Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 412: Ugly Fairy, Till The End

Chapter 412: Ugly Fairy, Till The End

In an unknown location, laid the body of Tang Wulin on the ground, with a towering rusted pillar that was forcibly broken in half.


Tang Wulin's figure began twitching as he started opening his eyes. He felt a sharp rang through his mind while he started pushing himself up from the ground.

'Not in the Rivers Of Time anymore... So where is this?'

Tang Wulin spread out his divine sense while glancing around the area. It was a strange place to Tang Wulin; the sky was pitch-black but had purple lights like stars adorned above.

He noticed there were collapsed buildings scattered around with some violent tornadoes that were pitch black sweeping around the area.

"... This might be the graveyard of the Primordial Gods."

Yggdrasil's voice rang out as she appeared on top of Tang Wulin's shoulder, a hint of sadness could be seen in her eyes.

She took it all in, the collapsed buildings, the ruined ground, and destroyed area, a far cry from what it was long ago.

"Their graveyard... Is this where the ultimate battle between Typhoon and them took place?"

"Indeed, the greatest war in all of history took place here. Half of the universe against the Ruler Of The Universe..."

"That's another title for Typhoon?"

"In a way, it's, as he could be considered the strongest existence back then. Regardless, it was a fight that would decide who continued existing... Except it didn't quite go out like that."

"You mean Typhoons getting sealed and the Primordial Gods meeting their end."

Yggdrasil fell silent at Tang Wulin words, as she continued moving her gaze around the area. She never thought she would appear here again, in all honesty, she thought she would be dead before she could ever come back here.

Her main life goal was to act as a seal for Typhoons. This meant the only path for her back then was to continue keeping Typhoon seal or be destroyed by either him or another being.

'Life sure works in mysterious ways.'


An ear-splitting shout rang out as a tiny dragon appeared in a flash of black and white light. The dragon moved around Tang Wulin's body before gently wrapping around his neck and began kissing his cheek.

"Leviathan, so your evolution is finished?"

"Hehe, yes."

Leviathan answered as it started to nuzzle Tang Wulin cheek. Leading to a faint smile appearing on his face as he began caressing Leviathan's head.

"Hm, you should be thanking your little son. If it wasn't for him, you would have been destroyed by the Rivers Of Time."

"He did something? The only thing I recall was being sent flying into the river."

"All I did was stop you from breaking dad! Zeref did most of the work."

Leviathan began to tell Tang Wulin what happened during his time sleeping, how his body was breaking, and how it reversed it.

"You didn't reverse time on me... If I had to guess, what you did was reset the event that happened to me by erasing the present."

"Huh? You figure it out so fast!"

Leviathan was slightly surprised, it didn't think someone could figure out its ability so fast. His dad never once saw it and only heard about what happened yet figured it out so quickly.

Tang Wulin nodded his head; the skill Leviathan utilized was similar to Zeref Neo Eclipse. Whereas Neo Eclipse is resetting time to relive one life, Leviathan's skill was resetting an event and time to erase what was done.

Unlike Neo Eclipse, it seemed Leviathan technique could only reset a time back a few. Still, it was a terrifying skill regardless, as Tang Wulin was already gaining an idea on how to best use it. Although he was a bit surprised Leviathan became his tenth soul ring even after he reached the God level.

"Leviathan, you said Zeref did clasp his hand, and then we were enveloped by a golden sphere?"

"Yea daddy! It was so gigantic but gorgeous... Strangely enough though, after he used that skill he moved towards you and then pressed his hand on your chest. Then another golden light erupts out before the golden sphere finds itself here. It took a bit before the sphere cracked and let us out... But once it did, Zeref told me to tell you something."

"What did he say?"

"...Come find him, the heart is close."

Once Leviathan uttered those words, Tang Wulin let out a sigh. Instantly understanding and grasping the meaning of those words, although a bit confused on the first part.

"He wants you to come to find him? Why couldn't he just wait for you to awaken and then you both go find it?"

"I'm unsure... But knowing Zeref he may not have a choice in the matter."

"I see, alright. Leviathan where did Zeref wander off to?"

