Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 374: From Another Plane

Chapter 374: From Another Plane

The water orb in Gu Yuena's hand began to spin, rapidly and furiously before it was crushed in her hand as she began to move.

At the same time, as she began walking; an enormous wave suddenly appeared behind her in the sky before it descended onto the sky.

The incomparable waves surged downwards, crashing into the buildings and streets with the people inside eyes widened.

But that was all they could do before they figure lit up with a pearly light before they were gone, vanishing from the city. Just as the overwhelming waves flooded the whole city, engulfing all of the metal creatures that were on the ground.

A Metal Creature tried to struggle out of the water but it was then they felt the water around them beginning to tremble. Before the violent wave began to twist and turn, forming a twister around the creature.

It felt its whole body being brutally crushed and grind down from the twisters, its arm being mangled while its food was breaking apart. It wasn't just this one creature but all of the others who were caught in the violent wave of water.

The twisters were grinding down creatures, all of them were being turned into dust while the wave began to swirl after passing through the whole city. In the next instant, the city had turned into a world of water with countless twisters destroying all of the metal creatures.

Gu Yuena stared down with narrowed eyes before she flicked her finger causing the water to discharge up one of the creatures. It was only the head of one of them, which she grasped with her spiritual power and brought it close to her.

Narrowing her eyes, she began moving her spiritual power into the creature's head but then she threw it away.

As in the next moment, the creature's head began to shake while giving off a dazzling light that seemed to illuminate the area around. Before it faded, allowing Gu Yuena to see a new creature that appeared in front of her.

It was similar to the creatures before, but it had white lines through its body, spikes that were crackling with energy. Yet the most notable part of it has been its eyes that were radiating a white light that was leaking.

"Strange... We didn't think this planet that is occupied by those pests would still have an existence like you around to spare."Said the metal creature causing Gu Yuena to narrow her eyes.

"Who are you guys?"

"Now, now. Knowledge like that don't come too easy, you have to earn-"

The Metal Creature glanced up, seeing countless clouds that were gathering above, swirling above them like a maelstrom.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk. I will simply smash you apart and then rip the knowledge out of you." Said Gu Yuena as her eyes shone with a purple light.

The sky trembled as the clouds began to change, twisting and forming into multiple gigantic water dragons that were descending.

They all released a roar as they bared their fangs and claw against the Metal Creature, moving down to smash and chomp it to pieces.

"Smash me apart? Ha, this will be a charming tale to tell the other planet, I Rolux will conquer next."Said Rolux as it waves its hand causing countless portals to appear behind it.

Before a flowing stream of energy burst out, they were like lasers as they smashed into the water dragons and plow through them. This caused the water to scatter around, while some of the concentrated beams came hacking towards Gu Yuena.

Yet Gu Yuena showed no signs of worry as she waved her hands causing all of the water that was scattering to stop.

Before they began to swirl around Rolux, instantly forming a maelstrom around it, began to submerge and engulf its figure.

While she waved her other hand, stimulating a stir in the wind causing the beams to go off course, towards either the ground or sky.

"Not bad..."

The maelstrom was cut in half as a long blade of white energy shot out from it before it hacks down, with the water descending.

Rolux stared at Gu Yuena who only smiled at it before the temperature around began to drop as a vast layer of frost began to appear over it.

The frost continued until Rolux was frozen into ice before it shattered into pieces before being engulfed by an inferno that appeared next to it.

But she made sure to leave only one piece, so she could investigate, yet it was then countless portals appeared around her.

Without a second thought, Gu Yuena figure had given off a mellow light before she vanished, just as beams of pale energy blasted out of the portal.

They clashed with others, erupting in violent explosions through the sky with wisps of light scattering around.

As Gu Yuena appeared a few meters, she instantly flipped back just as the portal appeared around her.

They continued blasting out beams of white energy as she continued teleporting out of danger.

If one was to look in the sky, they would see a complex series of white explosions being set off as a figure continued moving back.

'Annoying... But found you.'

In the next instant, a myriad of seven colors suddenly emerged in her hand, it was crackling merrily and trembling, like lightning itself.

She began condensing the lightning in her hand while equipping it with the law of homing and penetration. Before the frequent lightning began to form into a gigantic seven-colored spear that was illuminating the sky.

