Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 5: Money Maker

Chapter 5: Money Maker

Tang Ziran felt like he was sighing a lot nowadays.

He still remembers seeing his son walking home with Na'er in his hand, with blood on his clothing and Na'er having cut, scraps and bruise on her body.

Before they could even ask what happened, his son proclaimed that Na'er is apart of their family and refusing to give her up.

Lang Yue and Tang Ziran were surprised. This was the first time, their son went out of his way to protect a stranger or show some care for them.

Just by looking at the wounds of Na'er's body, they easily figured what happened.

Either way, they accepted but not before trying to get the full story of what happened while Tang Wulin was looking for Na'er. Sadly his son seems to have adopted his mother's stubbornness and refuses to explain.

They could only let the matter go and started to clean up Na'er. Na'er refused to let go of Tang Wulin's hand, causing them to sleep together.

He walked into his son's room, seeing him sitting next to Na'Er with her wounds already healing and covered with bandages.

"Son as spirit master at level 10, you're going to need a spirit ring to achieve a breakthrough but unlike before where you had to hunt spirit beast to gain one. But through research, one can reach the next rank with a spirit soul that is discovered to be superior." Said Tang Ziran.

"Some high-level one can grow and also be manufactured, in this era, we consider them equal to a spirit ring. Which is why the Spirit Pagoda is so important other than their terrifying strength. Sadly, getting your spirit soul won't be possible for a while since with the new addition of Na'Er and her being able to rival your stomach."Said Tang Ziran with a sigh.

Tang Wulin nodded, but he didn't show any sign of regret of accepting Na'er. Tang Ziran smiled at this and then suggested he could help out if he wanted.

"Uncle Mang Tian is an outstanding blacksmith. I've told him about our circumstances, and he said he can allow you to apprentice under him. For two hours every day, over the next three months, he will teach you. If you can forge some simple things after three months, then you'll be able to earn some money." Said Tang Ziran causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

His son fell into deep thought, while he had no interest in the blacksmith profession. He knew they were gonna be struggling to feed everyone with the addition of Na'er.

'Fine, let's just do this for a while.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Tang Ziran smiled seeing his son nodding his head and inquire to him when he wants to visit him.

Tang Wulin suggested they went to visit Uncle Mang Tien next week because he wanted to do something with Na'er which is Dad agreed to.

Tang Ziran walked down the stairs, to see tears streaming down Lang Yue and could only try to counsel her.

He was able to calm her down after a while, with him saying everything was alright and holding her in his arms.

The next day, early in the morning Na'er and Tang Wulin were standing in the backyard with a change of Wulin, old clothing.

"Alright, since your gonna be staying with us, I can't have you getting beat up by any poor schmuck." Said Tang Wulin as he stared at Na'er.

Tang Wulin started to stretch while making sure Na'Er followed his movement, correcting any mistakes she made.

"Every morning and afternoon, I will be training you." Said Tang Wulin, with Na'er only nodding with a surprising amount of determination.

'Well, at least she won't be difficult.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin didn't know he inspired her to not be a burden to him and be left behind. Tang Wulin started with basic training with him raising her basic conditioning and then teaching her the basics of combat.

This went on for about two hours before Tang Ziran came out and said it was time for him to go to school. He went upstairs to take a shower as Na'er stayed downstairs with Lang Yue and left the house after eating.

The kids at the academy didn't learn about Soul Master topics every day, as they alternated between Soul Master topics and cultural classes.

With this, the class kept on altering for the week and Tang Wulin kept on training Na'er, with Lang Yue constant watch.

A week later, Tang Wulin walk out of the Academy to see Lang Yue standing outside waiting for him.

He wonders why before he remembers that today was the day that they were supposed to go to Uncle Mang Tien for the blacksmith job.

Before he could greet her. His mother latches on to him while crying in front of the academy and saying she wanted to spend more time with him.

It took a while before his mom calm down before they journey towards Uncle Mang Tien. Lang Yue telling him he can quit at any time, mostly because she wanted her lost time spent with him back.

The pair walk into a shop called Mang Tien Workshop, with the smell of metal and fire assaulting their nostrils, causing it scrunches up.

