Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 381: Will That Never Change

Chapter 381: Will That Never Change

Indeed, all of the other corpses considered this same question as well.

How was it possible for him to keep holding on?

Everyone one of them that was here had failed this process of making a God realm. Yet Tang Wulin who had his cultivation and consciousness severely broken was still holding on.

How could he continue going on, even with all of these disadvantages stacked against him?

In fact, the biggest question was, how could his body keep on going? What was driving this body to keep on going, though it all?

Why was he doing all of this?

Nobody could answer that. The corpses were all silent.

The body of Tang Wulin continued devouring the Immortal Qi, its vacant eyes that held no light were still narrowed. Even as the twisters continued to grind him apart, even as the water continued to suppress him, and even as the qi kept on exploding inside of him.

He continued to devour as if none of it mattered.

It was then that light began to appear from within Tang Wulin, confusing the corpse before they noticed what it was.

The soul of the body was glowing, it was molded like the core of a God Realm.

The soul of Tang Wulin even as it was gaining vicious cracks, was still shining brilliantly, giving off a mellow light.

The soul had been in existence for over four hundred years and continued to exist. Never once breaking, even if the path or future ahead was full of the unknown, it continued to shine bright.

And then they all saw it, an illusionary image began to show around them.

"Mom! Dad!"A young man with short blue hair screamed as the city burned around him, the bodies of his parents lay before him.

Above him soared multiple dragons that were breathing down fire, consuming the whole city down to ash.

"If only I wasn't weak! If only I had power! Curse you Acnologia! Curse you!"

After becoming a Dragon Slayer.

"Yes, I have gained the strength! The strength to protect the ones I care about!"

"Psst, you're still so weak. I bet you won't even be able to help us when those dragons come, hahaha."

"You shut up! I will finally be able to stop him... I will finally be able to avenge the death of my parents!"

"Hey! You know this power isn't for revenge but to stop the other dragons from destroying everything."

"Yea, I know."

After a few years.

"Come on guys we have to go! We need to keep on going!"

"What's the point? This war feels like it's going nowhere... All that keeps happening is death and more death!"

"Yea, I understand that we keep losing our friends... But we can't let their death be in vain! If we don't give up now, won't their death be in vain?"

"Don't you hear yourself right now! So what if we keep on fighting? Even if we defeat the dragons on the other side, nothing will change the fact that they die!"


"But nothing! This war is pointless, and we should just give up while we're ahead."

"...sorry but I can't, I won't stop here."

The Death of Acnologia.

"Finally... They are avenged, my parents and the city..."Muttered the young man, yet tears were leaking down his eyes as he stared at the dead dragon.

The dragon that was like a mentor to him before, the dragon that protected his city before and watched over it.

He killed that dragon...

"No! He-He was an evil dragon! He betrayed us and ruined everything! He-Argh! My head, what is this pain!" The young man fell to the ground, gripping his head as the fond memories of his city flashed through his mind.

"Damn you Acnologia! Even in death, you still cause me pain!"

"Still! I will keep on going! I will not stop moving!"

After the deaths of a hundred dragons, he became a dragon.

After the deaths of all of the dragons on both sides, he proclaimed himself the king.

After four hundred years, he started a war.

After coming to Douluo World, he continued towards the peak of the world.

Shrek, Billion Years Ago, Dragon King Test, Demon Island, Calamities, Sea God Trial, Demon Monarchs, and Five Dragons, and now his mind shattering.

He continued moving forward, step by step, without a hint of faltering. Even though all of this, the light in his eyes never faded as if nothing could break his will.

"You... Even though all of this, you continue going!"

"Is it because of them? Your friends and family you wish to return to?"

"Is it for your goal to meet with your real parents?"

"Is it because you wish to reach the top in the universe?"

Undoubtedly becoming a God was not easy, even with all of the potential and talent in the world. One would still need the willpower to continue treading the path of the divine.

Or simply become another bloodstain on its stairs to heaven.

Yet the type of Willpower Tang Wulin was showing, made them all curious about what was driving him to this extent.

And then the image began to change as a distinct voice began to ring through to all of them.

Do I continue struggling desperately because of my home? No.

Do I continue clawing frantically my way forward because of my feelings? No.

Do I continue crawling towards the top because of my goals? No.

Do I continue moving forward because of my family? No.

I continued moving, simply because that is who I am.

