Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 415: God Ascension

Chapter 415: God Ascension

Yet the Universal Law struck down once more.

Nine-colored bolts poured down, every single streak terrifying.

One of them smashed into Tang Wulin while was still inhaling, devouring the area and him, erasing the void.

The Universal Law peered down, trying to see if Tang Wulin was destroyed. Yet just like before and to its disbelief, Tang Wulin figure was still there.


Just how is he negating the bolts!

The Universal Law eyes began to peer into the flow of time, fate, and possibilities, wishing to discern the cause of this.

While it did this, another overwhelming wave of lightning crashed down on Tang Wulin, wishing to obliterate him again and the area around him.

But he once again, he remained unharmed as he laughed, grasping on to the arcs of lightning before devouring it. He felt the arcs of lightning rushing through his body that began to turn it into a source of strength.

Not only that but he could feel his body was getting refined by these bolts of lighting. As each of these streaks contained wisps of a higher-dimensional aura, allowing him to increase the elevation of his body.

With another roar, he rushed upward!

Just as another sea of lightning descended, surging and roaring as it crashed down on to Tang Wulin, wishing to shatter his figure.

But it was useless!

A pale white glow flashes around Tang Wulin figure as the light struck but he remained unharmed in their showers.

Before he continued devouring the lightning arcs around. As he was doing this, the nine-colored clouds rumbled, causing Tang Wulin to narrow his eyes.

'I am guessing it figured out...'

There was no old trick involved, he was not rewinding down, warping reality, or denying the event of his death.

He knew none of that would work against the Universal Law bolts of lightning that ruthlessly suppressed all of his power.

Truthfully, Tang Wulin should have been dying to those attacks of the Universal Law. But his existence was completely rejecting the Universal Law wish to erase.

In a way, he was fusing himself to the reality of the 10th-dimension and disregarding all strikes from the Universal Law.

A thunderous noise rang out!

Another wave of lightning crashed down, streak after streak, blasting into Tang Wulin whose body shone with a pale light.

The shattered space around him was being erased away before it could scatter, yet Tang Wulin remained fine!

The Universal Law had figured out how Tang Wulin was disregarding its attack and this enraged it to the point of insanity.

It continued raining down hell upon Tang Wulin, streak after streak, displaying its boundless power and wrath.

The Universal Law continued releasing seas of lightning, wishing to erase Tang Wulin as soon as he returned.

Quintillions upon quintillions of streaks of lightning struck down. The streaks of lightning kept on increasing, closing on an infinite number of streaks.

Turning the whole ruined battlefield of the Old Gods into a world of nine-colored lightning. There were too many bolts to even count, not willing to give Tang Wulin a chance to escape anymore.

And a chance it got, as when Tang Wulin returned, his whole figure was destroyed by the lightning to the glee of the Universal Law.

He couldn't return after just coming back.

Blood-splashed out as his figure was being erased, yet Tang Wulin continued laughing, his figure giving off a deeper pale light.

And to the shock of the Universal Law, he began to return, as if his existence wasn't something that could be destroyed.

Thus, a cycle would commence, where the Universal Law would rain down attacks that would destroy Tang Wulin when he returned.

But, he would always return, somehow still holding on.

One should understand that even with him returning from these lightning strikes.

He was still experiencing hellish pain, still experiencing his body being destroyed and scorched by the nine-colored lightning.

But Tang Wulin continued to roar out as he smashed the violent streaks of lightning apart. As he devoured the dragons, tigers, and lightning weapons that hacked towards him.

The blood that was on his body had long since burned up and his skin was scorched. Yet Tang Wulin's body was somehow still giving off a wave of thriving vitality within, one filled with Creation and Immortal Qi.

And that's when the Universal Law noticed it, the type of transformation Tang Wulin was undergoing.

The Universal Law realized what Tang Wulin true goal was, why he was deliberately trying to fight against the streaks of lightning.

Why he has been going so far as to devour it.

Refining himself!

Devouring the higher-dimensional aura that was in the bolts of lightning!

Each of its streaks of lightning contained a higher-dimensional aura. As each bolt contained wisps and essence of its 9-dimensional aura, which held within it.

An infinite number of lower-dimensional spaces, which Tang Wulin was eagerly devouring.

It's because of this that the Universal Law stopped raining down lightning, knowing full well it was only helping Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin noticed this as he looked at the retracting streaks of nine-colored lighting while arcs of lightning crackled around him.

And to his surprise, he watched as the Universal Law began to leave. It didn't try anything else, simply began to fade away from Tang Wulin and this ruined battlefield.

Yet Tang Wulin wasn't happy about this, as right now the situation was terrible. He felt the higher-dimensional aura and the Golden Dragon King rampaging inside of him.

Forcing him to sit in a lotus position, as he tried absorbing them.

