Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 373: More Than One

Chapter 373: More Than One

Around the Spirit Pagoda base.

The sounds of screaming, cursing, cannon fire, and attacks were resounding through the area, as well as corpses being destroyed as well.

One such was a broken, pummeled, Soul Master corpse whose figure looked like it had been beaten to a pulp, sailing through the air. Before landing in front of a group of Title Douluos and One of Star Luo four gods, whose expression changed as they saw the deformed corpse.

"Here comes the brute." Muttered Huang Zhengyang with his eyes narrowed as he saw the creature who did this came charging towards them.

The creature was massive and large, both of its arms that were glowing brilliantly looked like that of a muscular gorilla. Its face was that of a knight helmet with emerald energy leaking out of its mouth as it thrust its fist out.

Huang Zhengyang didn't falter as he saw the fist that was radiating with an emerald light, raising his giant scythe in his mecha hand. Before swiftly moving outwards, evading the brutes fist that ripped through the air, while he winded his scythe back.

The brute noticed it missed but as it tried to swing its arm to its right. Huang Zhengyang didn't give it a chance as he hacked down with his scythe.

It cleanly diagonally cuts through the creature's body, a thin line forming on the creature's chest down to its abdominal. Before the top half of its body went down to the ground while the bottom half fell back.

Yet it didn't stop moving as the creature released a terrible roar as it once again tried punching out its arm, which stretched to Huang Zhengyang's slight shock.

But with his spiritual sense, he had already sensed the attack coming, moving out of the way while slashing down. But then another brute burst through behind them, growling with fury as it stared down at Huang Zhengyang and the other Title Douluo.


But Huang Zhengyang didn't have time to care about the brute from the back as he saw the one in front rapidly flowing. He saw its glaring hatefully at Huang Zhengyang, its eyes showcasing such an intense emotion that even surprised him.

Making him wonder... Just why did these creatures hate them, so much and what has been driving them so far.

'Not again!'

"Form a shield! Now!"

That had been the last thing Huang Zhengyang could say before the whole hallway was engulfed with emerald light.

A violent explosion rang out, shaking the Tang Sect base once again.

"Get up and keep moving!" Shouted Huang Zhengyang as the visible smoke cleared, showing everyone was fine.

Which included the other brute who was charging at them with its body covered with an emerald light, each step shattering the ground.

The Title Douluo behind Huang Zhengyang swiftly propelled herself towards the knight, summoning her staff.

Before thrust it forward, the staff gave off an intense light before it enlarged, taking up all of the space in the room and smashing into the brute.

The collision between the brute and the staff, shook the whole room as spider-webs were beginning forming all around.

But it was only for a moment as the brute was sent flying with the women shrinking her staff and charging forward.

"I will take care of the Brute, hurry up and take care of the rest of the creature in the base!"

"Right." Huang Zhengyang said with a nod before he turned around and charged forward, his eyes narrowed.


Spirit Pagoda base and town, which had a gloomy cloudy sky, as below shook.

Countless creatures charging through the streets before being obliterated by the Soul cannons, fixed ammunition, or the missiles.

Pagoda Soul Masters sending a series of attacks to help with the soul cannon and fixed ammunition fire.

One of them summoned a shield in front of one of the cannons, just as shark-like creatures erupt from the ground, pouncing towards them.

But was only met with the shield, which faded away as the Soul Cannon was done charging up before it fired. Turning it into particles before aiming for a dead body that just fell, firing and reducing it to dust.

"There seems to be no end to them... Just what are we supposed to do-"

'To all Soul Masters, this is an order from the Royal Palace. This is an order to retreat, set all of the bases to explode before heading back to the Empire.'

"Retreat? But why?"

"Either more of these creatures coming down, making it hard to push back and needing us to regroup, Or they figure something out but need us back..."

"Either way, let's go, after setting the charges. At the minimum, we shouldn't let them get what they want." One the Soul Master of the Pagoda said.

In the next few minutes, they begin setting the timer while the others continue holding off the creatures before getting up and fleeing.

Once they were relatively away, one of them hastily detonated the deafening explosion before they all used all of their might to escape. They made sure to have the others set their charge and confirm before leaving, so no one would get caught in.

In the next instant, the Spirit Pagoda and the town that it was, the station was caught in a terrifying explosion that went up 500 meters.

While going over a thousand meter wide.

The Spirit Pagoda Soul Masters all had a grim expression but they continued on their way, hoping the empire had a solution for them.


