Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 382: Cascade of Memories

Chapter 382: Cascade of Memories

A few minutes before Tang Wulin restored his consciousness.

"Huh? Did something happen to Wulin?"Questioned Qiangu Dongfeng as he glances at the towering root.

That was being guarded by a Taotie dragon that was smashing apart or devouring any of the Abyssal, Mortuus, or Arkadian creatures that tried to come close.

"Maybe he is going through a breakthrough?"

"Hmm, regardless we need to protect him if something is happening. Dongfeng go, we will handle things here."

Qiangu Dongfeng nodded at Yun Ming words before dashing towards the towering root with his staff giving off a pale light.

He raised the Coiling Dragon Staff and shouted as he unleashed Support Heaven and Earth!

The Coiling Staff Dragon in his hand unleashed an aura and presence unyieldingness. Never wishing to yield to anyone whether it was against a man or heaven and earth.

Qiangu Dongfeng's staff enlarged, reaching the height of a thousand meters before he hacked down with it. The staff made a perfect arc through the sky, producing a terrifying pressure that crashed down on the creatures below.

Before it smashed into them, releasing a high-pitched hum as a violent tremor rocked the ground.

Terrifying shockwaves erupted as warped ripples that lifted the ground up, started to spread out into the distance. If the smashed before didn't break the creatures then the shockwaves surely did as their figure started to warp.

Before they got disfigured by the shockwaves that blasted across.

Qiangu Dongfeng landed down, in front of Tao Tie who was giving him a peculiar look. Not one of active hostility but neither one of a friend, at best a neutral look.

"You are one of Tang Wulin Spirit Soul?"


"Okay, is something wrong with him, or is going through a breakthrough?"

"Its n-"

"Play nice, we need their help to perfectly defend Wulin. Just tell him, Wulin is making a breakthrough."

Zeref spoke up before Tao Tie could finish her sentence causing her to grit her teeth before putting some obscene words.

"Yeah, he is undergoing a breakthrough. I... require your help to perfectly protect him."

Qiangu Dongfeng raised a brow at the grimace of the Spirit Soul, but he decided not to comment on it as he shifted his gaze behind him.

"Alright, I will deal with the ones coming, you deal with any that get past me."


Qiangu Dongfeng launched himself towards the incoming abyssal and mortuus creatures.

Inside of the towering vines.

Sleipnir stared at the body of Tang Wulin, seeing the fluctuation of nine-colored lights coil around him. From the moment Yggdrasil started the process of the next evolution; Tang Wulin has been surrounded by lights.

But it wasn't nine-colored at first, starting only at one color which was red before it gained a blue light and continued. Sleipnir knew this was a pleasant thing as it meant the process was going well for Tang Wulin, even with his figure trembling.

She had to sometimes wrap his body around with vines, as he would sprout out a ton of blood. It got to the point where she had to make the vines suck up the blood as it started to become too much for the area.

Forming a small pond under them caused Tang Wulin and Sleipnir legs to be covered with blood before it was sucked up.

But if that wasn't enough, she was sure, everyone felt it.

The destruction of Tang Wulin cultivation, as an ear-splitting sound rang out of his body with blood splashing out. It came out of his ears, nose, closed eyes, mouth, and even his pores, most likely backlash from it.

In that instant, she had to swiftly summon even more nature around her to begin healing Tang Wulin while having more erupt out.

They moved, wrapping around Tang Wulin and sending him vital energy to help keep his health up even though she knew it would be useless. Given his godlike regeneration, the Golden Dragon King wouldn't allow Tang Wulin to die like this.

Still, she wanted to help in any way she can but strangely enough, even with Tang Wulin cultivation broken and him constantly bleeding.

She continued having faith that Tang Wulin will be able to succeed in the next evolution. And after a few minutes, she saw changes happening to Tang Wulin's body, such a golden veil around his figure.

"Immortal Qi..."

Sleipnir whispers softly to herself as she saw the qi gently wrapping around Tang Wulin, like a soft blanket.

"Yea, he was able to do it." Yggdrasil's voice rang out as Tang Wulin eyes opened, showing green-bluish and pink colors.