Tang Wulin clenched his teeth as he tried stabilizing his internals.

As the realm inside of him continued absorbing the higher-dimensional spaces that were contained in the lightning bolts.

It was terribly hard, as these were higher-dimensional spaces that he was messing with.

He felt himself being struck by the space-time turbulence of these spaces, each strike forcing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Tang Wulin continued to grit his teeth, to the point it was gaining cracks on it.

He was feeling the spaces descending, gradually entering into the God Realm inside of his body.


Brilliant lights blotted out the sky, endless storms began appearing above! The light swept out, with everything bursting and breaking apart.

The ground began to rapture, with the sky splitting apart before it was consumed by the pale light that continued to sweep out.

The whole world illuminated, turning into a world of glittering white.

It had taken a while before the light faded, Tang Wulin was standing with the cracks on his body mending themselves.

Tang Wulin was still quiet, eyes closed as he felt the changes in his body. His body fully absorbing the higher-dimensional spaces, evolving into a God Realm but it wasn't just a normal realm.

'God Star.'

Tang Wulin felt his realm in the body had surpassed the 5-dimensional level. Evolving into a God Star from his breakthrough but this wasn't the end.

Tang Wulin eyes began to form a cosmos as he felt his God-Star realm had reached the peak of the 6th-dimensional.

After he fully devoured all of the bolts of lightning. Even the Golden Dragon King Will was devoured, being unable to resist his higher-realm suppression.

But Tang Wulin knew he could go even further than this.

Feeling Fairy Heart in his body had already fused, he began to tap into its power.

A piercing beam of golden light erupts out from Tang Wulin's body, rushing into the sky and illuminating the world.

Tang Wulin felt an unbelievable amount of energy rushing into his body, energy that he has never experienced before.

It rushed into his cell, his organs, bones, realm core, the sea of spirit, and every place in his body.

Alongside this, he felt two figures appearing behind him, both of them had a smile on their face as they hugged Tang Wulin from behind.

Before they began to scatter, joining into the piercing beam of light.

"Fairy Heart!"

The piercing light began to swirl around Tang Wulin before a luminous wave of light swept out.

The golden waves overflowed into the realm, comparable to storms from before, the waves were actually mending the ruined world.

Anywhere the waves passed by, seemed to be purified. All of the corrupted qi and the nine-colored lightning was purified.

With the breath of vitality and life spreading out.

The ruined battlefield of god became a world of glittering gold. Producing trees of gold, lush grass of gold, sea, and lakes of gold.

The skies themselves were filled with clouds of gold, stars of gold, and a golden sky that rained down with lights.

Similar to a gentle shower of rosy lights.

The Fusion of Fairy Heart was finally complete.

As the light began to fade, Tang Wulin could now be seen but he was vastly different from before.

The blue high-lights that used to be in his hair were gone, now it was mainly goldish-white hair that went down. But unlike before, the white was lighter, giving off a radiant glow while the gold was deeper.

The previous jacket that Tang Wulin wore before, had transformed into a mixture of white and gold with streaks of blackness.

The nine-dragon king's symbols on the back of the jacket all began to change, gaining the same mixture. This was the same for all of his whole clothing, the same mixture.

His eyes gain hints of crimson, becoming a mixture of crimson-gold and blue eyes.

But the greatest change was his cultivation, which had broken through the 6th-dimensional realm as the infinite amount of energy.

Began rushing into his realm and expanding even more.

But Tang Wulin wasn't done just yet, as he opened up his hand which gave off a light before the Space Between Time appeared.

Without a second thought, Tang Wulin swallowed the Space Between Time and felt even more energy rushing eagerly into him.

Undergoing his last transformation, he felt his body trembling as it started to spread the energy around. With his body and sea of spirit undergoing another evolution, amplifying himself even further than before.

Clenching his fist, he felt his cultivation rushing towards the peak of the 7th-dimensional realm that he was in.

Yes, his Realm in Body had attained the 7th-dimensional with the help of Fairy Heart and the Space Between time.

Both of these were able to provide it with the resources needed for the expansion and construction of said higher-realm.

"That was close... But you did it."

Yggdrasil's voice rang out, although her voice held a hint of disbelief.

Not at Tang Wulin miraculously surviving the Universal Law strikes but just how he did it in the first place. When he was getting stuck with the lightning bolts, he wasn't only expanding the God Realm size but also crafting a God Position.

Yggdrasil herself wasn't sure what type of God Position he was making but she could feel it would be something out of this world.

And she was right, as the God Position Tang Wulin was able to birth, anchoring it into his Realm in the Body.

Allowed him to survive the Universal Law attacks.

'A position that embodies the past, present, and future, one that exists through all ages... I thought I would never see a position like this..."

'The God Of Existence.'