Shrek, the Sea God Island.

"You want us to do what!"

"I will have Na'er bring Dai Yun'er here, as she will be far more effective here." Said Gu Yuena over the soul communicator with Mu Ye.

"But why? You know she is invaluable here-"

"I know, that's why she should come here. As her spiritual sharing ability is invaluable... No more like godlike in this situation. As of right now, their attacking Star Luo and Alvarez, Dai Yun'er's ability is limited to only one kingdom."

"That is true, but I don't get what you plan to have her do at Shrek." Dai Yueyan muttered with a frown.

As he was both worried and proud of his sister for being such an invaluable asset to the point they are wondering how to best utilize her potential. Dai Yun'er's spiritual sharing is indeed the most important ability in this war.

All for the simple reason, it allows quick and easy communication between the continents, something that was vital for this war.

"With the Gold Tree here, we can have her connect with it and have to make a wide-spread connection with both of the continents. While this will take tremendous energy from the Gold Tree, we don't have time to be picky here."

"Is it possible, though? I know the Gold Tree can do astonishing things, can it really grant her that ability to connect in a continental range?"Questioned Ya Li.

She was standing in for Na'er who was already advancing to retrieve Dai Yun'er and asked her to stand in for her as she did. Na'er already told her the plan, but she wanted to confirm it with Gu Yuena who was the one who was proposing it.

While also having this be a way to help Gu Yuena gains the other trust for this plan, as she was sure they still held some doubts.

Which was warranted but couldn't be allowed to be kept in this type of invasion.

"It will help amplify her soul abilities as well as allowing her to make a connection with the plane, getting the approval of the Planar Lord. With this approval, she could allow her spiritual power to travel across the world and instantly connect with the others. This way, she would be able to form a connection similar to a spider web."

"Won't the mental pressure on her be too much?"

"Don't worry, the Gold Tree and Plane will be taking the brunt of it, at worst she will have a headache and a migraine. We don't need her to constantly utilize it but just anytime important information comes, or when we need to make a move."Said Gu Yuena as she wanted to gain a full understanding of the battlefield.

Before giving out any orders to help turn this situation over as she was nominated as the Supreme Commander at the moment.

This was the will left behind by Tang Wulin, Yun Ming, and the others who believed all of them, she had the greatest mind.

Which was the truth, considering she held the memories of the Dragon God who has been in countless wars and experienced a long life.

"...Alright, we will have Dai Yun'er come over. Please take care of her, she is apart of our Empire."

"Don't worry, we will." Gu Yuena said before she turned to Dai Yueyan who she saw as restless even when he tried hiding it.

"Yueyan, you said they already took over some of the Tang Sect and Spirit Pagoda bases?"

"Technically yes but we were able to blow it up, so the only thing they have is the rubbles."

"Hm okay, we will make a mover after Dai Yun'er comes."

"Does anyone know what Gue Yuan and Xue Yuntian's situation are?" Questioned Gu Yuena as they didn't join the call.

"Maybe they were attacked?"

"Maybe... We need a better way to communicate-"

Gu Yuena didn't finish her words as someone as her teacher; Leng Yaozhu came inside of her office with a grim look.

"There is an attack happening at Heaven Dou City!"

"So more pillars have come down?"

"No, from the images that were sent, they seem to be different-"

"Okay." Gu Yuena didn't say anything else as she passed the communication to her teacher before swiping her hand causing space to open up.

"I will deal and investigate it. You already know about the plan." Said Gu Yuena before moving into the portal, vanishing from Leng Yaozhu's sight.

"But I didn't finish informing you about them..."


Above Heaven Dou City was a portal.

Gu Yuena walked out of it while expanding her spiritual sense and looking down, allowing her to see parts of the city glowing white.

Shifting her gaze over, she saw the creatures that her master told her about and indeed they were different from the ones attacking them before.

These creatures looked humanoid but had a metal body with bizarre ruins that seem to be carved on it. Alongside white energy that one could see through their core that was placed in the middle of their abdomen and their eyes.

Gu Yuena saw them slaying the people in the city through their loaded cannons that were formed from their arms causing her to frown.

'Are these new ones? Or are they from the same fraction?'

Gu Yuena didn't wait or say anything else. As the elements of water began to naturally form in her hands as she got ready sweeping them all out of the city.

'Let's clear them all out before trying to find some answers...'

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