Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 372: Retreat

Chapter 372: Retreat

Qin Huo titled his head as he began standing up, his figure glowing brilliantly with an eerie emerald light before he pulled his sword out of the Soul Master.

Before hacking down, intending to split the Soul Master in two and fully kill him but he was obstructed by a golden fist.

Green and golden streaks scattered around, fist and sword began to struggle against each other!

"Qin Huo!" Qin Bo shouted while using his leg to kick the injured Soul Master into the barrier so that he wouldn't get in the way.


Qin Huo began pressing his sword down on Qin Bo who gritted his teeth as he utilizes all of his strength to push back. Qin Bo's eyes narrowed when he didn't see his cousin pupil but only four-eyes that were glowing green.

'Damn it!'

'Body Sect Technique: Suppress.'

In the next moment, his figure erupted with blood essence, it began flooding the figure of Qin Huo's eyes widened. As it experienced its surrounding change for a split second with Qin Bo turning into a gigantic fist that was smashing down on it.

He felt his strength being harshly suppressed for that split second before he was struck in the face by a golden fist, that drove itself into its face.

But Qin Bo wasn't done as his fist began to give off an even more dazzling light. As it increased in size as he launched Qin Huo into the ground.

'Body Sect Technique: Heavenly Fist.'

He ruthlessly drove the body of Qin Huo into the ground with his golden fist, forcibly plowing through his cousin's head.

This caused the ground to break apart, rubbles flying up, and creating spider-web cracks all around the field.

Yet in the next instant, spears of emerald lightning burst off the ground, piercing through the body of Qin Bo whose expression turns grim.

He quickly moved back, while forcing his blood essence to move towards the injured area, trying to suppress the injured area. As he looked forward, he saw the trembling figure of Qin Huo staring at him with its broken face that was leaking green energy.

'He can still use his soul skill?' Thought Qin Bo as he saw Qin Huo struggling up, as his body began to flash with an emerald light.

"Qin Huo?"


Qin Huo released another roar before charging towards Qin Bo as its body began flashing green rapidly before it erupted in a violent explosion.

Right after Qin Bo threw himself into the barrier just as the explosion engulfed the area he was at, smashing into the barrier.

Before dying down, allowing Qin bo to see the scattered part of his cousin before it began to gradually fade and turn into particles.

"What the hell is going on?"


'Sister Wu! The dead are rising!' Dai Yun'er's voice rang in Wu Siduo's head causing her eyes to widen before she evaded an attack.

She moved back, evading the relentless streams of attacks that were coming down from the Emerald General.

She twisted her body to evade a wave of energy that produced an arc as it chopped down, cleaving through the area she was formerly.

'The dead of the creatures?'

'No our own dead! I don't know what they did, but they have somehow had a way to turn the dead of our soldiers into them!'

"You dare to not focus?" A cold voice rang out as countless streaks of light appeared above her.

In front of Wu Siduo were countless sword lights, which were descending on her, as fast as lightning while leaving behind streaks.

They stabbed directly towards Wu Siduo who only thrust out a palm that shone with a dazzling light, a gigantic palm was formed, clashing with the swords.

The gigantic palm struggled against the sword lights before it was crushed in specs of light. Then the sword lights continued toward Wu Siduo who swiftly moved out of the way, as the sword light passed by.

But then she thrust out her fist, as a wave of emerald energy smashed into her, forcing her back a few meters.

Wu Siduo's expression fell as she saw bits of blood leaking from her fist, with her golden form losing its luster.

"I can tell you're having trouble keeping this up, it won't be long before you're all out of energy." Said the Emerald General with a chuckle causing Wu Siduo to frown.

As she knew his words were right, as she was pushing herself even at the beginning of the fight. While she didn't utilize everything, it didn't stop the fact her energy was low.

'Not only that but it seems to refill its energy after its rebirth... Considering it's a Qusai Limit Douluo...'

Wu Siduo honestly found the way the revival system of the Emerald General terrifying. As the underlying fact was, that no matter how many times she killed it.

It would always be able to come back through one of its grunts...

Grunts that were over the hundred thousand across this battlefield.

"But I can see you will continue to vainly try... Well, you're not the first race and will certainly not be the last."

Wu Siduo narrowed her eyes at the Emerald General at its words, with her wondering just how many planets have they taken over.

"By the end of this, you will be joining our rank-"

"You guys can revive the dead?"

"Oh... How did, no more like when did you notice... Unless you are communicating with someone from afar, this entire time."The Emerald General muttered as it glanced around in thought.

"So it's true..."

"Well more or less, it is. The more of your people die, the more our forces will increase, which is why your victory is impossible."Said the Emerald General with a chuckle.

"I truly pity you guys thought, trying so hard, thinking each kill that you guys unleash is you all making progress... But sadly it's only delaying the inevitable, the death of you all and the subjugation of this planet, as it should be."

"You talk too much." Muttered Wu Siduo as she saw the look of condescending pity in the Emerald General eyes.

"All those who have died will appear once again."

Just as the Emerald General said this, Wu Siduo felt herself instinctively moving back, just as the ground burst open.

Her figure turned into a blur as she moved a meter away, as she saw countlessly of those emerald creatures crawling out of the ground.

