Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 410: Story Ends Here

Chapter 410: Story Ends Here

Tang Wulin wasn't imagining it. The whole River of Time really was shaking!

The stream of water down below was shaking, some of it splashing upwards, almost hitting Tang Wulin.

Who saw scenes of a great era inside of these droplets of water as they shot upwards before falling to the river.

The rumbling became even louder, as the water started exploding outwards all around them, sending water out.

But if that wasn't enough, Tang Wulin and Klun started to hear the sounds of laughter. Even though the thunderous sound of the river shaking, this laugh swept past them.

A burst of laughter that made Tang Wulin's soul tremble, made his sea of spirit shudder as blood leaked out from his nose.

Yet neither Klun and Tang Wulin was able to tell where it was coming.

"It's coming!"

Even though this area was its home, Klun couldn't help but tremble. Its eyes were shining with a pale light, forcibly moving through the memories of all of the Arkadians and itself to figure out what was coming.

In that instant, Klun felt itself receiving all of the Arkadians' memories across space and time. From the past to the future, all of it was devoured by it and examined in seconds.

Despite this being the case, it still couldn't find anything!

But it was then the River of Time began to go silent, no longer rumbling. Leaving Klun at a loss on what was going on while Tang Wulin eyes narrowed.

"So you have finally come."

An ancient and cold voice rang out, leading to a pause in the area.

Before a massive rumble rang through the area as a massive swell of water began coming out the River of Time.

While countless vortexes began to form in the River of Time, the power of heaven and earth could be felt from these vortexes.

The time fragments were too strong in these vortexes, fragments of time everywhere, distorting the voice and reversing time.

But the most shocking part of this was that in these vortexes that held the scenes of so many great eras, it was constantly changing.

Such a thing should be impossible as everything was set and bound in the Rivers of Time unless one could change the space and time.

As that was happening, the swell continued to rise, producing a massive tsunami as it continued to rise.

Before an earth-shattering roar rang through the whole area, with the swell of water bursting outwards.

Sweeping through the whole area, forcing Tang Wulin and Klun to move upwards, while struggling against the shockwave.

It didn't take them long to reach high enough where the waves wouldn't touch them. While also allowing them to see just what came out of the River of Time.

It was gigantic.

Size surpassing a whole galaxy, towering over the River Of Time.

The creature had a body made out of scales for its chest area and inner hide. They were colored gold with ancient symbols that could be seen on them, on top of its head were a hundred heads of dragons.

Reality warped whenever the dragons breathed, down below the creature lacked legs and instead had a serpentine tail.

That was deep inside of the rivers of time, which was surging around its tail. But the most terrifying thing was the creature's deep golden eyes, which seem to contain all possibility.

The sun, the moon, and stars flashed in its eyes before a universe was formed and then a multiverse and more.

It was strange yet horrifying as if this creature's whole existence was ever-changing.

The droplets of time scattering as they began raining down, some of its dripping off the creature's body form.

Klun released a grim laugh as it stared at the massive figure before it. It didn't know who it was, but it felt completely helpless, unable to detect anything.

"...So it's you, Typhoon."

When Klun heard those words, its figure trembled while its face showed signs of despair as it stared at the towering entity.

"How... Its true body should still be sealed... Even if it tried coming to the past, it shouldn't be able to do so since the River Of Time doesn't allow it..." Klun spoke slowly.

Even with Typhoon's terrifying prowess, the Rivers of Time should have stopped it from coming back while it was sealed.

This was a River that contained all of the time and history of the whole realm.

It wasn't something Typhoon could challenge unless it wished to call upon the wrath of the Universal Law.

Yet... Nothing happened, the Universal Law didn't appear to destroy Typhoon or send it back to the future.

"It didn't come from the future."

As Tang Wulin spoke out, Klun eyes widened, glancing at him before muttering.

"Then that would mean... It has been unsealed in our present time?"

Tang Wulin didn't say anything else, while Klun was left in despair.

Simply staring at Typhoon's towering figure with a lifeless look in its eyes. It showed no sign of retaliating as if it knew all opposition was simply useless against a being like Typhoon.

"Indeed, I have been unsealed for a while. Although a lot faster than I originally planned, it was all thanks to you... Tang Wulin."

Typhoon spoke out, his voice shaking the whole River Of Time and space around the two figures below him.

"Because... Of him... What is he talking about?"

Klun glanced at Tang Wulin but it didn't receive an answer as Tang Wulin was gazing at Typhoon as if he was lost in thought.

