Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 397: Universe Truth

Chapter 397: Universe Truth

"Continuing, we have next is the dimension which is the 6th-dimensional space. The 6th is when three-dimensional time, that is, a high axis is added to the five-dimensional space. The horizontal axis represents the future and the past; the vertical axis represents different parallel universes, and the high axis represents the future and past time and space of any parallel universe. The creatures in the six-dimensional space can change time and space at will."

"So they can see the past and future of every parallel universe?"

"Not only that, they can even control the past, present, and future of all those parallel universes. Not even those lower lower-dimensional universes past and future are out of their grasp."

"All of them... Wouldn't that mean they could dictate their fates?"

"Maybe and maybe not, God's are beings who defy the fate and heavens of the 10th Dimensional Universe... Regardless, as you know a 6th Dimensional being is even higher than a 5th Dimensional being who is above those universes."

"I see... Is it possible for a God to reach the 6th Dimensional level?"

"Yes, but they would require a God Star, as only the highest level of a God Realm can control those spaces."

"So a God Star is the next evolution step for a peak God Realm?"

"Indeed, once a realm has reached its peak, it can transform and have a chance to reach the next dimension. With this development, it can help the Gods, also take that step into the 6th Dimension. Granting those Gods the ability to control Space-time across all of the lower dimensions and be able to perceive the time of those at a similar level."

"As well as existences that are at the pinnacle in this universe in terms of God Realms."

Bahamut sighed while looking at Yggdrasil in wonder as he fell in thought. His father the Dragon God was only at the Peak of the 5th Dimension but he knew he was already capable of perceiving some 6th Dimension space.

Which was one of the reasons he was the strongest God-King. If it wasn't for the war, his father would be able to reach the God Star level, becoming a pinnacle existence in the universe.

"So what about the 7th Dimension? You said Typhoon is at that level..."

Zeref questioned, causing the other Soul Spirits to nod their head as they focus their attention on Yggdrasil. She began to frown with a complicated look on her face before she began speaking once again.

"As Wulin said, Typhoon is a Seventh Dimensional Being who surpassed all God Stars and God Realm. The best way to understand the 7th-dimensional is to imagine six-dimensional space as a point of infinite possibility. And the line formed by connecting with another point of infinite possibility is the seven-dimensional space."

"Wait, are you saying that a 7th Dimensional being has control over infinite possibilities? Not only that but across multiple realms and those below it?"


Yggdrasil inclined her head as Zeref's expression turned into disbelief while the others looked at her with slight confusion.

"Hey blacky, what does it mean to have control over infinite possibilities?"

"...It means Typhoon is a God to everything below it."


"Imagine a being who could control the possibility of things happening in their favor? They could manipulate possibilities in the world like the possibility of making all attacks hit the target. The possibility of making all of your plans work and all battles lead to your victory. Even impossibilities aren't out of the question with this type of power..."

"Well yeah, that would be dangerous-"

"Now imagine if someone like that could control infinite possibility? They could make anything they wish to become a possibility, whether that be the destruction of whole fractions of Divine Stars. And even the impossibility of anything that isn't possible for them on their level and below."


Tao Tie and the others fell silent as they began to grasp the implication of what Zeref was talking about. If all of what Zeref said was true, didn't this mean that Typhoon was a being that couldn't be beaten unless you were on his level?

"Zeref is right, at this level one ability to control possibility and probability makes them almost invincible. Unless you are at their level, they can easily make it impossible for you to harm or do anything to them. But just as the ability gains are so amazing, achieving this level is also vastly hard. With Typhoon only being able to, because he is the secret weapon of the 10th Dimensional Universe."

"Secret Weapon? Do you mean like a sword that hacks down all threats to the universe?"

"Yes, the Primordials Gods had already covered at least half of the 10th Dimensional Universe with various God Stars and Realms under them. Yet Typhoon was able to slaughter most of them during the war."

"Why is that? Considering they govern half of the universe..."

"Because they didn't reach Typhoon 7th Dimensional level, so even with their numbers. They couldn't affect him, since you can't affect a higher-dimensional being. When you lack a weapon or abilities on that level but even those who have the same firepower as those higher-dimensional being. Still couldn't affect Typhoons since they are still affected by the 7th Dimensional level laws and effect, unlike him who isn't."

"Wait, so how did you guys seal it then?"

Sleipnir had a puzzled look on her face if what her mother said was true. Then the seals shouldn't have been able to affect Typhoon who was at a higher-dimension than them.