"Oh, he said he would be at the depths of this place."

"The depths? Alright, let's go get that trouble maker!"

Yggdrasil promptly announced while striking a pose causing Leviathan to giggle and Tang Wulin to lightly smirk.

And within the next second, they set off towards the depth.

As Tang Wulin traverses through this ruined battlefield, he would sometimes come into contact with these bizarre waves.

They were black as the night, all of them containing both destruction and curse energy as they rushed towards him.

Like a raging sea, they descended on Tang Wulin! But without any hesitation, he blasted out his fist which erupted with Immortal Qi and Creation Energy, his fist blasted the overwhelming wave apart.

As he did this, he continued moving, ruthlessly tearing through any other waves that rushed towards him.

"To think the energies of the Primordial Gods still lingered..."

"They utilize this type of energy?"

"No, they also utilize Immortal Qi, but this is what their Immortal Qi became after their death. Corrupted and destructive, living and festering in this land for far too many years."

Yggdrasil knew that even this would have continued for even more years before the energy was absorbed by the Universe Law.

It would then disperse throughout the universe.

From what she knew, the Universe Law wanted to leave this energy here to make sure none of the Primordial Gods could return.

As even after their deaths, the intent, and will of the Primordials Gods can still be felt around the area. So the Universal Law uses those gods' energy to get rid of them for good, while also using it to mock them.

For their foolishness.

"Wulin... Did you know I couldn't see your fate or your future in any of the possibilities I could see? You didn't seem surprised or shocked when Typhoon said neither he nor I could see it."

"Well yes but not at first..."

"What made you change your mind?"

"Initially I thought you didn't want to tell me because of the fear it may negatively impact me. But after the Typhoon attack when I killed those Dragons, you seemed surprised by this sneak attack. Not only that but even farther back, there were times when your future sight would be essential, yet you couldn't predict it."

"Ahh, so that when you start to suspect... Well, you were right on the money, when it comes to you... I can't see anything; it's as if you are outside the time and fate of this universe."


"You don't happen to know the reason why... Do you? Or how you happened to escape from Typhoon?"

But Tang Wulin didn't answer her as he continued moving forward causing Yggdrasil to pout. Yet she didn't call him out on it, knowing full well he will tell her later when he is ready.

Especially the part about Typhoon. Although she believed he is just waiting to get Zeref back, so he doesn't have to repeat himself.

'What a troublesome Soul Master I am under... But I wouldn't have it any other way~'

After a bit of walking, Tang Wulin found himself walking through the corrupted water. The pitch-black water seems to stretch out infinitely, with no end in sight.

But the strangest thing was the natural laws and natural elements. They weren't like the ones on the Douluo Plane or any other plane he has been to.

They seemed and felt irregular as if the corrupted energy had twisted them somehow. He continued onward, walking on the water while smashing through the periodic tidal waves.

During this, he noticed pieces of land that weren't submerged by the corrupted water. He noted how damaged and wrecked they look though, with buildings being piled upon them.

Not only were their islands but also temples. Some temples looked ancient, others looked advanced, others looked like they were from another dimension, and so on.

The further Tang Wulin went inside this realm, the more traces of the old god he found.

Regardless, it didn't take him long to find the center of this realm. It was being blocked by a raging dark storm that was moving in a maelstrom, blocking out everyone.

With a scoff, Tang Wulin moved forward, his body smashing straight into the storm. He felt like he was being grinded to dust by the storm but he continued marching forward.

After a bit, he broke through into the center of the realm.

And it was then he saw a lone figure who was wearing a regal and formal white toga lined with golden strings.

It was none other than Zeref who turned his head to see Tang Wulin walking towards him causing him to release a faint smile.

"I knew you would make it..."

"Well, I am here... Why did you come here anyway? Does the center have a portal we can use to get out? Or are we here for Fairy Heart-"

Tang Wulin trailed off when he noted the thing that was behind Zeref, a purple crystal that was giving off a glistening glow.

It was surrounded by spikes in a hexagon-like shape. But Tang Wulin's main attention was the crystal itself or more specifically what was inside of it.