Gritting its teeth, Klun turned to Typhoon who was idly gazing at them.

"If you were already unsealed... Why attack us? Why force us to collect energy for you? Why enslave us at all?"

Klun continued raining down questions at Typhoon before its figures froze as Typhoon began to chuckle.

"Don't worry, you all were doing a very important task for me... But for now, it's time for you to leave. Your role is over with."

As Typhoon spoke out, Klun's expression turned ugly but before it could move.

Reality warped and fluctuated, triggering changes!

Tang Wulin blinked only once before he found there was no one around him. Klun was there one second and gone the next as if it was erased instantly.

Even with its other-self that was close to infinite in numbers, that it could use to take the brunt of ability, were useless in this situation,

It was still completely erased!

Showcasing how not even numbers mattered to Typhoon's abilities.

"... The power over possibilities."

Tang Wulin softly muttered as he stared at Typhoon with a complicated look. He knew Typhoon didn't take any action or hacked out with an attack to erase Klun.

No, all he did was simply wished for Klun to be gone, and reality followed his wishes.

Such was the power of a 7th-Dimensional God, any wish or wants it may want, will be brought forth through reality changing.

They ruled over an infinite amount of possibilities, making them truly terrifying foes!

"Now then, since that pest is gone... Why don't you come out, Yggdrasil."

In the next moment, Yggdrasil found herself sitting on Tang Wulin's shoulder, eyes gazing at Typhoon.

No signs of surprise or shock could be seen, only releasing a sigh.


"Yggdrasil, it has been too long..."

"Yes, last time I saw you... You were chained up and dragged into a world with nothing."

"Ahh, yes. That accused seal from those Old Gods truly was an interesting experience. I never thought they would utilize most of their God-Realms and resources for such an endeavor..."Typhoon golden eyes narrowed, a flash of anger burning in its eyes."But it did pay off well for them..."

"Because they were able to beat you?"

"You should know better Yggdrasil. It's only because it saves them from meeting me in the future in my eventual unsealing. Well, unless you believe they would be able to deal with me?"

Yggdrasil fell silent at Typhoon's words. She wasn't sure if the Primordial Gods could really find a way to deal with Typhoon other than sealing.

This was a being who could easily wish for their deaths before they could do anything.

'Which is what it did before...'

The destruction of the Primordial Gods wasn't from them fighting a long and hard battle against Typhoon.

The gap between their strength was too much, even if there were an infinite amount of Primordial Gods back then.

It still wouldn't be enough to challenge Typhoon. The only thing the Primordial Gods could do is set off the seal which alerted Typhoon as he sensed the coming danger.

So Typhoon induced the possibility of the Primordial Gods death, to stop the seal activation. But how could those Gods not perceive this possibility by Typhoon?

It's because of this that they set it to go off and never deactivate even in case of their demise. She knew Typhoon tried to remove that consequence as well but it was far too late, the seal was already on its level.

Just as Typhoon induced the possibility of the Primordial God's death. While also removing the possibility of the seal still working even after their death.

The seal removes the possibility of its vanishing from their deaths, stopping Typhoon's plan from fully working.

Typhoon tried to induce the possibility of it being invulnerable to sealing and all abilities.

But the sealing counter that by removing that possibility before it ended up sealing it to the rage and anger of Typhoon.

"Did you destroy all of the other seals?"

"Hm? Those relics of the past? They have already joined their creators, alongside the plane they were housed in... Well all of them but you."

"Something you plan to rectify soon, I suppose."

Typhoon's smile grew even more vicious, one worthy of its demonic nature.

"Regardless those gods and relics are old news... We should be talking about the present, like the main star of this stage, Tang Wulin."

As Typhoon spoke, his gaze moved from Yggdrasil to Tang Wulin who still had a stoic look on his face.

While Yggdrasil frowns deepen even more.

"Interesting... I still can't see your future even though I am staring at you. What an odd existence you are, no it's a disservice to call you odd, when you surpassed that notion."

"What do you mean?" Yggdrasil questioned but Typhoon only chuckles as he only gave her a mocking look.

"Don't lie to me now Yggdrasil, your ability to see the future isn't lesser than mine even though you're at a weaker level. I'm sure you notice how his fate doesn't appear in the past, present, and future."

"Even with the ability to see infinite possibilities, I can't see Tang Wulin in any of these possibilities... Such a thing should be impossible, yet it's happening before our very eyes."

Such a thing intrigues Typhoon greatly, as his ability to see into the future was unmatched in this Universe.