Tang Wulin made the God of Existence position, causing him to embody the concept of existence itself.

That feat in itself would make even those in the God Level look at him in disbelief.

One has to remember to make a God Position; one would need to understand a concept on a fundamental level and fuse it to a God Realm.

But what type of fundamental concept was existence?

It meant embodying the personification of existence, to embody the state of being and the living!

How does one even begin to understand such a concept like this?

One would need to truly understand existence from the beginning of the universe to the end, to even gain a footing for this.

Existence was ever-changing, yet forever stagnating, bringing forth an infinite number of transformations and evolution.

It wasn't wrong to say, one would need to have at least millions of different life experience to even touch upon this.

Yet Tang Wulin was able to do just this without living millions of different lives.

'Or maybe he did...'

Yggdrasil instantly realizes that most of Tang Wulin rebirth could be considered him living different lives.

His reincarnation could also count as living a different life, him dying and coming back to life could count as one.

But the biggest factor was him gaining the memories and life experience of every single one of his parallel self.

It wasn't wrong to say, Tang Wulin experienced an infinite amount of life, allowing him to grasp the concept of existence.

A concept that was no weaker or lower than Creation and Destruction that pervaded through the whole universe.

How could any being exist without the concept of existence?

Even those who were non-living or nonexistent were affected by this concept as well. This was a concept that reached up to the 10th-dimension in terms of influence and range.

This is also why Tang Wulin was able to resist the Universal Law attack. He embedded his whole existence into the 10th-dimension, allowing him to miraculously escape its attack.

While also returning himself back from the dead, as the concept of existence will allow him to always come back.

While the God of Existence may lack the firepower and defensive powers like other concepts such as Destruction and Creation.

It makes it all up for its extraordinary versatility and auxiliary! Allowing Tang Wulin to be an existence that will always exist, a neverending being.

Unless one destroyed the whole 10th-dimensional universe, it was almost impossible to kill Tang Wulin fully.

Since he will always return, as long as something still exists in this reality.

This is why the Universal Law had to give up on this attack, frustrated but not to the point it would destroy everything in its realm.

It knew even if it generated a possibility where Tang Wulin didn't exist, he would still return! Even altering the past wouldn't be able to help, since Tang Wulin's past and fate couldn't be seen!

The Universal Law could have just destroyed the concept of existence but it knew the consequences would be way too dire.

It would suffer more in the long run!

Even if it tried suppressing Tang Wulin fully or change the rules of the Universe. It still wouldn't lead to the Universal Law being able to destroy his existence.

At best it could only suppress Tang Wulin, something it dislikes. As this meant Tang Wulin was a being, not even it could kill, which should be impossible!

Nothing should be out of its ability to kill!

Tang Wulin invincibility didn't solely come from his position of Existence. Since the Universal Law could easily change the past, so he didn't attain it and then destroy him.

But how can you do that to a person whose fate and past were outside of your grasp? Even trying to affect him with other reality-warping power was hard because he achieved a God Star.

Which was protecting him from the influence of the Universal Law and making it hard for it to locate Tang Wulin.

Yes, what made Tang Wulin so terrifying wasn't solely one thing but everything that he had to accomplish and achieve today.

Hence, the Universal Law frustration against him with it wondering how could a being like this exist?

It was like he was destined to rebel against the whole universe, an anomaly against it.

'Not only did he produce a 7th-dimensional Realm In Body... Surpassing my expectations by a lot and reaching the same level as Typhoon. But he created a God Position that I didn't think anyone but maybe Typhoon could make.'

Yggdrasil thought this as she now knew that Tang Wulin really did it.

He had surpassed everyone who came before, all those who tried to walk his path, and even his ancestors.

He really could be considered unrivaled to everyone except maybe Typhoon and the Universal Law.

Everyone else would be nothing more than ants to Tang Wulin new found strength!

While Yggdrasil was thinking, Tang Wulin was feeling the changes.

From him reaching the 7th-dimension, he felt everything about his whole existence has been elevated to a terrifying level.

Just from overall strength at his full power.

It wasn't wrong to say he could take on at least thirty beings at his rank without being at a disadvantage.

His battle prowess really had reached a terrifying level!

He could feel his body containing countless universes and multiverses within it, being able to contain even more if needed.

He could feel it, infinite possibilities coursing through his body, flashing in his eyes, reality waiting for his command.

He could feel that with a wave of his hand, he could change the past, present, and future of every single parallel universe.

With a glance, he could see the past, present, and future of all of those parallel universes, as well as their possibilities.

Tang Wulin was able to see what Typhoon could see, infinite possibilities of futures and past, of reality and probabilities.

All of them he can see and bring forth, simply by his whims.

His soul's bones have also achieved the peak of the 7th-dimensional as well, all of them shining and amplifying his strength even more.

