Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 396: Path Of The Gods

Chapter 396: Path Of The Gods

After killing the Emerald Emperor, Tang Wulin shifted his gaze towards the Alvarez Empire. He could perceive movements in there, seeing Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyan talking to each other before moving down from the wall.

He already knew they were rushing over here to finish up with the Mortuus Creatures. Glancing to the side, his vision began to see through the world, allowing him to view the remnant of the Arkadians.

"They did far better than I thought... I would expect them to at least gain some more tragedy from the type of opponent they were fighting."

Zeref commented as he appeared next to Tang Wulin with a thoughtful look on his mind.

It wasn't because he was underestimating humanity or anything. It was just that their opponent's abilities were exceedingly hard to counter without many sacrifices.

Especially those Arkadians' ability to see into the future, allowing them to dominate almost any battlefield with their intelligence.

Yet somehow on this battlefield, they took multiple losses.

"They should have suffered more losses, but the Arkadians were not able to see Gu Yuena's future."

"They weren't able to see it? Why is that?"

Zeref stared deeply at Tang Wulin but didn't get an answer as Tang Wulin fell silent as he continued shifting his gaze around.

'...I guess I won't be getting an answer for this-'

"You should have already figured it out by now, her future was being blocked from their view..."

Zeref fell silent while Tang Wulin continued moving his gaze.

'Block from their view? Who or more importantly why would someone do that? That doesn't seem like something Gu Yuena could do with her current state...'

"You shouldn't think too much about it... If you don't remember, someone did block an attack for me."

"Huh? Do you think that the person who is guarding Gu Yuena's destiny is the same person who saved you?"

"It's a hunch. At the very least whoever blocked the attack, wanted me to stay alive. It is possible that is extended to Gu Yuena as well considering who she is."

"... Say your right, just kind of an existence would that be? Wait, release Yggdrasil for me."

Tang Wulin didn't reply, but he flourished his hand causing space around them to be isolated from the world.

Before it began to open up next to them but instead of it just being Yggdrasil that came out of the gap in space. Tao Tie, Sleipnir, and Bahamut also fell out, landing on top of each other with Yggdrasil being at the top.

Tao Tie released a growth before she began to speak up.

"All of you get off me! So damn heavy!"

"You're the biggest one out of all us."

Bahamut replied as he started to shrug Sleipnir and Yggdrasil off his back while moving off from Tao Tie.

"And you're the most irritating! To dare such a thing to a lady like me... Maybe I should devour you?"

"Be silent before I put you down, just like I did your predecessor the Earth Dragon King."

Just as Bahamut said this, Tao Tie's mouth began to enlarge, a black suction started to take effect causing its expression to change.

Destruction began to expand from its body as it got ready to resist and counter Tao Tie. But they never got the chance to clash, as vines instantly wrapped around them, restricting their movements.

And to their shock, their powers as well.

"We aren't here to fight right now."

Yggdrasil's voice rang out causing them to glance at her and notice that her eyes were glowing nine-colors.

'Oh? Mother is using the Immortal Qi energy from Wulin... Well considering their connection it wouldn't be a surprise she could do this.'

Sleipnir wasn't the only one who realizes this, the others as well. Leading Tao Tie and Bahamut grumble but they both stand down, although they still glared at each other.

'It's like I am staring at two kids. Then again compared to me, they are kids.'

Yggdrasil inwardly laughed to herself before her gaze found themselves on Tang Wulin who was staring ahead.

While Zeref himself was looking at her with a complicated look as if he wanted to ask her something.

Yggdrasil's eyes flashed a beautiful light for a second before she let out a sigh, already understanding what happened.

"You want to ask me about that type of existence?"

"More or less, can you help us understand? You didn't go much into the God Level but do you think that being that blocked the attack was on the same level as Typhoon?"

Yggdrasil fell silent while furrowing her brows while tapping her feet on the ground in thought. As she did this, Tang Wulin moved down to lift her and put her on his shoulder.

