Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 409: Stream of Time

Chapter 409: Stream of Time

As Klun saw the maelstrom of time beginning to compress down, it began to release a sigh of relief.

Thankful it didn't have to utilize its final trump card.

But it was then a dazzling light erupted from the pale maelstrom in front!

Earth-shattering dragon roars resounded through, as countless spectral dragon heads began to appear around the maelstrom.

Such a scene caused Klun to be shocked, but its shock grew even more in the next scene.

A scaled arm holding a trident burst through the maelstrom of time. One that was colored with gold and black lights with draconic symbols on it.

If one was to look closely, they would notice it was an armored gauntlet instead of that was grasping the golden trident.

'He can actually resist? He should have already been sent across different parts of time!'

Klun watched in disbelief as the maelstrom of time trembled as another arm burst through, also covered in gold with streaks of black.

Inside the maelstrom of time, Tang Wulin was unleashing all of his abilities to give him the extra strength to escape this prison.

And so the first time in years, he unleashed his Battle Armor that was made out of the Dragon God Torso and the Dragon King bones.

After he became an equivalent to a First-Class God, he could now bring out most of its power unlike before.

Since the armor was already an Ultra Divine, he required an extremely strong body to withstand its amplification and strength.

A body that was close to the God-King level with cultivation around the First-Class level. His whole body began to be covered with golden armor that had nine-colored lines intersecting around the edges.

With Draconic symbols appearing all around the armor, he could feel the armor supplying him with overwhelming strength.

Unlike other Battle Armors, his own was able to give an even more terrifying boost because of its special attribute that involved his body.

It follows that the stronger his body was the stronger the Battle Armor would boost him.

It wasn't wrong to say depending on the overall strength of his body, this Battle Armor could equal multiple divine weapons in the same rank.

With his body holding 7 Semi-Ultra Divine weapons alongside the Golden Dragon King and his other powers boost.

His Battle Armor was giving him a boost equivalent to taking power from Three Ultra Divine weapons.

'Still not enough.'

Tang Wulin could feel the maelstrom of time trying to suppress him as his arms began struggling against the maelstrom.

As he tried to take power from the two Ultra Divine weapons in his hand, the maelstrom was trying to obstruct it.

As if it was terrifying Tang Wulin would become if it allowed him to leech power from two Ultra Divine weapons.

Such a thing surprised him a bit, but he already knew the reason.

The maelstrom of time was displacing the connection between him and the Ultra Divine, constructing a barrier between them.

The connection would return in a bit but by them, he would have been mostly scattered across time.

So he simply decided to take even more power from his body. His body began to be covered with immortal qi as the soul bones that were inside him began to burst with power.

Feeling his strength elevating once more, bringing him past the 8th-Ring god level and close to the realm of a God-King.

Yet he knew it wouldn't be enough and that he didn't have much time as the maelstrom was close to sending him across time.

In the next moment, his body erupted with even more power!

Tang Wulin began drawing everything from his body which in turn increased the amplification of his Battle Armor.

He was able to break even more of the maelstrom, allowing Klun to see his eyes that were erupting in gold.

"Give up! Even if you try and push yourself, it's impossible to break through the God-King realm that way!"

Klun roared out as it glared at Tang Wulin who was struggling with the maelstrom of time. It knew unless Tang Wulin was a God-King, he would never be able to break away from this attack.

This was a maelstrom that came from the rivers of time! While it was only a small portion of the storm, it was enough to erase all being below the God-King level.

Unless you were a God-King, it was meaningless to try and resist!

Tang Wulin was gritting his teeth while eyeing Klun who was glaring at him, yet his next words shocked Klun.

"I already told you, I am not like you."

Tang Wulin began to open the 15th Golden Dragon King seal, which burst out in the next moment.

As a golden-red aura burst out, turning the maelstrom of time into crimson-red!

Tang Wulin felt the destruction and madness of the Golden Dragon King exploding in his blood before fusing into every part of his body.

The feeling was truly extraordinary.

His body underwent another transformation. The blazing hot aura was pushing his body such that his aura increased exponentially.

He felt a stream of energy rushing through his whole body, blazing hot as it began to amplify his body even more.

Even with how powerful his body had become, the 15th seal of the Golden Dragon King was still amplifying it at a terrifying rate.

Old Tang told him that the Golden Dragon King's fifteenth layer seal could compare to the combination of the fourteen prior seals.

As its full power would not only affect his own body but his sea of spirit. Fortunately, Tang Wulin Sea of spirit had already reached the First-Class Peak, so this wasn't an issue.

Klun's expression was turning grim as the second past.

It could sense that Tang Wulin's own strength was at the doorstep of the God-King realm, only needing one more push to break that boundary.

Such a thought terrified Klun as the distance between a First Class and a God-King was infinite! Yet Tang Wulin was actually pushing towards it, wishing to cross and breakthrough that infinite distance.