A tall dark-skinned middle-aged ma with a full beard, looking fierce and tough was approaching them.

Mang Tien greeted his mother before turning towards him, inspecting him with an unreadable gaze before turning back to Lang Yue.

"Younger sister should return first, you can pick him up two hours later." Said, Mang Tien.

"Big Brother Mang Tian, thank you for your troubles." Lang Yue, slightly unwilling parted with her son, taking one last look at him and could only hope her son lowers his bluntness with Mang Tien.

Tang Wulin followed Mang Tian into the workshop's chaotic hall. The hall was littered with all sorts of metal components Tang Wulin could barely recognize.

Most of these were likely components for soul machines, though.

Ever since he was reborn, Acnologia has been comparing the technology innovation and system of this world with Fiore ones.

While the Douluo continent lacks the technology advancement of Fiore, they made it all up for their specialization in fostering strength.

While Fiore technology was made to help the ordinary people and support the country, for example, the Etherion.

The Etherion while weaker than him, had the power to wipe out a whole country. Something he doubts this world has anything close to level to that power technology-wise.

Mang Tien stops in front of a smaller workbench than the one they just past, after coming into the inner area of the shop.

Mang Tian stopped here, turning around to face Tang Wulin.

"Do you know what forging is?" Asked Mang Tian.

Tang Wulin arches a brow while maintaining his stoic face.

Mang Tian not affected by the youth's lack of answer said, "Actually, I didn't want to accept you in the beginning. You're too young, completely unsuited for forging. However, your dad was determined to have me give you a chance. If I don't find you acceptable, then you'll have to leave. When that happens, don't stay here and weep endlessly, understand?"

"Alright." Said Tang Wulin as he didn't care for his speech and just wanted him to tell him what to do, so he can start making money.

"This is your task for today," Mang Tian said as he pointed to the side.

Off to the side was a half meter tall metal table. On top of the table was a round lump of metal and below it was a soul machine screen.

Mang Tian picked up two small metal hammers from the side and held them out to Tang Wulin.

"You see that lump of metal? Use this hammer to strike it a thousand times. The screen will display the number of hits with sufficient strength." Said Mang Tien as he pointed to the screen above the metal.

"It'll require all your strength to swing it down. If you're able to complete this task, I'll tell you what forging is. If you're unable to finish, then you don't have to come here tomorrow." Said Mang Tien.

After speaking, he placed the two hammers in Tang Wulin's hands before turning around and walking away.

Tang Wulin still stoic pick up the hammer, noting how light it was.

'I guess he just a big softie huh' Thought Tang Wulin with a roll of his eyes.

He gave the a hammers a few swings before turning to the lump of metal and begin the thousand.


'Bang, bang bang bang!'

While he was hammering, Tang Wulin was thinking about what his plan for the future. Right now he already at the limit of a spirit scholar and only require a spirit soul or ring to make a breakthrough.

All of which require money that will cause his family to struggle, especially with the Na'er who eats just as much as him.

The more he thinks, the more he notices how little time he is starting to have and that not even adding this blacksmith job.

He still has to begin training his Dragon Slayer abilities. While being sure to avoid being corrupted by it and also testing the changes it would do to his body.

He wonders if his ability to absorb magic will transfer to spirit energy or would he still be only being able to absorb magic.

That thought worried him since that would make his absorption ability useless. His absorption was one of the reasons; his Dragon Slayer art was so deadly.

Then he has to worry about that strange phenomenon that seems to be coming from his martial soul, which is regarded as trash by the whole continent.

Tang Wulin was so lost in thought he didn't notice that the screen past 1000 and was rising beyond.

Mang Tien was in a small room, looking over the plans he made for the month while thinking about when brother Tang Ziran came to him.


"What." Questioned Mang Tien as he looks at his little brother who was bowing before him.

"Please take Tang Wulin as one of your workers."Said Tang Ziran as he knew what he was asking was outrageous.

But he knew he could trust his friend Mang Tien with his son's safety and development.

"Little brother, you know we have a good relationship and I will be glad to help you. But the boy is only 6 years old, he is unsuitable for forging." Said Mang Tien.