Tao Tie rose a brow at this before she began to speak up.

"Since when did you take the initiative for things like that? Actually nevermind that, I heard about what you did with the memories! How can you be so stupid-"

"Tao Tie not now... We can talk about Wulin action later, right now you all should take this time to understand the level of the Gods better."

"...Fine, but this isn't over you stupid human."

Tao Tie grumbled to herself but then her eyes widened and she felt a hand on top of her head. Glancing up, she saw it was Tang Wulin who was moving his hand, softly caressing her head.

Tao Tie couldn't say anything and just simply stared at Tang Wulin in disbelief, wondering what he was doing.

Yggdrasil only giggled at this but looked at Tang Wulin with a worried gaze. As she still couldn't see through the blank look that remained on his face, even with his present action.

"An existence like Typhoon? Well, I am not sure, since there wasn't an existence that reached Typhoon level in the past. A level that resides in the Seventh-Dimension, above all other Divine Realms and Divine Star."

"7th Dimension? What are you talking about?"

"She means that Typhoon is a Seventh-Dimensional Being who resides and controls the 7-D Spaces."

Everyone blinked their eyes, glancing at Tang Wulin who finally spoke up. Yggdrasil was a bit surprised that Tang Wulin knew about this but then realized he most likely acquires this from the memories.

'So he should know all of the levels and have a better understanding of his cultivation path.'

"Dimensional Spaces? Are you guys trying to say that Typhoons reside in a higher dimension than us?"

"Yes but first let's start from the beginning... The universe that we reside in isn't a normal one and you will find out exactly why that is later. But for now, you can think of the universe that we are in as a realm made out of ten dimensions. Or more specifically it's a 10th Dimensional Universe."

Just as Yggdrasil said this, the others looked at her in confusion except for Zeref whose eyes widened in disbelief.

When he heard that Typhoon was a seventh dimension being he was shocked, not knowing how to react to that news.

But this one? The fact that the universe they were in was a higher-dimension?

"Don't worry too much about it, for now. You will be able to understand why this is when we get close to the end."

Zeref furrowed his brows but still nodded his head while Tang Wulin let out a silent sigh.

"The universe is represented by ten levels, going from the one-dimensional space up to the present tenth-dimension. One-dimensional or 1-D space is a line connected by countless points, only Two directions forward and backward."

"So it's basically a line that can only go up and down?"

"Indeed, it's a line that is limited to only these two directions because that is all it can perceive. Now a Two-dimensional space is a plane formed by two intersecting lines, one horizontal and one vertical. In the two-dimensional space, everything that creatures see is composed of lines."

"So it's a space where everything is flat, like a shape?"

"Yes, these intersecting lines cannot be seen by one-dimensional space because spaces like that cannot perceive anything higher than themselves. Now the 3-D spaces are on the basis of the plane, plus a vertical line, the plane becomes three-dimensional, therefore forming a 3-Dimensional space."

"Basically us, right?"

Yggdrasil had nodded her head at Tao Tie with a faint smile before she continued.

"All of the planets and we that reside in the galaxies are living in such a three-dimensional space. Imagine if you draw a circle on a piece of paper, then creatures in the two-dimensional space cannot see the circle, they can only see a line. While us as a three-dimensional being can see the complete circle and the entire plane."

"Those at the two-dimensional space can't see the circle because they can't perceive the spaces above them?"

"Yes, as their mind and comprehension wouldn't be able to keep up nor comprehend such beings, am I right?"

Zeref questioned Yggdrasil who nodded her head while she was kicking her feet on top of Tang Wulin's shoulder.

"Now above this is the fourth-dimensional space which is to add a time axis on the basis of three-dimensional space. It requires the timeline from an innumerable number of three-dimensional spaces to make up a four-dimensional space."

"An innumerable amount of three-dimensional space?"

