Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 402: Invasion Day

Chapter 402: Invasion Day

Wisps of creation power expanded through the garden, enveloping all of the planets and trees inside. Nature around was giving off a shimmering glow while swaying towards Na'er whose figure was giving off the aura of creation.

She had placed Tang Wulin to the side, his body resting on the tree down from her while she prepared for her breakthrough.

In the next moment, nine-colored lights erupted around her, suppressing and making all of the nature around her grow dim.

Even with the creation power that was added to them, the nine-colored lights were too overwhelming.

If Tang Wulin was awake or if Gu Yuena and Er Ming were here, they would have been surprised. As those lights were the Godhood ascension light that showed up when one is forcibly breaking through.

The nine-colored lights began illuminating the garden while producing a rain of lights that began to shower Na'er. Fortunately, she locked down space around the garden to keep the light trap.

Or the whole Empire would have been illuminated as well.

Still, Na'er knew she would have to leave after the process started or the garden might be destroyed completely. As she knew that passing into the God level in this era was going to be extraordinarily difficult, considering the plane and the lack of God-Realm.

Irregular scenes began taking place around Na'er as reality began wrapping around these nine-colored lights. The laws of heaven and earth were moving around Na'er like a maelstrom while the fluctuations of time and space.

Latched to her before seeping into her body that kept on trembling. Then with a sigh, her eyes snapped open, giving off a terrifying silver-colored light that made the laws around her tremble.


Na'er instantly vanished, appearing on one of the lost continents, that was devoid of life but had an abundant amount of nature.

Na'er looked up, as she saw the sky above beginning to distort as clouds began to form above her as the clouds started to come.

Nine-colored clouds began to appear above her, giving off the presence of world-destroying prowess.

But as if it didn't care to wait, nine-colored thunder radiance descended, blasting through space and the void.

This lightning radiance was too terrifying, giving off the feeling of life-wiping prowess that would leave anyone severely shaken.

This was nine-colored chaos thunder lightning which instantly crashed down on Na'er and began drowning out the continent.

In the next moment, the continent was being burned and scorched from the tyrannical might of the lightning. Yet Na'er began to release a roar of defiance, doing everything she could to resist this nine-colored tribulation.

For the next couple of hours, Na'er was focused on crossing this great tribulation, doing her best to resist the horrifying might of the tribulation.

This tribulation really had the power to wipe out all life on the plane. With its full might being able to destroy not only the planet but the whole solar system if it was angered.

But in the end, after those hours.

Na'er began feeling chains around her that were previously there before being shattered. She felt the spaces around her begin to warp and change as she felt an evolution undergoing inside of her.

While her spiritual sense began to evolve, transforming into a Divine sense that began to expand outwards. While she, nine-colored lights began to expand from her as she gave out a deafening roar that shook the whole world.

Na'er had done it. She was able to successfully break through the limit of the world and become a God herself.

With not much damage done to her except parts of her clothing being scorched black and some of her hair falling.

But overall, she was better than fine and could easily fix her clothing and hair.

Moving around her hand, she could feel the terrifying strength to sweep through all enemies in the world. The power of destroying a universe with a simple wave of her hand, a strength she hasn't felt in a long-time.

Since she was the Dragon God.

"It's really been too long."

Na'er noted she wasn't at the entry-level of a God Officer but the peak causing her to furrow her brows. Before coming to the conclusion, it was because of her continuously absorbing the energy from the Calamities.

Since her body couldn't absorb most of it, it simply stored it away before it fully absorbed it after she reached the God Level.

After checking everything was fine her figure vanished once again, appearing in the garden once again.

She moved towards Tang Wulin, taking his body and putting him back on her lap. Before continuing with her experiment on her creation energy.

It was then after a few minutes, Tang Wulin began to tremble and he didn't stop for a while to the confusion of Na'er.

It was then to her disbelief and shock, tears leaking from his closed eyes lid, moving down on his face.

'Big brother...'

She has never once seen tears move from Tang Wulin eyes, not even when their parents had died or when they were younger. He always seemed to be in control of his emotion, never letting them out or being a weakness for him.

Yet right now

"No matter what, I will always be by your side No matter what."

Na'er eyes soften as she began caressing Tang Wulin face while holding him tightly. Tang Wulin's face began to scrunch up before he sighed as his eyes began to open up.