The words left every corpse stunned.

Even if I lost everything in the world, I would still continue moving forward.

Even if the only thing that remains for me in the future is torment and tribulation, I would still continue moving forward.

Even if everything was against me, I would still continue moving forward.

Even if I was abandoned and left alone by all, I would still continue moving forward.

That is simply who I, Acnologia/Tang Wulin am.

My mind may shatter, cultivation may break, my soul may explode but my will never break.

His will would never fade, even if his consciousness was no more, for his will represent the entire existence of Acnologia/Tang Wulin.

The will to keep moving forward, no matter what lies ahead. At his core, he would never change, even if everything else did.

He was not like Zeref who regretted his actions, wishing to rewrite the wrongs. Even after the slaughter of the dragons on both sides which resulted in the deaths of some of his friends.

Even his own actions that led to his death or the deaths of others. He never once regretted it and continued moving forward.

The image began to change, showing the image of a young boy walking, eyes flashing with determination as he moved forward. Before it changes into a teenager, continuing walking with the same light in his eyes.

Then turning into an adult, long blue hair with tribal marking, sitting down in a gloomy cave with a little bit of light. Giving off the presence of being alone, isolated from the world, yet his eyes still shined with the same light as before.

The images continue changing, once again a young boy with black hair, then to a teen with goldish-white hair. It continued changing, yet all of the corpses could see that same light of moving forward, continued to shine.

The image then began to display a black dragon with blue marks and pale white eyes, giving off a terrifying pressure. Then it began to change into a golden dragon with diamond scales and golden-scarlet eyes that gave off the relentless pressure of a brutal tyrant.

Then finally into a gigantic dragon that was blurry and vague.

Yet this image still caused all of the corpses to shiver as they felt the overwhelming presence of the creature before them.

"Whether it's the forgotten past."

"The continuous present."

"Or the unknown Future... I remained Unrivaled!"

"Not even you... Can restrain me."

All of the corpses felt fear as they heard these ancient and distant words as if they came from the past, present, and future.

Across every age!

If that wasn't enough, they felt the whole area began to severely shake around the creature before reality shooked as well.

As if it wanted to forcibly break through space and time, sever the rivers of time, and descend upon this world. The expression of the corpse started to fall, as they saw ominous cracks in reality, as more of the creature's features began to be defined.

They saw the blurry image gaining golden and black scales that were a peculiar mixture of plates and diamond shapes. They shined and glistened, giving off the feeling of being unbreakable and unable to be restrained.

They saw the continuous chains of fate gaining visible cracks as if not even that could restrain this existence before them as it tried to descend.

They saw even more of the dragon features, tribal markings that were purple but with a hint of pearly white and black in them. As well as a bulky chest that seems more like divine armor than a dragon hide that was traditionally decorated in these unique markings.

"...What is this creature? Why does it feel like it exists out of this existence yet embodies it at the same time? As if it isn't restrained by the laws of the universe and exists outside of it?"

One of the corpses questioned as they saw even more visible cracks in reality as the creature continued to try to descend. They the vague shape of twelve gigantic wings, that caused the laws and elements to tremble as it tried to break through reality.

But then it stopped as if it couldn't take another step causing reality to stop breaking and for the corpse to release a sigh of relief.

No more of the dragon feature was being defined, leaving it blurry and vague except with a distorted gigantic wheel spinning behind it. Making the corpse then think that the wheel was the next feature that would have been defined.

Yet it was then they heard it.

"One day... I shall descend."

The calming voice left the corpse silent, with some of them shaking involuntarily, others gaining chills, and the rest eyes widening.

A creature outside of this reality, wishing to descend, how horrifying of a matter was this?

Did it somehow get kicked out of the universe and wished to return or got so strong that the universe couldn't restrain it anymore?

Regardless of the thoughts, the corpse didn't wish to think about it anymore; both thoughts were too horrifying to continue. Their gaze moved down to the breaking body of Tang Wulin, wondering what type of horrifying existence he was.

To project that kind of existence.

Then the light began to die down before the soul shattered into pieces. The images began to break as well, now that its source was gone.

Yet the body continued to eagerly devour as if its soul didn't shatter a second ago.

No one said anything. They all simply stood and observed Tang Wulin body continue devouring the Immortal Qi.

