Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 4: Demon

Chapter 4: Demon

Ignoring the blushing face of Na'er after forcing her to bath with him, Tang Wulin started to take out some of his clothing that she can wear.

After she had got dressed, they went downstairs and sat around the table, while waiting for Lang Yue. Tang Wulin noticed after cleaning herself up, Na'er beauty seems to have merely amplified with her looking like a porcelain doll and have skin fairer than his.

Tang Wulin couldn't help but wonder why he smells the scent of Dragon back then. From what he knows a spirit beast can't shapeshift into a human and looking at Na'er, she doesn't seem to be a spirit master.

'Then again, it's not like I know much about Spirit Beast.' Thought Tang Wulin as he only knew that they existed but that was it.

Tang Ziran and Lang Yue told him it was better for him to wait till he went to the academy, as they admitted they didn't know much.

'Still, even if she was a spirit beast. Why would she shapeshift into someone so young.' Thought Tang Wulin.

It was because he didn't understand why his nose acted up, that he decided to take her home. He wanted to see if he can understand the phenomenon better but yet he hasn't found out anything.

'And worse, I can't sense the dragon scent anymore.' Thought Tang Wulin as he inwardly narrowed his eyes.

"Both of you hurry come to give me a hug!" Shouted Lang Yue as she dashed out of the kitchen.

Tang Wulin sigh gently, as his face was being smooshed with his mom and Na'Er.

Long Yue stop smother the adorable kids after a bit and went to go lay the food on the plate. She giggled after seeing how Na'Er eyes sparkle when she saw the food.

She only smiled at her and motion for her to go ahead, but Na'er seemed to be hesitating as if she wasn't sure if she should.

"Stop staring and dig in." Said Tang Wulin with a bun already in his hand.

Long Yue smiled wryly at her son's bluntness but at least that did the trick as she watches Na'Er started to dig in.

But that smile turned into shock as she saw Na'er ate away most of the food on the table and didn't seem to be close to stopping.

"Mom, we're gonna need a lot more food."Said Tang Wulin as his lips twitch.

Lang Yue nodded before she went back over to the kitchen.

Tang Wulin realizes he didn't know much about this girl, thinking he could gain an idea of where the dragon smell comes from. He decided the best thing he should do now, his questioned her on her origins.

"Do you know where your home is, or where you're from" Questioned tang Wulin but Na'er only shook her head with food in her mouth.

As to Tang Wulin's slight amusement, she kept on stuffing the meat buns from the plates into her mouth.

Tang Wulin asks her more questions but they all came out with the same answer, she didn't know or it was more like she didn't remember.

'How irritating.' Thought Tang Wulin with a sigh.

Mom came out with more dishes and they all ate in silent but not before Mom told Na'er. She will help her find family, but he notices how she flinches a bit from that before nodding.

Long Yue took Na'er to go out, and Tang Wulin decided to go to his room since nothing interesting was happening. He summons his Blue Silver Grass and watches as it started coiling all around his arm.

He did nothing as he begins to get lost in thought, wondering what he should do with Na'er. It was because of this; he didn't notice his Dad walking into his room until he was close to him.

Tang Ziran looked at his son before he wonders how he is going to reprimand his son. For picking a fight with those delinquent even though he won and didn't get hurt.

He fears his son will pick a fight with anyone, even those who could squish him like a bug if it went along with his interest.

Tang Wulin sensing his dad's concern motion for him to say what on his mind, Tang Ziran could only sigh at his son's perceptiveness.

"Son, dad won't beat around the bush. I'm worried you will one day get yourself in trouble and try to fight someone you can't beat."Said Tang Ziran.

Tang Wulin stared at his dad worried face for a while before he sighed, with his face slightly softening.

"Alright. I will be careful from now on." Said Tang Wulin causing Tang Ziran to smile as he let the matter drop.

"So, let talk about Na'er." Said Tang Ziran, allowing him to see his son's face turning serious.

Tang Ziran started talking about what happened when Lang Yue took Na'er to the administration office. She didn't find any information and now they are thinking about what to do with her.

"So, what do you think about her staying with us?" Said Tang Ziran as he began focusing on his son's reaction in case he misses any discomfort or hesitation.

Tang Wulin put his hand on his chin and started to think over it. Tang Ziran learns from his wife that Tang Wulin was the one who brought her to their home.

This was the first time his son has ever shown an interest in a person of his age and he hopes maybe with Na'er staying with them.

She can get him to connect with the other kids or at least start to socialize with more kids.

"No, I don't want a stranger staying with us and beside her problems are not ours." Said Tang Wulin.

While Na'er piqued his interest, that was only it. Tang Ziran was disappointed at his son's words for a quick second before he smiled and rubbed Wulin's head.

"Alright, Dad understands." Said Tang Ziran.

Even though he was surprised at his son's ruthless words. But he remembers his son never liked or cared about anyone outside of their family in the first place.

While Tang Ziran was thinking this, Tang Wulin heard a thumping sound and went outside of his room to check but saw nothing.

Getting suspicious, he went downstairs and saw his Mom staring at the open door with a worried look by herself.

'Something feels off.' Thought Tang Wulin as he only saw Lang Yue around in the room.

"Where Na'er." Questioned Tang Wulin.

Long Yue looks at her son and then turned her gaze back at the door, Tang Wulin connecting the dots from the thumping sound and the open door realize what happened.

Long Yue watch in surprise as her son run out of the house with a rare look of confusion and heard her husband walking downstairs with a confuse.

'Did she hear, my conversation with Dad.'

'Dammit, why do I even care if she heard it.'

Tang Wulin didn't understand why he ran out of the house, looking for Na'er when he only just met her today. It wasn't as if he cared about her in the first place, she was just a person whose peak is curiosity nothing more.