But to her surprise, Na'er didn't see any hint of emotion in Tang Wulin eyes, as if those tears from before.

Was just an illusion.

But at the same time, she found they were different from before, more serene and full of life.

"Hey, Big brother."

"Hmm, you reached the God Level."

Tang Wulin commented while Na'er smiled and nodded her head but she knew he already expected her to reach it by the end of the month.

She could have done it even earlier, but she wanted to focus more on her creation energy first. Tang Wulin began moving away from Na'er lap while Na'er also started getting up, feeling something unusual about Tang Wulin.

It wasn't his strength or the aura around him but it felt like his temperament had reverted or returned to what they were.

A month before he left to go invade the Abyssal Realm, although she felt he still wasn't the same as before.

"Big brother are you ok? Those tears from before..."?"

"Tears? Oh... Don't worry about those. There, not mine."

Tang Wulin began stroking Na'er hair causing her to blink her eyes in confusion before she moved into his arms. While Na'er was snuggling herself in Tang Wulin embrace, he was lost in thought.

His emotion in a few minutes go had erupted, as felt the influencing of countless strands of him.

As Tang Wulin was able to completely fuse with all of the memories and even his old memories. just a few minutes ago.


"Some of them actually raise complaints? Are those at the Federation stupid or something?"

Zang Xin asked Yu Guanzhi who was known as the Divine Brush Douluo.

"It was only a few that raised concern about what will happen if we do this mission. Some of them stated there was no guarantee that we could bring down two planes that were above our own at the same time."

Yu Guanzhi couldn't blame some of them for being concerned about this operation. As they could barely contend with the Abyssal Plane which they found out during this month was a Semi-Divine Plane.

A plane that had broken through the limits of a normal plane and was on its way to becoming a God-Realm.

From the words of Gu Yuena, the Abyssal Realm has broken free from being a 3-dimensional space and reached the 4th Dimension.

Allowing it to house beings and creatures that had surpassed most of humanity. And that the other two planes which have the Arkadians and Mortuus were also at the same level left them all at a loss.

The fact that they were fighting one Semi-Divine plane was terrifying enough but now they had to contend against two of them?

The parliament wanted assurance from this meeting that the operation can be completed. If this operation were to fail, they wouldn't just be losing some Soul Masters.

But a huge chunk of their powerhouses, weakening their strength even further. And that wasn't taking in the fact that the Mortuus Creatures can revive those who died to them, under their command.

So the thought of fighting their Powerhouse was something the Federation didn't wish for.

"The three planes will be at their weakest right now, so we have to capitalize this immensely before they recover."

"I understand, but they want a guarantee that this will work."

"...I can understand that."

Qiangu Dongfeng spoke up with a nod of his head. He wouldn't be okay with sending his men on a mission like this. Without a guaranteed level of success, not even 50 or 70% but at the bare minimum of 30%.

"So can you guarantee a chance of success?"


Without any hesitation, Yun Ming easily answered Yu Guanzhi's questioned causing him to turn to Yun Ming.

"Even though those beings are God-Level? From my understanding, we can't harm them-"

"We can't but Gu Yuena, Na'er, and Tang Wulin can."

At the mention of Tang Wulin, Yu Guanzhi fell silent. With Tang Wulin also being at the First Class level and testimony from Yun Ming and the others.

That he was able to fight all three peak First-Class beings without losing out and even occasionally suppressing them. The federation has been eager to have him fight on the front-line when the other plane invaded them.

Believing with his power, they could win the war alone with just him.

'But I doubt it would be that simple... I wouldn't be surprised if those creatures weren't trying to come up with a countermeasure-'

"The one who came up with the plan to strike two of the planes at the same time was Tang Wulin?"


"Is it because he fears they will make countermeasure for him? Decreasing the chances for humanity?"


Yun Ming only knew that the heaven calamity that was striking down on those First Class Gods would fade away by the end of the month.

Leaving them weakened and severely damaged, which was why Tang Wulin proposed this. Him wanting to destroy them before they could construct a countermeasure for him wouldn't be out of the question.

"They already know the leaders of the two planes are severely injured and will be a focus on recovering. Allowing us to catch them off guard and end them. So just tell them that we have a 70% chance of success. "

"Hmm. Do you, though?"


Yun Ming chose to believe in his student, Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin abilities to kill those God-Level beings in this operation.