They saw his flesh breaking up, turning into glowing ash before fading away. His bones were being melted and broke down from the mighty waves, blood splashing out from him.

Yet just like before, he began to forcibly bring himself back together, bones being reformed, flesh growing back, and skin mending.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything but his action said more than his words could ever have.

The Immortal Qi had exploded Tang Wulin's body once again before his regeneration began to mend them. But just as they were mended, they instantly burst and cracked once more.

With them absorbing wisps of the Immortal Qi, undergoing a change that the corpse around started to notice.


Then the Immortal Qi began to condense itself into Tang Wulin cells, turning them all golden with divine energy resounding in them.

It wasn't just his cells but they began to move towards his organs, filling them with specs of golden lights that illuminated the area. Then these lights continued moving, becoming larger and larger as the body of Tang Wulin continued devouring the Immortal Qi.

This had continued for a while before the golden light became something similar to a vast ocean that moved through the Tang Wulin body. They enveloped themselves around his bones, like an extra layer that was meant to carefully protect his bones and inner organs.

"He... He is actually doing it."

Suddenly, the vast ocean began to quicken with its pace, transforming into a series of constantly looping rivers moving rapidly. That began connecting, forming a continuous cycle that began to give off a brilliant light.

"He connects the Immortal Qi throughout his body, forming a cycle of energy through the realm. Similar to how one would do for a normal God Realm, that constructed a special space that holds in all of the Immortal Qi."

Yet as this was happening, the breaking and cracking of Tang Wulin body still continued to happen.

They saw it delivering him close to death, with him almost getting killed before being saved by his terrifying regeneration and golden lights that appeared. One of the corpses noticed it was Faith Energy, shocking the others even more.

The cycle of Tang Wulin having the Immortal Qi tear off his skin, flesh, muscle, bones, and blood before his regeneration regrew even that continued for a while.

Before it finally came to an end, when a brilliant light illuminated the whole area as the Immortal Qi Sea was finally devoured by Tang Wulin.

And the realm inside of him, completing its profound transformation into the next evolution. A change began to take form around Tang Wulin body, as the sounds of chain-breaking rang out.

The corpse saw black liquid and other substances leaving the body causing all of them to fall silent, already recognizing what was happening.

The Immortal Qi was fully cleansing Tang Wulin, pushing his body to the same purity level that only the natural elements could achieve.

It was a process that only True Gods undergo, elevating everything about them to the same level as the natural elements.

Making it so, no mortal powers can ever wound them or resist their might.

"... That path, that he is walking... Is it really possible?"

They saw Tang Wulin's body began to fully mend itself, at a far more rapid rate than before. If the regeneration he displayed before was terrifying, then the one he is showing now was simply horrifying.

Not only did his wounds mend at a rate that was 10,000 times faster but was also absorbing all of the energy around.

"He even can passively absorb the Qi around? Is this a benefit of that path?"

"Well, he did make his body into a God Realm... So I guess he gains all of its benefits..."

The Corpse was staring at Tang Wulin in a daze, not only did he devour all of the Immortal Qi while still being a mortal. But also achieved the next evolution of the making of a God Realm... With his own body, walking even farther on a path that was thought to be impossible.

They saw the wisps of immortal energy wrapping around his body before it began to form a thin veil barrier around him.

Tang Wulin body was done pouring out those impure substances causing his body to undergo another transformation. His looks that were already close to perfection had taken another leap in improvement, becoming even better.

As well as his aura that was a mix between tranquility and destruction had begun to increase even more. The corpse around Tang Wulin felt an odd sense of kinship with Tang Wulin as if he was an old friend from long ago.

This made it even more awkward for the corpse as they stared at Tang Wulin, all of them had a peculiar and complicated expression. For all of them wanted to see him make a Realm in the body, even though they were already dead.

They were holding on to this unusual type of hope, that he could do the impossible, surpass the Universe Law and do it.

It was then that a brilliant light flashed from Tang Wulin's body, a sign that his soul was fully restored, glittering with Immortal Qi.

But that wasn't the only thing that was restored, as lights started to appear all around Tang Wulin, swirling around him. Before they moved towards his head, condensing themselves into his mind and began to converge with each other.

The corpses watched as Tang Wulin eyes opened up, they were no longer vacant but contained a swirling galaxy that glowed golden-blue light.

Tang Wulin consciousness has just been restored successfully.

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