Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 411: Fairy Across Time

Chapter 411: Fairy Across Time


As Typhoon spoke these words, reality began to tremble and change around Tang Wulin.

But to slight confusion of Typhoon, what he wanted didn't happen. The warping of reality around Tang Wulin began to freeze before it dispersed away,

Something like this was a first to him, as it never once happened before.

He narrowed his eyes at Tang Wulin, wondering why he was still in front of him.

'Interesting... Is this Yggdrasil doing? I wouldn't be surprised. Still, can she fully protect him from me?'

While he knew that Yggdrasil wasn't at his level, he knew she could still have some tricks up her sleeves.

Why wouldn't she?

She once reached the same level as him, albeit temporary. She still nonetheless reached it, so he wouldn't doubt she was able to gain some knowledge about this realm.

Typhoon condensed formed a fist before blasting out with it.

'Let's see if this is true.'

It was unstoppable, shattering space and time as it moved down on Tang Wulin. The approaching fist gave off an overflowing amount of killing intent, reaching Tang Wulin in the next instant.

Yet right before the fist could smash into Tang Wulin, a piercing golden light broke into the area and appeared right in front.

It expanded out, the wings of a fairy was formed right as the fist arrived!

At that moment, the golden light with wings and Typhoon fist clashed!

The shockwaves produced by their direct clash were just too overwhelming, blowing everything around them away.

The space around the clash had collapsed with the laws and natural elements being obliterated before they reformed.

The shimmering water in the River Of Time scattered, some of the water falling out of the river, some through the air and the rest downwards.

Reality itself trembled, as the place drowned out by natural laws, elements, and Immortal Qi that swept through the whole area.

If other people were here, they would see irregular scenes appearing all around, one showing the world collapsing.

Another showing the birth of a universe, one showing a war between people, another showing slaughter of a race.

Scenes like this would leave them in unspeakable horror, fearful of the type of existence that could produce such a phenomenon.

While that was happening, waves erupted from the rivers below, wrapping around Tang Wulin body. Forming a protective shell of water just as the shockwave hit, protecting him from the shockwaves.

Which would have destroyed him in an instant had they touched.

It was as if the Rivers Of Time was protecting Tang Wulin, something that would shock anyone, the River Of Time has never done this before.

But this caused his body to sailed through the air for a bit after being hit by the shockwave. Before his figure plowed into the water of the River Of Time.

Just as a raging tsunami descended, forcing his body along the rushing river of Time.

But not before he heard Typhoon's voice one last time.



On Star Luo Empire, where the pillars of the Mortuus Creatures were at, a scream rang out.



Cao Dehzi, who was busy talking with Yun Ming swiftly dropped his soul communicator as his figure flashed away.

Appearing right next to Ling Zichen as his communicator hit the floor.

"What's wrong?"

Cao Dezhi quickly asked his adoptive daughter, knowing full well she wouldn't scream unless the situation was dire.

Even if someone was about to kill her, she wouldn't flinch or waver.

It's because of this reason that he became frantic when she screamed yet he didn't sense anything abnormal with his spiritual sense.


"The pillars, heir breaking! Noooo, my hard work! My future research!"

Just as Ling Zichen uttered those words, Cao Dezhi gazed shift to the Mortuus Pillars.

True to Ling Zichen's words, they were starting to form cracks that began to interweave, appearing all around the pillars.

But if that wasn't enough, the ground beneath began to shake as more cracks started to form on the pillars.

Cao Dezhi furrowed his brow, while he turned around and rushed towards the soul communicator that he dropped.

Picking it up, he began to call Mu Ye, it rang a few times before Mu Ye voice rang out.

"Ahh, I was just about to call you."

"Is it about the Mortuus Pillars forming cracks on them?"

"... I am assuming cracks are forming on the ones in front of you?"

"They are, only recently they started to."

Cao Dezhi muttered as he kept his eyes on the pillars, watching as the cracks started to grow and grow.

"Only recently? I am guessing it was a delayed reaction or maybe the trigger for this phenomenon only just now happened for you guys..."

"Delayed Reaction? Are you saying the pillars for you guys have been breaking?"

"Yes, right now parts of it have already started collapsing. Pieces of it have been breaking off, falling down to the ground-"

"Wait! What?"

Ling Zichen's voice rang out as she appeared next to Cao Dezhi before grabbing the soul communicator from him.