Then she hurled it to the right, causing it to turn into a sparkling stream of light that instantly penetrated through space, appearing in the middle of the sky.

Before it shattered the space round causing the figure of Rolux to appear, with the glittering spear piercing through its chest.

Yet Gu Yuena wasn't done as her eyes flashed before space around her began to wrap and tremble as the beam of white energy closed in on her.

Then they all had frozen for a fleeting second before they all twisted around Gu Yuena before breaking space.

Appearing all around Rolux as the spear continued to pierce through its chest.

"Boom." Was all Gu Yuena said before the pale beams of energy smashed into Rolux while the seven-colored lightning spear gave off a terrifying light.

Before it exploded outwards, instantly turning the sky into relentless streams and currents of seven-colored lightning.

The sky shook for a bit while being illuminated for a bit before it faded away, allowing Gu Yuena to see ominous cracks in space.

As well as wisps of lightning falling to the ground and no signs of Rolux, yet she didn't lower her guard.

Just then she thrust out her hand that gave off a seven-colored light before it clashed with a fist that gave off an ethereal pale light.

Palm and fist clashed!

Seven-colored and white lights clashed with each other, trying to overpower the other as they began to severely shake the sky.

Before two figures appeared a few hundred meters away from each other, as seven-colored and white lights were clashing in the center.

With the space around it forming cracks before it began to break apart with space shaking tremendously before a black hole formed.

It was devouring everything around it, from the clouds to the scattered wisps of the energy from their previous clash.

"Well now, it seems I won't be having an easy time suppressing you... Well, that's fine, I relish the challenge."


"More like a tactical retreat, after all, I have gained some valuable data on you guys. Now then, please don't' die by those other pests, it would do me no good if you are killed by another."Said Rolux with a sigh as space around it began to glow.

Gu Yuena furrowed her brows as she could tell that the space elements were being suppressed and dominated by something terrifying.

'I can tell it's a god but at what level though?'

"Remember the name, Rolux of the Arkadians... The ones who will absorb you all and give you the life of infinite."Said Rolux before the glow consumed him and then he vanished.

Leaving Gu Yuena and the black hole that was above the city of Heaven Dou, which was growing bigger and bigger.

Gu Yuena didn't say anything as she waved her hand, causing a gentle wave of seven-colored light to sweep forward towards the black-hole.

The black hole began to tremble; it tried to struggle free from the seven-colored light but it was futile as the mellow light began to rigorously suppress it.

In the next few seconds, the black hole was no more with the sky being mended while Gu Yuena had a troubled look on her face.

'Arkadians? Rolux mentioned those pests, meaning they aren't in the same league... Meaning we are being assaulted by two different planes.' Thought Gu Yuena as she knew their situation had just become even more challenging.

Taking on one plane was difficult already but two? Not only that but there is also the abyssal plane that has been quiet lately.

"Unless... They are also being invaded too."Muttered Gu Yuena with narrowing her eyes.

She knew she would have to inform everyone but first, she should transport the people of Heaven Dou to Shrek or somewhere safe.

It was then she felt her personal soul communicator began to go off, the number was Ya Li causing her to narrow her eyes.


"Yuena, we are being attacked right now!"

"...Is it only Shrek?"

"It's Shrek These creatures seem to be different, though."

"Do they look like metal humanoids?"

"Yea, how did you-"

"I'm coming, they are most likely trying to take the Gold Tree." Said Gu Yuena as she hung up the Soul Communicator while waving her hand.

She could guess they were trying to invade the areas with the best resources, meaning Shrek would be the best place.

As the Gold Tree was a god-level existence that enticed anyone, especially beings like them who may be launching a war on multiple fronts.

'We can't let them have it, as that tree is one of our key points for victory in this war.'

Gu Yuena appeared above the Shrek City, with her seeing the marching army of the Arkadiens with their weapons out, firing at the city.

With a fierce glare, her spiritual pressure came crashing down on them, causing hundreds of them to crumple and be ripped apart.

The seven elements had appeared behind her before she descended, ready to unleash a slaughter upon these creatures.

Showing the might of the Silver Dragon King!

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