But to his surprise, Tang Ziran didn't back down and stayed bowing before him for the next 4 hours.

He had no choice but to say he will give the boy a test and if he can pass, he will hire him.


Mang Tien couldn't help but chuckle at that bitter memory before, getting up and checking on the boy.

While he may be irritated about accepting a child, that still wouldn't stop him from looking after the boy.

As he was nearing the boy, he kept hearing sounds, indicating the kid hasn't given up yet.

'At Least your son isn't a quitter.' Thought Mang Tien with a sigh.

Mang Tien while thinking this, he saw the boy was still hammering before he went to go check the number on the screen.


Mang Tien drops everything in his hand, as he looks at the number on the screen. He only told the boy to hit the lump of metal a thousand times, but the boy did it 3,000 times and it seems to still be rising.

He jerks his head towards the boy's face and was shocked to see he didn't seem tired or in pain.

When he looks closer, it looks like the boy was spacing out while achieving this and utilizing his strength to pound the metal.

"Hey Kid!" yelled Mang Tien, causing Tang Wulin to blink but still kept on hammering, unintentionally displaying is the ability to split his attention.

"Yea?" Questioned Tang Wulin, not understanding why Mang Tien yelled or why he was even here.

He didn't seem like to type to check on him every five minutes, not understanding that half an hour as pass by.

"Look at the board." Mang Tien motioned confusing Tang Wulin who turn in his head and look surprised that the number display was over 3000 causing him to stop.

"Huh, I guess I lost track of time." Tang Wulin comments as if he didn't accomplish something so outrageous.

Mang Tien couldn't help but think what kind of monster and genius his little brother sent to him.

"Little sister, can you please send brother Ziran over to my office later on the day if comes straight home. As for your son, please bring him back here at the same time and here some appointment just in case his arm starts acting up later."Said Mang Tien, causing Lang Yue to nod her head before leaving with Tang Wulin.

During his time there, Tang Wulin didn't care about the explanation of a Blacksmith that Mang Tien gave him.

He only focuses on the part that can help him make money easy and fast. Lang Yue kept on looking at her son for any injuries or marks in case she misses any.

She then focuses on his expression, to see if he was hiding his pain from her.


"See, our little Lin Lin was able to overcome that apathetic Mang Tien test. He was able to be accepted as his disciple. He even did it without any injuries or mishaps happening." Said Tang Ziran as he was holding his wife as her expression went through strings of emotion before resigning.

Lang Yue knew her husband was right but still couldn't help but worries for her baby. The parent turns to the window to see both kids in the backyard training.

It came at a surprise that their son wanted to train Na'er.

While reluctant at first they relented when he said it was so she could defend herself when he not there or by herself.

Na'er was breathing hard after she ends up doing her big brother Hell Training.

'I... Think I made a mistake.' Thought Na'er as she inwardly grimaces.

Part of her wonders how her brother even comes up with some of this stuff.

He has her running around the whole city for an hour. Then conditioning her fist on trees in their backyard and telling her to dodge as he threw rocks at her.

Then having her dodge a large log while blindfolded, doing reps of swimming in a lake. Then finally doing some sparring all with just enough rest for her not to collapse from each exercise.

His excuse is to train her willpower and stamina, she could only scoff at that crap. The worst part, he said this was only the "easy" stuff and the beginning of the training.

Simultaneously, she couldn't regret staying with him, as she loved being with him.

Tang Wulin, not knowing any of this told her training was done and it times to go inside to shower then eat.

After showering and going downstairs to the dinner table already full of food, he saw Na'er staring at him with sparkling eyes and drool coming out of her mouth.

He knew she was waiting for him to feed her, because of how sore she is from the training they were through.

He imagines he will have to do this for a long time before her body starts adapting and also to stop his mom from worrying even more.

He sat down and begins scoping a large sum of food, then stuffing into Na'er mouth, while marveling at the speed she can chew.

If he wasn't a big eater like her, he would feel stunned every time he sees her eat.

Lang Yue and Tang Ziran, watch the harmonious scene and couldn't help but realize they're going to need a better income to survive with these two.

Lang Yue saying she will find another job, so they don't have to only rely on Tang Ziran income or might just be in trouble.

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