Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 38: The Phantom

Chapter 38: The Phantom

"Did you know that the higher you go up, the more brutal the gravity becomes?" Zhao Jiu narrates, as he decided to join Tang Wuln on his journey up to the top of the mountain.

"I can feel it. Do you know why?" Said Tang Wulin.

"Well, I only made some guess. But I believe it's because gravity is a defense mechanism for the herbs that you want. If the gravity pressure was similar to how it was back down on the lower level. Then I'm sure the herbs, would have long since been taken and never grow back." Zhao Jiu said.

"It's also one of the reasons the spirit beast is safe here. After all, no one comes here to try and get their next spirit ring." Said Zhao Jiu.

"Why not? Aren't some of these animals over thousands of years?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Some that are hiding yeah. But think about it this way, a person would have to chase after these animals through the gravity to even get close to one. By the time you even kill and absorb one, too much time would have gone by. It would be better if you had just bought one from the Spirit Pagoda." Said Zhao Jiu.

"So the spirit beast isn't affected by the gravity?"

"Strangely they're not. Which is also a mysterious I'm trying to solve." Said Zhao Jiu.

"You said there are herbs at the top. Are those herbs valuable?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"Are those herbs valuable? Any large organization would fight over those herbs. Those herbs can allow a person to temper their body and may even induce second awakening." Said, Zhao Jiu.

"Second awakening?"

"It's something unique to body spirits in that. It allows a body-spirit to evolve into a higher level than before." Explained Zhao Jiu.

Tang Wulin nodded, his head as he followed Zhao Jiu up the mountain. Since Zhao Jiu already explore most of the mountain, he saw no reason not to follow his lead. As they went up, Zhao Jiu would stop to talk about the plants and trees that they pass.

Tang Wulin didn't mind, as he was fascinated by the environment too. Zeref himself focus close attention to what Zhao Jiu said.

"Oh, the gravity should be increasing up ahead soon." Zhao Jiu said. He was terribly shocked at how fast it would take for the boy behind him to adapt to the gravity. He is doing what it takes the average person to do in mere hours.

'I guess his body is very abnormal. He didn't seem to be from the body sect considering he didn't know what it was before.' Zhao Jiu thought.


It was the end of the semester for the first-grade student.

Shen Yi stood at ease behind the lectern in the classroom with a shining smile on her face.

"The first semester's final exam you've all been looking forward to is almost here," she said.

The students straighten up when they heard Shen Yi words. When it comes to Shrek Exam, they all come to the understanding of you either sink or swim.

"It's the same standard, the five lowest people will be expelled with the result of the exams. If you do not want to be an expelled, then work hard." Said Shen Yi.

This caused some of the students to flinch, while others just look on.

"The exam will go like this. It will span for fifteen days with you guys visiting at least ten cities. One of those cities must be Bright City, and in every city, you visit, you must defeat a soul master at least five soul power ranks above you. You may not receive any help with finding your opponents, defeating them, or traveling to Bright City. All of you will have to figure out how to do this on your own." Said Shen Yi.

"You may not bring anything with you, that includes any storage device, money, or equipment but the clothing on your back. Points are decided by the strength of the opponent you defeat and don't worry how points will be decided, a teacher will follow you. Failure to complete this task is on grounds for points being deducted." Said Shen Yi.

Silence became the answer, as the student started to consider their plans for the exam. Shen Yi was about to leave when she saw someone raise their hand.

"Yes?" Shen Yi asked.

"What about our class president, Tang Wulin?" Asked a student who was sitting in the middle row.

"What about him?" Asked Shen Yi.

"Is he participating?" Asked the student.

An uncomfortable atmosphere started to appear as everyone started to think about their class president. The class feeling for the president was a mix because of the selection tournament.

Some didn't like him because he bails out on them for the competition against the second grade. Others felt he must have a good excuse to skip, while the rest was just happy his team was able to beat the second grade.

"Tang Wulin will be participating in the exam. In fact, he already has a headstart on you guys. Also, no groups are allowed to be formed." Said Shen Yi as she begins to leave.

No one mentioned anything but most of the students felt Tang Wulin was receiving special treatment by the academy.

Not only did he not get penalized for skipping classes for a week, but he was excused from the selection tournament and allowed to do the final exam early.