"Our seals were able to reach the level of Typhoon, not bound by the 7th Dimensional effect and able to restrain it... But not forever of course."

Zeref nodded his head, already grasping the implication. Because of his and Tang Wulin actions, the seals on Typhoon had been loosening.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything, whether this was because he didn't care or long since made peace with it.

They didn't really know.

"So how the hell do we beat him? Isn't he already unsealed by now? It's been a billion years..."

"Don't worry, he is still sealed as the seal isn't something that would break in an instant... If I was to make a guess, he won't be unsealed in the next ten thousand years and maybe more."

"So we still have time?"

"Not really, he still can affect the world... Remember it already tried to kill Wulin multiple times."

Bahamut pointed out causing Zeref to nod his head but then Yggdrasil spoke up.

"True, it's still able to mess with the world, it's still better than it being fully unsealed. Where there will be no more chances of hope but fortunately we have time."

"But wait, if Typhoon is the Universal Law's secret weapon, would it really allow it to be sealed?"

"Hmm. The Primordial Gods thought that first but they were out of options and had to try this method at the very least. While I don't know why the Universe Law allowed this to happen, I think I'm starting to perceive why..."

"But now you can somewhat understand why I say that a being appearing on Typhoon level seems a bit surprising? Not even the Primordial Gods even with their abilities were able to reach its level..."

Tao Tie grumbled but she nodded her head, wondering why they had to get into trouble with a monster like Typhoon.

"Regardless, let me finish by explaining the levels. Eight-dimensional space is the intersecting of timelines formed by two seven-dimensional universes to become an eight-dimensional space. Eight-dimensional space can travel in different multi-universes, and the rules in these multi-universes are different. Simply put, each matter, nature and chemical reaction rules of the universe are different."

"So they would have control over all of the other-dimensional universe or something?"

"Well it's more like eight-dimensional beings are Masters Of All Higher-Dimensional Universes. Beings that have control over an infinite amount of dimensions that are universal in size. Unless a person can control all of the higher dimensional universes in this universe. They wouldn't be able to reach the 8th Dimension and be unbound by their effects."

The other's expression grew even worse but they all inwardly were sighing with relief at the fact Typhoon wasn't at this level.

As they didn't know what they would be able to do if it achieved that level, as that meant.

There was no other way to reach his level of power since he dominated all of the other universes.

Yggdrasil inwardly giggled at their reaction even though she could understand their concern. It wasn't simply controlling all of the dimensional universes that made an 8th Dimensional being so terrifying.

But their ability to siphon power from every single one, gaining the power and abilities of every single one.

As well as having the ability to have all of those multi-universes unleash an onslaught against any enemy they pointed.

So it isn't wrong to say, that to go against an 8th Dimensional being. Is to go against all the infinite-dimensional universes in the 10th Dimensional universe and that 8th Dimensional being as well.

"The next is the 9th-dimensional space, imagine eight-dimensional space as a surface, that nine-dimensional space is to make eight-dimensional space three-dimensional. There is one more rule line for creating the rules of the universe than eight-dimensional space. In nine-dimensional space, you can arbitrarily change all and any rules of the 10th Dimensional universe. The gravity, time, speed, etc. all can be changed at will."

"What the hell! Isn't that being basically the master of the 10th-dimensional universe at that point!"

"Well yes, a being like that could practically do anything. They could change the rules of the whole universe to where it removes all concepts in the universe. Stops anyone from becoming god, stop them from attaining immortality and even stop them from ever cultivating. They can be seen as the controller of everything, akin to an author of a novel. A being like that can be considered the God of Creation but not the type of God that embodies a concept. But a God who tech can create and change everything in the universe."

"So I am guessing a being like this doesn't exist?"

"The Universe would have destroyed that type of being before it even appeared. Or if someone had reached this level, there would have been a war that would have eliminated every other God Realm by now."

Tang Wulin spoke up once again causing Yggdrasil to nod her head, as she also knew the universe hated the Creation God.

Even more, than its hatred for those God-Kings.

"Now then, the final one is the Ten-dimensional space which is our present universe. The 10th-dimensional space is zero-dimensional, it is a point that holds infinite space-time, all the possibilities, contains all the universe, and all of everything."

"Oh, so that's why you said an infinitely vast universe could be seen as a grain of sand to it?"

"Yep, as it contained everything you can imagine."

"Wait a minute... How does one reach the 10th Dimension?"