"Oi, old man. Did you say the pieces of the pillar were falling?"

"Old Man? Nevermind that who are-"

"Answer the question! Did the pieces of the pillar fall on the ground?"

"Just answer her Mu Ye, she isn't one to take no."

Cao Dezhi spoke out before this dragged on with Ling Zichen's temperament and Mu Ye's unyieldingness.

"...Fine, yes they did fall to the ground."

"Did they fade away once they hit the ground?"

"No, they were still intact."

"And they're all still there?"

"Yeah, every last one of them-"

"Yes! My research isn't completely lost! Oi old man, have some people go on collect the pieces that fell on the floor and store them away for me."

"Stop calling me old! And what do you even plane to with them-"

"Research of course!"

"Let me finish a sentence!"

While Ling Zichen was talking with Mu Ye, Cao Dezhi was on the side staring at the pillars while his lips twitched.

He heard everything that was being said on the soul communicator and could just imagine Mu Ye's frustration right about now.

'Welcome to the club~'

Cao Dezhi adored his adoptive daughter greatly, while his spiritual domain made it hard to really show his affection to her.

He knew without a doubt he cared deeply for her, but that didn't mean she wasn't a handful at certain times.

'Then again, she feels more manageable than Wulin...'

It was then he felt his spiritual power fluctuated causing him to narrow his eyes.

Glancing upwards, he saw a cracking appearing in the sky; it was a meter wide crack that started to grow.

Cao Dezhi instantly summoned his blood-red sword, just as the crack burst open and to his slight surprise as well as delight.

It was Na'er and Gu Yuena who came out, not a creature from one of the other planes. The others also noticed them as well, all of them looking towards the two women who were moving down towards them.

As the crack above was closing by itself.

"Seeing as you guys are here... Was it a success? Also, where are the others?"

Cao Dezhi asked as he saw the duo landing in front of him, both of them weren't severely injured or showing any signs.

"Yeah we were able to defeat Raaul in the Mortuus Plane but before we could fully finish him off, he set off the plane." Na'er revealed first with a frown then Gu Yuena took over." We rushed towards the others and stored them in our personal space before leaving."

"So you guys didn't see if he died in the explosion..."

"No, although I doubt he would be able to survive considering how weak it was from the lightning tribulation. Our attack on it and the shattering of the realm core, it shouldn't be able to survive an explosion like that."

Cao Dezhi let out a sigh of relief at Gu Yuena's words, while she wasn't fully assuring him Raaul was dead.

At the very least she implied there was a very low chance of survival for it. Regardless, he was just happy the operation went successful, even though the odds were really against them too.

"So the pillar breaking was because of the plane being destroyed."

"You guys really did it?"

Ling Zichen spoke up with Mu Ye's voice ringing from the soul communicator. But it seemed Ling Zichen didn't like that as she opted to mute Mu Ye while staring at Na'er and Gu Yuena.

"Most likely, although we didn't think it would happen."

"Right, anyway... How was it! What was the plane like? Was there anything abnormal? Anything that our plane didn't have? Tell me!"

Ling Zichen rushed towards Na'er, grasping her hands while asking Na'er a rapid number of questions.

"Wait! I can relay all of that later but lay off for now."

Na'er tried to pry Ling Zichen off of her but for some reason, she wasn't budging. Mostly because Ling Zichen had no interest in waiting later, she wanted her answers now.

As this went on, Gu Yuena turned her head to Cao Dezhi.

"Did Wulin return yet?"

"Huh? Oh, Wulin well-"

But before Cao Dezhi could say anything, above them space shattered as a streak of ivory flashed out of the void.

The streak of ivory appeared right in front of Gu Yuena and the others, allowing them to see Oryx Cal in all of its glory.

Everyone was silent for a bit before Ling Zichen spoke out.

"Why is that here?"


In the Rivers Of Time.

Tang Wulin's body was being swept away, the raging current of the sapphire-like seawater was pushing his body.

All around him were wavest with droplets of water that shine like crystals.

At the moment, these droplets contained countless scenes from various eras that branched out to the past and present.

These droplets were beautiful but also deadly, the mere sight of them would terrify even God-Kings.

If one was to get touched by these droplets from the River Of Time. There was a chance they might have their whole existence pulled apart.

Which is what was happening to Tang Wulin at this moment, as the strong feeling of time could be felt as the wave washed over him.

