Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 401: Creation Pathway

Chapter 401: Creation Pathway

"According to your estimation, how many of your moves can you combine with the Creation Energy at the moment?" Hui Mei asked Tang Wulin, leading him to go silent for a bit.

Before he stretched out his hand which began to produce Creation Energy while replying: "Maybe about half of them? The complicated ones like my Forbidden Techniques or the higher-level will need more time."

Hui mei nodded in agreement.

From what he knew, Tang Wulin wasn't Sheng Ming level when it came to understanding the Creation Energy. Which shouldn't be a surprise, considering this was an energy she has been training and utilizing for millions of years.

It wasn't wrong to classify Sheng Ming as a master over the concept of Life and Creation, which is what she embodies. Yet, their son Tang Wulin in only a few days had already reached a terrifying level.

If him not producing the powers of True Creation and Destruction wasn't a clear enough indication. Then the fact he can already use Creation Energy as the foundation for at least half of his technique and abilities should be.

Not only that but Tang Wulin already mentioned that by the end of the month, his comprehension should either reach Sheng Ming level.

Or even surpass her.

In one month his son had the opportunity to surpass his wife when it comes to her knowledge of Creation. And it wasn't just Creation but even Destruction as well, simply because of the memories he will be getting.

And this made them very grateful because Wulin needed all of the advantages he could get. They didn't wish for their son to end up destroyed by the Universal law or Typhoon.

While Hui Mei was lost in thought, Tang Wulin stretched out both of his hands, two black and golden lights were released from his hand.

Before then he smashed them together; he felt them swirling and cycling with each other, closely intertwining.

They were his Faith and Devil Energy that was being meshed together, with the Creation Energy at the center. Which was helping to keep these two energies together while reducing the friction between them.

This energy continued to swirl before they began to erupt as Tang Wulin thrust out his hand. Which unleashed a piercingly brilliant golden light with dark streaks that blasted out, devouring the hills and mountain in front.

Leaving behind a deep gash in the realm, as wells destroy the hills and mountains in front.

"This is the effect just from these polar opposite energies working together?"

Tang Wulin eyes held a gleam in them as he reflected on the previous reaction between these two polar opposite powers. Generally, everything happens as expected, two polar opposite powers will clash with each other, generating a terrifying reaction.

Yet with the added fusion of Creation Energy, he felt the reaction taking on evolution and being amplified. He theorizes that Creation Energy helped push the reactions to an even deeper level, amplifying its might.

Without losing any of its firepower and ferocity, allowing him to unleash the maximum destructive might of these two powers.

"I'm good for Destructive might, so I could now focus on Agility Techniques... But instead of making one, I could improve on an older type that I made before." Tang Wulin began to contemplate over this aspect.

At the moment he had various powers, all of which utilize a different type of element. Destruction, Lightning, Death, Curse, etc, with him being able to combine some of them.

But not all of them as the problem was it would clash too much with the others.

"But with the Creation Energy, I should be able to find a balance with them, although I will have to remove the Destruction element. To avoid any clash with the Creation Energy.

As Tang Wulin muttered all of this, his figure had begun trembling before his Light Wings began appearing behind him.

Before there were only six wings but after his Realm in a Body evolution to the Semi-Divine Plane level, an extra two wings were added.

Eight Wings gave off a shimmering light before they erupted in various energies. Two pairs of wings crackled with lightning and death. Another two pairs shimmered with curses and faith that gave off a dreadful feeling.

Another pair were golden crimson that released a terrifying killing intent and madness. Another pair was made out of the water and life energy with the final pair holding the powers of time and spatial flucations.

He tested them out a bit, the results terrifying.

When all eight of his wings shook gently. Lightning and death radiance surged out like a raging sea.

Curses withered everything around while faith energy shattered it, leaving nothing intact.

A river of blood and corpse was formed with all of them screaming and releasing raving fully of madness.