He could see the future of an infinite number of possibilities! How could anyone hide from his eyes?

Even if you tried hiding your existence in one possibility, what about the other ones?

Unless you were getting helped from the Universal Law, they couldn't escape his eyes that saw everything.

But Tang Wulin's whole existence was defying this rule!

A being who wasn't in the 7th-dimension could hide his future from Typhoon.

"I thought I could figure it out by having met you here... But I still don't understand."

"Why do you even care? It's not like there is anything you wish to hide from."Tang Wulin spoke up causing Typhoon to chuckle as its eyes released a golden light.

"A precaution if you will, for any future existence like you."

"You're doing all of this... Just for that? Why are you so cautious? Don't tell me the seal was able to rattle you this much?"

Tang Wulin asked with a shake of his head, finding it amusing such a being like Typhoon would go so far.

This was an existence that resides in the 7th-dimension, just what did it have to fear? Even if it couldn't see the future and fate of someone, it wouldn't matter in the end.

Because it could still find them through the Universal Law or their actions through the universe.

They couldn't hide from Typhoon forever, especially if they wished to reach the same dimension as him.

"That seal didn't rattle me... But it did open my eyes to some truths and my weakness."

"Can you be any vaguer?"

Yggdrasil asked with a sigh, not in the mood for Typhoon and his vague words. Typhoon didn't mind Yggdrasil's words; he knew she wasn't wrong but also knew she would be able to figure them out in time.

Well, if she had time to.

"Well, this has been an amusing reunion... But it's about time we end this farce."

Tang Wulin and Yggdrasil were silent, gazing at the towering Typhoon who was an existence that far outstrip them.

This wasn't simply being a dimension apart from Typhoon. It was more like being three dimensions apart.

At most, Tang Wulin could push himself to the God-King level with all of his enhancements and divine weapons.

But that was still a far cry from being even a little threat to Typhoon. Their only hope would be the Golden Dragon King madness and Inferno Kill.

As it would allow Tang Wulin power to approach Typhoon and even surpassed him. Yet it meant losing himself in the madness and rage of the Golden Dragon King, with no real way of recovering his mind.

Not only that but he needed to destroy and kill to increase his strength, something Typhoon wouldn't allow.

At the moment, he was really all out of options in terms of fighting him.

Making it so, their only hope was to escape.

Tang Wulin instantly tried to rip open a portal with his wings that surpassed the concept of time and space.

"Not so fast."

Faster than anything he ever saw, all of his wings shattered, scattering down into the River of Time like shards.

But if that wasn't enough, he felt his Battle Armor also shattering, exposing his bare body to the world as it came to a stop.

As if the reality was forcing it to.

All of this happened in an instant!

"No use in struggling, nothing will work."

Tang Wulin felt all of his power being suppressed. No, that wasn't the right word; he felt them being lost to him.

All of his temporal, Forbidden Techniques, Golden Dragon King, Soul Skill, and even his slayer skills were gone.

"No one will be able to help you."

He felt his connection with all of his Spirit Soul being severed. He felt his connection with Old Tang being shut down and even the ones in his Bloodline.

He couldn't feel or hear Sheng Ming or Hui Mei as if the connection between them was cut. Not even his father's seals were responding, nor could he feel it.

"Only thing that remains is this hopeless situation."

Tang Wulin felt it next, a feeling of hopelessness and despair seeping into his figure. It rushed through his body, enveloping his soul, corrupting it as it instilled it with despair and loss.

Submerging his heart, as it squeezed it, no hope or strength remained in there any longer.

It rushed towards his mind, submerging it...

Yet his mind refused to collapse, refuse to be corrupted, and refuse to submit to this feeling of hopelessness.

But even it was having a hard time, as the feeling of hopelessness and despair was wreaking havoc in Tang Wulin.

All because Typhoon said so.

"What a marvelous Willpower, even with my words of wishing for a possibility where you are hopeless... You still try to fight back."

Typhoon stared at Tang Wulin in wonder and admiration. To him, just Tang Wulin being able to resist even a little bit was something astounding.

It should be impossible, yet once again he was breaking that notion.

"Alas, it's useless."

"Your body shall crumble."

Blood splash out!

All of the bones in Tang Wulin were instantly shattered, blood cells were split, organs pulverized and nerves crumbled apart.

"Accept the fate of death. No one can save you. No one can help, and nothing can interfere with this moment."

And this was the truth, Typhoon words were warping reality, bringing forth the possibility where no one can interfere.

"Your story ends here."

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