"So that means his mind was restored?"

"Yes, right now we're moving to the next step."

"Filtering the memories... Wait while you're filtering the memories into his body, what will be happening to Tang Wulin during the process? Will his consciousness be in a sleeping state?"

"That's the thing... It's worse than I thought, his consciousness has been restored but his memories are also mixed in with those other ones. While his souls recall traces of it, the main ones are lost in the endless sea of memories."

"What! Are you saying we have to somehow find his memory out of those endless memories?"

Sleipnir stared at Yggdrasil who was glancing at her with a nervous look in disbelief. Yggdrasil could understand Sleipnir's state of disbelief as it would be almost impossible for them to find Tang Wulin's original memories.

It would be no different than trying to find a single needle in a universe, the odds were close to impossible.

But it was only almost impossible as Yggdrasil knew there was a way for Tang Wulin to regain his original memories.

"...I'm guessing you have a plan?"

"Hehe, of course! Instead of us trying to search for the memories through the infinite pile, we just let Tang Wulin do it himself."

"...oh, you mean having him recall the memories back to him? But isn't that a tricky method? There is no guarantee the memory that would be called back, would be our Wulin."

"Maybe, but I believe his body and mind would choose only his memories... Since our Wulin is that unique."

Yggdrasil said with a wink causing Sleipnir to giggle, but she also nodded her head. She could see the plan working as well, plus it was their best bet at the moment.

"Alright, give it a go. I will continue guarding and healing."

Yggdrasil nodded her head before clasping her hand once more, her eyes flashed with multi-color with her symbol appearing on Wulin's forehead.

Before everything erupted in multi-colored lights.


The corpses were all silent, staring at the hovering figure of Tang Wulin whose eyes were flashing with nine-colors. Before the colors then faded away, showing his normal golden-blue eyes that were deep and boundless.

"So he succeeded?"

"...He did."

The golden eyes corpse muttered out, yet all of the corpses heard the disbelief in his tone as he gazed at Tang Wulin.

"He actually managed to under-go the next evolution of a realm, turning his body into a Semi-Divine Realm." The corpse with a sneer muttered, having complex emotions.

"He actually did something that not even those in the primordial era could?" The corpse with a twisted arm spoked in disbelief.

"The Immortal Qi is wrapping around him, like a protective armor... Yeps this confirms he really did it, that is something only a realm with Immortal Qi could have."The silent corpse muttered with a sigh.

The body of Tang Wulin stayed aimlessly in the air, an ethereal golden light softly moving around him causing space to distort a bit.

It was then that the eyes of Tang Wulin that had been staring into space, moved down at the corpses making them all blink.

As they couldn't see a hint of emotion in Tang Wulin eyes, it was all blank, as if he didn't hold any emotion at all.

Yet it made them all shiver as a formless pressure passed by them.

"Did something go wrong?"

"No... it seems he may have not fully restored everything in his mind."

The golden eye being muttered and it was just then a symbol appeared on Tang Wulin's head, it was in the shape of a towering tree.

Before specs of light, shot out of Tang Wulin's head and moved outwards. In the next second, flashes of lights appeared all around the area where the corpses and buildings were.

All of the corpses saw specks of light that were hovering around them, stretching endlessly across the whole place.

"These are memories? His memories?"

"I don't think so... They feel like they don't belong in this time... As if they came from another place."

The corpse with a sneer commented causing the golden eye corpse to speak out.

"His mind may have shattered from absorbing all of these souls... And now he is trying to find his original one."

The corpses around looked at the golden eyes in disbelief before glancing at the hovering Tang Wulin.

Who to their surprise wasn't glancing at them anymore but upwards at the ceiling. They expected him to be at least surprised by this but he gave off the feeling of not caring one bit about the memories scattered around him.

A voice rang out above them.

"Wulin you will need to find your original memories, for you to restore yourself fully. The memory you choose will be yours forever and can't be changed after, so you must choose carefully."

That was all the voice said before everything went silent for a bit.

Before the memories all around began to speak out, the whole area became filled with noise.