If that wasn't bad enough, he doesn't have to even build a mecha. But those same people were still scared of Tang Wulin, after remembering the fierce beating he gave to the people on the Genius Youth Ranking.

Tang Wulin group didn't say anything, as they were all lost in thought.


"Good news, we are close to the top of the mountain." Said Zhao Jiu.

Zhao Jiu and Tang Wulin were done climbing up a hill. Zhao Jiu already told him there only three more gravity increased until they reach the top.

"Maybe, you will reach rank 40 when you reach the top? After all, with the last gravity increase, you just reach rank 39."Zeref comments.

'Close to being a Spirit Elder.' Tang Wulin thought.


Tang Wulin and Zhao Jiu both look up as they saw violent thunderstorms forming. They both saw lightning crackling around the clouds but no rain.

"Is this normal?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"No" Said Zhao Shi.

They both look around as all the little spirit beast started to run away. Zhao Jiu was getting a bit worried, while Tang Wulin felt terrible danger approaching.


A clap of thunder strikes down in front of the duo, as the light blinded both them. Tang Wulin and Zhao Jiu use their arms to cover their eyes. The dazzling light downed down and in front of them was a spirit beast

The spirit beast stared fiercely at them, in silence. Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes, wondering what that creature was. Zhao Jiu eyes widen in overwhelming shock.

"You know which spirit beast this is?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"...It's a Kirin." Zhao Jiu Stammer but then the Kirn roared as lightning started to crackle around them. Tang Wulin turn around to grab Zhao Jiu and forcibly threw him inside a cave near them. Kirin stared at him, as he turns his head back to it.

Tang Wulin dash toward Kirin, who just stared at him moving toward it. Tang Wulin arms were coated with Dragon Scales as he thrust out his fist towards Kirin.


Tang Wulin eyes widen when Kirin disappeared from his sight. Then his instincts kick in as he twisted his body and instantly threw a fist at the hoof coming his way.


The Kirin eyes widen as it was sent flying into the air before it uses the rocks around them to break its fall. The Kirin started to take Tang Wulin more seriously as it pushes off from the ground and then slowly walk toward him.

Sparks were coming off its fur, as it moves closer to Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin narrows his eyes as his first and second soul ring lit up.

Kirin became shocked as it felt, its energy and life force being drained, then it saw vines erupting from the ground around it.

The Kirin body shook with brilliant sparks as the lightning was expanded from its body and burned the vines to crips.

'Magic Dragon Roar.'

Tang Wulin releases a beam of intense energy towards the Kirin who sidesteps the attack. Then it saw multiple energy attacks coming towards it and the Kirin discharged lightning from its body to intercept the energy attacks.

'Magic Dragon Explosion.'

The ground beneath Kirin exploded out with it on top. Tang Wulin started to exercise his sense of smell to track the Kirin. Kirin charges out of the smoke with its whole body surrounded by lightning and its horn shining.

'Golden Dragon Body.'

'Golden Dragon Claw.'

Tang Wulin body turned to all scales and his right hand took on the form of a golden claw. Then went on to go meet the Kirin charge but the Kirin then disappeared in front of him.

As lightning came down to strike Tang Wulin but he rapidly started to swallow up the lightning.

Kirin was on top of the hill and watch in shock as the small human was eating up the lightning it called down from the storm. It narrowed its eyes before sending down even more lightning strikes toward Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin expanded his magic absorption to capture all of the lightning strikes. Once he got the last lightning, he burps and saw the Kirin in front of him with it hoof filled with electricity.


Tang Wulin was sent flying and hit the piles of rocks. He got up, being able to resist the electricity with his resistance and hoof with his Golden Dragon Body. The Kirin let out a flash of light as everything was blinded by its light.

Tang Wulin instantly closed his eye, as he exercised his sense of smell and hearing to help him react to the Kirin next attack. After a few secs, he opens his eyes and saw the Kirin glowing with lightning, as it glared at him.


Tang Wulin eyes widen when he saw the Kirin disappear. Kirin appeared behind Tang Wulin who was still frozen and then bit into his shoulder before instantly disappearing in a flash with both of them.


Kirin appeared in the sky at the top of the mountain and threw Tang Wulin down. Tang Wulin suddenly tries to get up but then he begins to feel the ruthless force of gravity hitting him.