A tidal wave of water blasted out, sweeping through the area with life energy rushing alongside it.

While time started collapsing and aging everything while the spatial energy shattered everything around, leaving nothing intact.

All around Tang Wulin was a myriad of destruction, all caused by his eight wings that were amped by the Creation Energy and each other.

"Amazing, I didn't think the results would be so terrifying. But what about its speed now?"

Hui Mei commented as he glanced all around, seeing the destruction continuing for a bit before the realm started to restore itself.

Tang nodded before his wings flapped once and he vanished from Hui Mei's vision. Turning into a streak of myriad colors.

A streak that appeared right behind Hui Mei while producing an ear-shattering sound. Hui Mei blinked his eyes as he turned to Tang Wulin, a hint of shock in his eyes.


"Fast would be an understatement... While it isn't like the Time-Space Shuttle that allows us Gods to travel anywhere in the lower dimensional, even through time. Those wings allow you to move faster than those in your level can react, making them terrifying."

Tang Wulin nodded at Hui Mei's assessment, as with just a step, he was able to vanish from Hui Mei's sight and divine sense.

Before reappearing behind him.

"Funny enough, Creation can amplify even those that can be considered its opposite."

Just as Tang Wulin uttered, his eyes began to turn sunken while glowing with a crimson-scarlet light.

While a pitch-black aura began to spread out from him, moving out like a mass of black that silent and deadly.

'Death Obliterate.'

In an instant, that space in front of Tang Wulin surged with vast amounts of pitch-black light without warning, sealing in a deathlike stillness.

The pitch-black light blasted out like a raging sea, annihilating everything in front. All matter, spiritual energy, soul power, space, time, and life were reduced to absolute nothingness.

Even the dimensional spaces of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions were being obliterated, now ceasing to exist for an instant.

Leaving an area that was reaped of all life and energy, as if the God of Death brought everything to their end.

Tang Wulin eyes then began to erupt with a golden-green light as life energy burst from him, spreading out like a gentle wave.

Restoring the area in front of what it was before the wave of death.

"Creation can amplify all energies except Destruction. Even those subgradients of destruction can be amplified because Creation is a higher level than them."

Hui Mei replied, causing Tang Wulin to nod his head in agreement, he could feel Death was a lower subgradient of Destruction.

Similar to how Life was a lower level of Creation, both of them equaling each other in level and potency.

"With those techniques amplified by Creation, you should be able to deal with those First Class trash easily."

Sheng Ming's voice rang out as she walked towards them with a faint smile. Yet Hui Mei's lips twitched, easily able to tell his wife was still pissed and enraged at those First Class beings.

Truly living up to the saying, hell hath no fury like a woman scorn.

"With these wings, your speed and battle prowess has increased once again."

Tang Wulin nodded his head to Sheng Ming. These wings allow for terrifying close combat abilities as they could lash out.

With various energies that were all on the First Class lever because of his wings being a Semi-Divine.

Truthfully, the biggest reason for this accomplishment of the Creation Energy. That allowed him to produce such a terrifying result from its amplification and encompassing balance between the other energies.

It wasn't wrong to say Tang Wulin accomplished something that would have taken him years in only an hour.

"Hehe, remember. Creation is all-encompassing and emphasizes the balance of all existence. It's the energy where most or all energy derived from and the energy that amplifies all other energies except for destruction."

Sheng Ming said with Hui Mei nodding his head in agreement, although he was hoping for Tang Wulin to start working on his Destruction.

"If you're done over there, it's about time you gain a better understanding of the higher-dimensional space?"

Old Tang's voice rang out as he appeared next to Tang Wulin, a trident in his hand. As he asked this of Tang Wulin, he nodded to Hu Mei and Sheng Ming who returned the gesture.

Both of them already knew who Old Tang was, with him being the one that Hui Mei talked to other than Sheng Ming. Since he was technically Tang San but just a strand of divine sense like them.