"Too much!"

One of the corpses shouted as all of the memories began speaking, playing their history out loud and to everyone.

The problem with this was all of them were doing this... Making it hard to focus on just one memory and leaving the corpse at a loss on how someone could find their original memories like this.

Unless they were extremely lucky enough to have it appear next to them, then it seemed impossible.

They all felt pity for Tang Wulin, as he may be unable to retrieve his original memories.

But when they all glance at him, expecting to see a look of loss and disbelief. They were greeted with the bored expression of Tang Wulin that was still staring up at the ceiling.

"Uh... Is there something wrong with him?"

"... No, it's more like he hasn't decided to do anything yet."

"What? Shouldn't he be trying to find his memories?"

The golden eye corpse didn't say anything as it continued gazing at Tang Wulin and wasn't paying any attention to the memories around.

'Troublesome... All of it's.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt the wisps of memories passing by him as he stared above.

He could feel them trying to draw him to them, trying to get him to accept them as his true memories.

Yet his soul and body have had a slight feeling of rejection towards some of them. He wasn't sure if this was because those memories didn't fit him or because his body and soul didn't like them.

It was a fascinating process, feeling so many wisps of memories passing by him, allowing him to see the life of them. Without having his mind be destroyed like last time, as this time he could feel something slowing down the breathless rush of memories.

With it also limiting the considerable number of memories that could rush by him and show him pieces of their life.

Still, Tang Wulin felt his body and soul still feeling a bit of rejection, as if they still weren't satisfied with them.

But Tang Wulin didn't mind these memories, seeing them unleash techniques that stirred up something inside of him.

As well as some events that made him lost in thought.

Such as the one where he saw a version of himself, piercing the heart of silver-haired women. He didn't understand why, but he felt his soul tremble. Which annoyed him a bit but didn't let it get to him as he felt the other scene coming.

Another future where he and a blue hair man with a golden trident in his hand. As well as another blue hair man with an eye on his forehead with ten other people around them staring at a towering figure.

The figure was a mythical creature that seemed to only come out of legends. A body that towering over the whole galaxy, arms that were big enough to be able to hold countless solar-systems. It had bronze and gold scales that gave off a gleaming light with crimson eyes that peered down at them.

And he saw how easily they were crushed before the creature might. How even with the others who were God-Kings and the God Realm, they were nothing before it.

It left Tang Wulin with a peculiar feeling.

Not one of loss or anxiety at the sight of one of his future being crushed. But the feeling of wishing to grow stronger and reaching the level where he could fight that creature.

Unbeknownst to him, his eyes were glowing with a sharp light that seems to be staring directly towards the future.

He could feel unbelievable strength flowing abundantly through his body. Enough strength to make him feel like he could crush anything.

Yet strength that gave him a sense of boredom for the moment. Glancing to the left, one memory did both entertain and interest him a bit.

It was a memory that seemed to be moving towards him, it was showing him scenes that weren't like the others one. It showed him the past of slaying countless dragons and absorbing their souls while he bathed in their blood.

Destroying countless kingdoms in a dragon form that gave off the feeling of the apocalypse was coming. All of this was able to stir something deep within him causing his soul and body to shake with pleasant anticipation.

What Tang Wulin found so interesting about this memory was how it was moving towards him. As if it wished to force him to accept it rather than asking him to. Tang Wulin still didn't care much for it, feeling even more memories streaming into his body.

'I wonder... Will this entertain me?'

Tang Wulin then released a sigh, his look of boredom and laziness that was on his face began to change as his hands began to move.

"Oh? Did he already find his memory? That was fast." The buff corpse muttered with his body trembling eager to see Tang Wulin choice.

"... I don't think he figured it out."

The golden eyes corpse muttered causing the others to look in considerable confusion.

"Are you saying, he is going to try and figure it out?"


But the golden eyes corpse didn't say anything, staring deeply at Tang Wulin, observing his every action.

The other corpses were also confused but then chose to be silent for now and focus on watching Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin had already started moving his hand, pointing it in a particular direction that left them confused.

But then his next words left them all in disbelief.


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