'What is going on. I thought I got used to gravity.' Tang Wulin thought.

"Acnologia, it seems Kirin transported us from the place where we were to the top of the mountain." Said Zeref from his mind.

Tang Wulin gritted his teeth as he tried pushing himself back up but the gravity was too intense on the mountain. His eyes and nose were leaking out blood as he struggles against the pressure.

Kirin was observing him as he tried standing up. Kirin called down lightning strikes on the human in front of him.


Tang Wulin gritted his teeth as his body was being hit lightning. If it wasn't for his resistance against attacks like these his body would have already turned to ash.

He summons his Light Wing to help protect him and use the Golden Dragon Tyrant body to absorb some of the damage.

Kirin narrow its eyes even more and its eyes flash with blue lightning. The raging storm above them begins to rumbles as the clouds started to swirl like a hurricane.

The middle of the storm opens up with a flash of white as a lightning bolt struck Kirin and it immediately disappeared, leaving only the blackened earth.

Zhao Jiu was trying to climb up the cave when he heard the rumbling of the storm. He looks up in dreadful shock as he sees the Kirin getting hit by the lightning.

'Oh no!.' Zhao Jiu thought in dismay.

Kirin descended in an angular motion from above, dropping from the sky before dashing straight toward Tang Wulin.

Its entire body was coated with a veil of immense electrical energy that completely blurred its form. It turned into a lengthy, blue spear, the sharp edge of electricity threatening to impale through anything that stood in its path.

The crackling of the powerful electricity was deafening, and the force of the attack illuminated the whole mountain top. Tang Wulin wasn't given a chance to look up as he was rammed into by Kirin.

"Acnologia!" Zeref screamed out but it was blocked out by the flash of white and thunder.


The top of the mountain crack under the intense force, as Tang Wulin lost all feeling in his body. His body was blown straight through the ground of the mountain and with no intention of stopping.


His body landed in a giant crater that was severely burned with the smell of charcoal. Kirin was still at the top of the mountain with the electricity coming off its body. It was gazing at Tang Wulin for a while before shaking head and turning around.

Zhao Jiu was able to get to Tang Wulin, and his eyes widen in shock at Tang Wulin condition. His shirt was burned off with him bleeding all over. His chest looks like it was dented but seems to be recovering somewhat.

Zhao Jiu quickly ran to go pick up Tang Wulin body and left the crater.


"So we all know what we're going to do?" Asked Xie Xie towards the whole group. Around him was everyone on Tang Wulin team with the extra addition of Xu Xiaoyan and him.

"Yep, we already have enough money for our ride to a city and for food." Gu Yue replied.

Each member went out to earn some money because they were forbidden from using any of their own saved up money or asking for help. It wasn't so bad for most of them, but the rest had a bit of trouble.

"Alright." Said Xie Xie.

"I hope we meet the captain in one of the cities. It has only been a few days, and I already miss him." Said Xu Xiaoyan as she strangely felt down for the past days without him. Everyone around her went quiet at the thought of their missing team captain.

"Well knowing him, we just have to listen to the sounds of explosion or destruction." Said Xie Xie, trying to bring up the mood. This caused Gu Yue to roll her eyes and Xu Xiaoyan to chuckle.

"Well anyway, it about times we part ways." Said Ye Xinglan, as she smiled. Everyone nodded their head and parted ways.

"I hope to see you guys later." Xie Xie Shouted.


"Damg it." Zhao Jiu yelled as he was busy tending to Tang Wulin injuries. He was able to bring Tang Wulin back to the house he made on the mountain. He was worried Tang Wulin would die as he was running toward his house.

Zhao Jiu was surprised at how Tang Wulin body was stitching up the deeper wounds on his bodies.

'Well, at least this confirms his body is special.' Zhao Jiu thought. He was working all night trying to keep the boy in front of him from not dying. There were bloody tools and dirty bandage lying around.

Zhao Jiu quickly went to his sink to empty out the water full of dirty blood and then started filling it up more with clean water. Then he went back to Tang Wulin, to start wiping away the blood that was leftover after the visible wounds heal.

'Well, all of his visible wounds are closed up. It now up to his willpower.' Zhao Thought.

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