Tang Wulin muttered as he saw the familiar golden-haired girl that was able to get even Zeref to fall for her and the founder of Fairy Tail.

"That's Fairy Heart? But why is there a girl in there?"

Yggdrasil asked as she glanced at Zeref who had a sad smile on his face while Tang Wulin was still stoic.

"That's because that girl, Mavis, is Fairy Heart."

"Huh? Are you saying..."

"Yes, her body or well I should say the energy inside of her is Fairy Heart, the infinite power source."

Tang Wulin words left Yggdrasil in shock and disbelief while Leviathan blinked his eyes.

To him, it seems Tang Wulin may have to devour Mavis to gain Fairy Heart.

"So it was here all along... No wonder you said I needed to be at least a First Class god."

"Yeah... The darkness wave would have exterminated you as soon as you came."

"Wait! If you knew about this place, why wouldn't you tell us about it?"

Yggdrasil questioned, but Zeref didn't say anything as he continued staring at Mavis who was encased in the crystal.


"Yggdrasil and Leviathan, go back inside."



Yggdrasil and Leviathan furrowed their brows at Tang Wulin before sighing. Their figure began fading away as they gave Zeref one last look of worry, returning to Tang Wulin sea of spirit.

Leaving only Zeref and Tang Wulin in the area.

But none of them said anything for a bit before Zeref let out a gentle sigh, turning to Tang Wulin with a faint smile.

"Not going to say your final goodbye to her?"

"Not yet... I still have one more... This is our final farewell, Acnologia."

Tang Wulin fell silent at Zeref's words causing Zeref to chuckle.

"I guess I should explain... You remember that final war back in Fiore?"

"Yes, you mentioned it would be a war to decide the future... What about it?"

"In that war, I planned to use Fairy Heart and Neo-Eclipse to reset the world, so I had to absorb Fairy Heart myself... What I didn't know was that Fairy Heart and I were still connected..."

"Are you saying, in order to gain Fairy Heart-"

"You would need to also devour me as well." Zeref let out a sigh as he glanced back at Mavis." Even if you devour Mavis, you would only gain 50 percent or maybe less of what it has to offer. Not adequate for the challenges ahead."

"Says who? It would still be enough to push me to-"

"An adequate level? Maybe that would be enough if Typhoon was still sealed... But he isn't, not any more Acnologia... He is free and will be searching for you, even if that means baiting you to come out through the people you have come to care for."

Tang Wulin fell silent at the truth of Zeref's words.

How could he argue against the obvious? To Typhoon, he was an anomaly, an enigma that seems to go against the pre-established rules in this universe.

He would be foolish to not check to see if Tang Wulin was really destroyed. Even if that meant dragging the people he came to care for into their battle, as long as it meant getting rid of a hidden threat.

Meaning Tang Wulin had no time to take the long way of getting stronger, he had to do it fast and quickly.

Something only the full power of Fairy Heart could do for him.

"There isn't another option anymore... We don't have the time or the resources to help push you to the Typhoon level, only the complete Fairy Heart can provide that for you. This is our only hope."

"Besides, I can't let Mavis go off on her own... No matter how much I try, I can't seem to cut my ties with this little minx." Zeref let out a chuckle as his face softens.

"...You knew this was how it was going to play out... Didn't you? From the moment we met, till now, you..."

Zeref moved towards Tang Wulin with a faint smile as he laid a hand on Tang Wulin's shoulder, grasping it tightly.

"I awoke here after my defeat to Natsu... The only thing around me was the Fairy Heart and Mavis who were still trapped here. My memory was a bit foggy, as I didn't recall everything that happened, but gradually it came back."

Zeref recalled staying in this ruined battlefield for years. During those years, he would gain flashes of his time in Fiore while feeling something calling out to him.

"It was the Space Between Time that was inside of you that called out to me when you awakened your martial soul... It was also the connection that was made between it back in Fiore when I was close to absorbing that allowed me to appear in your Sea of Spirit."