He heard a commotion in the alleyway, hoping it was Na'er he ran inside and came to a stop at the sight.

He saw the same group of delinquents with bandages on their wound pushing around Na'Er and snarling at her.

"Where is that asshole brat? I brought my older brother, so we can play with him." Sneered the boy who Tang Wulin backhanded earlier in the day.

"Lier, you just want to hurt him." Cried Na'Er as he saw cuts and scrapes on her face.

"Of course not, I just want to apologize to him about my little brother behavior." Said The older brother with a smile on his face while displaying a righteous aura, despite the situation.

"I won't tell you, I won't give you the chance to hurt him." Said Na'er.

Tang Wulin look on the blank as Na'er got to push around and watching her fall, as one of the boys struck her.

He doesn't understand why she doesn't just tell them where he lives. She didn't need to go through this abuse for someone she just met today, she already has an idea of how strong he was.

In fact, why is she even trying covering for him, when she heard what he said in the house about her staying with them. It not like she will gain anything from defending him, Tang Wulin couldn't help but struggle to understand.

"Why are you even defending him, it not like he even cares about you." Said one of the older teenagers who were also confused.

"Your right he doesn't care about me, he probably hates me for placing my problems on to them but so what. He was the first one to ever stick up for me, to give me food, show me kindness and even protect me. To me, he the one person I don't wish to get hurt."Screamed Na'Er as kept on getting stomp on by the older boy, who only sneered in disgust.


Na'er looks up in bewildered surprise as she scarcely saw the older boy flying into the wall. She slowly turned her head to see the one person she rather not be here.

"Why are you-."

"Hush." Tang Wulin snaps causing Na'er to flinch.

Tang Wulin didn't even give her a glance, turning around to face the other boys and with an exhale, he began slowly walking towards the boys.

'Lier, you just want to hurt him.'

'Why are you even defending him, it not like he even cares about you.'

'Your right, he doesn't care about me.'

'He probably hates me for placing my problems on to them but so what.'

Blue tattoos that were similar to that of tribal marking started to appear, covering his arms, legs, and chest. Moving towards his face, with bits of his hair spiking up.

Those words replayed in Tang Wulin's mind constantly as if someone kept on pushing the replay button.

He then disappeared from the group of boys sight.

He reappeared in front one the boys, who jump in shock and then slam his fist, at full strength into the boy's face caving it in. The boy was sent flying past the other boys and causing a crack on the wall behind the boys.

The rest of the boys look on surprised and turn to see the blue marked boy approaching them.

One boy roared, running to Tang Wulin in raw anger and was about to throw a punch but was met with a hand.

The hand grasps the boy's face before pushing him into the ground, causing a small dent on the ground.

Tang Wulin then raises his foot and slams down into the boy's stomach causing him to cough up some blood, most likely breaking a rib, then passing out.

"I.. I.. didn't sign up for any of this!"Shouted one of the teenagers before he turned to run.

As he tried to run, a stone came streaking over before it smashed into the back of his head. It was able to stun him long enough for Tang Wulin to appear in front of him.

He tried begging for mercy, but Tang Wulin grasp the boy arm, remembering this was the arm that was pushing Na'er around and broke it.



He couldn't feel his arm anymore. Tang Wulin slams his foot into the boy's stomach, ending his cries.

The Older boy started getting up, to see all of this happening, causing his leg to shake and face to turn pale.

He started to turn around before he felt a hand grab the back of his head and the next thing he knew, his head was being held up. The boy tried to wrestle free but to no avail and felt something on his leg.



The Older boy scream as his leg was snapped, Tang Wulin stared coldly as he remembers this was the leg that was stepping on Na'er.

Then he threw the boy to the wall, causing him to be knocked unconscious from the impact. He then turned to the last boy who was looking with pure fear.

The boy who was backhanded earlier, watch as the monster walk up to him and stand in front of him.


Tang Wulin didn't give him a chance to finish talking as he grips his hand around the boy's neck. The boy was close enough to see Tang Wulin's face and peed himself from seeing his shining white eyes staring at him.

The 6-year-old boy that was holding him simply smiled with rows of razor teeth and he swore that was the scariest thing he ever saw.

"Was it these eyes, that went out of there way to seek trouble." Mutter Tang Wulin.

The boy getting even more scared tried to cry out for help but with his neck being choke only choking sound came out. Tang Wulin simply moves his hands to the boy's face while smiling.


Tang Wulin drops the boy, as the scenes of Na'er being beaten down finally stop playing in his mind.

He notices his blue marking disappearing with his teeth turning back to normal and his hair losing its feral features.

He then turned around to Na'er seeing her cuts, bruise, and scrape cause a weird feeling inside of him too well up.

'How strange.' Thought Tang Wulin as he furrowed his brows.

"Are you scared?" Questioned Tang Wulin with a blank look.

Tang Wulin watches the girl's reaction and body language.

"N..No!" Shouted Na'er while breathing hard with tears in her eyes.

"I... can never be scared of you," muttered Na'er softly causing Tang Wulin to tilt his head at the strange answer.

Na'er eyes widen when she saw Tang Wulin's shoulder trembles uncontrollably before he started to laugh.

Tang Wulin couldn't help himself from hearing such a ridiculous answer. Even after watching him break their bones and the blood leaking from their unconscious body.

She had enough courage to stare at him and say she wasn't scared. Calming himself down, he looks around before looking back at the girl.

He walks up to her, to grab her hand and started to walking as she lowered her head, trailing behind him. No one said anything for a while as the moon was shining, stars glittering and a warm breeze passing by.

"You're staying with us from now on. Your problems are now ours, no if or buts." Said Tang Wulin after a while.

Na'er just nodded her head, with tears streaming down her face.

"..O...Ok, Big Brother."

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