"She means there are too many universes to be counted in a timeline that makes up the fourth-dimensional space. Meaning those at the God level are beings who are above the timeline consisting of countless universes."

Tang Wulin spoke up causing the eyes of the others to widen in disbelief while Zeref's frown deepens and Bahamut sighed.

"Wait... Beings at the God Level?"

"Yes, creatures who reached the fourth-dimension are no different than those who have broken through the boundaries of the god level. A three-dimensional being who broke into the god level is moving from a three-dimensional existence into a fourth-dimensional one. They are evolving into a higher-dimensional existence and are able to control those higher-dimensional spaces."

"And there all above the timeline of innumerable universes! Wouldn't that mean our universe contains that much universe? How is that possible!"

"It isn't that complicated to think about it... While a normal universe can be considered infinitely vast when looking at it from the 10th dimension perspective... Well, it could be as small as a grain of sand and still be an infinitely vast universe."

Tang Wulin spoke up causing Tao Tie to look up at him while Yggdrasil nodded her head. She always found it fascinating how the present universe they are in could hold so much wonder.

Truly living up to its existence of being at a far higher-dimension than all of the others inside of it.

"Hmm, so technically Wulin is a fourth-dimensional being then?"

Sleipnir questioned causes the others except Bahamut to blink their eyes before glancing at Wulin, who was calmly gazing at them.

"Yes, at the moment my body, mind, and energy have reached the 4th-dimension, which all had to strengthen me. It isn't wrong to say I am a higher-dimensional creature who can perceive and control everything in a three-dimensional space. Although I lack God's Position to make me a True God."

As Zeref heard these words, he began to furrow his brows as things were starting to make some sense.

Such as why Tang Wulin Dragon Form felt so weird to him, while he offhandedly mentioned before that it was stronger than when they were in Fiore.

He didn't think it would be so strong that it could destroy a universe with its might! He didn't notice it as much when it clashed with the other God-Level since they were all trying to minimize the damage.

But now that he thinks about it, the shockwaves would also get suppressed once they got out of hand.

Even in the battle that took place in space, the waves of energy and clashes didn't get out of hand a much as it should have.

'Is it because we're in this higher-dimension universe?'

But Zeref also wondered just how did Tang Wulin Dragon Form get so strong... He knew it wasn't because of Fiore, no he felt like something or someone increased the power of Tang Wulin Dragon Form.

Back when his soul was being transported over.

'Or could it have been the Golden Dragon King and his god bloodline influence? His Dragon Form has a knack for siphoning all types of power...'

Zeref could only release a sigh and decided to wait till Yggdrasil was done with her explanation before he continued his train of thoughts.

"It's because Gods are a higher-dimensional existence that they can move through spaces of the fourth and third dimension at will. Giving them the Time-Space Shuttle ability to travel through the time and space of a Three-Dimensional space."

"On to my next point, a God Realm itself is a higher-dimensional universe that starts out in the Fourth-Dimensional space. That will later evolve into a Fifth-Dimensional space."

"Wait! A Divine Realm is a universe? One that is above other normal universes?"

"Yes, it's a higher-dimensional plane after all, how could a plane that was below a universe contain existence like the gods? Gods who could easily destroy a normal universe with a simple punch?"

Bahamut nodded his head, the God Realm space was a vastly huge place that allowed for no overlap between gods.

It was able to accommodate various Gods with their own territory and space with the assurance of no clashing with other territories.

"As I said before, a God Realm grows into a Five-Dimensional space. Based on the four-dimensional space with an additional vertical axis of time, forming a horizontal and vertical axis of time. Allowing those Fifth-Dimensional beings to accurately perceive multiple parallel universes or multiverses at the same point in time. As beings at this level are above those multiple parallel universes or multiverses. They are able to see the past and future of these branching parallel universes."

"A God realm can do all of that? The hell! Doesn't that mean they can see all threats, whether they are hidden or not before it even happens?"

