the tree.

Not only that but both Zeref and Tang Wulin became enthralled at the lovely scenery of little animals playing around the trees. Tang Wulin also felt the gravity increase in this area as well, he estimated it was about three times as much.

"Acnologia why don't we take a break and admire the view? It's so breathtaking, I'm sure you already practice enough." Zeref said as he sat down both mesmerize and enthralled by the scenery.

Tang Wulin shook his head but concedes as he also joins Zeref.

After a while, Tang Wulin continue to move ahead and go higher up in the mountain. He went to go practice in the gravity, after a while he also was able to fully adapt to it.

"So I wasn't imagining it. My cultivation seems to be rising." Said Tang Wulin.

"Is it because of gravity increase?" Asked Zeref.

"I'm not sure." Said Tang Wulin. He then continues to go farther in the mountain. The gravity kept on increasing the more he went up but after repeated times of little his body get used to it, it didn't matter as much.

"Your teachers are crazy." Said Zeref, as he stared at Tang Wulin who was struggling to stay all the way up. It was becoming harder and harder to fully adapt to the increase in the gravity of the mountain, as he goes up.

'I can see why this mountain is deserted.' Tang Wulin thought, as kept on moving up the mountain. After a while, he was able to find a cave and went in to rest for a while.

"Hello there!" A cheerful voice resounded behind Tang Wulin. He turns around and saw what looks to be a middle-aged man with brown short hair. He was wearing shorts with a black shirt and had a large backpack on him.

"Hey?" Said Tang Wulin, surprised there was someone else around here. The man smiled, as he walks over to sit down in the cave.

"The name Zhao Jiu." Said Zhao Jiu, grinning at Tang Wulin, who nodded his head back but didn't say anything else. Zhao Jiu lips twitch, but he didn't seem to mind.

"Not quite of a talker are we? Well it fine, I'm surprised that someone as young as you was able to make it this high." Said Zhao Jiu still grinning.

"You know a lot about this mountain?"

"I do. I have been researching majestic mountains like these for over thirty years now. This is one of the special and mysterious mountains on the Douluo continent. From its weird animals to the vegetation and unnatural gravity." Said Zhao Jiu,

"In fact, did you know there is rarely any spirit beast here? This mountain for some reason only houses mostly weak spirit animals that I am sure you have seen."Said Zhao Jiu.

"Do people other than you come to this mountain?" Asked Tang Wulin, wanting to find out what was so special about the mountain.

"Of course."


"For their cultivation of course. You see this gravity actually tempers one cultivation if they're the ability to withstand the force. I'm sure you felt the further you went up, the more you felt your cultivation rise." Said Zhao Jiu.

"I see, so that is why your cultivation kept rising after you adopted to the gravity each time." Zeref went back in thought, while Tang Wulin nodded his head.

"So why isn't there a lot of Soul Masters here then, if this place is so great for cultivation." Asked Tang Wulin.

"Not everything is as simple as it looks. Not just anyone can train in this increased gravity. You see while it true that your cultivation increase when you adapt to the gravity, that requires you being able to adapt to it." Said Zhao Jiu.

"So not everyone can adapt to it?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Not everyone has time to naturally adapt to it. It would take an average person around four months to adapt to the 2x gravity, and it gets worse for them as they go higher."Said Zhao Jiu.

"The main reason is because of how strong a person body is. You see, only those with abnormally strong bodies could really benefit from here. In fact, this place is one of the most used training areas from those who are apart of the Body Sect." Said Zhao Jiu.

"Body Sect?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Oh, you don't know about them? They are people who can claim to have the strongest body in the whole world. As the name suggests, they train their body to be greatest it can be, although they're pretty much crazy. Doing whatever they want." Said Zhao Jiu.

"Anyway, they usually bring their new members here to temper themselves and many of their disciples were able to benefit from the pressure on their body." Zhao Jiu Explained.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, while Zeref just smiled at how long it took Acnologia to adapt but isn't like it wasn't expected. Still, Zeref and Tang Wulin interest in the body sect was peak but weren't a priority at the moment.

"Are you here to cultivate then?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Oh, heavens no. Like I said I been carefully researching this place to uncover it mysterious."Said Zhao Jiu.

"So have you ever been to the top of the mountain or know anything about it?"

"I have indeed. It took me five years, but I was finally able to reach there. The view of the world below is truly breathtaking."Said Zhao Jiu.


Thunder crackle as it started to rain outside of the cave. Zhao Jiu got up to go check outside, to see it was raining down hard and it was night time.

He turned back to his backpack to pull out some firewoods and started a fire between them.

"Well, I guess we're here for the night." Said Zhao Jiu.

"Did you see any herb on top of the mountain?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Oh, you mean legendary Everglade herbs. They are at the top of the mountain but not just anyone can claim them. You see the area around the herbs is surrounded by the most intense level of gravity on the mountain. Even I haven't gotten used to it." Said Zhao Shi.

"Do you know why the gravity increase, as we go up the mountain?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"That what I am here to find out. Some say it was a God who did it and others say it was a very strong spirit beast. Maybe even an unfathomable spirit master in the ancient days." Said Zhao Jiu.

"So why are you here?" Asked Zhou Jiu.

"I'm here to get the Everglade herbs herb on top of the mountain." Said Tang Wulin. Zhao Jiu faces lit up as he started talking about the mountain herbs on the top. While he didn' think Tang Wulin could actually do it, he still wanted to share his findings with him.

"Well, at least he is having fun." Said Zeref, Tang Wulin rolled his eyes as Zhao Jiu continues to talk to him about the mountain.


A little spirit beast was running down the slope of the moutan. Behind it was a large wolf as it ran after it.

These two were ignoring the thunder roars and the intense rain hitting them. One was too terrified for its life, while the other was too hungry to care.

The little animal found itself at a dead end, as it reaches the cliff peak. The wolf grins as it slowly walked to the little spirit beast but then lightning crackle and struck.


The Wolf back at away and covered it faces as the dazzling light was too bright. After the dazzling light died down, it turns its head to see something in front of it.

It was a dark blue unicorn with red eyes. On its body were scales covering everywhere and on its head was a long white mane. The flowing mane extended from its head down to the back. The mane continues until it connected to the white big long tail. The white mane also appears on its shoulder on four other limbs.

The creature was crackling with lightning, as it turns its head towards the scared wolf. The creature didn't say anything but the wolf became even more scared.

It quickly tries to turn around and get ready to run away but with the sounds of lightning crackle.


The wolf was dead before it could turn away. The creation turns to the little spirit beast who stared at it in awe. Then the creature instantly disappears in a dazzling flash as if it wasn't even there.

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