His bloodline has evolved as well, with his soul spirits also beginning their evolution and making their breakthrough.

Once they are done, they will be able to make their God Position in his body, anchoring themselves to him even more.

While also allowing him control over their positions.

But if that wasn't enough, he could feel his Slayer powers were all beginning to make their position.

His Dragon Form, Etherious Form, and Divine Form all reached the 7th-dimensional. Since all three were technically their own power source and granted him different forms of power.

This allowed all of them to begin to craft their god positions.

While also fusing into one Slayer craft, which was only possible through his God Position.

The God of Existence allows for balance between all forces, whether they be opposite, anti against each other, or destructive.

It accepts and balances them all.

His wings expanded from his back, ten pale fairy-like wings with black streaks began to gently flap, stirring up reality and space.

Two extra pairs of wings forming after his ascension with them changing due to him absorbing Fairy Heart and Space Between Time.

He then outstretched his hand, a golden light shined as his Golden Dragon Spear appeared. It was trembling as it felt the full Golden Dragon King bloodline inside of him and was crying in joy.

When it felt it was even stronger than before. But that joy couldn't compare to what it felt when an infinite amount of energy rushed into it.

At the same moment, Tang Wulin summoned Trishula and the Sea God Trident to his side, these two tridents revolving around him.

Then he began sending these two weapons, a boundless amount of energy, making all of them tremble in joy.

When the Sea God Trident felt the energy entering, their immortal qi began surging and spreading out, shaking the whole world.

While the azure fiery light rushed out from Trishula into the heavens. it began ravaging the area around, as streaks of lightning crackled.

While the Golden Dragon Spear was releasing an endless amount of killing and madness intent, causing heaven and earth to rumble.

This process was extremely strange, reality was warping as irregular and strange scenes began to happen around Tang Wulin.

This went on for a while before the Golden Dragon Spear began to change, its form changing. The spear was expanding out, forming a sword core in the midsection, which gained a golden eye, similar to the Golden Dragon King.

Crimson-scarlet streaks began to appear all around the spear, from the top to the base. While an ethereal wave of killing and madness began to be exuded from the spear around its tip.

Trishula erupted explosively with destruction. The power of destruction could be seen at the right end, giving off a terrifying glow with creation at the left.

With the middle prong holding the concept of balance, which held these two destructive powers in place and balanced them.

Trishula had fully awakened, its form turning golden with a mixture of black.

On the head of the middle prong, a mixture of pink, purple and white orb was formed that gave off a slight glow.

The Sea God Trident released a wave, releasing a dazzling ocean radiance, blinding to all those who see.

While giving off a suffocating pressure, as if one was being smoldered by the sea.

Yet none of these were more terrifying than the Golden Dragon Spear. That was leaking out with a terrifying amount of killing and destruction.

The Killing intent overflowed through the area, anyone who was near who wasn't at the same level would have turned pale in fright.

It was as if this spear was born to kill and destroy, a divine weapon for slaughter, nothing would be safe in its path.

The Golden Dragon Spear in his hand, while the two tridents revolved around him. Tang Wulin felt his power growing as he birthed these three new 7th-dimensional divine weapons into the world.

Only possible due to his infinite amount of energy he has attained, showcasing Fairy Heart's terrifying prowess just through creation.

A symbol began appearing on his forehead, a circle that was similar to the ying-yang symbol with ten wings around it. Inside the circle seemed to be the whole universe, everything that existed and lived was there.

His God Symbol began shining, giving off a translucent white light, as the aura of existence expanded from him.

The elements and laws all began to tremble before they began revolving around Tang Wulin, all of them reacting to his symbol.

He could hear it; he could feel it and he could perceive it all, their unconditional love, praise, and adoration for him.

For he was the most basic representation of them, the most adored, their greatest thanks, and the greatest goal to them.

To exist and continue existing.

So how could they not show such a reaction?

When the god who represents every single entity's greatest ideal appeared before them?

They came like fireflies, giving off their light. While his whole form started to be shrouded in his aura, his eyes glowed with a brilliance that seemed to contain everything.

His aura continued expanding, spreading through the whole battlefield and causing it to react with a particular scene.

They began appearing, old, young, giants, small, etc. All types of creatures and beings began to appear on this old and worn battlefield.

It was the Primordials Gods leftover wills, the aura of existence was able to reach out to them and receive a reaction.

All of them gaze at Tang Wulin, each with various reactions. Some out of shock, some disbelief, some out of awe, and others out of joy.

Regardless, all of them bowed their head to the one who allowed them to appear once more in this world.

Before turning it dazzling balls of visible lights began to sweep through the battlefield, turning it into a continuous shower of white lights.

Indeed, the God of Existence, Tang Wulin has been born.

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