Zeref questioned as he felt some pieces started to come together as well as a pattern that he has been noticing.

One that involved God Realms themselves as they continued evolving into a higher dimension.

"You already figured it out Zeref, to reach the 10th Dimension. One would need to condense all of the other God Realms and higher-dimensional universes around into one existing God Realm which would then evolve. Becoming the 10th Dimension universe, so what we're trying to say is, the universe that we are in now..."

"Is a God Realm..."

Zeref completed Tang Wulin words while looking a bit lost with the others also staring at them in disbelief.

Our present universe is a God Realm that has reached the highest level?

How could they not be shocked at this news! This was something that would shake every single God Realm and all mortal worlds.

It took a bit for Zeref to recover and for him to ask his next question while holding his head.

"Since our universe is a God Realm... What happens to it once a new 10th Dimensional realm appears?"

"... For a new 10th Dimensional universe to appear, the old one needs to be devour and destroyed. Allowing the new one to grow even stronger than the last one. Following the cycle of using the old to birth the new. But this also means all of existence and reality in the old will be destroyed." Yggdrasil released a sigh." But this is what is required for a new 10-Th dimensional universe to be formed."

"... That's why the Universe Law hates God-King? Because they can make a God Realm that can possibly overthrow them?"

"Indeed, a God Realm is needed for the Gods to overthrow the present universe... As it's impossible for an intelligent being to reach the 10th Dimension, which is why a God Realm is needed. Because only it can take that step that no other being can."

Even then the chances of moving from the 9th to the 10th was close to impossible. Since the energy it would require would be unimaginable.

"But it isn't like the Universe Law would let the realm take it over. This is why those realms will clash with each other."

"Wait... Is that why you said there would be a war? Because the 10th Dimensional Universe would be fighting with the new realm for dominance?"

"Yes, if the new realm wins, then they devour the current universe. But if the Current Universe wins then that new realm would be destroyed and be absorbed by it. Making the Current Universe grow even stronger than it was formerly."

But it's far easier said than done. Since the universal law controlled everything in the 10th dimensional universe. It could easily change the rules of everything which would affect all gods, even those 9th dimensional one.

If that wasn't bad enough. Every single being can be considered a face or an expression of the universal law, allowing it to draw strength from all of them.

Zeref nodded his head, now completely understanding the problem truth of a God Realm and what it meant to grow one.

As well as the powers and capabilities of those at the God-Level, even though he was still in disbelief at some of this information.

He didn't need to look at the others to see they were trying to come to terms with this. This information really just flipped their whole world upside down.

"So the Universal Law or Heaven Law... it's technically the current ruler of this 'God Realm'?"

Yggdrasil nodded her head, leading Zeref to let out a sigh he has been holding in all this time.

As of now, it made sense why it had so much power and control over the universe.

While it could be tricked and angry, it was a sentiment existence that ruled this universe.

But this also terrified Zeref as it meant their next breakthrough for Tang Wulin realm in body making will become even harder.

Not just harder but even more deadly, as the Universal Law would be able to accurately plan and calculate against them.

'Next time, I doubt it would give us any chance of surviving... Is this why Wulin needed the month or was it something else?'

But something seized Zeref's attention as he thought about Wulin present state. Making him think for a bit before his eyes widened as he looked at Tang Wulin.

"... Your path, it's you make your own body into a God Realm. Wouldn't that mean you have the chance of becoming a 10th Dimensional Existence?"

As soon as Zeref said this, all of the spirit souls except for Yggdrasil's expression began changing.

All of them understand the implication of what Zeref was trying to say and the terrifying truth.

Since only a God Realm can reach the 10th Dimension, wouldn't Tang Wulin path allow him to do it?

"Yes, this is the reason why the Universe Law is so ruthless towards his breakthrough. Why it's willing to annihilate even the plane and planet just to get rid of you."

"You should now understand why the universe law fears your path? Why is it trying so hard to destroy you before you even make your body into a God Realm? Why is it so hard to accomplish your path?"

Yggdrasil's eyes focused on Tang Wulin with the others also turning their gaze at him as they began understanding Yggdrasil's words.

"Your path of turning your body into a God Realm is no different than turning your whole existence into one. The Universe Law fears that if you succeed, one day your existence will reach the point that it can rival it."

"And maybe even stand above it. This is why I said if Wulin was able to realistically achieve this and continue on his unique path."

"His whole existence will become Unrivaled across all the ages."

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