It was only because his body was a Semi-Divine Realm that he was able to hold on for so long since a God Realm lacked the concept of time.

This made them very resistant to temporal powers and phenomenons like being dropped in the Rivers Of Time.

But this was only resistance towards it, the realm itself can still be destroyed if it stays for a long time.

This is the same for Tang Wulin, whose own body was starting to break apart under the pressure. But he was still sleeping, the shockwave before even with the shell of water protecting him.

Had still managed to hurt him to the point it severely injured his sea of spirit, causing him to blackout.

As Tang Wulin's body continued to get washed over by the waves, Zeref appeared above and looked down at him in worry.

Fortunately, Typhoon powers had seemed to stop affecting Tang Wulin, although Zeref and the others didn't know why.

In fact, they didn't know how Wulin escaped but that didn't matter right now.

"Come on Wulin, wake up... Our options are pretty limited right now and will get even worse if you don't wake up."

Zeref kept on shouting at Tang Wulin but he didn't even twitch. Zeref wanted to try something else but there wasn't much he could do considering their circumstances.

With Wulin submerged in the River Of Time, he couldn't touch him. Zeref wasn't foolish, he knew even with a being like him, the River Of Time would still be able to affect him.

How could it not?

This was a River that could affect even the Gods, let alone an existence like Zeref. Cursing silently, Zeref tried to think of something while cracks started to appear on Tang Wulin's body.

A large indication that his body was struggling against the river.

'Damn it! I didn't want to do this but it may be his only hope-'

As Zeref got ready to put his hands together, a symbol began to appear on Tang Wulin's forehead. A dragon that was eating its tail appeared, giving off the light of black and white.

Zeref's eyes widened, wondering where that symbol came from and how did it appear. As he doesn't ever recall seeing a symbol like that before.

It was then a figure began to appear around Tang Wulin.

A thousand-meter dragon with scales that were black as the night with streaks of white began to circle Tang Wulin.

Its figure moving through the tide of the River Of Time as if terrifying temporal power around wasn't a threat.

The Dragon's eyes gaze down at Tang Wulin after its body had wrapped around his body.

With a snort, a wave of dusky and milky light swept out, enveloping Tang Wulin figure as his soul rings appeared.

Ten soul rings appeared, all the same color as before but the last one was black-white similar to yin and yang.

In the next second, the cracks that could be seen on his body, instantly vanished, as if they were merely an illusion.

Even the time fragments that were surrounding it had trembled before they vanished from Tang Wulin figure. But if this wasn't enough, the dragon began to inhale, devouring some of the water around Tang Wulin.

Without anything negative happening to it!

Such a thing would shock anyone who saw! This wasn't any normal water; this was water from the River of Time, where each droplet contained a spec of history in it!

Yet this dragon devoured it without a care in the world!


Zeref muttered in shock as he stared at the gigantic dragon below him, watching it somehow heal the cracks on Tang Wulin.

He knew it was Tang Wulin from the familiar god symbols that appeared on its forehead. He saw the Asura God, Sea God, Life Goddess, and the others appearing on its forehead.

As well as a dragon eating its tail that was wrapping around the God Symbol.

"Wait... he isn't healing it... Could it be he is reversing time? Or is something different?"

Leviathan moved its gaze from Tang Wulin towards Zeref, narrowing at Zeref before softening and going back to Tang Wulin.

As more cracks started to appear on Tang Wulin's body but in the next second, they vanished. As another wave of black and white light swept out while Leviathan kept a close eye on Tang Wulin.

A flash of adoration, affection, and love could be seen in his gaze as he stared at his father.

"So he recognizes me... I am guessing this is the transformation it underwent after sleeping for so long. Still, this does give me an opportunity."

Zeref whispered to himself as he saw how Leviathan was able to stabilize Tang Wulin dire situation.

But he knew this wouldn't last for long, not believing that Leviathan could keep this up for long.

Zeref clasped his hands together, as his figure began to give off a golden light. The light began illuminating the whole area, turning the sapphire river golden and Leviathan gigantic form golden as well.

Before a golden light erupts out, sweeping through the area and submerging Leviathan and Tang Wulin.

The symbol of a fairy appeared with a sphere that began to enveloped Tang Wulin and Leviathan.

The sphere grew around them, blocking any of the water from entering as it welcomes the duo to a world of gold.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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