"What about you Pagoda Master? Sea God Pavilion Master?"

Yu Guanzhi glanced at Na'er and Gu Yuena who had been silent during this meeting that they were having at Shrek.

"Raaul and Klun will be dead by the end of this operation."

Gu Yuena bluntly stated causing some of the people there to be surprised while Yu Guanzhi stared at her deeply for a bit.

"...I will hold you to that. You all have the approval."


Zang Xin got up from his chair while stretching his body, leading Yun Ming and Cao Dezhi to shake their heads at his antics.

"When will you guys be undergoing the operation?"

"Tomorrow, we already completed everything and just needed the Federation off our back."

"Haha, isn't it always like that?"

Yu Guanzhi shook his head with a faint laugh before he looked at Yun Ming.

"Please Ming, you must kill those two leaders or humanity will suffer a loss that will take thousands of years to recover from."


The next day came swift, on the Star Lou Continent where the pillar was located.

"You guys are already ready huh?"

"You don't have to hide your irritation behind a pout."

Cao Dezi commented with a sigh, understanding his adoptive daughter Ling Zichen was angry about her lack of progress.

During the months after they pushed back the other two planes, she has been working on learning about the Mortuus Pillars. To her, this was a treasure trove filled with information about outer space and other planes.

From what they told her, the Mortuus Plane have been plundering and taking over other planes for their evolution. To others, this might be something terrifying and dangerous but to her, it was an astounding opportunity.

The amount of knowledge and technology that the Mortuus Plane must have gained from those other civilizations must have been abundant.

Knowledge that she can't wait to get her hands-on. In fact, Ling Zichen hoped the Mortuus Plane did a lot of plundering.

So far, she has been able to gain some information on their language, allowing her to figure out what exactly these pillars were.

Essentially they were transporters used by the Mortuus Plane to teleport their soldiers from their plane towards others.

What was so amazing about this type of mechanics was there wasn't much one can do to guard against this.

Unless you were on the same level of Dimensional-space as them, then these pillars would be able to pierce through.

All lower-level planes' defense that was established by them. Ling Zichen has been trying to figure out a way to start up the pillars and have them send their soldiers to the Mortuus Plane.

But to this day, she wasn't able to get anywhere, although she knew the true reason.

She wasn't a God-level being, so the chances of being able to utilize their technology or gain much from this were low.

Which pissed her off immensely but there wasn't much she could do unless she became a God or has one of them operate it for her.

"Can you guys really operate?"

"Hmm, we should. All we have to do is forcibly take control of the pillar and command it to teleport us."

Gu Yuena replied, causing Ling Zichen to pout even more before sighing as she knew it wasn't time to get in one of her moods.

"Alright, so this is your set-up?"

Ling Zichen glanced and saw this team was made up of Yun Ming, Tang Wulin friends except for Liu Yexin and Dai Yun'er.

"Yeah, the others are guarding the pillars or at the Abyssal Passage in the case for any other new invasion."

Ling Zichen nodded in agreement at this, although she wouldn't mind the Abyssal Plane invading again so she could get their technology.

But of course, that would mean her father would be in danger, something she didn't want.

"I don't see Tang Wulin with you guys... I dislike him immensely."


Xie Xie couldn't help but laugh at Ling Zichen's statement while the others only chuckled, understanding where she was coming from.

During the whole month, Tang Wulin had either avoided her or been in deep-sleep when she came around. Stopping her from asking him any questions and seeing if she could gain some of his blood.

Something that left the girls at a loss but at the same time they gracefully accept it. Not wishing to be involved in any of Ling Zichen's weirdness for no reason, since they doubt Tang Wulin would allow her to draw his blood.

"Alright, it's about time we start the invasion."

Gu Yuena began moving towards the pillar while the others followed behind her closely. As her hand touched the pillar, it began releasing a seven-color light that caused the pillar to tremble a bit.

Before it erupted in seven-color that began to shroud Gu Yuena and the others around her.

"A bit cliche but the world is counting on you guys, so don't screw it up."

"None of that for now."

Cao Dezhi hastily covered his daughter's mouth, not desiring her to say anymore. Ling Zichen only grumbled but she didn't say anything else as the light fully enveloped the people in front of them.

Before it shot straight up, piercing through the skydome and going straight into space.

"Tang Wulin should be moving towards the Arkadian Plane about now."

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