Yet Wu Siduo recognizes them as the people who died from the last attack of the monsters, which were buried outside of the city. As the barrier wouldn't allow them to be brought in causing her to narrow her eyes.

'Is that why? The barrier senses that they were corrupted and kept them out?' Wu Siduo punched out her fist while she conceived this with some anger flashing by.

Smashing apart some of the creatures, even though they looked like the townspeople that were outside of the city. All of the emerald creatures felt the force of Wu Siduo, aggressively pushing and plowing through some of them.

Arms, legs, and various other limbs went flying, yet these creatures didn't care as they roared before charging at her and firing their attack.

'They can use the dead martial soul as well? Even those who didn't get theirs unlocked, as well as those Soul-Beast innate abilities.' Thought Wu Siduo in shock as she defended and evaded these attacks.

As she got ready to make her move, she paused for a second.

'Pull back!' As Dai Yun'er's voice rang out in her head causing her to frown more but she didn't say anything.

As she saw the Emerald General released a laugh before pouncing on her once again with its army of creatures.


"Retreat? Is it really that bad?"Muttered Xie Xie as he stood over the deceased body of one of his squad members who was glowing like the creatures.

'Yes! If we don't take the time to retreat, then we may lose more of our men for no reason! We already accomplished part of our goal, come back!'

"... Alright." Xie Xie let out a sigh as he glanced at his squad, Soul Masters and Soul-Beast who were catching their breath.

Before he looked at the incoming creatures who seem to be endless and said," Retreat! I will hold the rear until you guys are past the barrier!"

His squad looked at him in surprise but they knew better than to question his order and began to retreat. Soul Ring appeared behind Xie Xie, all of them shining and giving off a soft light before the area turned grey.

Just as the creature closed in on Xie Xie, stepping into the grey world, all of them began to slow down, moving at the speed of a turtle.

Xie Xie then clenched his daggers, while glancing to the right and left, seeing the others might be in trouble, he moved to help them.


"Retreat huh? Alright." Said Queen Marina as she turned around, ignoring the dead body of the Emerald General before dashing forward.

With her Sea Soul Beast and Soul Master squad moving back as well, while she began making a barrier for her squad so they could retreat safely.

Dai Yun'er order retreat was relayed to everyone, with all of them stopping what they were doing and moving back into the barrier.

Wu Siduo had to utilize her full abilities to escape the Emerald General pursuit with Xie Xie providing help to her and the others for their retreat.

As well as the ability to, as he hurled some of them into his spatial gap and left the fast ones alone, more focus on the slow ones.

The creatures saw this, as well as the Emerald Generals causing them to chuckle before charging towards the barrier.

All while this was being observed by the Emerald Emperor who was releasing a chuckling, both amused and delighted about this.

"Yes, drive them into their walls before pulling them out and tearing it all down."


In the Star Luo Empire.

The situation wasn't any better, as the sounds of screams, roar, and chaos run amok!

"Da Tao! What are you doing!

"Mo Yulai! What is wrong with you!"

"Fools! Don't you see their appearance? They have become those creatures!

The figure of Mo Yulai released a cry as it chopped down with an emerald ax that cracked the hand of one of the Soul Masters.

The Soul Master released a cry, as their hand fell to the ground before they widened their eyes as Mo Yulai swung their ax again.

Cutting off their head causing their body to splurt out with blood before dropping to the ground.

Then to the shock of those Tang Sect who were around, the body of the dead soul master began to tremble before changing as well.

They all watched as it changed, turning into the creatures and forming its own Emerald weapons which were fur.

"They mutate even martial souls!"

"If you see anybody, destroy it! So they can't revive!"

Countless souls cannon were being unleashed upon the battlefield, destroying and obliterating all of the corpses that were littering the field.

While the Tang Sect was doing this, the Weeping Blood Douluo was sweeping through the battlefield in a murderous slaughter.

One hand was a metal badge that was releasing a sound that caused the creatures to sprout blood from its vibrating striking them internally.

Before he swept out with his other hand, beheading them, slashing apart their arms and limbs with their head tumbling.

Wherever the Blood Weeping Douluo passed, blood continuously splashed out, creating a bloody scene.

He was unleashing massacre after hearing about these creatures appearing in the cities and the bases of the Tang Sect. As they only recently found out they could turn the Star Luo dead into them, making it a terrifying surprise attack.

The amount of damage caused to the bases, towns, and cities was strong, as by the time this information was spread.

They were already spreading through the inside, needing the leaders of the continent to commit a massacre inside.

Right now he and the other three gods were trying to push their number back but this was becoming harder and harder by the minute.

These creatures seem to come in a horde, although they are making progress. As they were able to keep most of them behind the barriers, with them making sure to destroy their body.

Naturally, this caused most of them to be enraged, increasing the ferocity of their attack on the creatures. Seeing it was their fault that they couldn't even preserve the body of their own men.

But the Blood Weeping Douluo knew they couldn't keep this forever, as sooner or later their stamina and soul power would run out.

Allowing these creatures to mount a counter-attack.

So before that, they're trying to quell their numbers and get the soul technology ready to unleash hell on them.


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