To say Zeref was surprised was an understatement. He never thought he would be able to leave this dreaded battlefield, which was starting to take a harsh toll on him.

"Although imagine my shock when I couldn't even communicate with you. Haha, I had to watch you grow for a few years till the first time we met. But it was during those years that I got to see a different side of you, the Dragon King."

During those years, Zeref saw the humanity in Acnologia. The humanity to genuinely love and care for someone other than himself, something he believed Acnologia lost a long time ago.

"But it wasn't all bad, as I did learn a bit more about my connection with the Space Between Time. It seems some of my essences was fused into it back when I messed with it before... It's also why you got all of the Curses and my Death Magic."

In a way, Tang Wulin wasn't solely absorbing the time and space magic of the Space Between Time but also Zerefs magic.

By the time his Devil Slayer Art reached a strong enough level to unleash the Curse ability. He had devoured a good amount of Zeref's own essence, which gave him access to Death Magic.

Later on, he devoured enough to gain access to all of his Curses.

Once Tang Wulin fully devoured the Space Between Time and Fairy Heart, he will gain all of Zeref's magic and knowledge.

"I did mean what I said... When I said I wish to help you, so let me fulfill my promise to you, till the very end."


Zeref removed his hand from Tang Wulin's shoulder before holding it out for him, with his ever-present smile.

Tang Wulin was silent for a bit. From four hundred years ago till now, Zeref has inevitably been a constant person in his life.

Whether as enemies, allies, rivals, enemies again, or even friends.

No matter how many years went by, even after they both lost and died at the end of the Fiore War.

They met once again as if their fate was intertwined.

And yet, this may really be the end of their long journey together. If he does this, the one who has walk together with him through these long years.

Will cease to exist, fading away from this reality and becoming his energy source.

Yet even with all these thoughts, he still moved his arm. Grasping Zeref's hand tightly causing Zeref to smile.

At that moment, a dazzling golden light began to bloom from their hands. It spread out, brilliantly illuminating the area around them in its beautiful light.

It was sparkling and translucent with wisps of white sparks that kept on crackling merrily around both of them.

Zeref gave Tang Wulin one last smile while Tang Wulin gritted his teeth, realizing this may be the last time he will see Zeref.

But he still said nothing, as he pulled Zeref towards him.

And began devouring him.

He began inhaling all of Zeref's wisps, experiencing the overwhelming rush of energy moving into him. Yet it didn't give him the same intoxicating and astounding feeling as before.

All he felt was a heavyweight in his stomach, one that kept on increasing, the more he inhaled and devoured.

'That's it, keep on going.'

Zeref's gentle smile grew even more as he saw the golden light around Tang Wulin growing, as well feeling his own self grow fainter.

'If there was one thing, I was jealous about. Was the way you kept on moving forward regardless of what happens.'

White wisps began to crackle around Tang Wulin, as veins could be seen appearing on his face as he continued devouring.

While Zeref began reminiscing fondly about all of the things, he had done with Tang Wulin. Being sent back in time, fighting against gods, giving him dating advice, and building an empire with him.

And so much more.

Alongside their time in Fiore, their effective teamwork during the war, their mutual dislike for each other. Their strategies and wish to eradicate each other.

Zeref and Tang Wulin have been through it all.

'You weren't like me who was held up in the past, you kept on moving forward. Still, even though I won't be able to speak with you, I will be there to support you with my essence.'

His hand tightened even more as his figure gradually started to fade even more. While the gentle smile on his face softens.

'So keep doing what you have been doing Acnologia. Keep going until all enemies are crushed.'

As Zeref felt he was close to being fully devoured by Tang Wulin. He gave him the biggest smile he has ever shown in his four hundred years of life.

'I'm glad I met you back in Fiore and in Douluo... And I am glad, I can help you till the very end.'

Just as Mavis and Natsu once gave him one before, one that didn't need words to transmit their full feelings.

'Farewell, my greatest and old friend... Acnologia.'

One that instantly made Tang Wulin eyes widen, as Zeref fully faded away.

'Although this might be a little selfish, considering our history...'

'But I wish our journey could have continued... Just a bit longer.'

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