"Hehe, why do you think a God Realm was such a terrifying existence? And why they were so feared by those who were weaker and without one? The abilities that a God Realm gained as it controls the dimensional spaces are quite terrifying. "

"Hmm, so if a God Realm is like that, doesn't that mean a God-King can be considered a Fifth-DImensional being since they create the God Realm?"

Sleipnir questioned Yggdrasil with Bahamut already coming to this conclusion as well, recalling the Dragon God making the God Realm.

"Yes, a God-King is a Fifth-Dimensional being who controls the Fifth-Dimensional space, which is why becoming one is such a near-impossible task. They are beings who are above the 4th Dimensional Space, so it isn't merely just getting enough energy to reach that level. As the distance between can be considered infinite apart, meaning no amount of energy can really supply such a development."

"It's quite literally breaking through into a higher dimension and becoming one with that higher dimension space. Yet this is why they can see the branching past and future of other universes while having their higher-dimensional universe under their control. God-Kings are truly entities that are above all 4th Dimensional multiverses."

Yggdrasil's words left Tao Tie in even more disbelief while Bahamut furrowed his brows now understanding a bit better. But Yggdrasil wasn't done yet as she began to continued.

"But a God-King is even more important to a God-Realm than just simply making it. As a God-King is required for a God-Realm to evolve from a 4th-Dimensional space into a 5th Dimensional space, requiring them to nurture the realm."

"Is that why you called them the Lord of the Universe before?"

"Yes because they are the Lords of their own universe, beings who have the right to speak in this 10th Dimensional realm. For Wulin to become a God-King, he needs to evolve his body into a universe size 5th Dimensional structure. And can only do so by gaining control of those Fifth-dimensional spaces."

"How far are we from that?"

Tao Tie looked at Yggdrasil but she only shrugged before glancing at Tang Wulin, as he kicked out before she could find out.

"At the moment, I am gaining control of the fourth-dimensional space while I already have grasped and absorbed some 5-D spaces."

"Hmm, so you already surpass the First Class realm and are only a Half Step God-King?"

"Yes, I am close to being above the fourth-dimension but I would still be below the fifth-dimension."

"I see... I didn't think that was possible, even while the other Dragon Kings and I were at the peak of the First Class. We were never able to surpass the fourth-dimensional plane, staying only at the top of the fourth-dimensional space hierarchy."

Of course, he knew it wouldn't be a problem had the Dragon God allowed them to siphon energy from the God Realm to help them. But they all knew the Dragon God dislike the thought of having another King in his realm.

Which they all couldn't fault since another God-King may lead to a clash of ideology between each other. So they all thought it would be impossible to surpass that 4th-Dimension without a God Realm.

But Tang Wulin words previously have just shattered that notion, already gaining control of some 5th Dimensional spaces.

"That is because it isn't possible with a few exceptions. The only reason Wulin can do this is that he is turning his body into a plane, which is a Semi-Divine realm. As we speak, his Realm in Body is gradually gaining control of some of the 5th-dimensional spaces."

"So because we weren't fused with a Semi-Divine realm that could help us perceive the higher planes. We were all stuck at only perceiving and controlling 4th-dimensional spaces?"

"Yes, there are other beings who are similar to Wulin who have reached the same state... Such as the Sage King, Klun, and Raaul, although they are beings who have devoured other planes to reach this state. Unlike Tang Wulin who went through the tribulation and utilized his body as the plane."

Yggdrasil explains causing Bahamut to nod his head while glancing at Tang Wulin, starting to grasp just how out of this world. The Realm in Body was, yet he still felt more things were left to be discovered about that path.

"Wait wouldn't they also be at the Half-Step level as well?"

"Nope, while Wulin was clashing with them. I can tell they were still at the Peak of First Class... Well except Klun, it felt like he had already broken through but was restricting its power."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, as he also felt a lot of Klun power was being kept somewhere. Making him wonder if Klun was more than just a plane like Raaul and the Sage King.

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