Even if it was only temporarily, it knew it would not only be world-shocking but it would also be destroyed in a process.

As it had no hope of beating a God-King at its level! It required one to master and absorb all of the 4-D space to be considered a Peak First-Class God.

But a God-King already occupies an innumerable amount of infinite 4-D spaces inside of their own 5-D beings.

The gap was still too huge to even try and resist!

The internals of Tang Wulin body was a blazing inferno, as the Golden Dragon King continued filling with his energy.

Not only was it amplifying his strength but recovering his lost energy from before.

But knowing this wasn't enough, he started to take another step!

An aura that wishes to ruthlessly suppress the Heaven and Earth began spreading from the maelstrom of time, leading everything to shiver.

Whether it be the natural elements, laws, or even the realm itself!

A brazen, tyrannical, overbearing, and dazzling aura suddenly burst out, so bright that it dimmed everything in the whole realm.

A gigantic figure began appearing above the realm, blurry and vague. Yet the figure gave off an overwhelming presence, one that seemed to come across from every era.

A supreme being that remained unrivaled throughout the ages, one that was above all!

'Forbidden Heaven and Earth.'

Tang Wulin felt his body being covered with even more immortal qi, his strength erupting explosively, shattering the walls before him.

His body becomes giving off a mysterious and unpredictable presence.

'Dragon Emperor Domination!'

His overall strength in the next moment, shot past the First Class God stage, into the God-King realm. As he hacked out the maelstrom of time that was swirling around him, his figure rushing out with terrifying speed.

Appearing right behind Klun with his two ultra divine orbiting around him and filling him with strength.

As it began to temporarily boost his strength that was at the early God-King level, even more, rushing towards the peak.

Klun was in disbelief, not understanding how Tang Wulin could surpass the First-Class God realm without his ultra divine.

But that didn't matter, as Tang Wulin fist that was distorting the area around them. It gave off a multi-colored light, that seemed to contain all types of elements.

While Klun figure began to turn spectral, twisting space and time as it felt its divine sense screaming at it.

But if this wasn't enough, it utilizes 60 percent of its energy to instantly displace its figure out of this time axis.

Not existing in the present, past, or even future just as it felt Tang Wulin appear behind.

"It doesn't matter if you go outside of time, I will forcibly drag you back if I have to."

Tang Wulin spoke as his fist swirled with power, as heaven and earth began to appear, wrapping around his fist.

Layers after layers began wrapping support Tang Wulin, amplifying his strength. While creation began to wrap around the fist, amplifying it even further and forcing it beyond what it's capable of.

'Forbidden Possibilities.'

When he brandished his fist, heaven and earth trembled!

The chanting of dragons and gods began resounding throughout the whole world.

Tang Wulin blasted out his fist, which began breaking space and the void around it. His fist began shooting towards Klun who was outside of time, reaching the area where Klun was in an instant.

Yet instead of going through Klun figure, it began to hit a wall before shattering that boundary to the disbelief of Klun.

'Dragon Emperor.'

The fist had broken through time, streaking straight towards Klun whose eyes narrowed before it swiped its hand.

Space around Klun began to twist before Klun and Tang Wulin fist. The next moment was separated by a countless number of vortexes.

Each vortex was swirling with time fragments, all of them a portal to a different point in time. With Klun moving back as it continued creating these vortexes.

Klun produced its strongest defense, betting everything on this final endeavor. Hoping that Tang Wulin fist would be sent to another point in time, giving it time to capitalize.

Yet Tang Wulin fist didn't stop even for a second, smashing into the first portal before plowing straight through it.

All of the portals were instantly shattered to Klun shock but if that wasn't enough, Tang Wulin fist reached it in the next moment.


This was the true essence of Tang Wulin's new Forbidden Emperor Technique!

If the enemy wishes to escape, chase after them!

If there was an obstacle, break through it!

There is a vortex or layer of defense in front? Obliterate it!

The enemy tried to run away, utilizing its power to escape out of time? Hunt down the foe no matter what!

The fist was too fast! As if the distance between it and Klun wasn't even a factor to it.

Tang Wulin fist smashed straight into Klun, forcibly hauling it back into their present time as the space around them shattered.

Klun's face instantly shattered, with cracks appearing all around its figure before Klun was sent flying straight towards the ground.

Like a released arrow, Klun's figure crashed into the ground!

This led to the whole realm shaking, as the ground began to uplift, producing giant fissures and raptures.

That was over five hundred kilometers wide, leading to the realm to start breaking apart. While Tang Wulin eyes narrowed as he felt Klun figure continue its path through the ground.

Forbidden Heaven and Earth Dragon Emperor Domination!

Forbidden Possibilities Dragon Emperor Pierce!

These were Tang Wulin's two new techniques that he only recently just made during this fight. He utilizes the memories and all of his skill to create these techniques in the heat of the battle.

Emperor Domination was an auxiliary and domain skill that amplified his own power. By the same amount as multiple Divine Weapons in his rank.