To Hui Mei, it was a slight blessing to be able to talk to his old friend, without the pressure of the realm. Allowing them to act like how they were before, just with no aggressiveness or tension between each other.

Although it was a bit awkward when Old Tang saw both he and Sheng Ming calling Wulin their child. But Old Tang didn't mind since they gave him their bloodline and have been actively aiding him any way they can.

'But Xiao Wu on the other hand...'

Hui Mei shivered when he thought she would do when she found out. Well, the silver-lining was if she found out, then Tang Wulin would have survived Typhoon and the Universal Law.

"No, the memories will be covering that problem."

"It can even cover that? Then again you are gaining a limitless amount from various parallel worlds."

"So that means we can let the memories do all of the work and work on relaxing!"

Sheng Ming perked up with this thought as she moved towards Tang Wulin with a smile. Old Tang and Hui Mei didn't stop her, not willing to receive irritation for being an obstacle in her pursuit of spending time with Wulin.

But Tang Wulin shook his head before replying to her.

"I need achieving the final level of the Golden Ahrat body... Then take some time to explore the city."

"That is true, you haven't achieved the final level or saw the recent changes to the city."

Old Tang nodded his head at this while Sheng Ming only sighed before also agreeing. As Tang Wulin growth was far more important than anything at the moment.

"So you're going to start now?"



Over the course of the days, the Alvarez Empire has been receiving visits from various people, across the world.

Some of them came from the Star Luo Continent, others from the Dou Lin Empire, and the rest from the Douluo Continent.

All of them came for a similar goal of wishing to see Tang Wulin, the first First-Class god in the world since the Huo Yuhao era.

The world knew that Gu Yuena also became God, shocking them as well but it didn't hit as hard as Tang Wulin reaching the First Class.

Yet they never have been able to get a sight of him as he stayed inside of the Alvarez Empire Garden, never once leaving it. But even with this, people still came and stayed for a bit, wishing to explore the Alvarez Empire.

But the strangest thing was some of those who came would kneel in front of the palace of the empire. All praying to Tang Wulin, as if they were acknowledging him as their God.

This wasn't just the humans but also the Soul-Beast, joining in this.

Leading to more and more formless faith energy to be formed from them. Which led to the streams of Faith Energy to move through the streets of Alvarez, straight towards Tang Wulin in the garden.

Although he never left the garden, he did gain many visitors with the most frequent one being his parents, Lang Yue and Tang Ziran.

While both of them felt something was off with Tang Wulin, they couldn't pinpoint it. But similarly to the others and his girlfriends, they decided to just trust Tang Wulin.

Something he noticed but never talked or mentioned to them about.


During this month, Mu Xi and the others were undergoing intense training. The Nine Dragon Kings push them over their limits while utilizing the Dragon Graveyard to restore them.

Allowing them to do continuous training through the month without much need of rest. Xu Xiaoyan was training with the Water Dragon King who was pushing her to gain a deeper understanding of the water and ice element.

Telling her she has barely touched the law level and needs to grasp the origin level if she wished to break into the God-Level.

Her training was more physical than others, the Water Dragon King engulfing her in the raging sea that she would create.

While the Fire Dragon King would train Liu Yuxin and Xu Lizhi in both fire and destruction elements.

The Fire Dragon King would have Xu Lizhi work on his destructive might, as he already had control down for his level.

Liu Yuxin was gaining a firmer grasp onto her fire-element. This training process was similar for the others as well, with them either gaining a higher-understanding of their element or mastery.

They were also absorbing the Origin Energy from the Lacrima Tang Wulin gave the Nine Dragon Kings. With it being a reward for them, the more they progressed with their comprehension and understanding.

Regardless, all of them made terrifying growth in this month, with all of them breaking into the Limit Douluo level.

As the Origin Energy inside was enough to push this growth and their comprehension allowing the seamless transition.

This continued for the whole month before it was coming close to the invasion of the two planes.

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