Leading to his strength to feel like it was being amplified by at least three Semi-Divine weapons. While also lowering his opponent by overall power 50% just from the domain being produced.

He only just created the technique, having no chance to fully master it, and yet the boost and debuff were so terrifying!

With the domain active, he can create a field around that makes the forces of destiny, causality, and the laws useless.

Allowing him to be out of their control while this domain is active, empathizing its wishes of wanting to suppress the heavens.

While his Emperor Pierce was a far simpler skill. It was an attack that pierced through all obstacles, too fast and all-killing.

Meaning it was an attack that goes through all defense and resistance while manipulating forces of probability.

To compress all of the future possibilities of Tang Wulin fist into one singular one. Just like when his fist blasted towards Klun, it had only one goal.

Which was striking Klun, leading all of Klun's attempts to ultimately fail, as the outcome was already set from the very beginning.

It wasn't wrong to say Tang Wulin made two Forbidden Techniques that were simply too terrifying.

Requiring him to merge most if not all of his techniques to create these two Forbidden Techniques, which were stronger than his other ones.

As the rumbling of the realm continued, indicating that it was being damaged even more.

Tang Wulin finally senses Klun's body reaching the core of the realm before it crashes into it.

Leading to the realm to shake once more before temporal explosions started to erupt throughout the world.

But Tang Wulin ignored those as he narrowed his eyes, knowing that Klun wasn't dead just yet. As he sensed Klun's life signature with his fortune sense telling and warning him that Klun still lived.

His wings flapped once before he vanished from where he was, appearing at the core of the realm and seeing the wounded Klun opening up a portal.

Klun glared once at Tang Wulin before rushing inside of the portal, Tang Wulin instantly followed as well.

His figure turned into a streak of light as he went straight into the portal, which began to close. As the plane continued to rumble and break apart with the Arkadians being caught in its eruptions.

Just as a nine-colored storm began to appear, crackling with fury and rage.

It was the Universal Law!

It was seeking the aura of Creation that once struck it a month before after it didn't feel it from those other beings.

While rage did remain in it. It was mostly clear-minded and knew what Tang Wulin did, hence its unparallel rage.

But it was too late, Tang Wulin had already vanished from this realm.

Once it found out about this, it rained hell upon this collapsing plane.

Erasing it from this universe.


As Tang Wulin leaped out of the portal with Klun in front of him, he instantly knew he wasn't in his luminous galaxy.

Just from looking at the gigantic deep blue river that was flowing down below him, as he began falling.

One that he saw before as his mind was being shattered, it was none other than the River of Time.

He saw the flowing river of time, the years overflowing, the mellow radiance of time surging in a place that seems to gently stretch across the whole universe.

That river of time was roaring, rushing over from the distance, continuous waves could be seen that were scattering out time.

But upon a closer look, one could see every spec was a piece of history!

Indeed, each of these droplets contained events from the past, present, and even the future. Some contained extraordinary events; some were peaceful, some were chaotic and some were horrifying.

Just from him being here, Tang Wulin could see scenes of history one after another, ones that happened in the past. As well as those that are happening in the present and future at the same point in time.

"You actually followed me here!"

Klun looks at Tang Wulin as if he was stupid, not understanding why he would follow. One has to understand this was a place that was dangerous to even First-Class gods themselves.

If they made a wrong move, they could get lost at a different point in time, leaving them lost with no hope of returning.

This was only because those Gods wouldn't know where to go or how to traverse the rivers to return back to their time.

As the Rivers of Time contain too many possibilities and changes, making it hard to decipher where to go unless you were a God-King.

Beings that could see the multiverse of countless universes at the same point in time.

Klun didn't have to worry much because it was born from this place and was connected to all of the Arkadians across time.

So it wouldn't need to do much to find its way.

But it couldn't say the same for Tang Wulin.

"Don't worry about me. I just need to die."

"You want to kill me this badly!"

Tang Wulin figure appeared in front of Klun with his fist blasting out while Klun brought its arms to deflect the attack.

Klun grimaces as Tang Wulin fist breaks its arm before it sends its flying towards the River Of Time.

But Tang Wulin didn't let up as he swiftly dashed towards Klun, moving to end it all. As his fist erupted with True Destruction as he swiftly began to unleash his forbidden technique.

Tang Wulin blasted out with his fist, plowing straight towards Klun and smashing right into it.

His fist drove a hole right through Klun, with True Destruction beginning to break down its body and turning it into nothingness.

Yet a streak of light left Klun's body, with a spectral figure forming in the next moment away from where Tang Wulin was.

Tang Wulin knew it was Klun's divine soul that was able to remove itself from time, allowing Tang Wulin attack to not affect it.

Before it reappeared in front.

"You're just like a cockroach."

Tang Wulin let out a sigh but before he could rush towards Klun's divine soul, he felt the whole River of Time beginning to shake.

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